InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Training ❯ Training Begins ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey I'm back again. I want to thank Sesshomaru Daughter for being my first reviewer. Thanks also to Horse_Gurl, B. W. authoress and Sundragon for reveiwing. In answer to your question Sundragon, I'm not sure if I will make her youkai or not. I'll do a poll on it.

Alright Here's the poll: Kagome human or Kagome youkai. I'll take the first fifteen votes on it and that will decide her fate.

Ok, ok. I know that this was different than what I had originally but a reviewer brought to my attention that they had only been together for two days (Thanks aiko_zai! ) (I got too wrapped up in the fic to notice time passing) so I have to go back and alter the chapters some.

Now here's chapter two.

Chapter Two

I was right when I said that the training would be the toughest thing I had ever endured. From the moment Rin and Shippo woke me at sunrise, my training began. I was to dress, eat, and meet Sesshoumaru in the dojo in half an hour. Take into consideration that the dining hall and the dojo are on opposite ends of the castle. I just barely made it in time.

"What weaponry are you familiar with?"

"Only my bow and arrows."

"Any hand-to-hand teachings?"

"Yes from Sango before she died."

"Show me what you know. Defend yourself."

That said, he lunged for me. I fended him off, knowing that he was using only a small fraction of his speed. With every attack him became faster and faster until he reached the speed of the hanyous. "She trained you well. Sango was the exterminator, am I correct?"

"Yes. She trained me knowing that Inuyasha was slowly becoming under the corpses control."

"So she trained you for your defense against the mutt?"

"That is correct."

"Yet she died at his claws?"

"Hai. The only reason he was able to kill her was that she was emotionally distraught due to the loss of Miroku. He killed him in front of her."

"Petty human emotions."

"What do you expect? He was her mate."

"Anyway. Your hand-to-hand combat is trained to the level of the hanyous. Do you wish it higher than that of his?"

"Yes. The only reason she stopped training me was that I surpassed her."

"So be it. Defend and fight me back this time."

With that he settled at the hanyous speed and begun attacking me. Dodge-kick-get out of the way, block-punch-kick-duck-uppercut, jab-cross-flipkick cross to a rear round kick-weave under-sweep legs and this continues.

"Permission to use my powers?"

"Granted but do not lose control."

'Yes. Now I can truly train.'

Sesshoumarus POV

'The wench was good for a human, I'll give her that. That exterminator was an excellent trainer from what I could tell but I could tell she was longing to let her powers surface. I wonder if that would be a good idea but I granted her permission anyway.'

I skillfully dodged anything she could throw at me at this speed until she let her powers surface. Her moves became faster now that she could fight without holding anything back. I upped my speed a bit and continued to dodge and attack.

"Rest. What is it you wish to be trained with? Your hand-to-hand combat exceeds that of his even now."

"I understand that but he only fights hand-to-hand when his sword is not accessable. I have no training with weapons."

"That is what we will work on then. After you eat that is."

She looked surprised when I mentioned eating. She looked at the sundial at the front of the dojo and shrugged.

"I didn't realize that so much time had passed. How long until I come back here?"

"Half an hour."

"Done. Have Shippo and Rin eaten by now?"

"No. Rin usually waits on me to eat."

With that we began running toward the dining room. When we arrived they found the dining room empty. "Shippo? Rin?"

"Don't worry Kagome. They are here…somewhere…"

"Ok, so they want to play do they? Well give me a second and I'll find them." I watched as she relaxed and knew she was reaching for their auras. She found them and we sat down to eat.

Ok, ok. I know that this was different than what I had originally but a reviewer brought to my attention that they had only been together for two days (I got too wrapped up in the fic to notice time passing) so I have to go back and alter the chapters some.