InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, and the plot, and storyline... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 3:

The next morning Kayla woke up, and walked to the kitchen and made breakfast. Bankotsu entered just as she was placing the food on the table. They ate together and Kayla insisted, "Ok follow me and I will show you where we bathe in this era." Bankotsu nodded and followed her into the guest bathroom.
Kayla mentioned, "Okay, the toilet you figured out, but you gotta remember to flush it. Like this." She flushed the toilet and he nodded.
She walked over to the tub and explained, "There are two ways to bathe, one is to lay in the tub filled with water, naked of course. The other is called a shower. Almost like standing under a waterfall but more concentrated." She continued, "This knob is for hot water, the other is cold water. This switches between tub and shower. Up is shower, down is tub."
He nodded and with a puzzled expression questioned, "How does the water get in there?"
She replied, "In this era we have something called plumbing, basically the well pumps the water through the pipes and into the tub, shower or sink." He frowned a bit confused, then nodded. Kayla asked, "You want a bath or a shower?"
He answered, "Shower."
She nodded and set it for shower and queried, "How do you want the temperature set?"
He shrugged and replied, "I am used to hot springs."
She nodded, set a temperature and ordered, "Come stick you hand under the water and tell me hotter, colder, or just right, depending on what you want."
He walked over, felt the water and said, "It's fine." She nodded got up and moved out of the way.
She showed him how to open the bottles and squeeze out the stuff and explained, "This one is shampoo for washing your hair, that is conditioner, also for hair and the last one is body wash. You take this sponge and squeeze the body wash onto it like this, then run the sponge all over your body. I will leave you to it now."

She moved to leave while he began to undress. He quickly shed his clothes then reached out snagged her arm and climbed into the tub yanking her in with him. Shocked she gasped and he looked at her and smirked. She demanded, "What the hell are you doing!?"
He smirked and commanded, "Show me."
Her eyes widened in surprise and she declared, "I am NOT staying in the shower with a naked man!" She moved to get out and he yanked her back into his chest. She glared at him and demanded, "Release me! NOW!"
He chuckled and looked down into her eyes and mentioned amused, "Come on Kayla, I am new to all of this, I know you explained it, but I won't understand it fully until you show me!" He unexpectedly pursed his lips, pouting and requested, "Please!?"
She sighed heavily and reluctantly agreed, "Just this once. Now turn around and I will wash your back." He grinned and turned around presenting her with his back. She gulped nervously and ran the sponge over his back and down his legs. She made certain to avert her eyes from his private areas at all times. She was also pink from embarrassment as she had never even been close to a naked man before. Then she cleared her throat and ordered, "Turn around again and lift your hands above your head." He did as told and she washed his chest and ribs then handed him the sponge and said slightly embarrassed, "Um, you get the idea now so you can finish the rest yourself."
He took the sponge she threw at his chest and informed her, "Don't leave yet. You still have to show me how to wash my hair."
She sighed heavily and muttered, "Let's get this over with then." She commanded, "Bend down so I can see the top of your head." He bent his head as she had requested. She lathered the shampoo in his hair and scrubbed his scalp, then rinsed it and said, "Now repeat all that with the conditioner."
He nodded, she got out of the shower and demanded, "Now behave and finish your shower; while I go change into clean, DRY clothes!" He chuckled as he watched her as she stormed off.

Bankotsu's POV

I smirked thinking, “Man, I just love pushing her buttons! I like the way her eyes fill with fire when she is mad! I loved feeling her hands on my body! Damn! I have got to get her into bed, and soon! I can already tell she is going to be one helluva good fuck!”
I shook my head trying to clear it of my lust filled thoughts and turned the remainder of my shower into a cold shower.

Regular POV

Kayla stomped into her bathroom and threw her soaked clothes into the hamper, then took a shower.

Kayla's POV

I stood under the shower silently fuming about the shower incident.
“I bet that smart ass knew EXACTLY what he was doing! GGRRR that damn guy so is infuriating! Got a great body though! WHAT!? No bad Kayla! He is INFURIATING! STOP thinking about his hot body! Bad Kayla!” I silently berated myself.
I growled annoyed with my self and my bad thoughts and shut off the shower.
I wrapped my towel around me and went to dress in my room.

Regular POV

Kayla walked out of the bathroom, with her towel wrapped around her. She walked over to her dresser and pulled out fresh under clothes and slipped into them. She walked over to her closet and pulled out her new faded blue hipster jeans and a rust colored v neck t shirt and carried them to her bed. After depositing the clothes on her bed, Kayla sighed heavily as she sat on her bed. Kayla slipped into her jeans, stood up and turned around and pulled them up over her hips. She had just finished fastening them, when she turned around and noticed Bankotsu was standing in her door way; staring at her with a smirk on his face.

Bankotsu's POV

I finished my shower, got out and dressed in some of my new clothes.
“Damn that wench! Getting into my head like this! I better go tell her to prepare for training!” I walked down the hallway and saw her bedroom door opened. I stood in the door way and stopped dead in my tracks.
She was standing with her back to me and pulling on her "jeans" I decided to enjoy the lovely view she was giving me of her firm, perfectly sculpted, muscular, ass. She turned around and fastened her pants and my eyes locked on to her perfectly rounded chest. “Damn she is fucking hot! She has curves in just the right places! I would love to get her underneath; me screaming my name!”
I was snapped out of my lustful thoughts as she screamed and started throwing stuff at me. I smirked and ducked out of her room then walked into the living room.

Regular POV

Kayla screamed, "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Get out of here you pervert! NOW!"
She started throwing shoes at him until he finally ducked out of her room. She stormed over to her door and slammed the door behind him. Kayla grumbled, "Damn that peeping tom! GGGGGGGRRRRRRRR!"
Kayla finished dressing, then stormed into the living room. Bankotsu was sitting on the couch, with his hands behind his head, and grinning. Kayla stormed over, stood directly in front of him glaring at him and asked sarcastically, "Did you enjoy the view, you damn perv!?"
Bankotsu looked her dead in the eye, smirked and replied, "Actually, yes I did!" Kayla blushed brightly.
Bankotsu said, "Hey don't blame me! You are the one who left the door open."
Kayla replied evenly, "Well, I will be sure to close it from now on." She spun around, he grabbed her arm and turned her to face him.
Bankotsu fake whined, "Aw, that would take away my fun! Not to mention the lovely view." as he wriggled his eye brows suggestively. Kayla blushed even more and looked away, then turned away again. Bankotsu smiled and turned her to face him.
Bankotsu looked her dead in the eye and stated seriously, "I won't apologize for seeing you dress, because I am NOT sorry for that! Truth be told, I quite enjoyed that very interesting view! But, I am sorry that you got embarrassed, ok." Kayla nodded.
Bankotsu suggested, "Good! Now let's go outside and you can show me what you have learned so far." Kayla nodded and they went outside. They began sparring hand to hand. After an hour Bankotsu informed her seriously, "Not to shabby. But, you definitely need improvement!"
He began showing her several new techniques and they practiced for a few more hours. Just as he threw her onto her butt again, two boys walked up.
One stormed over; with eyes filled with anger and yelled, "Kayla!" Kayla jumped up and went over to greet the newcomers. Kayla said, "Hello Hojo, Toru. How are you two doing today?"
Toru pointed to Bankotsu and demanded, "Who the hell is that!?"
Kayla faced him and answered evenly, "Not that it is any of your business, BUT he is an old friend and is going to be staying with me for a while."
Hojo looked at her and asked, "Is Kagome home yet?"
Kayla looked at him and answered, "Nope, sorry she is still gone. But, I will be certain to tell her you have been asking about her and stopping by."
Hojo beamed and nodded. Hojo handed her a basket of fruit and suggested, "Make sure she gets this; it will make her recover faster if she eats it." Kayla nodded and accepted the fruit basket.
Bankotsu came up and inquired evenly, "What's going on?"
Kayla faced him and introduced, "Bankotsu, meet Hojo and Toru, guys Bankotsu." They all nodded and Toru glared at Bankotsu.
Toru stared Bankotsu in the eye and demanded, "What the hell is going on!? Kayla NEVER lets guys stay with her, but you are!?"
Bankotsu held his gaze and replied evenly, "She can do whatever she wants."
Kayla nodded faced Toru and reminded evenly, "You and your cousin don't control my life, Toru!"
Toru snorted and snapped, "I guarantee Nenji won't be happy when he hears about this!"
Kayla's eyes narrowed angrily and snapped, "I don't give a shit what he thinks! He is out of my life now, by his own damn choice."
Kayla stormed away and put the fruit basket in her aunt's house, then locked it up. Bankotsu walked over to Kayla and hugged her to him. He could tell she was upset and instinctively wanted to comfort her. Kayla sighed, turned to face him, and hugged him back.

Toru seethed seeing this and stormed over and glared at Kayla and demanded angrily, "Since WHEN do you let guys hug or comfort you, Kayla!?"
Kayla rounded on him with narrowed eyes and snapped angrily, "It is NONE of your damn business WHAT I do or don't do with ANYBODY! Run back to your asshole cousin and report to him if you want. I don't really care. He chose this, not me. I am just moving on with my life! So fucking deal with it or leave me the hell alone!"
Bankotsu glaring at Toru, placed a hand on Kayla's shoulder and ordered coldly, "I think it is time you BOTH leave."
Toru glared at him and roared, "This isn't over with. Not by a LONG shot. Nenji is gonna be furious!"
Kayla yelled, "Nenji can go to hell for all I care! Now, LEAVE!" Hojo's eyes wide from shock and fear, ran off and Toru angrily stormed off after him.
Bankotsu turned her and forced her to look at him, then queried, "What was that all about!?"
Kayla sighed and answered, "Nenji is my ex, Toru is his cousin and reports my every move to him. Hojo is Kagome's suitor and brings her stuff whenever she is gone. They think she is sick; but she is actually in your era."
Kayla then walked off inside her house, and Bankotsu followed her.
Bankotsu informed her, "That's enough training for today. You did better then I expected."
Kayla said, "Thanks."
She set about cooking dinner. A few minutes later the phone rang. Kayla sighed as she walked over to the living room and answered it.
Kayla "Hello?"
Mioki "Hey Kayla."
Kayla "Oh hey Aunt Mioki, what's up?"
Mioki "Just wondering how you are holding up. Is everything ok honey?"
Kayla "I am good. Had a visit from Hojo and Toru today."
Mioki "How did that go?"
Kayla "About like normal, Toru threw a hissy fit and I made him leave."
Mioki "Is Kagome back yet?"
Kayla "Not yet she isn't."
Mioki "Okay well gramps, Souta, and I got here safe and sound. You take it easy ok."
Kayla "I am glad you all got the safely, you take it easy yourselves, that's what a vacation is for, right?"
Mioki "Okay, bye Kayla."
Kayla hung up the phone and sighed heavily. Bankotsu looked at her and raised a brow questioningly. Kayla sighed and explained, "It is called a telephone and that was aunt Mioki, Kagome's mom. They went on vacation, I chose to stay here. A phone is how we communicate in this era."
Bankotsu nodded and asked, "Why did you choose to stay here?"
Kayla answered, "I like the idea of being on my own and having the entire shrine to myself; unless Kags or that mutt show up."
Bankotsu chuckled and questioned amused, "I take it you and Inutrasha don't get along either?"
Kayla laughed, then replied, "He is always making Kags cry and then the jerk forces her to go back; of course we don't get along. Kags is the only family member besides my aunt that doesn't treat me like an idiot. So I don't like when that mutt hurts her."
Bankotsu queried, "So what does he do to make her cry?"
Kayla sighed and replied, "She can't help but love the fool and he loves her and his first love at the same time. That jerk is stringing them both along and refuses to make a damn choice! Kags is to much of a softy and won't force him to chose either."
Bankotsu questioned, "So she loves him, huh!?"
Kayla nodded and stated, "He runs off to Kikyo every time he smells her near, Kags follows, ends up hurt and runs home. A day later Inutrasha shows up and drags her back to his time. Idiotic mutt." Bankotsu shook his head. Kayla announced, "Dinner is done, now eat."
They ate, then practiced his writing again. After an hour she encouraged, "Excellent! See, I told you that you would get it. Tomorrow we will work on writing words and practicing the sounds."
Bankotsu pleased with his progress, grinned and wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close. Kayla hugged him back and mentioned encouragingly, "See, you are getting it, Ban.”

Bankotsu scooped her up bride style, and carried her to the living room, then dropped her onto the couch. Kayla recovered from her shock and sat up, glared up at him and demanded, "What was that for!?"
He grinned, and pushed her back down, then laid down on top of her; pinning her hands above her head. He looking into her eyes, smirked cockily and began to lower his head to and nuzzling her neck. Kayla warned seriously, "You had better not even THINK about it Bankotsu, I barely know you."
He sighed frustrated and got off of her; to sit beside her as she also sat up.
He looked at her and stated, "You know I am from the past. You know I am the leader of a group of mercenaries." He smirked and smugly added, "You know I am sexy, and hot, and that I am a great kisser. What more do you need to know!?" he asked.
Kayla looked at him and countered, "I know nothing about your family or your lifestyle."
Bankotsu pouted and grumbled, "I don't know why you insist on knowing all of this."
Kayla informed him seriously, "I almost made the BIGGEST mistake of my life moving so fast with my ex. I won't go through that hell again."
Bankotsu grew angry, glared at her, and snapped, "Don't EVER compare me to that bastard again. I am a man of honor and keep my word."
Kayla looked at him and stated evenly, "I didn't mean to question your honor; nor did I mean to compare you to him. I won't make the same mistakes! I want to get to know you first."
Bankotsu sighed and said, "Fine. Ask me whatever you want to know."
Kayla questioned, "What is your favorite meal?"
Bankotsu replied seriously, "Anything you cook." Kayla laughed and Bankotsu smiled.
Kayla queried, "What about your parents? Brothers, sisters?"
Bankotsu replied, "My parents died when I was 10 and I was an only child. In fact other then me, my entire village was slaughtered."
Kayla gasped and said, "I'm sorry. That must have been horrible."
Bankotsu stated evenly, "I survived." Kayla nodded.
Bankotsu added, "My only family now; are my band of seven brothers." Kayla nodded again.
Bankotsu said, "Next question."
Kayla asked, "When were you born?"
He answered, "During the winter."
Kayla asked, "What month, what day, how old are you at least?"
He replied, "Don't know the day or month, it was beginning of winter, and I am 19."
Kayla mentioned, "On my birthday, I will be 18; that makes you one year older than me."
He inquired, "So when is your birthday?"
Kayla looked away and answered sadly, "It's tomorrow actually."
Bankotsu asked, "Are you gonna celebrate it?"
Kayla shrugged and replied, "I am not sure yet; I bet my family won't even remember. I am used to it though, so I usually don't celebrate it."
Bankotsu looked her dead in the eye and informed herdead seriously, "We ARE celebrating it. I am here this time and I will be damned if I let you spend the day sulking and hiding from the world on your birthday."
Kayla queried, "Why do you care? Even my own family could care less; so why should someone I have barely known a few days?" she looked away again.
Bankotsu made her face him and answered seriously, "I care about you Kayla. EVERYONE has one special day a year. You ARE going to enjoy it. Because if you don't; I will put you over my knee and paddle your sexy little ass, got it!?" Kayla swallowed, blushed, and nodded. He commanded, "Good. Now go to sleep. In the morning we are going to figure out what to do for your birthday. I am cooking tomorrow and you are going to have fun."
She nodded and mentioned, "Thank you Bankotsu, for caring. And for being my friend."
He nodded and replied, "You're welcome." Then he ordered, "Now off to bed feisty." He smirked knowing he was about to piss her off and slapped her on her butt and sent her away.
She stormed into her room and threw herself onto her bed. He chuckled and went to his bed. They laid there tossing and turning for an hour, then fell asleep.

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter three please remember to read and review thanks.