InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, and the plot, and story line... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 2:

The next morning Kayla woke up and rolled out of bed. She walked into her bathroom, undressed, and climbed into the shower. She started the water, bathed and climbed out then towel dried off.
She walked into her closet, pulled out some curve hugging jeans and a form fitting v neck style t-shirt. She walked over to her dresser and pulled out a matching bra and boy shorts panties set, then dressed and walked into the kitchen.
In the kitchen she walked over to the fridge, opened it and pulled out the eggs and bacon, then shut the fridge. She cooked eggs and bacon for breakfast. She then walked back over to the fridge, pulled out some oranges, and closed the door.
She carried the oranges to the juicer and procceede to squeeze them and she made fresh squeezed orange juice to go with the food. She had just finished setting breakfast and the juice on the table when Bankotsu entered; wearing the clothes she had given him last night and his hair still braided. She looked at him and greeted, "Morning bright eyes, breakfast is ready."
Bankotsu looked at her and replied sleepily, "Morning." He raised a brow and asked amused, "Bright eyes, huh?"
Kayla blushed and explained, "Your eyes are really bright so.."
Bankotsu smiled and commented, "Nice to know that you noticed my eyes."
Kayla looked away and suggested, "Eat, then we can go to the mall and buy you some decent clothes; to help you blend in with this era."
Bankotsu shrugged, sat down and ate his food and drank his juice. Kayla sat down and ate her food and drank her juice.
She then stood up and washed their dishes. She walked to her room, pulled out and put on her socks and shoes. She returned to the kitchen and grabbed her wallet and keys. She looked at him and asked, "Alright, ready to go?"
Bankotsu shrugged and answered, "I suppose so."
Kayla nodded and they walked out the door. Kayla locked the door, pocketed her keys and they started walking towards the mall.
Along the way every girl's head turned in their direction. Kayla noticed it, then decided to ignore it and shrugged it off.
After a while Bankotsu began to grow uncomfortable from being stared at by so many strange girls. He looked at Kayla and questioned irritably, "What is it with all these girls, anyways?"
Kayla laughed and looked at him then responded, "Well you are a strong, handsome guy. Plus you have the longest hair they have more then likely ever seen! They are just checking you out. After all it's not everyday they get to see a guy quite like you!" she ended dryly.
Bankotsu scowled and snapped frustratedly, "I wish they would stop. It's starting to creep me out." He looked at Kayla and smirked and boasted, "Even I can't keep up with that many girls at once!" mirth dancing in his unique blue eyes.
Kayla laughed and replied, "Well, get used to it pal! They aren't going to stop looking at you! They all want you for themselves!"
An idea popped into his head. Bankotsu looked at Kayla, smirked and declared, "Oh yeah!? I bet this will stop them!"
Then before she could even react, he pushed Kayla against the wall, pinned her hands above her head with one of his own, and pinned her body with his own as well. His free hand held her chin firmly and Kayla's eyes widened from shock; as she braced herself for anything. He looked intently into her eyes, then slowly leaned down to her lips and lightly brushed his lips over hers.
Common sense, reality, and everything melted away the moment when his lips met hers. His tongue trailed along her bottom lip sensuously. The feeling was so good, and he had just started. Kayla instinctively opened her mouth, submitting herself to whatever he wished of her. Shivers traveled up and down her spine, when he began to stroke the inside of her mouth with his tongue. He broke the kiss for a moment and stared at her with those gorgeous sapphire eyes. He gave her a long gaze and then reclaimed her mouth; with a searing kiss that left a tingle in her mouth that quickly spread through out her body.
After a minute Bankotsu pulled back and looked at her face. He smirked at her expression and desire clouded eyes. Kayla stared at him feeling confused and something else she couldn't quite identify... Satisfied for the moment; he pushed him self off the wall and she pushed off of the wall as well. They started walking together again. Looking around a bit, Bankotsu smirked and mentioned, "It seems to have worked."
Kayla added dryly, "Good for you then."

At the mall....
A few minutes later they arrived at the mall. Kayla looked at Bankotsu whose eyes were wide in wonder and said, "Here we go." She opened the door and walked through. Bankotsu made certain to stay close behind her.
She went directly to the clothing store, and turned to look at him and stated, "Look around and let me know if you like anything you see." Bankotsu nodded and began rummaging through the clothes on the nearest rack.
A few minutes later he sighed frustrated and faced Kayla and stated frustratedly, "I don't know! What do you suggest?"
Kayla sighed heavily and began rummaging through the clothes. She picked out 4 t shirts, 3 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of shorts, a couple of button up shirts, a pair of slacks, a couple of sweaters and a dress shirt. She handed the clothes to him and suggested, "Start with these, go into the room behind you and try them on, a set at a time."
He nodded and did as he had been instructed. A few minutes later he emerged from the room in a pair of jeans opened at the waist and a t-shirt that fit him like a second skin, and defined his muscular chest. He looked at her and questioned, "Did I do it right?"
Kayla blinked to clear her head, then inspected him from head to toe, then back to the waist and chuckled as she walked over to him. Kayla mentioned, "Um, the zipper needs to be pulled up." as she hesitantly pointed to the zipper.
He looked down, smirked at her reaction to him and nodded then hesitantly pulled it up slowly. She then showed him how to button the top and commanded, "Okay, now turn around and let me see the back." He sighed and turned around, puzzling over why.
Kayla gazed at his perfectly rounded muscular butt and had to bite her lip to keep from whistling at the view. She raised her gaze, then cleared her throat and said, "Okay, now the next set." He sighed and went to change again, though he was confused as to why he needed so many clothes. A few minutes later he walked out in another outfit and waited for her response, then after getting her input, it started all over again.. This continued until everything had been tried on.
Kayla nodded put the clothes in the basket and mentioned, "Now for the under clothes." She judging by the pants size, guessed his waist size and picked up a pack of dark colored boxers, a pack of white briefs, and two packs of white socks after also judging his foot size. She took everything to the counter, with him following close behind and paid for it. Bankotsu carried the bags as they went to get him some shoes.
Bankotsu complained, "Why do I have to have these confining things!?" as he pointed at the shoes.

Kayla replied firmly, "So you don't damage your feet, hot shot! In this time people leave broken glass everywhere! Now stop complaining and let's go!"
Bankotsu sighed and followed her yet again, as they walked over to the womens clothes. Kayla after browsing a while bought a few new v neck styled tops and a few new pairs of jeans. Bankotsu had grown bored and walked off taking in thier surroundings for a bit. Kayla looked up, noticed he was gone, and began searching for him. She found him in the lingerie department and blushed.
Kayla approached him and asked, "Um, what are you doing over here?"
Bankotsu pointed to a lacy negligee that had caught his eye while he was passing through and asked in a voice full of awe, "What is that!?"
Kayla followed his finger, blushed and mumbled, "Something a woman wears for her husband or boyfriend, can we go now?"
Bankotsu looked at her intensely and questioned, "Do you have one of those!?" and pointed to the negligee again.
Kayla blushed a little and answered, "No! Now can we leave yet!?"
Bankotsu crossed his arms in front of his chest, planted his feet shoulder width apart, looked her dead in the eye and demanded firmly, "Not until you get one of those!"
Kayla sighed heavily and argued, "I don't need one, now let's get out of here!"
Bankotsu shook his head in denial and demanded determinedly, "Either you get it or I will! You should have at least one!"
Kayla informed, "I haven't got a man, so no I don't need one; now let's just leave!"
Bankotsu remained adamant and fumed, "NOT until you get one!"
Kayla stared at him and demanded, "Why do you care so damn much, if I have one or not!?"
Bankotsu held her gaze and stated evenly, "Because you are to pretty not to!"
Kayla stood there in shock for a minute, then looked at him and demanded, "If I get one, will you FINALLY let us get the hell out of here!?" Bankotsu held her gaze and nodded. Kayla sighed and grabbed a black one that was just her size, then said, "Happy now!? Let's go!"
Bankotsu grinned and nodded, he relaxed his stance and followed her to the counter. He was secretly pleased because she had grabbed the one he had been admiring before she showed up. They paid for their stuff and the two of them carried their bags back to her house.
At Kayla's house....

Kayla shuffled the bags in order to unlock the door and they went inside. Kayla walked to her room and put her new jeans and shirts away and walked to Bankotsu's room and deposited the other bags on Bankotsu's bed. Kayla showed Bankotsu how to use the draws in the dresser and stated, "You can put your own clothes away!"
She walked into the kitchen and began preparing lunch. Bankotsu shoved his clothes into the drawers and came across the negligee. He grinned and walked into the kitchen clutching the negligee. He cleared his throat and said, "Kayla!"
She spun to face him and snapped, "What!?"
He mentioned amused, "You forgot something." and thrust the negligee at her.
Kayla sighed heavily, snatched it and growled, "I don't know why the hell you insisted I buy that, It's not like I will ever wear it."
He announced confidently, "You will someday."
She said, "Whatever.." and stormed off to her room; where she put the negligee away.
Bankotsu stood there admiring her luscious ass; which was perfectly molded by her jeans, while she stormed away. She went into the kitchen and finished lunch. She placed his rice and shrimp in front of him and commanded, "Eat up."
Bankotsu hid a smile, sat at the table and ate his food. Kayla sat down finished her food and put her dishes in the sink. Bankotsu mentioned impressed, "You sure do know how to cook. This is the tastiest food I have ever eaten."
Kayla faced him and blushed and said, "Thanks." Kayla cleared her throat and stated, "Okay, I know you got to have questions by now, so ask away."
Bankotsu nodded and questioned, "Alright, are you a priestess?"
Kayla sighed sat down and answered, "Yes and you and I are the ONLY people who know! I am already considered enough of a disappointment and freak in my time even to my family... So I haven't told anyone else about that. I have the powers and all, but zero training."
Bankotsu looked shocked then queried, "Why!? Why would they consider you a disappointment!?"
Kayla looked at him and replied, "I already told you. I am quote "to outspoken and smart for a woman" un quote."
Bankotsu scowled and demanded, "Who the hell said that!?"
Kayla sighed and said vehemently, "Every guy I have ever met until you. INCLUDING my ex fiancee."
Bankotsu narrowed his eyes and commanded, "Explain!"
Kayla sighed eyes filled with hurt and betrayal and explained, "My ex promised to marry me, but his parents freaked out and said all that; as well as insisted that I was unsuitable as far as being his wife! So they took it upon themselves and found him a more suitable girl to marry. They married three months ago and I haven't seen or heard from his lousy ass since then. I told him point blank not to ever come near me again; the minute he told me he was going to marry her."
She balled her hands in to fists and seethed, "That bastard actually had the nerve to expect me to be his mistress. I told him in no uncertain terms to go to hell and left."
Bankotsu nodded and stated seriously, "Good for you. You deserve better than a jerk like that."
Kayla nodded and said, "Next question."
Bankotsu asked, "Why don't you have any priestess training?"
Kayla replied softly, "Kagome and her mom are the only ones in the family; that they know of who have the powers, so they received the training."
Bankotsu questioned, "Don't you want to hone your skills as well?"
Kayla scoffed and responded, "The only skills I want or need, are to protect myself. I am training on my own and do know basic self defense and hand to hand combat; but I don't have any of the skills of a real warrior."
Bankotsu nodded, thought things over and offered, "I could teach you. If you really want to learn."
Kayla held his gaze and informed him, "The men in my time are all jack asses and I REFUSE to have to rely on ANY of them for my own protection. If you are truly willing to teach me, I would be forever grateful."
Bankotsu nodded and announced seriously, "We will start your training tomorrow."
Kayla grinned and said, "Thank you very much, Sensei."
Bankotsu nodded and warned, "I won't go easy on you because you are a girl either. It will be tough and painful."
Kayla informed him, "Pain is nothing new to me, I can handle it."
Bankotsu nodded and mentioned, "We shall see." Kayla beamed at him.

Bankotsu's POV

“Man she sure has the heart of a warrior! She has a pretty smile too! She should smile more often!”

Regular POV

Kayla asked, "Do you want to learn to read and write?" He thought it over a minute then nodded. She smiled and pulled out some paper and pencils and placed them on the table in front of him. She drew the upper case and lower case alphabets on them and the digits 0-9 for him, and showed him how to write them. She told him to sit there and practice for a while.
He looked at her frowning and questioned, "Where are you going to go?"
She smiled and answered, "To clean the dishes." He nodded and practiced writing, while she did the dishes. After wards she sat with him and he practiced writing some more. After a few hours he got really frustrated and yelled, "DAMNIT!" and slammed his fist on the paper on the table.
Kayla soothed, "That is enough for now! You are doing great Bankotsu! It just takes a while, that is all!"
Bankotsu stormed over to the couch, plopped onto it and sulked. Kayla put the stuff away and went to the living room; to try to console him. Kayla said gently, "You will get it Ban! It just takes patience and practice."
Kayla wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. Bankotsu quickly pulled her into his lap. Kayla was surprised, but didn't object. Bankotsu hugged her to him and buried his face in her neck. Kayla sighed happily. Bankotsu reached into her hair and deftly removed her hair tie. Kayla realizing her hair was now free, looked at him with a raised brow.

Bankotsu smiled and mentioned, "It looks much better down." Kayla smiled and nodded. Bankotsu then buried his face in her hair. Kayla sat there soothing him a few minutes. He started nuzzling his face into her neck. She became uncomfortable and said, "Um Ban, I really think we should stop." Bankotsu sighed heavily and pulled back and released his hold on her. Kayla stood up and stated, "I think I am gonna go to bed, goodnight Bankotsu."
He sighed heavily and murmured, "Nite Kayla."
Kayla walked off to her room and climbed into bed. Bankotsu sighed, went to his bed and laid there staring at the ceiling. Kayla sighed and stared at her ceiling hoping for sleep to over take her. After twenty minutes she closed her eyes and sleep finally over took her. An hour later sleep finally claimed a frustrated Bankotsu.

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter two please remember to read and review thanks.