InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Trouble in the Past ❯ Return to the past ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kagome peaked her head out form the well, she looked around to see the forest she missed while she was back in her own time. She sighed and reached down to pull up her overly stuffed pack. 'Geez I wish that Miroku, Shippou, and Inuyasha didn't request so much pocky and ramen, then I wouldn't have such a heavy bag.'

Heaving the bag over the side of the well, she climbed over and sat on the edge and wiped the small trickles of sweat off of her face. Sighing happily Kagome heard someone yelling for her.

"Hey, its about time you showed up. I've been waiting for 4 days now!! What the hell took so long?!"

Looking to her left Kagome saw the irritable hanyou she loved to hate. Inuyasha was jumping towards her and landed 2 feet away from her, "Well, are you gonna answer me or are you just gonna stand there and look at me like a idiot?"

'Oh boy what a nice welcome back' Kagome thought eyebrow twitching and all. She threw her bag on her shoulder and got right in Inuyasha's face poking his shoulder angrily "Well if you hadn't requested so much junk food I would've been back earlier! Do you even know how heavy this bag is right now?? My back is killing me and its all your fault!!"

Miroku, Sango, and Shippou landed a few yards away from the well on Kilala's back. Shippou was so excited to have Kagome back he jumped off Kilala and landed on Kagome's hip, but that hardly fazed her at all and she kept arguing. Miroku climbed off and turned back to Sango, shaking his head frustrated. 'Can't they ever get along?'

Inuyasha was about to argue that 4 days were wasted when he could've been looking for the sacred jewel shards, when he heard the words 'junk food'. His ears twitched and his normally angry snarl had softened into a happy curious look. "So that means you brought my ramen?" He pointed to the bag in eager anticipation.

Kagome froze in the midst of her furious explosion about junk food. She glared down Inuyasha, threw the bag at Miroku who was knocked over by the sheer weight, snarled an awful "SIT!!" and stormed off towards Kaede's Village grumbling something about ramen and bastards, leaving Inuyasha eating dirt, Miroku being crushed to death, and Sango staring blankly as Kagome walked off and Shippou clinging for dear life.

Later that night in Kaede's hut everyone was in a silent type of mood, Kagome's welcome was less than welcome and no one really dared speak except Kaede who offered everyone more soup when they slurped up their bowls. Looks were cut between Inuyahsa and Kagome that could slice anyone who interrupted them in half.
Shippou who finished his second bowl of soup said, "Boy it sure is good to have Kagome back isn't it?" But he hardly stayed long enough for a response because he dove head first into Kagome's pack and right for the pocky. Over the snarling Shippou made while eating candy, Kagome stood up and announced she was going to bed and left the room, only Shippou had wished kagome goodnight.

As soon as Kagome had left the room Kaede looked at Inuyasha curiously, "Ye do know that ye has made Kagome very angry Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha threw down his bowl,"Yeah well she'll be fine in the morning when we can go out looking for more jewel shards so just stay out of it Old Woman!!" And with that he flew of the hut and jumped into the nearest tree.

In the morning Kagome awoke to the sound of birds singing right outside the hut, she sat up and stretched enjoying every part. Before getting up she looked down and saw Shippou laying flat on his back on her mat snoring softly. She smiled at the sight of him because he was so cute sleeping like that, she just wanted to reach down and pinch his cheeks until they were all rosy and red. Looking over at Sango she saw her curled up on her side cuddling the tiny kitty Kilala, not the big demon kitty Kilala. Sango looked so peaceful, she might have even been dreaming of her family before Naraku had control of Kohaku and slaughter her whole family.

Kagome got dressed and headed outside to find Inuyasha and apologize for snapping at him yesterday. Heading outside she only saw the people of the village going about their normal day, washing clothes down by the stream, carrying food and wheat to be made for that day's meal, but no Inuyasha. Then she thought he might be in one of the near by trees, so shielding her eyes from the sun she looked up into the trees, concentrating hard for find that stubborn hanyou. But still, there was just no sign of him anywhere.

"Oh well, I guess I won't say that I'm sorry because he's the one who snapped at me in the first place. So I guess whenever he decides to show up we'll leave to look for more shards." and with that she turned and headed back into the hut to hopefully see some breakfast cooking.

Shortly after lunch and a whole morning of doing absolutely nothing, Inuyasha finally decided to show up. Kagome a little peeved decided it was best to brush it off otherwise Inuyasha would take off again and they would never leave the village. Miroku, Sango and Shippou rode on Kilala's back and Inuyasha had Kagome on his back as they flew the last location that Kagome sensed a sacred jewel shard, which happened to be towards the western lands.

Flying low over a forest Kagome felt the power surge from a faint shard. She gasped for air and pointed down, "There! It's down there!" she said suddenly. Miroku yelled to Kagome with a slight worry in his voice, "Are you sure Kagome, there is a lot of demonic aura around here, is it just one?"

Inuyasha jumped down to the tree tops, "Will you shut up Miroku if Kagome says its here than its here now come on!" No sooner than spoken he vanished into the canopy.