InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ True love ❯ Kimiko ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do no own them.


Last time:


"What you mean?"


"WHAT!!!!!" exclaimed everyone?

"OPPS…. Shouldn't have said that." Trying desperately to scoot away from the glaring gang.

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Chapter 10: Kimiko

"KILL HER! WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WAN TO KILL HER!" cried a red faced Yusuke glowing with blue spirit energy.

"Yes, Koenma sama. WHY would you want to kill her? What did she do to deserve death?"

"Yes, what did she do?" asked a barely in check Kurama with golden eyes, with streaks of white hair.


"She did nothing…."


"I agree with Yusuke, it's not funny." A calm collective with coldness voice said.

"CALM YRSELF. I can explain…." Looking horrified at a half transformed Youko.

Koenma POV

Seems like she made good friends with all of them. And maybe even more to Kurama. What am I going to do now?

"Yes, what are you going to do now?"

I looked to see that it was Hiei who spoke. He read my mind.

"Look, take a seat while I explain the killing thing." I wearily spoke.

"Kagome, you are very special. By the way you look like now. I say the transformation has started. Dun be alarmed, it was meant to happen. You are not a…. ningen. Neither are you a youkai. You are a sorceress, a child of magic to the magical land, Crest Realm. As you should have heard from the others. There are basically three other realms, which are…."

"Cut to the chase, toddler. She knows about the three realms."

"Okay then. You see, you are a member of the royal families. So your punishment to the downfall of Crest Realm is different. You are Kagome now, but a few weeks later you will not be Kagome anymore. Your appearances, attitude and personalities will change as well. To put it short, you will be a completely different person. Your judgment to things will also change…. like for instance. You like this thing when you are Kagome. But after the change, you will not like it at all…you may not even acknowledge those people you call friends now…since magic casters are often taught to despise and derate those of different blood to them…"

Everyone was stumped by the new information.

"Why I need to kill you is because, the other gods fear the wrath of the magic casters once the punishment period ends, so we need to destroy all that have the possibility to rule. Which means, those from the bloodlines of royalties… but if you pledge loyalty to the gods then you won't have to die…so what do you say?" I looked up from my desk after the speech.

The room was very quiet; all of the others were so shocked, taking some time to absorb the information. I looked to ask for Kagome's answer. But after scanning the room twice, I saw that she was gone. I started to panic after all she did seems to be half way through the change.

Kurama POV

`Oh my god! They going to kill her for such a stupid reason and YOUKO let mi back in control.'

#No! #

`Youko, Koenma says that we need not kill her if she pledge loyalty to not attack the gods. So let mi out!'

#Fine! Make sure they dun harm her! #

`I dun think anyone of us want to harm her'

Hiei POV

Are gods that coward to kill all who are related to royalties to save themselves?

Im not letting anyone touch her. She's mine!

{Oh my gosh! You FINALLY ADMITTED!!!! WOO HOO!!!! }


Yusuke POV

NO WAY IN HELL MY I LETTING WHAT GODS TOUCH HER! I will protect her, even if it means losing my life! That toddler is going to be so sorry when im through with him!!!!!!

Kuwabara POV

Must save damsel in distress.

Botan POV

I can't BELIEVE that we were supposed to kill her. If we knew, we won't have brought her here.

"KAGOME IS GONE!!!!!" Koenma childish voice rang through the air urgently. Successfully snapping the gang out of their stupor.

Yusuke POV

"WHAT!" I turned to where she was standing just now; besides kuwabaka.

"Where did she go!" grabbing the idiot's collar.

" Let me go, Uremashi! You wanna fight!"

"We dun have time for this, where did she go!" A red-eyed Hiei intercepted me.

I guess Hiei does cares for Kagome, but that's not the point now.

"Where is she? She was standing beside you!"

"Oh she said she wasn't feeling well and left, and she dropped this." Holding up a shikon shard. Toddler saw the shard and his eyes went big, he even dropped his pacifier.

"WHERE did you get that?" he whispered out but we heard him. He had gotten so white in a matter of seconds.

"Belongs to Kag."

" But that's a shard of the shikon no tama…. How did she get it?"

"Shikon no tama? What's that? Can we eat it?"

"No, it's a sacred jewel created by a miko, called Midoriko. She was said to be the only ningen alive to ever achieve the power that matches a god. The jewel was formed thousand of years ago. Last heard of it, was in the hands of a village miko called kikyo. Said to be betrayed by an inu hanyou and died, taking the jewel with her. Since then, the jewel was lost. That was 500 years ago. So how did you get that?"

"You should say, how Kagome comes across it." Kurama corrected him.

"Yes. She has a lot of explaining to do."

"She din't tell you how she obtained it?"

"Nope. She only told us how she fell into her house well and ending up in the federal era two years ago. She met friends with the people there and broke a jewel. Which she is now trying to collect the broken shards back with them? She had been going there for two years now. That's all she said, she said the jewel was very important. We din't press her for more information since we were quite pissed off with a certain hanyou when we left." Explained Botan.

Took a moment for Koenma to register the facts before he burst.


"We forgot?" the oh so clever answer from Yusuke.



"Well, let's see it this way. The shards are lost in the federal era. Where the barrier separating the three worlds do not exist. One shard can increase a youkai power ten folds. One lesser demon get holds of even one shard, his power can increase to that of class A youkai." He paused to look at their astonished looks.

"If youkai gets hold of the whole jewel, we can kiss the ningenkai, and reikai goodbye. Seeing that youkai shall rule the world."

"Hn, I dun mind"

"No way my I being ruled by youkai, especially shortie here."

"Baka!" struck his face to the wall.

"You said Kagome doesn't feel well, must have gone home, so go get her. I really need to speak to her. Does she has anymore shards?"


"Good get her here with the shards, we need to keep it safe. WELL, WHAT YA WAITING FOR? GO!"

Kagome house~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kagome POV

I wasn't feeling well, so I went outside the room wishing myself to be at home. When I opened my eyes again I was in my bedroom.

"Great, maybe sleep could help." I was lying on the bed when a red blur rushed in, tossed mi over the shoulder and went down the well.

Hiei POV

We arrived through Botan's portal. I sniffed the air and caught the scent of the inu hanyou mixed with Kagome. He must have come to get him. I informed the group and we made our way to the well.

I jumped in and was welcomed with blue light. Looking up to see clear sky. I hopped out seeing Kagome `sitting' the dog.

"SIT! You baka!"

"WENCH!" I growled at that comment. Blue light shined behind mi. I made way for them to climb out.


Kagome POV

Man I was so tired and pissed that I did not restrict myself from hurling insults to the insolent mutt. I was getting so frustrated to all these matters.

`Hell, Kimiko can you just get your body back, this whole memory thing is so frustrating?!'

^Soon…. Very soon. ^

`HOW soon!'

^ Maybe later or tonight. I can feel the swelling of my power back. ^

`Good, Im more than glad to give you back, since I hardly can control this body.'

^Patient. I noe this whole change is frustrating but do bear with it. ^




"WHY YOU!!!! SIT!" with that I feel myself becoming light, and went tumbling down the ground. But I landed on something soft yet hard.

Yusuke POV

It's that stupid mutt again. I really hate him. They were arguing when suddenly Kag blacked out and was about to hit the floor when Hiei caught her in his arms. I am so going to give that mutt a pc of my mind.

Kurama POV

I saw that hanyou agitating Kagome. Youko was clawing to be let out. I was about to catch her fall, but Hiei had already caught her. Yusuke was trembling with anger; his hands glowed blue as he made his way to the hanyou. I saw him struck the hanyou, breaking down trees in the process. To this hanyou I hold no sympathy, there's no way to speak to a lady.

# Ya! Especially to Kagome! #

[…. You din't say that she's your mate?]

# I learnt my lesson, I should get to know her first and not to claim her as my mate straightaway…. #

`What made this change?'

#…. Hiei#

`Good for us!'

"Let's bring her back to Koenma sama." Suggested Botan.

"No, she's in no condition to listen to Koenma now." I objected to the idea. The others agreed with mi so we brought her into Keade's hut. We were greeted by her other friends. Shippo lunged on my shoulder. I decided to take the role of explaining to the change in Kagome to them. They were shocked, but took it easy. I mean how much can she change. Kagome was after all a part of Kimiko. I never knew how wrong I was.

We launched outside the hut giving Kagome some peace to rest. The shikon group left to a shard rumor in another town. The rest followed them while I stayed behind.

Kagome POV

`Ok, this is another memory of ours?'

^ Ya. ^

`What do they imply?'

^ They are my most important parts of memories. They made mi to who I am today…^

Here I was standing in what seems to be the most entrancing gardens. The nightly breeze played with my hair. I saw Kimiko walking out into the garden towards a fountain. Two black figures stepped out of the shadows. Something long was glittering behind their back. One of them circled Kimiko. Kimiko turned her attention to the circling figure. The next moment, the glittering silver was tinted with red, Kimiko's blood. Then, the figure disappeared.

Kimiko tried very hard not to scream. She tried desperately to get the glittering silver identified as a sword out of her chest. But she could not even touch it. The sword embedded itself deeper into her; the end of the sword grew longer as it stabs through the body of Kimiko. I could feel my blood freeze, when she let out a blood-curling scream. She tried to pull the sword out but was burnt upon contact. I saw a black aura surrounding her, and seconds later I saw numerous tiny needle like white glowing thing sticking out of her skin. Blood was spilling everywhere. Dying the clear fountain water red. I could feel something ripping at my soul. I clutched my chest, as I felt her pain once more. In sight, I could see her soul being tormented as well. I could feel tears pouring out as I held in the pain, how I wished for death to end this torment. After minutes of torture, the sword was wretched out by another figure. The figure crotched at Kimiko's side and was trying to heal her while begging her to not give up life. Kimiko was barely alive, her once white gown was dyed red, her blood. The grass around her were also dyed a dull red. The metallic scent of blood stung my nostrils.

`This is so horrible….' I sobbed for the pain Kimiko had gone through.

The scene changes to the bedroom that I first saw. I saw the crystal ball still at the center. But it was half broken apart. I walked to the bedside where Kimiko laid. Her eyes were so lifeless; her skin was a sickly white. The only color on her is the white bandages staining red with her blood wrapping around her. A figure was sitting beside her, holding her hand and talking to her. Tears glistening down.

The door to the room burst open in came the man that I once saw. He made his way to Kimiko. Disregarding her injuries, he held her by her neck and slammed her onto the floor. The figure by the bed rushed to her protecting her from the assaults of the man. He was shouting at her, Kimiko listened with tears, she looked so helpless. "The wounds on you were inflicted by yourself to accuse of the 2nd lady and your step sister. Your selfish act had caused us to be in trouble with the gods! From this day on, I do not have you as a daughter. You were never my daughter!"

`Daughter? How…. I dun believe this at all….'

^Its true, but it's over. ^

Sadness hang in the air as the man swept out of the room.

The scene once again changed. In a black pitched room. A glow of red light laminating the room. Kimiko stood at the center of a magic circle, wearing a white flowing gown. Chanting were heard, she started to glow white. When the light resided inside of Kimiko. In her place where she just stood, was a bundle of a baby.

`Its me….'

^ Yes, this is the day when the punishment was filed out. Even when I was deemed innocent, the crime committed was so gravely that all of the Realm people must be punished. Us, who are royalties were stripped off all the powers and sent to live in the ningenkai. But it all ends now…^

A figure in black emerged and carried the baby Kimiko through a portal, in front of the Sunset shrine. It placed the bundle down on the step with a necklace with a star shaped pendant on it. The figure left after that. The house door opened and Aikko came into sight. She cuddled the baby and named her kagome.

I was rooted to the ground.

^ Well, its time to change back fully. You ready? ^

`Ya…. just promise you will look after mum….'

^I promise. ^

The half broken crystal ball appeared in front of mi.

^ Touch it and it shall all be done…. ^

I touched the crystal ball; it chipped and cracked even more. In the end it broke into pcs and disappeared, I felt myself engulfed in light, and felt myself becoming lighter and farther away from all existence.

In Keade's hut~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kurama POV

She's crying again. I was even more surprised to find blood coming out from her. But as I reached to touch, it disappeared. That's strange. Oh kami, she's glowing.

Bright light engulfed the hut and shot through the sky. The shikon and Yu Yu gang saw the light at the neighboring village, pinpointed the direction the light came from and rushed back to Keade's village.

In the bright light, Kagome is changing. Changing back to Kimiko. With all her memories and powers unlocked.

As the light decreased. I turned to look at Kagome. But found amethyst eyes boring into my emerald ones. It was that girl in the photo, but her eyes look so cold unlike the one in the photo. I started to approach her as Keade entered the hut. I saw her smirk at Keade, with a rise of her hand, she managed to lift Keade up and chock her. I was about to stop her, when she, with another wave of her hand, sent Keade crushing into mi, out of the hut.

`Kagome' than disappeared.

End chapter.

Review, love ya all.