InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, and the plot, and story line... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 13:

A few hours later:

Inuyasha looked into the sky and spotted Kikyo's soul collectors that were calling to him. He followed them to where Kikyo was.

Kagome followed Inuyasha and saw them together. Covering her mouth, she quietly slunk back before running back to camp crying.

Kayla saw Kagome return and knew she was crying. Noticing the mutt was gone; she put two and two together and grew angry.

She walked over to her cousin aiming to comfort her. Just before she reached her cousin, the wind picked up and a whirlwind appeared to be closing in fast.

Stopping a foot away from the crying priestess, Kouga popped out of the whirl wind and was angry when he found Kagome crying.

He walked over to her and demanded to know what was going on. Still feeling hurt, Kagome looked at him with tears in her eyes and explained.

After a minute of scowling in the direction she had pointed out, Kouga offered to take Kagome away for a break- which she gratefully accepted.

Kayla cleared her throat in order to make her presence known. Kagome introduced Kouga and Kayla to each other, then explained everything she had seen with Inuyasha and Kikyo, and that she was leaving with Kouga for the day.

Understanding that her cousin desperately needed to get away for a break, Kayla nodded and dead seriously warned Kouga not to let Kagome be harmed. He laughed amused by her warning and assured her that no harm would come to Kagome, while she was in his care.

Kayla nodded to the wolf, trusting her cousin’s judgment. Kouga scooped up Kagome bridal style, before turning into his whirl wind and they left. Still unable to sleep Kayla walked back over by the fire and sat back down looking at the stars again.

The next morning:

Inuyasha came back from visiting Kikyo and noticed that Kayla was already awake.

Inuyasha warily approached Kayla and asked, "What has you up so early?"

Kayla looked at him and answered evenly, "Couldn’t sleep- in fact, I’ve been up all night and I wasn't the only one either," staring at him now calmer.

Inuyasha looked thoughtful a moment and questioned, "What are you so worried about?"

Kayla sighed heavily and answered, "I’m worried about a lot of things actually."

Kayla looked him dead in the eye stood up and stated, "Tell me something Inuyasha, what exactly is Kagome to you?"

Inuyasha glared at her and demanded, "What's it to you!?"

Kayla stated dead seriously, "She’s my cousin, and the only person in my family who even tries to accept me! I refuse to stand by and watch her be hurt over and over! Now, answer my question," hands firmly on her hips.

Inuyasha sighed heavily and said, "I care very deeply for her, but," clenching his claws.

Kayla held his gaze and mentioned, "Inuyasha, she loves you and I know damn well that you know it. What I’m asking is do you love her?" staring intently into his golden gaze.

Inuyasha fidgeted nervously a minute under her scrutinizing gaze and then angrily replied, "It's none of your damn-" glaring at her, for making him feel bad and squirm.

Kayla narrowed her gaze and cut him off exploding, "Don't you tell me it isn't any of my damn business, because it sure as hell is! Every time you run off to Kikyo, Kags comes home crying and won't eat!”

Balling her fist up she snapped, “I’m sick of watching her get hurt, because you are too damn selfish to decide what she actually means to you! If you truly care about her happiness, then either stop running off to your dead lover or let Kags go! Hojo is a somewhat decent guy, a wimp for sure, but at least he doesn't break her heart over and over!"

Eyes flashing angrily Kayla spun on her heels and stormed off angrily, to get away from the infuriating mutt.

Inuyasha stood there shocked, then became angry and began growling low at her retreating back. 'How dare that little bitch, show me such a lack of respect?! I’m the male and she will not speak to me like that and get away with it!' balling up his fists her snapped inside his head, 'Besides which, that Hobo guy doesn’t deserve to even look at my Kagome!'

He chased after Kayla and reached out snatching her by the elbow then spun her around to face her. Kayla felt herself being spun around, and came face to face with an obviously irate hanyou. Inuyasha growled angrily, "How dare you speak to me like that?" staring right into her eyes.

Kayla yanked out of his grasp and yelled angrily, "It was nothing more than the truth! You’re too damn selfish, to consider how you’re affecting her! You go off into your own damn little world and she is the one who suffers because of it! Open your damn eyes mutt,” spitting at him venomously, “before it really is too late! Have you even bothered to notice Kags isn't here yet, asshole?"

Growling at her, Inuyasha turned and scanned the area; only to realize that she was correct- Kagome was nowhere in sight. He also realized that he couldn't smell her scent either, he did however smell…"

Inuyasha bellowed, "Son of a bitch! I’m gonna kill that lousy flea ridden wolf!"

Remembering what Kagome said whenever he was out of control, Kayla decided to give it a shot and screamed, "Sit boy!"

Inuyasha, who was shocked as hell, found himself firmly planted into the dirt. He glared up at her and growled angrily, "Why you stupid little bitch!?"

Taking a deep breath, Kayla screamed, "Sit boy!" Inuyasha sunk farther into the dirt groaning painfully.

Kayla smirked before saying, "This works so well, sit boy!" Inuyasha went further into the dirt and growled menacingly while glaring daggers at her.

Looking directly at him Kayla warned dead seriously, "Unless you plan on being in, and eating the dirt all day, I suggest you behave yourself." She was sick of him and his raving lunatic antics, and wasn’t about to be pushed around by him.

Snarling Inuyasha pushed to his feet while he glared at her for a long intense minute. She glared right back at him, with her arms crossed in front of her chest and her feet firmly planted should width apart; her gaze not wavering in the slightest. He turned around with another growl and bounded off to sulk in a tree.

Seeing this relaxed Kayla her stance and sighed heavily. She shook her head sadly and muttered, "Stupid, idiotic, mutt."

Sango who had witnessed the whole ordeal stated, "So it seems you can use the enchanted beads spell as well!?" confusion in her eyes.

Kayla turned to face Sango and shrugged mentioning, "It must be because of the blood relations."

Miroku, who had also watched the scene unfold and had looked on amused, nodded and agreed, "That makes sense."

Kayla turned to face her ‘brothers’ and said evenly, "Renkotsu, Suikotsu, I would appreciate you two going to hunt for some real food," staring at them.

Remembering his leader’s warning, and not wanting to incur his wrath; Suikotsu nodded with wide eyes and mentioned, "As you wish," wasting no time in leaving to do as instructed. Renkotsu snorted but left with Suikotsu and did as instructed.

Sango grinned and stated amused, "It seems they’ve decided not to argue with you after all."

Miroku chuckled adding, "After watching Inuyasha gets sat, I doubt they wanted to chance her wrath," blue eyes twinkling.

Sango laughed and added, "Not to mention Bankotsu's. After all, he made it very clear that she was to be obeyed while he was gone or else."

Kayla agreed, "Most likely they didn't want Bankotsu mad at them." The trio nodded their heads in agreement. Kayla looked at Miroku and stated, "We’re going to need water for when they return."

Miroku nodded and said, "Fear not milady, for I’m on it,” as he got up and left to collect the water. Miroku collected the bucket and walked towards the river.

Sango faced Kayla grinning and complimented impressed, "Wow, even Miroku doesn’t want you mad at him. You’re good Kayla."

Kayla grinned proudly saying, "Thanks." Kayla sighed heavily and mentioned, "I sure hope Kags is okay," as she sat down.

Sango smiled and reassuringly said, "Kouga won't let anything happen to her. He may be pushy, but he does love her," staring into the woman’s eyes.

Kayla nodded and mentioned, "I hope so. She was devastated when she came back last night."

Used to this, Sango nodded and said sadly, "She usually is." Kayla sighed heavily and shook her head sadly.

Miroku returned with the water and Kayla thanked him. He nodded and sat the water down before sitting beside Sango once again.

Kayla, Sango, and Miroku spent the next several hours informing each other about their lives. All three came to realize, that they’d all had it pretty rough in life and gained a new respect towards each other.

Kayla held Sango's gaze and stated, "Wow Sango, and I thought I had it rough. I’m sorry and I’ll help in every way I can to help you get your brother back."

Sango gave a sad smile and replied, "Thanks, I’m happy you and Bankotsu are happy together and I’m sorry about Nenji."

Kayla stated dead seriously, "Bankotsu may be a mercenary and all, but he is hundreds of times better, than most guys I’ve ever had the misfortune to know," staring into their eyes.

Miroku gazed at Kayla and mentioned regretfully, "It's seems you haven’t had the best of luck with the guys in your time period."

Kayla nodded and added, "Most guys there are still of the caveman attitude- women are good only for sex, cooking, and babies."

Sango seethed, "Now that is sad! I would seriously kick their sorry asses if they ever said that to me."

Kayla laughed and exclaimed, "My reaction- exactly." Kayla and Sango both laughed at that while looking at each other. Miroku’s eyes widened and he nodded.

Kayla mentioned, "Even a lech like Miroku here, is better than them."

Grinning his lecherous grin Miroku reached over to grab Kayla's ass.

Catching his hand’s movement Kayla narrowed her eyes at him and warned sternly, "Before you get any ideas remember- I’m Bankotsu's woman and he won't take too kindly to anyone touching me."

Miroku’s eyes widened as he gulped fearfully, and nodded dropping his hand, just before it could reach its intended goal.

Sango glared at him and slapped him in the back of the head growling angrily, "Behave, you stupid hentai!" Kayla watched this and chuckled amused.

Sango looked behind Kayla and mentioned, "They’ve returned," while pointing.

Kayla turned around to look where Sango had pointed and saw that Suikotsu and Renkotsu had indeed returned and had plenty of fresh meat.

She stood up and walked over to them. She took the meat, which had already been cut, and started a big pot of stew for everyone.

Kayla faced them and smiled. "Thanks for hunting Suk and Ren. Now we all have food to eat." They nodded and walked over away from everyone to sit down.

Two hours later everyone ate stew around the camp circle. Standing to her feet Kayla announced she was going to bathe in the river. Sango offered to go with her and Kayla accepted, glad for the company. The girls walked off to the river, and stripped, before climbing into the water. They quickly bathed and climbed out then redressed and returned to camp.

Inuyasha had decided to quit sulking and jumped out of his tree. He stormed over to the girls angrily when they returned.

Inuyasha demanded, "How the hell could you two let that flea bag take her?" angry that his Kagome was taken while he’d been gone and those two didn’t stop it.

Kayla stared at him and informed him seriously, "One mutt face: I was the one that let them go, and two: she wouldn't have gone off with him, if you hadn't run off to play footsie with your dead lover," pointing from her chest to his, in order to stress her point across.

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes and his gaze bored into Kayla, as he growled angrily, "How dare you talk about Kikyo like that? You don't even know her," indignation in his eyes.

Kayla held his gaze unafraid and stated angrily, "I don't need to know her! I know what you two are doing to Kags- that is all that I need to know!"

Sango looked at Inuyasha and reminded, "Inuyasha, you know Kagome always gets upset when you run to Kikyo." Deciding to let Sango deal with Inuyasha, Kayla angrily stormed away and sat beside the fire again.

Inuyasha ran over to Kayla and yanked her to a standing position, his claws barely not breaking the skin.

Kayla glared at him and started to say, "Si..." Not in the mood to be sat again Inuyasha promptly slapped a hand over her mouth.

Before Suikotsu or Renkotsu could confront the angered hanyou, Kayla glared into his smug face icily and brought her knee up as hard as she could, right into his baby makers. In shock and pain Inuyasha let her go and fell to the ground holding himself between the legs.

Kayla smirked and said smoothly, "Sit boy." Still moaning in pain Inuyasha was forced into a deep hole.

Kayla stared at him and declared icily, "Two things mutt. One: don't you ever lay your hands on me again! And two: you practically drove Kagome into the wolf's arms! If you want to be mad at someone, then blame yourself, idiot! Now, sit boy!"

Eyes wide and in pain Inuyasha crashed into the dirt deeper again. At this point he was in a three foot hole and in more pain than he could recall every being in as his throbbing balls protested the sit commands vehemently.

Kayla spun on her heel and walked off towards Suikotsu, and Renkotsu. She stopped a little ways away from the camp and stared out at the setting sun.

Two minutes later Bankotsu and Jakotsu appeared. Bankotsu walked over to Kayla and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Kayla leaned into his side and wrapped her arms around his waist. She’d missed him terribly while he’d been gone.

Bankotsu looked at Inuyasha, who was barely halfway out of the crater and was still holding himself, moaning in pain.

Bankotsu looked at Kayla and questioned, "What's wrong with him," pointing to Inuyasha.

Kayla smirked and answered, "Oh he's just mad. Kagome left with the wolf. He went to see his dead lover last night and Kags followed and then left with the wolf."

Bankotsu raised a brow and queried, "Okay, but why is he on the ground holding himself?" trying not to lose it.

Kayla shrugged and while looking into Bankotsu's eyes informed him evenly, "Mutt thought he could get away with putting his hands on me, because I told him off! So I kneed him a good one," shrugging as if it’d been no big deal.

Bankotsu visibly winced and said, "Ouch," eyes dancing with pure amusement. He looked at Kayla and lightly scolded while grinning, "Kayla, you’ve got to play nice!" Kayla simply shrugged again. Bankotsu couldn’t hold his laughter in anymore and burst out laughing for a few minutes. He sobered up and pulled her into a fierce kiss.

Kayla eagerly returned the kiss. Bankotsu set his hands on Kayla's hips and pulled her into him. Kayla broke the kiss and whispered, "I missed you," nuzzling deeper into his arms.

Bankotsu whispered huskily, "I missed you too, babe," leaning his head on hers. They just held each other a minute, then he pulled back. He kissed the tip of her nose affectionately.

Holding the jars Jakotsu asked curiously, "Where’s Enju?"

Kayla stepped back and looked at Jakotsu, answering, "She’s here somewhere."

A minute later Enju approached and looked at Bankotsu stating, "I see you have brought the soil. Very well, follow me," and turned to leave.

Bankotsu and Kayla walked together, followed by Jakotsu, Suikotsu, and Renkotsu. The five of them followed Enju inside a cave. Enju faced the men and commanded evenly, "Remove your clothes and sit in the springs.

The three zombies immediately proceeded to do as told. Kayla waited over beside Enju. Bankotsu stood by his wife’s side and waited eagerly.

Enju poured the soil into the springs and began chanting. The zombies, who had already sat in the water, fell into a state of unconsciousness. Kayla seeing, this bit her lip nervously.

Enju looked at Kayla and suggested, "It would be best Kayla, for you to relax."

Kayla nodded and walked over to the wall, where she sat down closing her eyes and leaned against the wall. Bankotsu stood to one side out of Enju’s way and watched as she continued.

Hours later Enju finished her task, then walked over to Kayla and woke her informing her, "Your friends should awaken soon."

Kayla looked at Enju and questioned, "Did I fall asleep?"

Enju replied, "Yes, though it isn't surprising, since you haven't slept much in the last few days."

Kayla hid a smile and said sheepishly, "I thought no one knew."

Enju smiled and announced, "I’m very observant."

Kayla nodded and queried, "Okay, did it work?"

Enju smiled and said, "See for yourself," as she pointed to the slumbering men.

Kayla smiled and asked, "Where are the jewel shards?"

Enju placed a small pouch in Kayla's hand and explained, "They had to be removed, in order for it to work."

Kayla smiled saying, "Thank you Enju!"

Enju smiled replying, "You’re welcome, now- be happy." Kayla nodded and grinned.

Kayla moved over to sit beside Bankotsu and waited for the others to wake up. He held her close to his side and nervously awaited his brothers waking up. She placed her head against his chest and closed her eyes. He laid his head against hers, needing comfort. He closed his eyes and just held her. This would be the hardest step, the waiting. Bankotsu wasn’t a man who enjoyed waiting; it was hard for him to be patient.

A couple hours later:

Kayla woke up and found Bankotsu also just waking up. “We must have fallen asleep,” she said amused, noting the sleepy look on his face.

Bankotsu yawned and started to stretch. “Are they awake yet?” he asked curiously.

Kayla said, “I’ll go check,” and left to check on her friends. Finding them asleep she returned to Bankotsu's side and said, "They’re still sleeping. I’ll be back shortly. I need to inform the mutt and the others that it worked."

Bankotsu stated, "Fine, but hurry back to me," eager for her return.

Kayla smiled answering, "Okay." She walked outside to find Inuyasha growling as the wind picked up.

Kouga appeared and gently deposited Kagome on her feet. Kagome kissed his cheek and saying sweetly, "Thanks Kouga."

Kouga beamed and responded, "Anytime Kagome!"

Inuyasha angrily stormed over and demanded, "Kagome! What the hell do you think you were doing with that mangy wolf!?"

Kouga narrowed his eyes at Inuyasha, and growling, declared, "What my Kagome and I do, isn't your concern- mutt!"

Becoming even more jealous, Inuyasha growled and countered, "She isn't yours, wolf!"

Unimpressed by his actions, Kagome said evenly, "Sit boy." Inuyasha plummeted to the ground sputtering.

Kagome turned to Kouga and suggested, "Maybe you should go for now Kouga."

Kouga nodded and answered, "As soon as I make sure that stupid mutt isn't gonna hurt you again."

Kagome holding his gaze said evenly, "I can handle him just fine- Bye Kouga."

Kouga reluctantly nodded and took off. seeing Inuyasha start after the wolf, Kagome yelled, "Sit boy!" Inuyasha’s face painfully met the dirt again.

Kayla walked over to Kagome and mentioned amused, "I see you’re back Kags. Did you have fun?"

Kagome smiled and answered cheerily, "Yup."

Kayla said, "Good!" Turning serious, Kayla informed her cousin, "The guys are still sleeping, but it seems to have worked." Kayla held up her hand and handed Kagome the pouch of jewel shards.

Kagome opened the pouch, staring at the shard and said, "Thanks Kayla." Kayla nodded smiling at her kin.

Inuyasha pulled himself up and fumed, "Why did you let that flea bag go again Kagome?"

Kagome faced him and replied evenly, "Because he was a true friend to me today."

Inuyasha demanded irate, "Just why the hell did you run off with him anyways!?"

Kagome losing her cool composure, replied angrily, "You really want to know why Inuyasha? Fine, I will tell you! It's because he is my friend! You ran off to Kikyo last night and I ran into Kouga. He saw me crying and asked why. Once I explained, he offered to take me a way for a bit of a breather and I gladly accepted," glaring full force at the hanyou.

Inuyasha became outraged and fumed, "WHAT!?" staring at his defiant bitch.

Kayla looked at Inuyasha and reminded, "I told you earlier, stupid mutt. I wasn't the only one up last night." Inuyasha glared at Kayla and Kayla glared back at him.

Kagome snapped angrily, "Inuyasha what Kouga and I did or didn't do is none of your concern! You keep running back to Kikyo and for once, I decided to go with Kouga. Now, just shut the hell up and deal with it!" Kagome had never been so angry in her life as she was at this minute.

Inuyasha was taken aback by her anger and said softly "K... Kagome?" staring at her sadly. Kagome sent him a death glare and stormed over to where Sango was then sat down.

Kayla shook her head sadly at Inuyasha before spinning on her heel and walked away. Kayla returned to the cave and laid down beside Bankotsu.

He smiled, wrapping an arm around her waist and both waited anxiously for the others to waken.

Inuyasha sulked in his tree. Kagome and Sango bed down by the fire along with Miroku.

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter thirteen please remember to read and review thanks.