InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, and the plot, and storyline... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 6:

Bankotsu kissed Kayla's cheek, and walked outside to meet the others.

Outside the cave...

The others were all sitting outside, when Bankotsu stepped out.
Bankotsu looked at them and questioned, "What has happened since I have been gone?"
Jakotsu replied, "Nothing much, we have been here waiting for your return."
Bankotsu queried, "Any word from that bastard Naraku yet?"
Suikotsu answered, "No big brother."
Renkotsu looked him in the eye and asked, "Where did you go? Why were you gone so long? And what's with the wench?"
Bankotsu stated firmly, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I came back as soon as I could. And her name is KAYLA! She is going to be my wife, so I suggest you get used to using her name!"
Jakotsu inquired, "Since when do you wish to settle down, big brother?"
Bankotsu looked him dead in the eye and answered dead seriously, "Since I met and got to know Kayla!"
Suikotsu looked into his eyes and asked, "What are we supposed to do with her? Once Naraku finds out about her; he will know you have a new weakness!"
Bankotsu narrowed his eyes and roared, "Do NOT mistake my feelings for Kayla as a weakness! AND she is stronger then you give her credit for! She is also a priestess and can sense the shards!"
Everyone gasped at that bit of news.
Renkotsu said, "So she will find the shards for us then!"
Bankotsu's gaze bored into him and he answered, "Yes she will! HOWEVER, don't go getting any ideas Renkotsu! I will NOT allow you or anyone else to harm or use her!" he warned.
Renkotsu's eyes widened in shock and he said, "Of course not, big brother!"

Bankotsu's POV

I thought 'I am definitely going to have to keep a close eye on Renkotsu! He is ALWAYS plotting behind my back! Damn him! Maybe I should just end his life now...?'

Regular POV

The 4 remaining members of the band of seven sat talking around the fire.
Bankotsu stood up facing Renkotsu and Jakotsu and ordered, "Renkotsu, Jakotsu, you two go hunt for food!"
They nodded, stood up and took off to hunt.
Bankotsu faced Suikotsu and ordered, "Suikotsu, go gather the water from the river and plenty of it!"
Suikotsu, stood up nodded and went to the river to collect water.
Bankotsu gathered plenty of firewood, then returned to the cave.

With Jakotsu and Renkotsu...

They came across a large boar and two smaller ones.
They killed them and carried them back to the cave.
Jakotsu whined, "Why did big brother have to bring that woman anyways!?"
Renkotsu sighed and snapped, "Don't whine at me about it!"
They walked back to the cave.

With Suikotsu...

Suikotsu grumbled while he collected the water.
After collecting the water he set of back to wards the cave.

At the cave again...

Bankotsu had just returned from getting the wood.
Suikotsu had just returned with the water.
A few minutes later Jakotsu and Renkotsu came up with the slain boars.
Bankotsu looked at them all and mentioned, "Well now, looks like everyone has completed their tasks. Good!"
Kayla woke up, stretched, then got up and walked outside the cave.
Bankotsu spotted her and mentioned, "Ah good, you are awake! Feeling better now?"
Kayla smiled and nodded.
Jakotsu was cutting up the boar meat.
Kayla saw this and offered, "I can cook that, if you have a pot."
Bankotsu brought out the pot and encouraged, "Go for it, babe!"
Kayla took the pot, set it over the fire, and filled it with herbs and water.
Then she gathered the meat, rinsed it and added it to the pot and left it to cook.
Jakotsu whined, "How do we know she won't poison us!?"
Kayla spun around, glared at Jakotsu and informed him evenly, "You wise ass, if I wanted to poison you, it would have already been done! Or I could just purify you!"
Jakotsu's eyes widened in shock then narrowed in out rage as he gasped and demanded, "How dare you threaten me you worthless little bitch!?"
Bankotsu chuckled and said sternly, "Calm down Ja! Kayla behave yourself!"
Kayla huffed and grumbled, "Dress boy started it!"
Bankotsu laughed, shook his head and said seriously, "Kayla don't take it personally! Ja just doesn't like women period!"
Kayla sighed and said, "Fine."
Then she sat down by the cave entrance.
Jakotsu looked at Bankotsu and whined, "Big brother why did you have to claim her sorry ass!?"
Bankotsu's gaze narrowed at Jakotsu and he warned, "Do NOT question ANY of my decisions again!"
Jakotsu glared at Kayla and she glared back at him.
Bankotsu stated evenly, "Kayla is going to be our cook from now on Ja; so unless you want to go hungry; I suggest you be nicer to her!"
Kayla smirked and Jakotsu pouted.
Bankotsu looked at Kayla and said seriously, "You should try to get along with them, because until your training is completed; they will be protecting you when I am elsewhere!"
Kayla sighed and nodded.
Kayla queried, "Ban, when do you think we will run into that stupid mutt face again?"
Bankotsu snickered and answered, "Most likely very soon, I am sure his wench will be there too. She usually is."
Kayla looked at him and nodded and questioned, "What are we going to tell her?"
Bankotsu held her gaze and said seriously, "As long as it is made crystal clear that you are staying with me! I couldn't care less what you tell her."
Kayla nodded.
Renkotsu looked at Bankotsu and asked, "Big brother, what are you two talking about?"
Bankotsu answered evenly, "Inuyasha's wench is also Kayla's cousin."
Everyone looked at Kayla questioningly, and Kayla nodded.
Jakotsu sighed and snapped, "No wonder this bitch is so damn ugly!"
Kayla glared at Jakotsu and snapped, "Look who's talking, Jerkotsu!"
The others all snickered and Jakotsu sputtered in outrage.
Jakotsu sputtered, "B...Wh...What did you just call me!?" he roared.
Kayla smirked and answered evenly, "Your heard me, Jerkotsu!"
Bankotsu and the others burst out laughing.
Jakotsu's eyes narrowed dangerously and he roared, "HOW DARE YOU...YOU UGLY LITTLE BITCH, CALL ME THAT!?"
Kayla held his gaze and quipped sarcastically, "Aww did the big, stupid, jerk get his poor little feelings hurt!?"
Jakotsu's face turned red from anger and he moved to wards her threateningly.
Bankotsu instantly sobered up, glared at Jakotsu and warned dead seriously, "Don't even THINK about it Jakotsu!"
Jakotsu faced him and whined, "But big brother she called me..!"
Bankotsu cut him off saying dead seriously, "I know, we ALL heard it! You got what you deserved for picking a fight with her!" Bankotsu took one step forward, looking him dead in the eye and ordered, "Now sit your ass down or you will face me!"
Renkotsu snickered and mentioned, "In all fairness Ja, you did start it!"
Jakotsu huffed, sat down and pouted.
Bankotsu faced Kayla and lightly scolded, "Kayla you had better behave as well! I know he was being an ass to you, but you still shouldn't have said that! As MY woman, you shouldn't allow yourself to stoop to their levels like that!"
Kayla sighed heavily and snapped sulkily, "Very well! BUT I am not just gonna let them disrespect me like that either!"
Bankotsu reprimanded sternly, "I agree! However try not to act so childishly next time!"
Kayla sighed heavily and nodded.
Bankotsu nodded and said, "Good!"
Then he spun around, faced the others and demanded, "You WILL treat her with the respect being MY woman entitles her to!"
Everyone nodded, then sat down.
Bankotsu nodded and also sat down.
Kayla checked on and finding it finished she doled up the stew.
Everyone ate the stew and was impressed.
Jakotsu said grudgingly, "I hate to admit it; but the wench can actually cook!"
Kayla glared over at Jakotsu, and growled at being referred to as a wench, then mentioned, "I will take that as a compliment!"
Jakotsu glared at her and she glared back.
Bankotsu sighed and warned, "Behave you two...!"
Jakotsu pouted again and Kayla looked away.
Bankotsu complimented, "The food was excellent as always, Kayla!"
Kayla smiled at him and nodded, then said thanks.
Bankotsu set down his empty bowel, walked over to Kayla. He then set down her empty bowel, looked at his men and ordered, "You guys stay here! Kayla and I are going to go bathe in the hot springs!"
The others nodded, Jakotsu continued pouting and Kayla's face lit up.
Bankotsu took her hand, helped her up and lead her to the hot springs after she grabbed her orange bag.

Warning: Slight Lemon from here until the end of the chapter!

At the hot springs...

Bankotsu undressed his self and Kayla quickly and they climbed into the water.
They sat down and Kayla closed her eyes; leaning back against the rock.
After a minute Bankotsu looked at her and explained, "Try to understand babe, Jakotsu has been by my side the longest and is feeling a bit... territorial."
Kayla opened her eyes, looked at him, sighed and replied, "Fine, but he still didn't have to pick a fight just because I am a woman!"
Bankotsu looked into her eyes, chuckled and replied, "It's also because he can tell how I feel about you!"
Kayla queried, "Really? Just how DO you feel about me?"
Bankotsu said huskily, "I am crazy about you baby!"
Kayla smirked and mentioned, "Good! Because babe I am just wild about you too!"
Bankotsu smirked and stated, "Good thing, seeing as we are now stuck with each other for keeps!"
Kayla eyed him lustfully and purred huskily, "So big man, why don't you slide over here and show me just how crazy you really are about me!?"
Bankotsu eyed her lustfully and asked huskily, "Is that an invitation?"
Kayla nodded.
Bankotsu moved over beside her while holding her gaze, then pulled her into his lap and captured her mouth in a dominate, demanding, passion filled kiss.
He broke the kiss, stood up with her in his arms, spun around and pushed her up against the rock, he began adeptly placing butterfly kisses along her collar bone and after a minute kissed his way back to her lips.
Kayla wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.
Bankotsu placed his hands at her hips and slid them down to grab her ass.
Her lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his hips.
Bankotsu settled his self at her entrance then slammed his self fully into her and began pumping furiously.
She broke the kiss panting heavily as her climax approached.
He reared back and pulled almost completely out of her then slammed his self fully inside again.
After two more times of him doing that she hit her peak, and screamed out his name.
He slammed into her again and released his seed into her, crying out his own release.
They collapsed against the rock and he placed his for head against hers and waited until they caught their breaths.
Kayla purred huskily, "Mmm you know EXACTLY how to please me!"
Bankotsu chuckled and stated huskily, "You my little vixen, just keep getting better and better!"
They kissed, pulled apart, bathed, washed each others hair, got out and dressed.
Then Bankotsu scooped her and her bag up into his arms once again and walked back to the cave.
He gently lowered her to his futon and curled up next to her.
All the others had already turned in for the night.
Kayla giggled as he gently kissed the tip of her nose.
Bankotsu whispered firmly, "Time for sleep, Kay."
Kayla kissed his cheek and whispered, "Nite Ban."
They rolled onto their sides and he curled his self protectively around her they went fell into a deep slumber.

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter six please remember to read and review thanks.