InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Minds, One Body ❯ A New Friend ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Two Minds, One Body
Ice Princess21
Disclaimer: See prologue for disclaimer.
Chapter One: A New Friend
“Come on, Kagome. Time to wake up,” her mother called out through the door.
I heard her and tried to call out to Kagome. A pointless effort but one that was worthwhile toward the end because soon she opened her eyes and let a scream escape her mouth.
“I'm so glad you decided to wake up. Do you know that you are now late for school?”
“Are you okay, dear?”
“Yeah Mom,” she called out. “I just realized that I am LATE!!!”
“You're not that late. You have an hour and a half to get ready for school. I suggest you get moving and make it quick.”
I heard a loud crash and Kagome say something about the floor being stupid and her alarm clock being mean. Basically, she fell and blamed the clock and floor.
“I don't understand you at all, Kagome.”
I can't believe it has been two years and since then, nothing has happened like I thought it would. Something was supposed to happen, but why didn't it? Did I surface in your conscience to early? Or was it something else?
“Why didn't you wake me up, Shane?”
“What are you talking about? I was asleep, too. You can't blame me for something I wasn't supposed to do.”
“I've got to hurry and shower,” she said. “What's going on today?”
“I don't know,” I said. “I don't keep up with your school events, but there is a rumor going to be a new student.”
“Really? That's cool. I hope they're nice and not snobby like everyone else in class.”
I wasn't really paying attention to her. The thoughts of something happening kept coming back and I didn't know how to deal with it. During all my thoughts, Kagome showered, brushed her teeth, dressed, ate and left the house.
Kagome looked at the mirror in her locker and then looked around her to make sure no one was around. Once it was clear she turned back to the mirror and sighed.
“Are you ready Shane?”
I felt Kagome looking at me and her words finally reached me. I knew she hated the first few classes because of the people in them so I decided to step in.
“Let's do this.”
I switched places with Kagome and looked into her locker. The books she needed for her first classes were all right at the top so I grabbed the first two. The first two classes that I had to attend were English and Geometry. Damn! I hated math! We walked into the class and I groaned at the sight of a sub. This meant hell was about to break because the entire class didn't respond to subs real well.
“I am here for your teacher, Ms. Kamatari,” the man said. “My name is Mr. Sawaguchi.”
“I never would have known that you were here for the teacher if you didn't say so,” a student named Shizuru mumbled.
Apparently he heard what she said and held up the attendance sheet.
“Looks like Ms. Shizuru Momanari has a lot to say this morning. How about a little trip to the office?”
I watched her shake her head and smiled inwardly. This teacher wasn't a pushover. He might just get some respect from me. The door opened and the principal came through. Someone else was with him, another student. The new student.
“Please welcome Ms Tamoko Shikimaru to your English class.”
I heard people as they began to greet her and the teacher directed her to a table……my table.
“Can I sit here?” She asked.
I looked at her with my eyes saying `What the hell?' but then I just nodded to her and she sat down.
“My name is Kagome Higurashi. Welcome tothis school, Tamoko.”
“Thank you.”
“Don't get used to the school. It is so unpredictable that even the teachers just show up when they want to. Take for instance;this guy here is just a sub. Why do you think no one is paying attention?”
She giggled and for the first time Shane smiled as herself, not as Kagome. This day probably wouldn't be that bad. If only Kagome would just try. If only she was willing.
“Hang on! I am willing! Give me my body.”
There's the KagomeI missed. “Let's do this then.”
I put my head down and closed my eyes, giving Kagome, the real Kagome total control again.
“So what school did you go to before this?” Kagome asked.
“Well actually I am coming back from America. I hated being away from my real home for so long.”
“America?” Kagome asked. “That's where you used to live? That's really cool! What's it like over there?”
“Well where I lived, it was kinda quiet and the school I went to was somewhat weird.”
“How so?”
“Fights broke out everyday and the teachers would sit there and watch.
Tamoko giggled and Kagome looked up. The door had opened and someone else walked through. Someone she didn't like. Someone Shane didn't like. A girl named Kikyou.
A/N: I don't know how this fic is turning out for you all, but I hope it's good.