InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, and the plot, and storyline... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 11:

The next morning

Bankotsu and Kayla woke up snuggled together and reluctantly released their holds in order to roll out of bed. Standing up, they stretched and walked around the cave checking on the others.

Jakotsu was on his futon laying deathly still and moaning, obviously in pain. Concerned Kayla inspected him, gasping as she noticed his shard was black and the skin around it was blistering and swelling.

She looked over to Bankotsu and informed him horrified, "His shard- its jet black." Reaching out she slipped her hand on his forehead. Eyes wide she yanked it back gasping, "He has a terrible fever as well!"

Taking charge she turned to Suikotsu and ordered, "Get some water- quickly!"

Unused to taking orders from a woman Suikotsu looked over at Bankotsu who glared at him snapping, "You heard her- now move!" Suikotsu nodding left to get the water.

Shaking his head Bankotsu looked at Renkotsu questioning, "Renkotsu, how long has he been like this?" the last time it’d be nearly an hour.

Renkotsu looking at his leader answered, "About fifteen minutes now." Thinking back as well to the last time one of them had gone through this.

Bankotsu growled angrily, "Damn that fucking Naraku," while his hands angrily balled into fists and his jaw clenched painfully tight.

Kayla's quick thinking led her to look down at her shirt. Reaching down she held her shirt up to her stomach, tearing off the bottom half off to be used for a rag.

Suikotsu ran into the cave with the water and set it beside the futon. Kayla took the cloth and dipped it into the water.

She pulled it out of the water squeezing out the excess water began bathing Jakotsu's brow over and over. Without moving from the task at hand she commanded, "Suikotsu, bring me my orange bag."

Suikotsu went to retrieve the bag and carried it over to her before handing it to her. He was unsure what she was doing and he was a doctor.

She looked at Suikotsu instructing him to bathe Jakotsu's brow over and over while she began searching in her bag. Suikotsu glad to be doing what he considered his job, knelt beside his comrade and carefully bathed his forehead.

Bankotsu walking over asked curiously, "What are you doing, Kay?” as he watched her rifling through her pack.

Kayla answered, "Looking for the aspirin to bring that fever down." Spotting the melt away aspirin tablets she happily exclaimed, "Here it is!" Quickly she pulled them out and popped out two melt away aspirins then looking at Bankotsu ordered, "Open his mouth for me," staring into his eyes.

Kneeling down beside his comrade Bankotsu opened Jakotsu's mouth, watching confused as Kayla placed the tablets on Jakotsu's tongue. She calmly instructed Bankotsu to try to get some water into his throat. Bankotsu helped Jakotsu sit up, and supported him, helping him drink some water.

Kayla inhaled taking a nervous breath and whispered, "Kami, I hope this works." Looking into Bankotsu's worry filled eyes she explained calmly, "Okay, I need you to hold him up for me while I try to purify just that shard."

Placing absolute trust in his woman, Bankotsu held her gaze stating seriously, "Do it Kay. We still need him with us," staring into her eyes to communicate how important this was to them.

She nodded. Taking a deep breath she placed her hands directly over the shard in Jakotsu's neck. Inhaling one more soothing breath she said, "Here it goes."

Kayla cleared her mind concentrating her energy into her hands. Feeling it begin to gather, she visualized it flowing into the shard only. After ten minutes the shard slowly turned pink again, the swelling was going down, and the skin was returning to normal.

Gritting her teeth Kayla continued to focus all her strength into purifying the shard. Jakotsu began to breathe easier. Twenty minutes later Jakotsu’s breathing had returned to normal, the skin was no longer enflamed, and the shard shinned a brilliant pink. Kayla perspiration dripping down her brow sat back feeling very drained. Her chest heaved as she panted, "It... worked..." looking at Kayla Bankotsu became concerned by how pale she looked. He gently laid Jakotsu back on his futon again and reached over pulling Kayla into his lap.

Leaning into Bankotsu's chest Kayla panted before murmuring, "I feel tired now," trying to focus on his eyes, as her hand cupped his cheek.

Bankotsu stated evenly, "Rest then and you had damn well better be alright," he demanded, staring into her tired eyes. Kayla closed her eyes sighing in relief. Over the next few minutes her breathing evened out and she fell asleep. Bankotsu sat there holding her in his arms looking from her to Jakotsu and back again.

An hour later Jakotsu had completely returned to normal. He opened his eyes looking at Bankotsu and asked confused, "Wh... What happened?"

Bankotsu looked at him answering angrily, "That bastard Naraku tried to do you in again,” eyes landing on his beloved’s pale face he whispered, “Luckily Kayla here was able to save you."

Jakotsu's eyes widened as he was completely shocked. Looking at Kayla he noticed how pale she was and asked, "Is she okay?"

Locking their eyes together Bankotsu stated, "She’s resting now. She said she was feeling tired." Hearing the sadness in his best friend’s voice Jakotsu nodded and placed a comforting hand on Bankotsu's shoulder.

One hour later Kayla woke up and found herself still sitting in Bankotsu's lap. Looking into Bankotsu's eyes she queried, "Wh... what happened?" still feeling a little drained.

Bankotsu's eyes held relief and he replied softly, "You fell asleep after you saved Ja," running the back of his fingers along her cheek in a tender caress.

Kayla smiling at the tenderness he was showing said, "I’m glad I was able to save him." Even though Jakotsu was a pain in the butt at times, he was still part of her beloved Bankotsu’s life, so she had to save him.

Bankotsu pride in his eyes and voiced agreed, "As are we all." She moved to sit up and releasing his hold on her, he climbed to his feet. Holding out his hand and smiling at her, he helped her up.

Kayla looked him dead in the eye and asked, "Has that ever happened before?" feeling that it had.

Bankotsu answered, "Yes, Naraku has been trying to kill us by taking over the shards for some time now." He wouldn’t lie to her, even if she’d be better off not knowing- he wanted zero secrets between them.

Kayla exclaimed determinedly, "We have to find away to rid them of those accursed things," sheer determination burning in her eyes. She’d finally found him, no way was she losing him because of those stupid shards.

Bankotsu replied evenly, "Without them, they would be dead- again," staring into her eyes. Kayla thought back to when Kagome had first told her about the undead mercenary leader and Inuyasha’s battles.

Nodding that she understood, Kayla declared fiercely, "There has got to be some way for you all to live again- without those accursed shards," not willing to think otherwise.

Renkotsu asked, “Wait a minute, don’t you me we? Big Brother has shards too.”

Bankotsu corrected, “Actually I don’t, not anymore. Don’t ask me how, but when I went to Kayla’s time, I was alive again.”

The others gaped at him. Renkotsu demanded, “How, how can that be possible? And what do you mean Kayla’s time?”
Kayla sighed. “They were bound to find out eventually.” Bankotsu told her. Placing her trust in him to protect her family, she clarified, “My time is 500 years from now. Somehow the ancient well on my family’s shrine has acted as a time portal, allowing myself, and my cousin to come to this time.”

Bankotsu explained, “I got knocked into that well accidentally when fighting a demon.”

Kayla nodded. “I’d wondered how.” She said more to herself then anyone. Facing her spouse she asked, “You say you had shards in you before coming through the well?”

Bankotsu nodded adding, “But somehow when I got through they had disappeared.” frowning himself.

Kayla said, “Kags mentioned her mutt can pass through too, so perhaps it was our connection that allowed you through, same as it has me now. Maybe… maybe there is something we must do together here?” it’s the only explanation she could think of.

Renkotsu sighed, “It’s possible… and what connection?” frowning deeper.

Bankotsu answered cryptically, “Let’s just say my mark and hers are bound together.” Not wanting to give too much away.

Renkotsu frowned, “Still doesn’t explain why big brother is alive again,” feeling a little jealous that his leader was alive again.

Kayla vowed, “We’ll find a way to bring you all back again,” sheer determination in her eyes.

Pleased she’d already accepted the others, Bankotsu vowed, “We won’t rest until e find a way for each of you to live again, my brothers!” the same determination filling him to the very core.

Shocked they nodded. “Perhaps I should stick with him a while longer.” Renkotsu thought.

Jakotsu who’d gone outside for some fresh air but overheard the conversation, walked in and walking over to Kayla stood in front of her and looked her dead in the eye questioning confused, "Why? Why did you save me?" unable to believe she’d saved him, the one who’d given her the hardest time since she’d arrived- not to mention that he’d also tried to kill her that first day as well.

Holding his gaze, Kayla replied evenly, “You’re a part of this group,” as if that explained it all. Sighing she admitted, “Plus, I knew Bankotsu would be devastated to lose you."

Jakotsu looked into her eyes and remained silent for a moment, thinking about how wrong he’d been in thinking she was just like all other women. He could see now why his leader had fallen for this woman. She had a good heart and a caring nature. She’d even vowed to find a way for him and the others to live again. Raising his gaze back to hers he said, "Thank you," and for the first time in his life he thought he might just be able to tolerate a woman being around him.

Kayla smiled at him kindly answering, "You're welcome, Jakotsu." Smiling at the fact that she’d used his name, he nodded and stood aside. She was still showing signs of being tired, but trying to fight it.

Bankotsu looked at Kayla seeing the signs and inquired trying to suppress his worry, "Do you always get tired after using your powers?" She’d scared the hell out of him passing out on him like that even though he didn’t want to admit it.

Sighing Kayla looked at her husband and answered, "It depends on how much power I have to use, and on how hard I have to concentrate." In the past when she was alone she’d experimented with her powers trying to find their limits- but only when no one else was around.

Bankotsu nodded and asked hopefully, "So, you have purified shards before then?" he sure didn’t want her doing things blindly and without prior experience. From what he’d learned over the years, miko’s powers were nothing to toy with.

Kayla shook her head and replied, "No, in fact I didn't know if it would work or not,” she cut off gazing at Jakotsu. Knowing how much Bankotsu’s men meant to him she added resolutely, “but I had to try."

Bankotsu's eyes widened in shock as he realized that she could have killed herself messing around like that. Luckily this time her gamble had paid off, but he was going to make it crystal clear she was never to gamble with her life like that again! Facing her he scolded firmly, "You could have killed yourself! Don’t you ever try anything like that again! I will not have you risking your life on some gamble! Do you Understand?” his ice blue eyes bored into hers.

Kayla nodded answering softly, “Yes.” Relieved he pulled her into his arms and whispered, “I just don’t want to lose you Kay,” before kissing her cheek. She nodded. Pulling back he said honestly, ”I’m just glad it worked."

Kayla agreed, "So am I," adding, "We need to see Kagome. I need some information from her." She had many questions she needed to discuss with her cousin, the sooner the better.

Bankotsu said, "Very well, we’ll search for them." Looking at his men he ordered, "Pack up and move out." Kayla gathered her bag while Bankotsu collected his Banryu and the others gathered their weapons, and then they all set out to search for the Inutachi.

Jakotsu squealed excitedly, "OOHH can I take my Inu-kuns? Please big brother?" with a dreamy expression in his grey eyes and rosy cheeks.

Facing his men, Bankotsu replied, "First we’re just going to talk to them. No killing unless I give the order, got it?" Everyone nodded their agreement. Bankotsu nodded satisfied and spun on his heel leading Kayla and the others. They traveled several days and nights stopping only long enough to eat, refill their water supply, and rest.

On the fourth day:

Inuyasha and the others were out across the lands hunting for jewel shards when Kagome stopped announcing, "Inuyasha, I sense the sacred jewel shards! There are four of them," eyes wide and heart pounding in fear.

Inuyasha sniffed deeply then scowled saying, "I smell graveyard soil. It has to be the band of seven."

Bankotsu and his group had just come around the corner. Stepping into the open Bankotsu drawled amused, "Well, well, look what we have here," mirth dancing in his blue orbs.

Ecstatic to see his beloved puppy once again Jakotsu greeted cheerily, "Inuyasha, there you are cutie!" Inuyasha became angry and drew his sword and prepared to attack.

Seeing this Kayla decided to make her presence known. She calmly stepped up beside Bankotsu facing Kagome’s group and greeted, "Hey Kags."

Kagome's eyes widened in shock and she asked, "K... Kayla? Is that you?" Kayla smiled and nodded. Inuyasha growled annoyed and was about to start the battle when Kagome yelled, "Sit boy!"

Taken by surprise Inuyasha fell to the ground and his face met the dirt. Kayla watching this and used to seeing it by now, shook her head and mumbled, "Stupid mutt."

Kagome walked a little closer and looked at Kayla asking confused, "Kayla, what is going on? How did you get here? Why are you with them?" while pointing to the Shichinintai members.

Kayla held her gaze answering succinctly, "A lot is going on. I came through the well like you, and Bankotsu is my husband."

Inuyasha and the others gasped and yelled, "Husband?" shock and astonishment on their faces and in their eyes.

Bankotsu smirked correcting smugly, "You bet your ass," as he wrapped his free arm around her waist from behind her. Looking over her shoulder Kayla smiled at him. Turning to her cousin and seeing the unspoken question, Kayla nodded her confirmation.

Kagome's jaw dropped and she stood there stunned a moment. She couldn’t believe her cousin was actually going to marry Bankotsu. A million questions flew through her mind. Recovering from her shock she faced her cousin and demanded, "Kayla? What's going on?"

Seeing Inuyasha push out of his crater, Kayla looked at her cousin and suggested, "Make your mutt behave so we can sit and talk."

Bankotsu had seen the monk checking out Kayla, causing his spine to stiffen and his glare at the monk to harden warning him to keep away.

Looking at the beautiful woman standing in the mercenary leader’s arm Miroku asked, "How do we know that your group won't attack us?"

Looking at the monk with hard eyes Bankotsu assured, "You have my word. We’re here just to talk- this time."

Pulling out of Bankotsu’s arm Kayla stepped a few paces away and added, "I will enforce it if that becomes necessary," looking at her whole group one by one and they all looked at her nodding their compliance.

Bankotsu glared at them warning, "Anyone who disobeys my orders will have hell to pay!" Their eyes all widened fearfully and they gulped nervously nodding.

Determined to get some answers from her cousin Kagome agreed, "Okay we’ll talk." Everyone sat down and Kagome, Inuyasha, Kayla, and Bankotsu talked.

Kayla looked at Kagome explaining, "Long story short, Bankotsu came to our time and the well closed up immediately afterwards. It stayed closed until a week ago."

Kagome frowning asked concerned, "So Bankotsu was in our time? What about mom and the others?" with panic in her eyes.

Kayla assured calmly, "Relax Kags, they’re still on vacation for about another week."

Kagome nodded. "Good," as relief flooded through her body. She had a strong feeling her grandfather and Bankotsu wouldn’t get along too well.

Remembering why they had sought them out Kayla queried, "Kags, have you ever had to purify a jewel shard inside someone before?"

Kagome shook her head replying, "No, usually they just purify as soon as I touch them, but they’re outside the bodies by then."

Kayla guessed, "Then it wouldn't have drained you, huh?" She was still puzzled over why it had taken such a toll on her, to the point she’d been too exhausted to keep her eyes open.

Kagome gasped as realization sunk in. "Kayla? Are you telling me that you can see the shards?"

Kayla informed her calmly, "Yes Kags, I’m... a priestess as well." There was only one other person she had ever told and he was her husband.

Kagome gasped with shock evident on her face. "How long have you known?" she asked wondering why her cousin would hide such knowledge.

Kayla hid a smile answering, "Since before you started coming to this era." She’d actually found out accidently while she’d seen her aunt and grandfather practicing one day.

Kagome questioned, "Why didn't you say anything?" If their grandfather knew, he’d likely go easier on her cousin.

Raising a brow in question Kayla responded evenly, "I was already considered enough of a freak as it is in our time. Why would I want to add to that?"

Eyes softening Kagome said sadly, "Kayla," she knew her cousin faced difficulties everyday in their time. It saddened her that people wouldn’t look past her cousin’s flaws to see the great person she was underneath.

Kayla's eyes held mirth as she stated amused, "Bankotsu met Nenji as well as Toru. Neither one of them were too happy with us."

Knowing those two could be a real pain, Kagome laughed. "I can imagine." She’d have loved to have seen Bankotsu’s and Nenji’s first meeting, she was certain it would have been rather entertaining.

Remembering Hojo’s countless visits, Kayla added, "Which reminds me Kags, when you do go back; you have a room full of gifts and stuff from Hojo. He stopped over at least every other day inquiring about you," smiling at her cousin.

Touched by his thoughtfulness Kagome smiled cooing, "Aww that's so sweet of him." Hojo really was a sweet friend.

Inuyasha seeing Kagome’s reaction, paced becoming jealous and growled, "That Hobo guy had better watch it!" embers of anger flashing in his golden eyes.

Kagome yelled, "Sit boy! His name is Hojo- not Hobo, and you had better be nice!" she really hated it when he went mad over Hojo, considering what she knew damn well he did with Kikyo.

Seeing Inuyasha taken down another peg Kayla laughed. "He’s asked about you constantly," she added returning her attention to her cousin.

Eyes showing amusement at the interactions between the mutt and his wench Bankotsu added amused, "Your grandfather is something that's for sure," remembering the call from before they left.

Kagome frowned saying, “But Kayla said they were on vacation?”

Kayla proceeded to explain, "They still are. Gramps called my house.”

At Kagome’s frown deepening she explained, “Nenji freaked out when Bankotsu told him that we were engaged. So of course Nenji called up gramps and demanded to know what the hell was going on. Gramps in turn, called my place and blew his stack at me then demanded to speak with Bankotsu."

Bankotsu chuckled amused. "The old man threw a fit because he claimed I didn't follow tradition.” Shrugging as he said ‘tradition’ Bankotsu added, “Then he actually ordered me to be there to meet them when they returned." Bankotsu smirked proclaiming proudly, “Like I’d ever take orders from some old man.”

Kagome laughed and said dryly, "That's gramps alright." Her grandfather could be really straightforward and demanding at times, but he was her grandfather and she loved him.

Bankotsu added, "It was rather amusing." Kayla nodded.

Kagome looked them over and mentioned, "So, I guess that explains the mark on your forehead, huh Kay?" Kayla blushing nodded.

Bankotsu announced proudly, "It's like the demon mating mark. It proclaims she’s mine." as his finger lovingly traced the mark on her forehead and her hand lifted to do the same with his.

Inuyasha snorted and snapped, "Why the hell either of you would want each other is beyond me! He is a cold blooded killer and a pawn of Naraku. She is just too damn crazy- period!" shaking his head.

Quirking a brow amused Kayla quipped, "Well you are a loud mouthed little pup who has a bad temper." It was always easy to rile Inuyasha’s temper, almost like a game.

Eyes narrowing Inuyasha growled and started to stand up. Kagome used to their bickering and knowing it could get out of hand fast, yelled, "Sit boy!" Inuyasha planted into the dirt. Kagome faced him and lightly scolded, "Be nice Inuyasha."

Kagome glared at Kayla who was smirking. Kagome lightly scolded, "Both of you be nice," glaring at her cousin.

Standing and pulling Kayla to him with one arm Bankotsu retorted seriously, "I like Kayla exactly the way she is, mutt! She keeps me on my toes. At least she isn't afraid to argue back," staring at Inuyasha who was just getting out of his crater.

Turning to face Kagome Bankotsu stated, "Anyways, Kay wanted to ask you for some information," reminding them all why his group was there.

Grinning faced Kayla her cousin and queried, "Kags, do you know of anyone who can bring them back to life without these shards?" she really hoped her cousin would. If not they’d have to find someone who did.

Kagome thought a minute and answered, "Well... There is Enju, but I’m not sure if it would work or not." Seeing her cousin’s puzzled expression Kagome explained Enju was Urasuia's daughter and that Urasuia was the one who had brought back Kikyo.

Figuring it couldn’t hurt to try Kayla questioned, "How do we find Enju?" one way or another she was determined her husband’s men would live again- without the shards.

Nervous about getting their hopes up Kagome hesitantly offered, "We could take you to her."

Kayla smiled. "Please do. I want to help them and then we should all take out Naraku together."

Bankotsu informed Inuyasha’s group, "He is on our hit list now as well from trying to kill us so many times. Until the others are freed of the shards influences, we can't openly oppose him."

Inuyasha frowned and Kagome gasped, “Bankotsu… what happened? Your shards are-“

He replied, “Gone yes I know.”

Inuyasha growled, and then deeply sniffed the air. “What the fuck is going on here? Why do you smell like body order instead of graveyard soil?” he demanded, glaring at Bankotsu.

Bankotsu explained, “Somehow when I got sent to Kayla’s time, the shards disappeared and I became alive again.”

Why would anyone let a murderous bastard like you live again?” Inuyasha demanded outraged.

Kayla sighed, “Maybe it’s because he’s got some unfinished business mutt. Ever think of that?” standing up ready to defend her husband.

Bankotsu held her waist and soothed, “Calm down my little tigress, I can handle dog boy.” kissing her neck in an attempt to placate his angry wife.

Kayla sighed and forced herself to calm down. Moving protectively in front of his feisty spouse, Bankotsu shot back cockily, “Why doesn’t matter dog shit, the point is I’m alive again and more than able to kick your pathetic ass,” pushing Kayla back to the guys while he prepared for an attack.

Inuyasha growled ready to meet the challenge, but huffed at the warning look from Kagome. “Inuyasha settle down. And Bankotsu you behave as well.” She scolded the two macho men.

Kayla smiled at the baffled look on Bankotsu’s face as Kagome reprimanded him. He stated impressed, “Maybe she is related to you after all,” smiling at his wife, who smirked.

Kagome sighed, “You two are gonna have to get along if this is going to work,” rubbing her temples.

Kayla added, “Yup, the alphas will have to get along, and everyone will get along or else,” she threatened eyeing both groups sternly.

Not ready to trust them so easily Inuyasha snorted. "How do we know you won't just turn on us?"

Facing him Kayla answered, "Bankotsu and I are married! That makes him family to me, as does it the rest of his comrades. You are Kag's allies that makes you her family, idiot! Use your head!"

Sango's eyes widened as she came to a realization. She looked at Kayla. "You mean to say becoming allies together would make us stronger increasing our chances of defeating Naraku and make us all one big family?" unsure if she liked the idea or not.

Kayla impressed by how fast she had picked up on it smiled at Sango. "Smart woman,"

Sango added, "Technically Kags and I are already like sisters and you‘re her cousin, so..."

Considering the possibilities Miroku brightened adding, "It would seem the wisest choice."

Inuyasha grew angry and began pacing as he fumed, "Have you all forgotten that we have all tried killing each other in the past?"

Kagome looked Inuyasha dead in the eyes and informed him, "Actually Inuyasha, they only did so under Naraku's orders. They haven't tried near as often as your brother did and we’re on civil terms with him now."

Bankotsu added dead seriously, "From a tactical point of view, our becoming allies would be the most strategic idea," loving the stunned faces all around.

Kagome's eyes widened in shock as she gasped, "Where did you learn those big words?"

Bankotsu's eyes held merriment. He smirked informing her smugly, "I’m the leader for more than just my strength and killer good looks."

Kayla added proudly, "Bankotsu also knows how to read, write, and do math in our time."

Smiling Kagome cooed, "Kayla, you softy." There was no doubt in her mind how Bankotsu had learned all that. Her cousin had graduated top in her class for a reason.

Bankotsu added proudly, "Kay is also becoming one helluva good fighter as well!" He’d been truly impressed by how fast she had progressed in their trainings.

Kayla added, "Thanks to Ban teaching me," everyone was surprised by this, and then nodded.

Inuyasha sighed and tried again, "We still don't know if we can really trust them."

Kagome and Kayla both snapped, "Same goes all around. We each trust our own groups, and I trust my cousin."

The girls looked at each other a moment then laughed together. A few minutes later Kayla announced, "We’ll just have to trust each other."

Inuyasha yelled, "I don't like it!" glaring at the biggest pain in the ass he’d ever known.

Miroku stood up pointing out, "Inuyasha, it is the wisest choice."

Also standing Sango added, "It would gain us all a huge advantage over Naraku."

Kagome added, "Plus it would give us two priestesses," knowing Inuyasha would pick up on that tidbit.

Kayla mentioned, "But first we have got to rid the others of those shards, so we must see Enju- immediately." Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Bankotsu all nodded.

Bankotsu stated loudly, "I’m willing to give it a shot. I want my brothers to be able to really live again. We all wish to get revenge against that filthy bastard- so if that means teaming up with the mutt and the others then so be it."

Inuyasha sighed. "Fine, but if any of you try anything I don't like, I will tear you apart," while glaring from one person to the next.

Kayla looked at Inuyasha chuckling and quipped amused, "Nice trust, puppy." annoyed by the remark Inuyasha glared at her.

Remembering she was almost out of bandages Kagome inquired, "Kayla, did you bring any medical stuff by chance?"

Kayla looked at Kagome answering, "You know me Kags, always prepared for almost anything," holding up her full bag.

Kagome smiling said, "Good, it saves me from having to go home just yet."

Kayla suggested, "I would like to head to Enju's as soon as we can."

Sensing her cousin’s urgency Kagome announced, "We will, right Inuyasha?" as she turned to look at Inuyasha questioningly.

Inuyasha commanded, "Whatever, let's just get going already!" Everyone nodded and began gathering their stuff then the two groups set off traveling as one.

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter eleven please remember to read and review thanks.