InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ True Destiny ❯ Destiny ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*-Chapter1- Destiny -*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
An enfant giggled in delight as she was lightly tossed into the air by an overjoyed man. A young black haired woman stared at the man and gave him a dirty look. She started to tell him off, her words were muffled. Her brown eyes were too happy to give any meaning behind her words. The man gave the 5- month- old baby back to the joyful woman, back to her mother. Another child, a young kitsune, leaped onto the woman's shoulder and stared down at the girl, smiling with both his mouth and his large green eyes. The group of friends sat in the shade of an old tree.
The tree was full of pink blossoms and green leaves. Birds fluttered in and out of the trees; their song was beautiful, full of spring. The baby girl looked up towards the man; she reached out to tug on his hair. His face was hidden by the afternoon sun.
Suddenly, the baby-blue sky clouded over, turning dark purple. The birds fled; their song was full of terror. The once warm-loved filled air suddenly filled with evil. The young child started to wail, the evil was not something a child should ever know. Then darkness fell…
“AHHHHHH!” panting the 15-years-old girl suddenly sat up. That dream had been haunting her for the last couple of weeks and she had been loosing sleep over it.
The darkness was just too real; it almost sucked everything pleasant out of her. `Damn, what the hell is with that dream? Who are those people? Where was that place?' Destiny Higurashi rubbed her forehead to free herself of her dream. Her black hair became damp from the heat of the summers night.
“Dest, honey, are you alright? I heard you screaming.” Destiny's grandmother ran into her room, which once -as she was told- belonged to her mother.
Mrs. Higurashi made her way over to the bedside and placed her hand on the teenage girl's forehead. “Baby-Girl, what happened? Did you hurt yourself?” Destiny waved her hand as to tell the elder woman that she was fine.
“Yes grandma, I'm fine. I just had a dream that wasn't very pleasant. Nothing more then that. No need to worry,” she gave an assuring smile and looked over towards the digital clock on her bedside table. “Grandma, go back to bed please. It's only 4:00. I'm a big girl now; I can take care of my self. I'm turning 16 in a month, hardly a baby girl.”
Mrs. H gave her a wary smile. “Alright but, we'll have a talk about this later.” Destiny nodded and pulled the light sheets over her head again, resting her head on her hand-made pillows. She fell asleep within minutes.
* * *
“DEST! WAKE UP!” the girl's eyes flew open as she flailed her arms around and fell out of her bed.
“Uncle Souta! What was that for?!” Destiny exclaimed as she jumped up, only to be tripped again by sheets tied around her legs. Souta Higurashi was laughing up a storm at the frustrated teenager. When she freed herself from her trap of sheets, she jumped and tackled her uncle.
“Ow! Girl, did you gain weight?” he yelled mockingly. She punched him hard.
“No! You are so mean to me! What have I ever done to you?” Destiny exclaimed. Her uncle gave her a dirty look as she got up and started to make her bed.
“What haven't you done to me? Girl, you're abusive,” he said then glanced over to see what her reaction was.
“Destiny, Souta, breakfast is ready!” a woman's voice came from down the stairs. The teen stood there with her right hand on her hip, leaning to the side.
“You will pay. Yes you will pay dear uncle.” Destiny glared at her uncle then strode out of her room. Souta followed suite. She ran down the stairs and slid on the floor as she reached the kitchen, almost running into the stool by the counter. “Morning grandma, what's up?” Destiny greeted. Mrs. Higurashi gave her granddaughter a warm smile,
“Everything's fine, sorry about your uncle. I should have gotten you up myself.”
“No problem. It really got my blood moving in the morning. Did any of the guys call yet?” as if on cue, three teens walked in the kitchen and each grabbed one of the stools and sat down.
“Hey Mrs. H, what's the haps?” the tallest teen said. Destiny slowly shook her head at them. `The boys' is the name that Destiny gave her friends. The oldest and tallest was Leo. With his short, messy, sandy blonde hair, he looked younger then 18-years-old that he really was. Today, he wore blue jean shorts with an old black t-shirt that said,
`Demon Children'. That shirt was one that he made for himself to support the band which all of them were in.
“Hey Dest, we got the new shirts for the band coming in today,” Leo looked at her as he pulled off his black sunglasses to uncover his stunning blue eyes.
“Finally! We really could use those for the next concert. Hey Mrs. H. Hey Souta,” the 16-year-old teen named Kitch said as he waved at them. His long black hair was pulled back with a leather strap. His white muscle shirt had a few rips in it from his numerous `quarrels' with the other guys at school. Kitch's faded blue jeans also sported the ripped look. His dark brown eyes shone with brightness.
“Hey guys, when is the practice today? I have to run some errands later,” 17-year-old Kira was always been the smart, reliable one. That's why he was the band manager.
“Hey Dest, are you gunna get dressed at all today? Or, are you just go to the park in your Pj s?” Kira turned his head towards her to looks at her with his calm brown eyes. He reached up and pushed his unruly brown hair out of his face. The dark green t-shirt hung lightly over his muscular body, his dark blue jeans hugged loosely at his waist. Kira was probably the most attractive boy in Tokyo and was a total down-to-earth kind of guy.
People always wondered why the hottest boy in Tokyo, not to mention the grandson of the richest man alive, would hang out and manage a small town garage band. But, he loved it!
“No Kira, I just like wearing my pj s. Didn't you know that? Oi, Kitch…Outta the fridge, last time you were in there, we had to stock up again. Hang on for 5 mins guys, I have to go and change,” Destiny looked once more towards the boys and leaped up the stairs.
Once Destiny was in her room, she shoveled her way to the closet. She looked around. She realized that she really should go shopping soon. She would have to start to wear girl clothes sooner or later. Dest grabbed a pair of black jean shorts and an old white t-shirt covered in paint from the time she and the boys painted her room from the ever loathsome pink walls to the murals of the four elements that she knew best; fire, water, earth, and air.
She stopped at the large standing mirror. She tied the corner of the shirt in a knot and gathered her past waist length black hair back in a tight braid and swung it over her shoulder. Before she left the room, she walked over to her bedside lamp and pulled the black baseball hat that read in neon pink letters `Miss Bitch' off the top. Destiny strode out of the room and back to her friends. “Ready to go. Bye Grandma, I'll see you later tonight!” Destiny yelled.
Her grandmother called. “Bye guys. Be back by 6, Dest!” Mrs. Higurashi looked out the door as she saw her granddaughter run off the shrine with the other boys. `She's growing up to fast. My little Baby-Girl is almost an adult! She looks so much like her mother it's frightening, but that attitude is definitely her fathers. It's only a matter of time before she finds out.'
* * *
“Alright guys! That's a rap!”
“Finally! Man Dest, are we like your slaves or something.” Kitch laughed at the face that she made at his remark.
“Sorry, but you guys really need the practice. The concert is only in a week.”
“Oh, and lil miss perfect doesn't need to work on anything either?” Kiro added.
Destiny glared at the 16 year old boy. “Well, I have less to work on then you guys. And Tora, quit playin with your ring, that's just totally disgusting, and you're talking to a girl who could eat ramen all her life.”
The boy in question looked up from his new nipple ring that he had decided to get one night when a couple drinks of sake had impaired his thinking. “Ya well, it hurts like a bitch! And the old man wasn't too pleased with it either. At least it isn't infected or anything. Hey Dest, you're turning 16 right?”
“Ya .Why?”
Tora turned his bleach blond covered head towards the other guys. “Because, me and the boys thought that we could get you a nice birthday present.”
“And what would that be?”
“Well we were thinking that we could get you…maybe a ring of some sort, and maybe a tattoo or two?”
“Oh really, well that sounds like a nice birthday pres. Were you thinking along the lines of a bellybutton ring?” Her golden-brown eyes sparked with amusement.
“Ya, that sounds about right. How about it guys?” Tora turned his head to the guys only to see four thumbs pointed up and wide grins from ear to ear.
“Well, I think that I might just take up that offer. Now what kind of tattoo should I get?” Destiny tapped one of her slender fingers with black nail polish at the end on her check. “Hummm…..let me think about it.”
“Well I was hoping that you could think of it by the end of this week.”
“Why's that?”
“Because my uncle -he would be the one doing it-is moving away to America in 2 weeks.”
“Ok. So what are all of you guys doing today? Any modeling jobs for you Kira?”
All the guys let out a laugh at a reminder of the one modeling job that Kira had taken last year.
“Ya, ya. Can you people just drop that? That was a total mistake that I did to make my aunt happy ok.”
“Ya man…your aunt is a total HOTTIE!” Tora yelled. All of the guys dazed off in agreement. But he was right, Kira's aunt was the top model of Japan, and had a large line of designer clothes-Love Goddess- and was totally rich. Which was another reason why Kira was the most wanted guy in Tokyo.
“Shut up you bunch of gold diggers,” Kira gave Tora a daring look.
“Oi! It ain't anything like that.” Tora defended.
“Well, see ya later guys, I have to go. Grandma said that I have shrine duties, ya know, sweepin', cleanin', and watchin' over the place when she goes to her friends. Uncle Souta is probably off with some chick he picked up from a corner,” Destiny jumped up from her spot on the ground and grabbed her water bottle in her hand.
“Ouch, now that's a bitchy comment even for you. You are not getting along with him?” Kiro gave her `the big brother look', one that she had been getting a lot from all of them. They had become the older brothers that she never had, boyfriend harassing included. Not that she did date. She was always just one of the guys.
“Ya well, uncle S. has been giving me looks a lot lately. Come to think about it, Grandma has been talking to him a lot lately, and he's been acting strange. But he usually unofficially blames me for everything bad in his life,” Destiny shrugged her shoulders and said goodbye to the guys again, and headed to shrine.
* * *
“Don't give a damn about my bad reputation…yayayayaya,” Destiny had on her headphones listing to Bad Reputation while sweeping around the shrine. `Damn its hot out.' She leaned the broom on the side of the wall to pull off her t-shirt to reveal the black tank-top that she wore underneath.
As she walked up to the house to put the shirt inside, she noticed a man standing in the entrance to the shrine. `Shit he's tall!' it was true, the man had to be at least 6'5, with long sliver hair tied behind, and he looked quite young. Wearing a tailored suit, he looked quite out of place, not to mention how hot it was in the 95 degree temperatures.
“Excuse me sir, can I help you with something.” Destiny walked closer to the man and straightened her shirt and hat.
“Yes actually. I am looking for a Mrs. Higurashi, is she in at the moment?” He took off his sunglasses and put them in one of the pockets of his jacket, only to reveal stunningly golden eyes. They had to be contacts.
“No sorry sir, she is out at the moment, but I am Miss Higurashi, would I be of any help?”
“You are related?” He looked down at her, his eyes were cold.
“Yes sir, she is my grandmother.”
“And do you live here?”
“Yes,” she was starting to wonder what his real intentions were. “I live here with my grandma and uncle. I have lived here all my life.”
“No mother, no father?”
“No sir, I have never heard of a word about either of them. And they are not coming back so I have no intention of knowing anything.”
“That sounds a bit harsh, and you are alright with this?”
“Excuse me sir, but you have no right to ask me these questions, my grandmother will be returning in a couple of hours, so you may return then. Now if you will excuse me, I need to get back to me cleaning,” She nodded at him and strode away before she would let her true nature come out and bite the poor man's head off.
“This tree, you know of the legend?” He nodded towards the sacred tree that was on the grounds.
Destiny stopped and slowly turned around to face him. `What was his problem? Can't he take a hint!?'
“Yes, SIR,” She had a very ticked off tune in her voice. “I have lived on this shrine all my life as I had told you before.”
“Do you believe in the story?”
“Why do you give a fuck?” She finally broke her cool; she was always told she cursed worse then some men.
“Pardon? I thought you were a lady.”
“And I thought that you were here to see my grandmother. NOT here to talk to ME about a stupid story!” She clenched her hands. If her nails were sharper, she might have cut herself. To make her point she turned around and stomped her foot and purposely walked away with no intention in talking with him.
“You are so much like your father; I can almost see the pathetic baka's face.”
This caught her attention; she could not let this slip. “What do you know of my parents you basterd.”
“Yes, actually I know them quite well. I just thought that you would like to know something about them yourself.”
“Really? I thought that you were here just to piss me right off, seems like you have succeed,” Destiny spat at the man.
“And you look so much like your mother, too bad you haven't received anymore of the miko's influences.”
“Look pal, get off this property right now, or I'll call the cops! If you wish to came back, come back when me grandma is here, I have no time for a piece of shit like you!” She felt really good at the face that he made after her reply.
“Very well then, I guess I have stayed too long, if you wish to talk again, call Sesshoumaru Inunotasho. I will return to speak with your grandmother later. Good day.”
And with that the man left the shrine, leaving Destiny in shock.
* * *
Miss Bitch: hey guys, who's all here?
RichBoy: All of us, so how was cleaning?
Miss Bitch: A total bitch and this asshole came and started asking questions.
NippleRing: Who was he?
Miss Bitch: He said his name was Sesshoumaru something. Tall, sliver hair, total ass. Any of you guys heard of him?
Lion: I heard that name on the TV before, but it might be a different guy.
NippleRing: Nope, never heard of him.
FridgeKing: Same here.
GoldenBoy: Never heard of him.
RichBoy: I've met him…nice guy.
Miss Bitch: WTF are you talking about? He was totally off the wall, he was telling me shit about my parents, like I care! Besides, they ain't here.
Lion: You KNOW him? I just remembered where I've heard of him. He's now the second richest guy in Japan, owns some huge ass computer company.
FridgeKing: He sounds like a total ass to me, want to have us become your bodyguards.
Miss Bitch: What you're saying that I can't defend myself?
NippleRing: Of course not, girl. Hey Kira, why do you know him?
RichBoy: Cuz of my grandma and grandpa. And my mom is an old friend of his wife. She really nice, he's not too bad, once you get around his gruff exterior, and interior, and dig really really deep. His son's alright, quite nice.
Lion: Ya well, all of us don't have connections, and modeling gigs.
Miss Bitch: Damn boy, calm down. It's all just a joke.
NippleRing: Ya man, calm down. We're all friends here.
RichBoy: Ya well, I have something else that you guys can laugh at.
Lion: What would that be?
FridgeKing: Oi. Where's Kiro?
GoldenBoy: Here, sorry. I had to grab something to eat.
FridgeKing: Whatcha got?
GoldenBoy: Nothing you can have.
Miss Bitch: So Kira, what's this new `thing' we can laugh at?
RichBoy: My aunt…she asked me if my friend-who is a girl- would be interested in becoming a new model for her.
FridgeKing: OMG
GoldenBoy: OMG!
NippleRing: OMG!!
Lion: LMFAO!
Miss Bitch: ……..
RichBoy: Well, I have to go. Mom wants me to get off. Ttyl.
Everyone: Bye!
RichBoy has signed out
Lion: Well I have to go too, dad was pissed that I stayed up to 3 this morning. See you guys tomorrow.
Lion has signed out.
Miss Bitch: ……………
GoldenBoy: LMFAO nice girl, well I leaving too…Bye.
Golden Boy has signed out.
NippleRing: Damn this thing hurts…so girl, what did that guy say to you?
FridgeKing: Sorry I have to leave when it's getting good, but I have to go and raid the fridge again. Night ladies.
FridgeKing has signed out.
NippleRing: Oi! Did he just call me a lady?
Miss Bitch: Sure sounded like it.
NippleRing: So what did the guy say Dest? You know you can tell me, I'm your best friend.
Miss Bitch: Nice to know, but I'd rather not talk about it right now. I'll tell all of you tomorrow. Night Tora.
NippleRing: Night Dest. Sweet dreams
Miss Bitch &NippleRing have signed off.
Slowly turning off her computer, she flopped off her chair and changed into her usual overlarge t- shirt and hoped into bed, getting ready for the next day.