InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, my other OC’s, the plot, and storyline... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 9:

Next Morning:

Bankotsu woke up Kayla and ordered, “Get dressed Kayla, something nice.”

Kayla nodded and moved to grab her clothes asking, “What’s up babe?”

Bankotsu grinning answered, “Just get dressed love, I’m sure you’ll want to look nice for our wedding.”

Kayla grinned, “You mean today Ban?”

Bankotsu nodded answering seriously, “Yup just as soon as we find a priest.”

Kayla pulled on her pale yellow sundress and said, “I know someone who’d be perfect for it. He’s a friend of mine’s cousin.”

Bankotsu ordered, “Then let’s get going baby. I want this to be official before your grandfather gets back.”

Kayla agreed, “You and me both.” As she packed up their stuff, she asked,
Wanna come back here once we’re done or back to the shrine?”

Bankotsu answered truthfully, “I’d like to try the well again if it’s alright with you.”

Kayla nodded assuring, “That’s fine Ban. Here help me finish packing,” as she handed him the bag and unlocked the SUV.

He nodded and placed their things in the SUV, while Kayla placed the shotgun back in its place and closed up the cabin.

They climbed into the vehicle and Kayla started up the engine. Sighing she took a longing look at the cabin and explained, “This is my paradise, I come here to get away from everything else, but one day I’ve always hoped to raise a family in a place just like this.”

Bankotsu assured her, “We will Kay together we will raise a family in a place just like this. Spacious and surrounded by the beauty of nature.”

Kayla kissed his lips and pulled onto the dirt path leaving her hideaway to begin a new, exciting journey.

They drove many hours till they got back into town. She pulled up outside of a different shrine and honked the horn before exiting the vehicle. Needing to stretch his legs, Bankotsu got out as well.

A slender woman about Kayla’s age came out to greet them a little surprised. Grinning and rushing to hug her friend from school days Kayla greeted, “Hey Kieri, how’s the little one?”

Kieri answered, “Active as ever,” placing a hand over her protruding belly.

Kayla laughed, “Still keeping you up at night huh?”

Kieri answered, “Yup. If you’re looking for Daisuke he’s in the back.” Turning to the stranger she greeted, “You must be a friend of Kayla’s, welcome to my home.”

Bankotsu corrected, “I’m her fiancée, and thanks,” moving to take Kayla’s hand.

Kieri gasped, “Kayla is that true?” staring in shock at her friend.

Kayla grinned answering, “Yup. That’s sorta why we’re here too.”

Kieri asked confused, “But I thought you were still just getting over the asshole Nenji.”

Kayla answered, “I was, and Ban here is the one who got me over him.”

Daisuke walked up greeting, “Hey Kayla, who’s this?”

Kieri turned to her cousin and explained, “This is Kayla’s fiancée.”

Daisuke blinked and said, “Nice to meet you.”

Bankotsu nodded. “You too.”

Kayla asked, “Hey Dai, think you could marry us today?”

Daisuke asked, “Why doesn’t your grandfather do it?”

Kayla sighed, “Two reasons, One: He’s out of town, and Two: you know how he is,” sending her friend a pleading look.

Kieri sighed, “Come on Dai, you know we could use the business,” facing her cousin.

Daisuke sighed. “You know your grandfather is gonna have a fit.” He scolded Kayla.

Kayla huffed, “Hey if you don’t want the money just say so. Come on Ban we can-“

Daisuke growled, “Now wait just a minute Kayla, I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it.”

Kayla grinned, “Good then let’s get this party started shall we?”

Daisuke sighed nodding and led them inside. Bankotsu blinked and looked at Kayla before following her inside.

The ceremony was shot and sweet and everything was legalized. Bankotsu and Kayla were handed their wedding certificate the minute Kayla passed the check to Daisuke.

She grinned when his eyes widened. “Think of it as a little bonus for when the munchkin gets here,” She suggested thanking her friends.

Kieri smiled thanking her friend and wished them good luck with her grandfather. Kayla laughed, “Thanks guys, take care.”

Bankotsu scooped her into his arms and carried her over to the truck. He placed her behind the wheel and slipped into his seat and they drove off.

Kayla drove back to the shrine and parked her SUV in her garage, locking everything up they went inside and she framed their wedding voucher, hanging it on the wall.

Bankotsu grabbed her bag and suggested, “Let’s go Kay. We really need to get back to my time soon.”

Kayla nodded and slipped into jeans, a t shirt, and her hiking boots, before tying a flannel shirt around her waist.

She walked over to her dresser and pulled out a small pouch. Holding the pouch close to her chest, she sighed saying, “Be happy for me father.”

Walking over to Bankotsu, she opened the pouch and slid the contents into his hand. Bankotsu’s eyes widened as he asked, “Where did these come from?”

Kayla answered, “They we’re my parents… I promised myself if I ever did get married, these would be the rings we wore,” hoping he’d understand.

Knowing how much her father meant to her, Bankotsu nodded and slipped the smaller metal band on her finger, before kissing it and assuring, “If that’s what you want babe, its fine by me,” smiling at her.

Grateful that he’d understood and agreed, Kayla slipped the larger band onto his finger and smiled. “It’s even just the right size,” holding his ring up for him to see.

Bankotsu said, “Another sign that we were made for each other,” as he stared at the band around his finger in awe.

Hands clasped together they shared a tender kiss, as the white gold rings with two sapphires crosses and a single ruby cross in the middle, shone in the sun together.

Unable to shake what was gnawing at him, he pulled back breaking the kiss and spoke urgently, “We need to go Kay, something’s going to happen there soon, I can feel it.”

She nodded and grabbed her bag and they left the house, after Bankotsu ensured the door couldn’t be broken down, he handed her the bag and led her over to the well.

Kayla slipped on her pack and they walked into the well house and took deep breaths. “Here goes,” he said, scooping his bride into his arms and jumping into the well. “Please work,” they both thought.

Bankotsu held his breath hoping it would work, and leapt into the well, with his bride safely in his arms. She squeezed her eyes shut and hoped for the best. A blue light surrounded them with warmth and then vanished.

Opening his eyes, Bankotsu nervously looked above them and saw open sky. He placed her on her feet and began climbing up the wall, using the vines.

Bankotsu hefted his self over the rim and smiled declaring excitedly, "It worked!"
Reaching over he carefully lifted Kayla over the rim of the well and she gasped at their new surroundings.

Kayla mumbled, "I don't believe it actually worked," nervous about being in a different world.

Bankotsu informed her, "Now we just have to locate Banryu and then we can be on our way." Leading her by the hand he searched the area where he’d fought the demon and found Banryu still embedded in a tree. Bankotsu's face and eyes lit up as he cooed happily, "There you are baby." Letting go of Kayla's hand, he grasped the handle.

Tugging gently, so as not to mar his prized treasure anymore than necessary he freed his Banryu and hefted it onto his shoulder proudly.

Kayla gasped and her eyes widened in shock. She exclaimed, "Kami Ban, It's huge!" as her eyes drank in the sight of her husband to be and his enormous blade.

Bankotsu settling his gaze on his woman smirked and replied cockily, "You already knew that, babe." Seeing her blush he reached out snagging her waist and pulled her to him as he purred into her ear suggestively, "But if you want, I’ll be glad to show you again." as his wet tongue traced seductively along her outer ear.

Kayla pulled back staring into his eyes blushing like mad. Reaching up she playfully slapped his chest scolding, "Not that you brat, the halberd," mock glaring at him.

Chuckling he replied, "Oh… you mean my baby." Looking at his pride and joy he introduced, "Banryu meet Kayla. Kayla, my Banryu," holding out the weapon for her to see.

Deciding to humor him Kayla smiled. She looked at Banryu greeting, "Hello Banryu." The halberd glowed briefly illuminating them before it dimmed again, almost as if answering her greeting.

Bankotsu looked at Kayla's shocked expression. Winking he proclaimed cheerfully, "I think Banryu approves of you as well."

Kayla looked into his eyes saying dryly, "I would hope so," hands on her hips, amused by how serious he was taking this talking to his sword.

Bankotsu threw an arm around her waist pulling her into his side and announced, "We’d better get moving. We’ve lots of ground to cover and not much time left before dark," looking up at the sky.

Kayla nodded and they set off, Bankotsu carrying Banryu and Kayla walking beside him on the other side. They traveled until an hour after sunset before Kayla announced she was tired. knowing she wasn’t used to this much walking in a day Bankotsu decided to camp for the night and kept his Banryu close at hand watching over his beloved bride as she slept.

The next morning:

They ate and set out again. Close to noon they stopped beside the river close to a huge boulder. Bankotsu looked at Kayla and announced that he was going to go look for the others ordering Kayla to wait by the river for him to return. Kayla reluctantly nodded and climbed on top of the huge rock by the river to wait for his return.

About twenty minutes later Kayla was relaxing on the rock when she heard muffled footsteps. She turned around hoping to see Bankotsu. Her eyes widened as she saw a strangely dressed guy with two stripes on his cheeks and gasped in shock.

The guy narrowed his eyes and they bored into her. He demanded in a somewhat feminine voice, "Who are you? How did you find this place?" after a minute of no response he screamed, "Answer me you filthy woman," grey eyes stormy now as his temper was reaching its limit.

His gaze landed on her for head as his eyes widened in shock. Gasping he demanded, "What the hell is that?" pointing to her forehead.

Nervous and knowing she was in trouble Kayla started, "Um," unsure how to explain it without giving anything away.

He moved to draw his sword and flung it out towards her. Her eyes widened in surprise as she noticed it moved like a snake and was headed directly towards her. She opened her mouth and let out a blood curling scream as fear paralyzed her, making her unable to move.

The next thing she saw was a blinding flash as Banryu deflected the blades of the unusual sword. She blinked in shock and her eyes settled on an irate Bankotsu who was now standing in front of her. Bankotsu faced the man demanding angrily, "What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Jakotsu?" as his furious gaze narrowed on his third in command.

Jakotsu shocked exclaimed, "Big brother?" he’d begun to think Bankotsu had vanished.

Bankotsu glared icily at Jakotsu a minute, before walking over to Kayla. He helped her up then looked her over inspecting for any injuries and demanded, "Are you alright?" staring into her shocked, and frightened gaze.

Still shaken Kayla looked into his eyes and nodded, eyes still wide with shock and fear; as her hand moved to hold her chest where her heart was pounding frantically.

Bankotsu swung around to face Jakotsu demanding an explanation, "Well?" as he glared at the man.

Jakotsu bowed his head answering, "I saw that vile thing laying there and she refused to answer what she was doing here," with a shrug.

Bankotsu looked at him and roared furiously, "You’re damn lucky that I got here in time or I would now be killing you." Not expecting such a statement to come from his leader's mouth Jakotsu looked up meeting his eyes. Bankotsu demanded, "Don't you ever attack her again! Am I clear?"

Completely baffled at his leader's odd behavior Jakotsu nodded vigorously and said sheepishly, "Sorry big brother, I didn't think-"

Bankotsu cut him off angrily, "You never think where women are concerned, Jakotsu. That’s the problem!"

Sighing Bankotsu strapped his Banryu securely to his broad back before he scooped up Kayla in his arms bridal style and demanded, "Get back to the cave, Jakotsu. Now!"

Not wanting to incur any more of Bankotsu's wrath Jakotsu instantly took off to the cave slightly hurt by Bankotsu's harsh words, despite them being true.

Trembling Kayla leaned into Bankotsu wrapping her arms around his neck and buried her face in his neck. Kayla said numbly, "Thank you… for saving me. I thought for sure I was dead."

Still heaving with anger and adrenaline Bankotsu declared fiercely, "He will not try to harm you again." Kayla nodded. Bankotsu jumped off the rock easily landing on his feet gracefully like a cat and carried her back to the cave.

Bankotsu entered the cave with Kayla still in his arms and it instantly became deathly quiet. He walked over to the far wall and gently deposited Kayla down on his futon. He stood up and removed Banryu placing it securely against the wall, in its usual spot.

Bankotsu spun around facing his men and demanded, "Listen up! This is Kayla and she is your new sister. No one harms her. Am I clear?" while looking from one to the next.

Everyone eyes wide nodded and Suikotsu questioned, "Who exactly is she, big brother?" Like the others he was curious as to why she seemed so important to their leader.

Bankotsu coolly intoned, "Look at her forehead you will clearly see my mark," while pointing to her. He continued, "She is my wife and I will not allow her to be harmed! Is that understood?" facing his men looking very intimidating.

They all gasped when they saw the mark on her forehead and nodded. Kayla looked at Bankotsu saying, "I’m kind of tired," feeling the past few days’ events catching up on her.

Bankotsu looked at her eyes softening a tad he nodded ordering, "Rest then, the others and I have business to discuss, but we will try not to disturb you."

Kayla stood up walking over to him and gently kissed his cheek before returning to the futon. She lay down to rest after placing her bag beside the futon, closing her eyes as she began feeling the weariness kick in full force.

Bankotsu strolled over to her stroking her cheek and tenderly kissed the mark on her forehead instructing the others to meet him outside. Bankotsu kissed Kayla's cheek and walked outside to meet the others.

A/N: There’s chapter nine. Okay I know it’s short, but I felt this was a great spot to cut off at. Anyways read and review thanks.