InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, and the plot, and storyline... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 8:

They traveled for the remainder of the day until just before sunset; when Inuyasha and Bankotsu agreed it was time to make camp.
Hearing this Kagome and Kayla wasted no time in setting up the camp fires.
After wards Kayla walked over to her cousin and requested, "Hey Kags, can we chat a minute?"
Kagome nodded and they walked off just a little ways from every one else.
Kayla cleared her throat, looked into Kagome's eyes and said, "Thanks you know, for helping us and all."
Kagome smiled and replied, "That is what family is for, Kay."
Kayla nodded and the girls walked back over to the fires.
Bankotsu walked up and wrapped his arms around Kayla's hips from behind.
Kayla smiled and leaned into his embrace gratefully.
Kagome sat down by the fire and Inuyasha sat beside Kagome.
Neither male trusted the other much so they kept close to their perspective females and eyed each other warily.
Bankotsu and Kayla sat down across the fire, Kayla between Bankotsu's opened wide and bent at the knees legs, with his arms around her waist.
Kayla looked at Kagome and mentioned, "After we get this taken care of, we can start hunting for Naraku."
Kagome looked across the fire at Kayla and nodded her agreement.
Inuyasha stared at Bankotsu and questioned, "Shouldn't zombie boy there know where he is!?"
Kayla's eyes narrowed at Inuyasha and she growled a warning, "Watch it, you insolent pup!"
Inuyasha glared at Kayla and growled.
Kagome looked at Inuyasha and warned, "Behave Inuyasha...!"
Bankotsu hid a smile then, his face looked blank and he answered sourly, "To answer your question mutt face, even we 'subordinates' are never told his where abouts until we are summoned to him!"
Inuyasha scoffed in disbelief.
Kayla turned her attention to Bankotsu, looked into his eyes and soothed, "Easy babe. You won't be under his thumb for much longer." as she squeezed his arm lightly.
Bankotsu's grip around her waist, tightened slightly in acknowledgment.
Bankotsu sighed heavily and he exclaimed seriously, "Kami I hope not! I want us freed from his vile clutches!"
Kayla kissed his lips lightly, and said softly, "I know love, I know."
Then she faced Kagome again.
Bankotsu kissed the top of Kayla's head tenderly and leaned his cheek against her hair.
Inuyasha who watched their display, snorted in disgust at their actions.
Kagome smiled and said dreamily, "You two are so cute together!"
Bankotsu lifted his head and looked at her and gave a boyish grin, and Kayla smiled.
Inuyasha snorted, stood up and went over to a tree, then jumped into the tree to sulk.
Kayla looked into Kagome's eyes and queried, "How much longer will we have to go before we find Enju?"
Kagome looked from where Inuyasha went to, back to Kayla and answered, "About another 3 or 4 days."
Kayla nodded.
Bankotsu looked at Kayla and mentioned, "I told the others to rest, I will be keeping watch tonight."
Kayla nodded and stated, "Well, unlike you I am not used to all this excitement so I will have to sleep at least a few hours."
Bankotsu nodded and acknowledged, "It will take a while to get used to it."
Kayla nodded.
The stews finished and Kayla and Kagome went to dole them out.
Bankotsu remained where he was sitting, but his eyes never left Kayla.
Kayla took a bowel each to Jakotsu, Suikotsu and Renkotsu.
Kagome took a bowel each to Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha, then served herself a bowel and sat down to eat.
Kayla brought Bankotsu his stew and handed it to him.
Bankotsu took the bowel, winked at her and said, "Thanks love."
Kayla winked back and responded, "Your welcome hot stuff!"
Bankotsu smirked then gratefully dug into his stew.
Then Kayla went to retrieve her orange bag and her bowel of stew.
She walked back over to Bankotsu and set the bag down and sat beside him to eat.
After they fished eating Kayla looked at him and questioned, "Are you gonna be patrolling the area or just sitting up?"
Bankotsu looked at her and answered, "I am gonna be sitting propped up against that tree over there." as he pointed to a large tree.
Kayla nodded then picked up her bag, and went over to the tree, she deposited her bag on the ground.
She pulled out her sleeping bag and it set up beside the tree.
Bankotsu walked over chuckling and queried, "What are you doing K-babe?"
Kayla looked at him, smiled and answered, "I sleep better when I am beside you."
He nodded and sat down with his back propped against the tree and his Banryuu propped in one arm against his chest.
Kayla waited until he had settled his self comfortably and then scooted the sleeping bag and orange back pack closer to him.
She then crawled inside the sleeping bag.
Bankotsu reached over with his free hand and moved her so her head was propped on his thigh, then gently deposited his free arm on top of her.
Kayla didn't object, instead she snuggled into him, sighed contently, and closed her eyes.
She fell asleep within minutes.
Bankotsu sat there content and looked at the surrounding area.
Inuyasha had finally stopped sulking and jumped out of his tree.
He now sat propped against the tree, with his sword resting against his chest and eyed their surroundings as well.
After a while Kagome set her stuff up by the first fire and went to sleep beside Sango.
A while later Miroku laid down next to Sango.
Renkotsu, Suikotsu, and Jakotsu slept by the second fire.
After while Bankotsu looked at Kayla while she slept and his eyes softened.
Inuyasha noticed this and inquired evenly, "You actually do care about her, don't you?"
Bankotsu stared in dead in the eye and replied evenly, "Yeah I do! You got a problem with it!?"
Inuyasha held his gaze and answered, "No, but she has been hurt A LOT!"
Then he warned, "You had better not hurt her!"
Bankotsu replied seriously, "I have no intention of ever hurting her!"
Then he queried, "Besides since when do you care?"
Inuyasha answered seriously, "She is Kagome's family. Of course I care!"
Bankotsu questioned evenly, "So tell me Inuyasha, if you care then why do you fight with her so much!?"
Inuyasha laughed and answered, "Because she is so infuriating!"
Bankotsu chuckled and confessed, "Her feisty nature is part of what I like best!"
Inuyasha chuckled and said, "You would!"
Bankotsu raised an eye brow and asked, "What's that supposed to mean!?"
Inuyasha answered seriously, "Kagome is sweet, kind, caring and giving, at least she has the smarts to stay out of the way when needed!"
Bankotsu replied just as seriously, "Kayla is all that! Plus she is feisty, which keeps me on my toes. I like that a lot! She isn't afraid to stand up for herself or others either, nor to argue back."
Inuyasha frowned and asked, "Why would anyone want someone to argue with them?"
Bankotsu chuckled and answered, "It livens things up; much better then a spineless wench that meekly does everything she is told! Those kind bore me to tears."
Inuyasha sighed, held his gaze with a serious one of his own and questioned, "What are you really up to?"
Bankotsu held his gaze and stated dead seriously, "Exactly what we said earlier. Look Inuyasha, I know we don't exactly like each other and all BUT Kayla is right. We need to rid ourselves of these shards and destroy Naraku!" then his eyes filled with pain he said angrily, "That bastard revived Ginkotsu, Mukotsu, and Kiyokosu just long enough to force me and the others, who had been chained to the wall, to watch them be killed painfully AGAIN! He is STILL trying to kill the remainder of my brothers and I because we haven't killed your group, wolf boy, and Sesshomaru yet." He looked Inuyasha dead in the eye and exclaimed, "I want his head as much as, if not more than any of you!"
Inuyasha held his gaze a minute then, let out a deep breath and replied, "Okay, truce then. BUT if any of you betray us I will PERSONALLY send you all back to hell! Understood!?"
Bankotsu nodded and stated, "I would expect no less! You lead your group and I lead mine; so we will eventually but--heads in the future."
Inuyasha agreed, "Yeah I know. You are your alpha and I am my alpha. It won't be easy, but we will just have to work it out!"
They both nodded and passed the remainder of the night in silence.
As soon as the sun rose the two leaders woke their groups up and they had breakfast, then they all set off again.
They did this for the next 4 days, Bankotsu would nap during the after the noon meal for a few hours then guard at night.
On the afternoon of the fourth day the reached Enju's hut.

At Enju's hut...

Kagome walked to the door way of the hut, poked her head in and hollered, "Hello Enju, are you home?"
Enju walked over and greeted, "Hello Kagome, what brings you here?" then she looked past Kagome and saw several people she didn't notice.
She looked back at Kagome and questioned, "And who are your new friends?"
Kagome turned around and motioned for Kayla to step forward.
Kayla stepped forward and stood beside Kagome.
Kagome introduced, "This is Kayla, she is my cousin and also a priestess."
Kayla greeted, "Hello Enju."
Enju said, "Hello Kayla, So what can I do for you two?"
Kagome answered, "Kayla's husband-to-be and his friends were revived with the sacred jewel. We want to know if you can bring them back as flesh and blood WITHOUT the jewel shards having to stay embedded in them."
Enju thought it over a few minutes and questioned, "Why do you wish this done? Are they not a band of killers?"
Kayla looked her dead in the eye and answered evenly, "You are very observant! Yes they are the remaining members of the Shichinintai, HOWEVER I do not think they are completely evil either! I wish Bankotsu, my intended, to be able to live again and for us to raise a family together. The others also I believe deserve a chance at a real life, one where they won't have to kill people in order to survive."
Enju held her gaze a long moment then instructed, "Have him come forth."
Kayla let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding, nodded and turned to face Bankotsu and called Bankotsu to stand beside her.
Bankotsu strode over to her and moved to her side.
Enju faced him, looking him dead in the eye and instructed, "Tell me, what is your true desire?"
Bankotsu held her gaze and immediately replied, "To avenge my fallen comrades."
Then he looked at Kayla with love in his eyes and added, "I also wish to give Kayla the family she yearns for and deserves." in a softer voice.
Enju looked at him and saw the look he gave Kayla, and said, "Hm, I see..."
She faced Bankotsu and informed him, "I will need some soil from your graves."
Bankotsu looked at her and nodded then asked, "Anything else?"
Enju replied, "I will also need your vow to use your skills to help others; once you have avenged your fallen comrades."
Bankotsu sighed and said dead seriously staring into her eyes, "You have my word."
Enju nodded and announced, "That will do. Bring me the grave yard soil from all your graves and I shall do as you ask."
Enju handed Bankotsu two jars and commanded, "Fill these with the soil."
He nodded and took the jars.
Kayla looked at Enju and exclaimed whole heartedly, "Thank you Enju! We are forever in your debt."
Enju faced Kagome and said, "Kagome, your cousin's heart is pure! I ask one last thing..."
Kagome questioned, "What is it?"
Enju said angrily, "That you ALL destroy Naraku!"
Kagome confirmed, "That is EXACTLY what we intend to do."
Enju nodded.
Bankotsu walked back over to his men and commanded, "Suikotsu, Renkotsu, you two stay with Inuyasha and his group. Ja, you and I will retrieve the soil."
Kayla walked over, placed a hand on Bankotsu's shoulder and said, "Be careful Bankotsu. I would hate to lose you now!"
Bankotsu turned to face her and smirked then announced, "You will NEVER lose me!" and reached out an arm to pull her into him, then claimed her mouth with a fierce kiss which she eagerly returned.
Bankotsu broke the kiss, and pulled back and looked into her eyes and assured, "WE will return shortly, love."
She looked into his eyes and nodded.
Bankotsu looked up into Inuyasha's eyes and said, "Watch over her!"
Inuyasha held his gaze and nodded.
Bankotsu faced his men again and ordered, "Suikotsu, Renkotsu, you two stay by her side until I return! AND you had BETTER not let her be harmed! ALSO you had better obey ANY orders she gives! UNDERSTOOD!?"
They looked at their leader, and nodded. Bankotsu nodded once and spun on his heel, then he and Jakotsu left to collect the soil.
Kayla walked over to stand beside Kagome and sighed.
They all made camp and waited for Bankotsu and Jakotsu to return.

At the graveside a day and a half later...

Bankotsu had just finished filling the jars Enju had given him with the graveyard soil.
Bankotsu turned to Jakotsu and announced, "Alright Ja, let's head back now; we got what we came for!"
Jakotsu nodded and they set off back to wards Enju's.

Back at Enju's a few hours later...

Kayla asked herself, "I wonder how much longer they will take?"
She was sitting up alone staring at the stars; because she just couldn't sleep.
Everyone else had settled in for the night hours ago.

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter eight please remember to read and review thanks.