InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Turbulent Confessions ❯ Turbulent Confessions ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha…


Blanket Scenario; Turbulent Confessions


A really short blurb I decided to do cuz I was bored… I really need to get back to my other fic don't i?


Wind howled as though Kagura had decided to openly rebel against Naraku. Hail stones became lethal weapons as they pummeled the earth, covering the world in a harsh blanket of ice. The temperature had dropped far below zero and a lonely little hut half buried in the snow sat pitifully in a small clearing in a forest.


Inside was little better than outside, walls bare and wooden planks frozen solid. In the center was a cold lifeless fire pit, and on a wall, a single window opened into the harsh driving blizzard. Though silence would be expected to accompany the screaming wind, the atmosphere inside the tiny cabin was anything but cold.
















"Say it with me, Ka-go-me! Just three syllables!"


"Bite me! … uh… er… what are syllables?"


"That's beside the point, now lets try again," the female voice struggled to reach a calmer status, "would you like to share this blanket with me for tonight only because you will be turning human tonight, and it's freezing cold in here?" Every word was deliberately said, carefully and slowly.


"I heard you the first time! I'm not deaf!" furious white ears trembled in both cold and anger, "What d'you think I am? Retarded?"


"At the rate you're going, yeah!" Kagome muttered, digging through her bag, hoping to find something, anything to get the both of them warm.


Inuyasha sputtered a little, then rudely said, "Well, you're already retarded, I think time travel's messed up your brain."


The heavy bag slumped quickly to the floor, angry fists clutching its worn fabric. "You're… you're…" Kagome's trembling voice had risen to a few octaves higher than usual. Inuyasha's ears made a little wriggle, his nose actively radar-ing for the salty scent of tears, only a quick flash in his eyes betrayed concerned worry.


Making a very unwise decision on his part, Inuyasha's infamous tongue went at it again, "What's the matter? So brain dead you forgot how to talk?" Inuyasha gulped as the words slipped from his mouth, inside his head, he mentally slapped himself.


"YOU'RE SUCH A JERK! SUCH A JEEEEEERK!" Kagome shrieked, voice cracking. Ears, as white as the angry snowstorm outside, flattened hard against his head. Well… he did ask for it.


"Keh, whatever, wench!" Inuyasha scoffed, nose high in the air. Kagome was beginning to form a sharp edged retort when Inuyasha's nose twitched.


"ACHOO!" Kagome, so startled, lost her balance and tumbled out of her stiff legged crouch, hitting her back end sharply against the cold, wooden floor of the hut they managed to find shelter in. She sighed and offered him the blanket she'd been huddled in, "Here, we can take turns, if you're gonna be so stubborn."


"Feh, I don't need it! I not weak like you! It was just your stench that made me sneeze!" Inuyasha said quickly, realizing only too late how deeply his words had cut into the delicate heart of his female companion. A singled tear splattered onto the frozen floorboards, quickly crystallizing.


"Kagome, I-" Inuyasha started, cut off by a warm blanket in his face.


"Just stuff it," Kagome said quietly. Now what Inuyasha, the dog demon asked himself, nice going.


"No! You need it! What'll I do if you get sick?" Inuyasha cried out, in slight desperation. Kagome looked at him, hard. The way she'd do sometimes when he actually said something remotely nice to her. The kind of look that was filled with warmth and kindness and sent shivers up his spine. GODDAMMIT!!! INUYASHA SUCK IT UP!!!


"We'll never finish finding the jewel shards with you sick!" Inuyasha blurted, not caring of what reaction he'd get, as long as the butterflies in his stomach would go away. The relaxing tension in the room quickly stiffened again.


"Is that ALL you care about? The jewel shards?" Kagome asked furiously, her melodious voice rising as quickly as her temper. Well, at least the normal Kagome was back…


"Keh," Inuyasha said, trying to play it cool, "What else is there?"


"There's A LOT! Inuyasha! You've got to get a life! Live a little will ya?" Kagome said emphatically. Come to think of it, Kagome thought, in all the time spent with him, had she EVER heard him laugh?


"Why would you care?" Inuyasha said stiffly, ears plastered once again tightly to his head.


"I CARE, Inuyasha! I really DO! Why can't you ever tell me what's wrong?" Kagome cried, the familiar lines of a well versed play slipping from her mouth. It was entitled, Argument with a Disgruntled Dog Hanyou #169. To her surprise, instead of the following the script, in which he would've answered `keh,' the demon changed the lines a bit.


"What's wrong?" he growled, his fast developing human side kicking unwelcome emotions into his heart, "I'll TELL you what's WRONG!" Ok, he changed the lines a lot, "You keep running off to your world for those silly tests of yours!" Inuyasha growled, pointing an accusing (and quickly de-clawing) finger at the blue-eyed girl. This sentence,as usual, sparked the expected answer from Kagome.


"They're not silly! They're very importa-" Kagome started to say, getting cut off by Inuyasha in the process.


"And YOU were late today, and it's all you're fault we're stuck out here!" the half demon continued to rant.


"I TOLD you! I came as soon as I COULD!" Kagome said, "I had to go buy some more supplies!"


"Whatever," Inuyasha said; brushing off whatever Kagome had to say, "And you always flirt with that bastard Kouga!"




"Don't deny it! You do! And that human from your time! Homo or something!"


"His name is HOJO! And so what about those two? You've got your KIKYOU!"


"It's not the same!"


"Oh yeah? How so?"




"Forget it! I just- it's not like I like any of them! You don't need to be jealous or anything!"


"I'm not jealous! They just tick me off!"


"So WHAT?! Why do you care so much anyway?!"




~*~ The End! ~*~


lol, just kidding…




If she HAD been rebelling, Kagura's fan must have been thrust again, as the wind outside shook the tiny hut. The thick silence in the room was stifling. "CUZ I LOVE YOU, GODDAMMIT!" The words echoed through both occupants' minds, one not quite sure how to react, the other mentally smacking himself upside the head.


"What?" Kagome whispered, breathlessly, as if she was afraid of the answer.


"What are you? Deaf?" Inuyasha asked crossly, shocked at himself, "I said, Cuz I love you, God damn it," he said the last part slowly, frown hardly concealing the heated blush rising in his cheeks. THAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY THAT FOR YOU IDIOT?!?!?! He berated himself, inner voice screaming.


"Well," Kagome started, too surprised to begin arguing his insults, "Do you really mean that?"


Inuyasha paused, did he mean it? Good question. There was this thing he saw in Kagome's time about two people inside a box. It said that they were divorce loiers or something… The girl had said something like, `the first reaction is always the true one'. So… what does that mean?


The two were staring at each other in a deadlock. Kagome's eyes pierced his soul, searching for any hint of deception, afraid to believe. Meanwhile, Inuyasha was trying to gather himself up again, to do something, anything, to get things out of this little lovey dovey yucky moment. Before he could do that however, Kagome spoke.


"You know what?" she said, "I don't know if I should believe you." She stopped and looked down, biting her lip. Her breath made little puffs of clouds as she pulled together to say, "But you have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear that from you."


Inuyasha's breath hitched in his throat, "What?" he asked disbelievingly.


"But I never thought I would," continued Kagome, "Because of the way you always ran off to Kikyou." A few tears joined the first one on the floor.


"And it always hurt so much." Kagome's shaking feet slowly took her to Inuyasha.


"And I would run back to my time." 2 inches, 1 inch, half an inch…


"And then, I'd realize that no matter what I tried, I could never forget or live without you." Kagome pressed her cheek against his chest, clutching the fire rat haori.


"And I'd come back, telling myself that being here with you would have to be enough." Inuyasha's hands traveled across her back, holding her gently, as if he was afraid she'd break.


"And then I'd see you with her again." His grip tightened.


"And my heart would break again." Tear flowed freely from her tightly shut eyes.


"And again, I'd realize that, no matter what happens, and no matter what changes, if I wanted to be happy, I have to be here with you."


Inuyasha dropped his nose into the girls black hair, "Kagome…" he said, like he always did when in situations like this (really… in the anime, that's all he says, beside feh, heh, and keh of course).


"So," Kagome said, "Now can we share the blanket?"