InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Twister ❯ A Feudal Game of Dominos ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu-Yasha!

[A/N:] 'Twister' was supposed to be just a dinky one-shot, but I got this idea from some reviewers and just HAD to work on it! See what happens when you review? You get MORE to read!


A Feudal Game of Dominos


Kouga sat staring up at the ceiling, completely and utterly bored. They had just gotten back from a successful hunt but he was still restless.

"I wonder what Kagome's up to…" he mused to himself as he flicked an ant off his leg. He suddenly picked himself off his straw bed and walked out of the cave, off to the west.

"Where the hell is he going?" a random wolf asked.

"Kagome." Ginta and Hakaku sighed simultaneously while shaking their heads.


"Play?" Kaede asked, obviously horrified at the kit's innocent question.

"Umm…Hi, Kaede…" Kagome tried weekly, a larger blush coming to her face.

"What are ye doing out here-and with Shippo watching no less!" Kaede reprimanded. "I knew you all liked each other, but this is a might far!"

"Lady Kaede," Miroku-who actually had the decency to blush-explained, "it is a game that Kagome brought from her time."

Sango, Inu-Yasha, and Kagome nodded quickly.

"Her friend sent it to her!" Sango exclaimed.

"From America!" Inu-Yasha shouted.

"America…" Kaede said slowly. Then she nodded, recalling the strange things Miroku and Sango had related to her about this place. "Truly a strange country."

"Yeah, it is," Kagome agreed, suddenly realizing just how wrong this game seemed right now.

"But the games are fun, Kaede!" Shippo exclaimed, proudly brandishing the spinner. "Look at what I get to do!" The over-excited kitsune then spun the wheel. "Left hand green!"

Everybody groaned then tried to move to the appropriate spot. Miroku's palm, which had become a little sweaty, slipped out from under him, causing him to collapse onto Sango. She, in turn, because she had been partially tangled with Kagome, caused the blushing girl to tip into Inu-Yasha's leg. The hanyou's leg slipped, causing him to collapse on top of the schoolgirl.

It was basically a feudal game of dominos.

A game that a certain Wolf Prince happened to walk in on.

"Ka…Kagome!" Kouga stuttered as he wandered onto the scene.

Kagome looked up from her undignified position under Inu-Yasha and gasped, turning blood red. Inu-Yasha looked up as well and froze to his spot, a low growl unconsciously beginning to form in his throat.

Kouga looked over their positions again and growled loudly.

"I wouldn't have suspected you to do something so low!" Kouga snarled angrily. "I thought even YOU had SOME form of respect, but I guess nothing is sacred to you, is it, dog turd?!"

"Kouga, its not what it-"

"Don't try and defend him, Kagome." Kouga snarled. "He doesn't deserve your mercy."

Shippo tried to pacify the wolf. "Umm…you can play too…" It didn't work. In fact, it only served to fuel his rage.

"And you do this with a CHILD and others WATCHING?!" Kouga practically screamed. "How DARE you defile Kagome in such a manor!"

By this time, Kagome was quite red as was Sango; a very slight blush tinted Miroku's cheeks. Inu-Yasha's face was hot with rage.

"I would NEVER defile her in any way!" Inu-Yasha snapped as he stood, mindful not to give the wolf a view of Kagome's under ware. Kagome scooted slightly away from the twister board and enraged hanyou.

It was at this point that Sango realized Miroku STILL hadn't made an ATTEMPT to move.

"Houshi-sama…" she hissed threateningly.

Miroku gulped and took the hint, moving himself far, far away from the Twister board and Sango.

"If you would stop jumping to conclusions, you might understand that we aren't doing anything wrong!" Inu-Yasha snarled, redirecting the attention from the irritated demon slayer and monk.

"So I'm supposed to believe that mating…no…having sex with people WATCHING is perfectly acceptable?!" Kouga roared.

"You idiot!" Inu-Yasha exclaimed with a powerful blush creeping its way onto his face. "If you used your eyes you could see that everybody's DRESSED! You don't even need to use your brain and you still can't get it right! How the hell do you manage to survive?!"

Kouga growled viciously and made himself ready to lunge at the hanyou before him.

In the time that this was going on, Kaede had managed to pull from her robes a scarily familiar rosary. Kagome noted the movement and nearly gasped. Luckily, her better judgment stopped it dead in her throat.

As the Wolf Prince lunged at Inu-Yasha, Kaede began her chant. The beads shot out like orbs of light and made their presence known. The wolf was momentarily stunned at the initial contact of the holy prayer beads around his neck; then he seemed to be confused and angry.

"What the hell are these, old woman?!" he snapped in a minor fit. He reminded Kagome of a child that wasn't getting his way.

"They are prayer beads, similar to the ones that Inu-Yasha wears." Kaede explained, taking no offense to being called 'old woman' for she was used to it.

Inu-Yasha regarded the beads with humor. In fact, he found it so humorous that he began to laugh. Kouga turned and growled at him, while lifting a hand to the new adornment around his neck. He tried to yank them off but found that the beads held fast. This caused the hanyou to laugh even harder.

Kouga snarled and lunged at Inu-Yasha.

"Uhhh…DOWN!" Kagome shouted. Unfortunately, it had no effect.

"Down?!" Inu-Yasha snorted. Then he blinked as the wolf went down with a curse.

"You have GOT to be kidding me…" Miroku said with a small chuckle.

Sango snickered behind her hand, as did Kagome and Kaede. Shippo and Inu-Yasha were rolling on the ground with laughter. Kouga lie there, face smashed into the ground, muffling all the random curses that were filtering from his mouth.


[A/N:] This is surprisingly an angle I haven't seen used before-not even in a yaoi! Think about it…Inu-Yasha has complete control over Kouga… oh God…I'm drooling over the possibilities…! I was overwhelmed by the response I got to this! You've inspired me to write this as a short fic rather than a one-shot! [huggles her reviewers] I luffle all of you! Or…if you're not into that kind of thing… COOKIES! [tosses cookies to all her reviewers]

Kiba {my RP baby with Kouga}: 'OOKIES! Kiba 'unt 'ookies!

Raven: ¬.¬ [shoves a doggy biscuit in Kiba's mouth and hopes Netiri doesn't notice]

Ryou: [smacks Raven, takes the doggy biscuit, and gives Kiba a real cookie] Review.