InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, and the plot, and storyline... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 5:

Next morning....

Kayla woke up and laying on her back and stared at the ceiling.
She felt deliciously naughty remembering what happened last night.
She grinned as she thought about how gentle and attentive he had been.

Kayla's POV

I thought 'WOW! I can't believe he was so gentle! I hope he won't be mad at me. I mean we both were active participants and all but I didn't get the chance to do much. Oh well I will just have to make that up to him today if he lets me!'
I rolled onto my side, propped my self up on my elbow and looked over at Bankotsu's sleeping form and saw him staring at me.

Regular POV

Kayla looked into his eyes and blushed and said, "Morning."
Bankotsu looked into her eyes and pulled her to him and replied, "Morning beautiful."
Kayla mentioned, "Um about last night..."
Bankotsu announced happily, "Last night was great!"
Kayla blushed and agreed, "It really was! But, I hope you aren't mad at me."
Bankotsu looked at her confused and raised a brow and asked, "Why would I be mad?"
Kayla answered, "Because I didn't do much, I just enjoyed your touch."
Bankotsu laughed and informed her, "You are supposed to enjoy my touch!"
Kayla bit her bottom lip and stated a bit shyly, "Yeah but I didn't really get to... touch you."
Bankotsu grinned and queried, "You wanted to touch me, huh?"
Kayla nodded.
Bankotsu held her gaze as he reached out and clasped her hand, and brought it to his lips, kissed her knuckles, then placed it on his chest and breathed, "Touch away, Kayla."
Kayla nodded and began to hesitantly run her hands across his chest and nipples.
Bankotsu smiled and encouraged her to touch his stomach; by grasping her hand and rubbing it down to his stomach.
He then again released her hand.

Warning: Lemon here!

Kayla traced her finger across his rock hard abs, and smiled in appreciation of his masculine beauty.
Kayla grew bolder seeing his hot gaze and began to brush her fingers against his erection.
Bankotsu hissed in pleasure and Kayla jumped back and questioned, "Did I hurt you?"
Bankotsu threw his head back and laughed.
Bankotsu stared her dead in the eye and stated seriously, "I wasn't hissing from pain Kayla, it was from the pleasure!"
Kayla grinned and brushed her fingers against his erection again.
She watched in awe as his hips bucked up and he moaned.
Kayla grew even bolder and wrapped her hand around his throbbing erection and started rubbing it.
Bankotsu moaned again and Kayla breathed, "Tell me how to please you... the way you pleased me."
Bankotsu reached down and pulled her into a fierce kiss; which she eagerly returned.
Kayla was still rubbing her hand along his cock as they kissed.
Bankotsu rolled her on top of him and breathlessly commanded, "Straddle my hips."
Kayla moved to straddle his hips.
Bankotsu thrust a finger inside her opening and Kayla moaned.
Bankostu smirked and queried, "You like that, huh?" while looking into her eyes.
Kayla gasped in pleasure and nodded, returning his gaze.
Bankotsu smirked and thrust two fingers inside her as he leaned over and kissed her neck.
Kayla moved to meet his thrusting fingers, and gasped at the pleasure coursing through her.
Bankotsu removed his fingers, bringing them to his lips and lapping them clean.
Then he settled himself at her opening and roughly pulled her down onto him.
Kayla cried out in pleasure, as he entered her.
Bankotsu looked at her with passion filled eyes and demanded huskily, "Ride me baby!" and began lifting her hips.
Kayla began slamming her self down onto him.
They moaned together increasing their pace, until Kayla hit her release and cried out, "BANKOTSU!"
Bankotsu thrust twice more and released his hot seed into her womb, letting out a guttural groan.
Kayla collapsed on top of Bankotsu.
They lay there holding one another; just enjoying the after glow of their love making.

Warning: End lemon!

After while Kayla stood up, walked into the bath room and started a shower.
Just after she had climbed into the shower; Bankotsu walked into the bathroom and climbed into the shower with her.
Surprised Kayla asked, "What are you doing?"
Bankotsu smiled a boyish smile and informed her, "Showering with you!"
Kayla blushed and said, "Um..."
Bankotsu took the sponge from her and began cleaning her making sure to tease her nipples.
Kayla gasped in pleasure and began to pant, then she took the sponge and bathed Bankotsu making sure to tease him back.
They ended up making love in the shower, re-washing and then getting out.
Bankotsu stood with a towel wrapped around his waist staring at Kayla as she wrapped a towel around her lithe body.
The phone rang and Kayla, entered the bed room then answered it.
Kayla "Hello?"
Juro "What's this I hear about your fiancee!?"
Kayla sighed heavily.
Kayla "Hello gramps."
Juro "Don't you gramps me young lady! Now why did Nenji call me up screaming about you being engaged?"
Kayla "Because Nenji is an asshole and dosen't mind his own damn business!"
Juro "Are you engaged or not!?"
Kayla "Gee gramps, what do you think!?"
Bankotsu in the back ground mentioned, "Hey Kayla I am gonna go get dressed now!"
Kayla covered the phone and hissed, "Ban!"
Bankotsu chuckled.
Juro "Is that him!?"
Kayla "Yeah gramps it is."
Juro "Put him on! NOW!"
Kayla sighed heavily, handed the phone to Bankotsu and stated, "Ban, gramps is demanding to talk to you."
Bankotsu raised a brow and took the phone.
Bankotsu "Hello."
Juro "You are in a heap of trouble young man! Why didn't you wait for me to return in order to ask for my grand daughters hand in marriage!?"
Bankotsu "You were not here when I asked her. Besides she is a grown woman who is capable of making her own decisions!"
Juro "Even so you still should have waited to ask me! It's tradition you know!"
Bankotsu "Yeah okay."
Kayla looked nervously at Bankostu.
Bankotsu gave her a reassuring look.
Juro "Well what's done is done. Now I expect you to take good care of her until we get back and I expect to meet you when I return as well! Understood?"
Bankotsu "If we are still here, and just so you know old man, NO ONE orders me around!"
Juro sighed heavily.
Juro "I can see why she chose you! You sound just like her!"
Bankotsu "I am hanging up now."
Bankotsu hung up the phone.
Kayla questioned, "How bad was he?"
Bankotsu replied, "He ordered me to meet him when he returned. Imagine an old man thinking he could just start ordering me around!"
Kayla stated evenly, "Thats gramps alright! I am sorry for all of this!"
Bankotsu soothed, "It's not your fault!"
Kayla hissed, "I know! It's that asshole Nenji's fault! He is the one who told gramps."
Bankotsu left to dress and Kayla dressed in a pale yellow summer dress.
Kayla made breakfast and had just set it on the table when Bankotsu walked into the kitchen.
Kayla mentioned, "I knew this was gonna happen the minute you said we were engaged."
Bankotsu informed her, "As far as any of them are concerned; we are engaged!"
Kayla sighed.
Bankotsu smirked and proclaimed amused, "Besides, I like the idea of you belonging to me!"
Kayla countered, "I am not a piece of property!"
Bankotsu smiled and stated, "No not property, but you are a woman!"
He added huskily, "MY woman!" as he pulled her into his body and kissed her fiercely.
Kayla broke the kiss and said breathlessly, "I could get used to being your woman!"
Bankotsu grinned, nodded, kissed her for head, then released her.
They sat down and ate their food, then did the dishes.
They sat down and continued his reading and writing practices for a few hours.
Then they went out side and walked around the shrine holding hands.

In the Feudal Era...

Kagome announced, "I need to go back for supplies any ways, so why don't we go to my era for a few days Inuyasha?"
Inuyasha said, "Fine, but only for a few days!"
They announced they were leaving, took off to the well and jumped in, but nothing happened.
Kagome frowned and asked, "Why didn't it work!?"
Inuyasha demanded, "What the hell is going on!?"
Kagome sighed heavily and cried alarmed, "I can't get home Inuyasha! It's broken!"
Inuyasha grumbled, "GREAT! Now I have to spend the new moon here!"
Kagome started crying and kept repeating, "I can't get home!"
Inuyasha sighed, picked her up and carried her back to Kaedee's hut.
Kaedee questioned, "Back already?"
Inuyasha answered, "Well must be broken or something, it ain't working!"
Kaedee said, "Hmm, puzzling indeed!"

Back with Kayla and Bankotsu...

Over the next week they finished his lessons and continued hers.
One morning, Kayla went into the bathroom to brush her teeth.
She looked at her reflection and spotted something on her for head.
She dropped her tooth brush and screamed.
Bankotsu came running into the bathroom, worry evident on his face and in his eyes.
His eyes widened, and he gasped at what he saw.
Kayla faced him and queried, "What happened to me!? Why do I now have the same mark on my for head!?"
Bankotsu stood staring in complete shock a minute, then slowly walked to and sat down on the bed.
Bankotsu exclaimed shocked, "I can't believe it! No wonder we were instantly so drawn to each other!"
Kayla stared at him and demanded, "What is going on Ban!?!"
Bankotsu smirked and informed her cockily, "That mark means you are mine! It's like the demon mating mark. It will tell EVERYONE be they human or demon; that you belong to me!"
Kayla gasped and demanded, "Say what!?"
Bankotsu explained, "A long time ago before my mother died, she explained the mark on my for head and also that one day; I would find the one woman who was created specifically for me! That marks proves that we belong together and you ARE that one woman!"
Kayla sat beside him in shock, taking in all he had said.
Kayla questioned, "But how can that be? We were born 500+ years apart!"
Bankotsu nodded and stated, "I never believed it, I thought mother was just telling me a fairytale. But, Ever since I first saw you I felt strange; like I had finally found what I had been searching for!"
Kayla admitted, "I felt the same, but didn't understand why I would."
Bankotsu looked her dead in the eye and mentioned, "This mark proves we are meant for each other."
He kissed the mark on her for head tenderly.
Kayla closed her eyes and queried, "Ban, what are we going to do now?"
He replied dead seriously, "As soon as the well starts working again, we are going to my era! We will be getting married as well!"
Kayla gasped and asked shocked, "M...Married!?"
He replied, "Yes married! I know you wish to have a family some day, so we will. You will bear my children; but only after we marry!"
Kayla nodded, grinned and agreed eagerly, "Married it is then!"
He stated, "Good! Because I REFUSE to leave you or our children behind! Kayla I HAVE to go back and avenge my 3 fallen comrades!"
Kayla nodded and mentioned, "I know that, and I want to stay with you, I really do! But I am scared, it's a whole new world I know almost nothing about and this world hasn't been so great! What if the other one is even worse!?"
Bankotsu reassured, "We will face it together! You are not alone anymore Kayla! We have finally found each other, and I am NOT letting go of you!" he finished fiercely.
Kayla leaned against his side and closed her eyes; savoring the feel of belonging.
She knew deep in her heart that what he said was true, that they did belong together.
Kayla declared, "Ban, I will go with you, but I will need some supplies first."
He nodded and demanded, "Fine, lets pack them then and go try the well."
Kayla pulled out her orange back pack from high school days and packed her first aid kit, extra gauze, lots of beef jerky, dried fruits, nuts, and pulled out her sleeping bag, 2 canteens, several sets of under clothes, 2 spare outfits, a note book and pencils, her hair ties and brush, shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.
Then she changed into some jeans, a t shirt, draped a flannel shirt around her waist and tied the arms together and pulled on her tennis shoes.
She found Bankotsu back in his original outfit and eyed him up and down and smiled appreciatively.
Kayla jotted down a quick note to Kagome in case she came back home, set it on the table and announced, "I am ready now."
Bankotsu nodded and replied, "Let's go then. I want to test a theory."
Kayla nodded and she locked her place up and hid the keys in her bag then shouldered her bag.
They walked hand in hand to the well.
They stopped beside the well and Kayla became really nervous.
Bankotsu sensing her discomfort, gently scooped her up into his arms bride style and jumped into the well.
They were surrounded by a bluish white light, Kayla buried her head into his neck.
After the light left Bankotsu mentioned, "Same light as last time, so let's hope it worked!"
Bankotsu landed at the bottom of the well and gently placed Kayla on her feet, then he and Kayla climbed out of the well.
Bankotsu hefted his self over the rim and smiled and declared, "It worked!"
He reached over and carefully lifted Kayla over the rim of the well and she gasped at the new surroundings.
Kayla mumbled, "I don't believe it actually worked."
Bankotsu looked around and informed her, "Now we just have to locate Banryuu and then we can be on our way."
Bankotsu lead Kayla by the hand and searched the area where he fought the demon and found Banryuu still embedded in a tree.
Bankotsu's face and eyes lit up and he cooed happily, "Ah! There you are baby!"
He let go of Kayla's hand then grasped the handle, tugged and freed his Banryuu and hefted it onto his shoulder proudly.
Kayla's eyes widened in shock and gasped as she exclaimed, "Kami Ban! It's HUGE!"
Bankotsu settled his gaze on his woman and smirked and replied cockily, "You already knew that from last night, babe!"
He reached out and pulled her to him and purred in her ear suggestively, "But if you want, I will be glad to show you again!"
Kayla pulled back stared into his eyes blushed like mad, playfully slapped his chest and scolded, "Not that you brat! The halberd!"
He chuckled and said, "Oh you mean my baby!"
He looked at his pride and joy and introduced, "Banryuu meet Kayla, Kayla, my Banryuu!"
Kayla smiled and nodded then humoring him, looked at Banryuu and greeted, "Hello Banryuu."
The halberd glowed, briefly illuminated them, then dimmed again.
Bankotsu looked at Kayla, winked and proclaimed cheerfully, "I think Banryuu approves of you as well!"
Kayla looked into his eyes and said, "I hope so."
Bankotsu threw an arm around her waist, pulled her into his side and announced, "We better get moving. We have lots of ground to cover and not much time left before dark."
Kayla nodded and they set off.
Bankotsu carrying Banryuu and Kayla walking beside him on the other side.
They traveled until an hour after sunset, then Kayla announced she was tired.
Bankotsu decided to camp for the nite and kept his Banryuu close at hand.
The next morning they set out again.
Close to noon they stopped by the river close to a huge rock.
Bankotsu looked at Kayla and announced he was gonna go look for the others and told Kayla to wait by the river.
Kayla reluctantly nodded and climbed on top of the huge rock by the river.
About 20 minutes later Kayla was relaxing on the rock when she heard muffled foot steps.
She turned around hoping to see Bankotsu.
Her eyes widened in shock as she saw a strangely dressed guy with two stripes on his cheeks and gasped in shock.
The guy narrowed his eyes and they bored into her.
He demanded in a some what feminine voice, "Who are you!? And how did you find this place!? Answer me you filthy woman!"
His gaze landed on her for head as his eyes widened in shock and gasped and demanded, "What the hell is that!?" and pointed to her for head.
Kayla started, "Um..."
He moved to draw his sword and flung it out to wards her.
Kayla screamed and her eyes widened in surprise; as she noticed it move like a snake and was headed directly to wards her.
She saw a blinding flash, as Banryuu deflected the sword. She blinked in shock, and her eyes settled on an irate Bankotsu.
Bankotsu faced the man and angrily demanded, "What the fuck do you think you are doing, Jakotsu!?"
Jakotsu gasped and exclaimed, "Big brother!?"
Bankotsu glared icily at Jakotsu a minute, then walked over to Kayla.
He helped her up, looked her over inspecting for any injuries and demanded, "Are you alright!?"
Kayla looked into his eyes, then nodded, eyes still wide with shock and fear.
Bankotsu swung around to face Jakotsu and demanded, "Well!?"
Jakotsu bowed his head and answered evenly, "I saw that vile thing laying there and she refused to answer what she was doing here!"
Bankotsu looked him straight on and roared furiously, "You are DAMN lucky I got here in time; or I would now be killing you! Don't you EVER attack her again! AM I CLEAR!?"
Jakotsu looked into his eyes and nodded vigorously and said sheepishly, "Sorry big brother, I didn't think..."
Bankotsu cut him off angrily, "You NEVER think where women are concerned, Jakotsu, that is the problem!"
Bankotsu strapped his Banryuu securely to his back.
Then Bankotsu picked up Kayla in his arms bride style and demanded, "Get back to the cave, Jakotsu! NOW!"
Jakotsu not wanting to incur any more of Bankotsu's wrath, instantly took off to the cave.
Kayla leaned into Bankotsu, wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his neck.
Kayla said numbly, "Thank you for saving me! I thought for sure I was dead!"
Bankotsu declared fiercely, "He will not try to harm you again!"
Kayla nodded.
Bankotsu jumped off the rock easily landing on his feet like a cat, and carried her back to the cave.
Bankotsu entered the cave, with Kayla still in his arms and it instantly became deathly quiet.
Bankotsu walked to the far wall and gently deposited Kayla down on his futon.
He then removed his Banryuu and placed it securely against the wall.
Bankotsu spun around faced his men and demanded, "Listen up! This is Kayla and she is your new sister! NO ONE harms her! Am I clear!?" while looking from one to the next.
Everyone eyes wide nodded and Suikotsu questioned, "Who exactly is she, big brother?"
Bankotsu coolly demanded, "Look at her for head, you can clearly see my mark!" while pointing to her.
He continued "She is going to be my wife and I will NOT allow her to be harmed! Is that understood!?"
They all gasped when they saw the mark and nodded.
Kayla looked at Bankotsu and mentioned, "Ban, I am kinda tired..."
Bankotsu looked at her his eyes softening a tad, he nodded and said, "Rest then, the others and I have business to discuss; but we will try not to disturb you."
Kayla got up, walked over to him and gently kissed his cheek, then nodded, and walked back over to the futon. She then lay down to rest after placing her bag beside the futon.
Bankotsu strolled over to her, nodded, tenderly kissed the mark on her for head and told the others to meet him outside.

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter five please remember to read and review thanks.