InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, and the plot, and storyline... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 16:

Kayla looked into his eyes, took a deep breath and said, "It said I’m... not pregnant." afraid of his reaction.

Bankotsu let out the breath he had been holding and asked, "Okay, so what now?" he was puzzled by why she wasn’t pregnant yet seemed so drained lately.

Kayla held his gaze as she answered, "So now, I need to see a doctor and find out why I’m so tired lately." She knew something was wrong, and was determined to find out why. Thinking it was best to find out what had happened to her, Bankotsu nodded.

Kayla stood up and walked to the phone, picking it up out of the cradle. She dialed a series of numbers and called her doctor to make an appointment for in three days.

Kayla faced Bankotsu and said, "Okay, I have an appointment set up for three days from now."

Bankotsu nodded again, he wouldn’t say so yet; but was worried about her.

Kayla mentioned, "We need to let Inuyasha know, so he doesn't freak out."

Bankotsu, not about to leave until after they found out what was going on, agreed. They walked over to Kagome's place and found Kagome and Inuyasha in Kagome's room.

Kayla looked at them and informed them, "I have a doctor’s appointment three days from now, depending on what the doc says; I may have to be here even longer."

Kagome looked concerned and asked, "Is everything alright?" knowing that her cousin didn’t go to the doctor very often.

Kayla shrugged and replied, "I’ve been feeling really drained a lot lately and need to know why."

Kagome thought about it and questioned, "Well, could you be pregnant?" she asked, knowing that it was a possibility.

Kayla sighed and said, "Well, I took a test an hour ago, and it came up negative. So I’ll be having blood work done to figure this all out."

Inuyasha sniffed then looked at her and mentioned, "Well, you smell pregnant to me," staring into her eyes.

Kayla nodded and informed him, "I was pretty sure that I was too. But the test was negative, so we’ll have to wait and see what the doctor says."

Kagome understanding nodded and said, "Okay. Let me know what the doc says though."

Inuyasha stated, "You certainly smell pregnant. So maybe the test was wrong?" he was puzzled now too.

Kayla nodded and said, "I haven't had any morning sickness yet, but I’m just so tired anymore." Truth be told, she was ninety-eight-percent certain she was pregnant; she was just confused why the test was saying otherwise.

With Sango and Miroku:

They had just arrived at the slayer's village; it was still pretty much trashed, but the main mess had been piled to one side, and the graves to the other. Only one hut lay untouched, as well as the workshop. They climbed off Kirara and set about collecting fire wood.

Sango then went to work on repairing her Hiraikotsu, while Miroku caught and cooked several fish. After eating dinner, they went to sleep inside Sango's hut.

The next morning:

They had breakfast and Sango spent the entire day working on repairing her Hiraikotsu.

Miroku walked around and collected firewood and hunted a few rabbits, as well as gathered some vegetables. Afterwards, he sat with Kirara and marveled over Sango’s laboring over the weapon. After dinner they went to sleep for the night.

The next morning:

She went back to repairing her Hiraikotsu again. She pound on it with special tools, and then put the bone in the fire to make it easier to work with. Then she’d take it out and work on hammering away the imperfections and dip it in water again.

Miroku not wanting to be a lay about, collected more firewood and fish, Kirara would go with him from time to time.

Sango finally took a break, needing to let her muscles relax, and walked over to the graves putting fresh flowers on them, after wiping the sweat off her brow. About an hour later, she went back to working on her weapon.

Miroku, knowing she would be hungry after all that strenuous work, would make the food and call her when it was finished. At the end of the daylight, he’d have finished a satisfactory dinner and call her to eat. After dinner they went to sleep for the night.

At the doctor’s office:

Doctor Saya asked, "Okay miss Ryuujin, What seems to be the problem?"

Kayla answered, "Well lately I’m so tired, I feel completely drained. I took an at home pregnancy test a few days ago, and it showed up negative. I would like to know why I’m so drained, if I’m not pregnant."

Doctor Saya suggested, "Hmm could be a number of things. Let’s get some blood drawn and go from there, okay?"

Kayla nodded and held out her arm. The doctor prepared the arm and stuck the needle in, before she drew out three tubes of blood.

Doctor Saya said, "Okay now I shall have this analyzed in about an hour." Doctor Saya walked out carrying the tubes of blood, and closed the door behind her.

Kayla nodded and she and Bankotsu waited nervously. Bankotsu sat in the chair after pulling it over to where Kayla was sitting.

An hour later Doctor Saya walked in smiling and announced, "Your suspicion was correct. Congratulations mom and dad."

Bankotsu looked shocked and asked, "I... I’m really going to be a father?"

Doctor Saya smiled at them and nodded. Bankotsu's face; transformed into a much softer expression as he grinned.

Kayla smiled then looked at Dr. Saya and queried, "How come it didn't show up on the test?" curious now more than ever.

Doctor Saya looked at her and answered, "It could have been any number of things. Anyways you are indeed pregnant, so make sure to get plenty of calcium and iron alright. I have also prescribed prenatal vitamins for you."

Kayla nodded and said, "Thank you Doctor Saya."

Doctor Saya nodded and instructed, "Make an appointment for four weeks from now before you leave, okay?"

Kayla nodded, then walked to the desk, and made another appointment for in four weeks. Bankotsu and Kayla left the doctors and filled the prescription, and picked up a couple boxes of calcium chews, and some iron supplements- just in case.

Back home:

They walked back and went over to Kagome's place. Kayla looked at them and announced excitedly, "Well, I was right, I am pregnant."

Kagome grinned and said, "Congratulations!"

Kayla stated, "Thanks. She said to make sure that I get plenty of iron and calcium, and gave me a prescription for prenatal vitamins. I also got an extra bottle of prenatals from Wal-Mart, so I’m sure not to run out. We picked up some calcium chews as well, when we filled the prescription; so now I just need to pack those and make sure I eat plenty of meat. We can leave whenever you like. Also, I need to come back in four weeks for a checkup."

Inuyasha nodded and mentioned, "We’ll leave tomorrow morning, then."

Kayla nodded and stated, "Okay. I’ll add my chews and vitamins to my bag now." Bankotsu and Kayla returned to Kayla's place and added her vitamins and calcium chews to her bag.

Bankotsu and Kayla made lunch and ate. While eating Bankotsu made it clear Kayla was to leave the fighting to him and the others until after the baby was born. Not wanting to risk their first child, she agreed.

After lunch Kayla decided to take a nap. Bankotsu lay beside her on their bed and just enjoyed holding her. After an hour long nap Kayla woke up and felt a little better. Kayla informed him of that by crawling on top of him and kissing him soundly, and Bankotsu proceeded to make love with her.

After that, they walked into the bathroom and showered, washing each other’s hair.

Then they climbed out and got dressed. Kayla put on one of her summer dresses, and frowning mentioned, “There are still some things we forgot to pick up, like clothes for when I’m bigger.

Bankotsu nodded and suggested, “Let’s go get what you’ll need then, so we can make sure you have everything; before we leave tomorrow.

Kayla and Bankotsu then went shopping and bought some maternity dresses, maternity pants, and some over large t-shirts. Kayla bought some newer, sturdier shoes and some nursing bras as well.

Bankotsu shook his head laughing as they paid for their purchases. Gathering the bags, they returned home and she added one maternity dress and a maternity bra, plus one pair of pants, and an over large shirt to her bag.

They walked over and ate dinner at Kagome's with the family. Bankotsu announced their happy news. Mioki squealed at the thought of having a baby around within the year. Guro demanded, “You’d better keep her and my great grandchild safe." Bankotsu informed him rather bluntly, that he didn’t need any old man telling him what to do about his wife and child.

Guro shook his head but nodded and Bankotsu and Kayla left. They went home and slept for the rest of the night.

With Suikotsu, Jakotsu, and Renkotsu:

Jakotsu who’d been missing his leader, whined, "I sure miss big brother. I hope they return soon."

Suikotsu soothed, "Relax I’m sure they will return soon enough," as he smiled at Jakotsu in his ‘doctor’ form.

Renkotsu, who’d grown increasingly irritated by them both, mentioned, "Let’s hope so," as he lightly massaged his throbbing temples.

With Sango and Miroku:

Sango informed him, "Okay Miroku, Hiraikotsu is repaired now. We should sleep tonight and return in the morning."

Miroku said, "Right you are Sango. I’m sure Inuyasha and the others are back by now."

Sango collected and placed fresh flowers on each of the graves then saying a prayer to them, returned to the hut and went to bed.

The next morning:

With Bankotsu and Kayla:

They rolled out of bed and ate a healthy and balanced breakfast with fresh squeezed orange juice.

Kayla, swallowed her prenatal vitamin and ate two calcium chews, then grabbed her bag and put it on her back.

Bankotsu grabbed his Banryu, after replacing his armor, on his body. They walked outside and Kayla locked the door behind them, slipping the key into her bag.

They met Inuyasha and Kagome inside the shrine house. Inuyasha and Kagome went through the well, followed by Kayla and Bankotsu.

With Sango and Miroku:

They woke up and ate breakfast, before gathering their things. Then they climbed onto Kirara and set off towards Kaedee's village.

At the well in the Feudal Era:

Kagome and Inuyasha popped out of the well, and hefted her pack freshly stocked with stuff over the lip of the well.

A minute later Kayla and Bankotsu also popped out of the well. Banryu was on his back and he was holding Kayla’s bag as she came out behind him.

Inuyasha looked around and questioned, "So, Sango and Miroku aren't back yet, huh?"

Kagome looked at him and said, "Calm down Inuyasha, I’m sure they’ll be here any minute."

Renkotsu walked up and stated, "Welcome back, big brother," glad to no longer have to mediate between the gay man and the good to shoes doctor.

Bankotsu nodded and asked, "Was there any trouble while we were gone?"

Renkotsu knowing he wasn’t talking about the two who bickered on a regular basis answered, "Naw, it's been pretty quiet."

Bankotsu nodded and said, "That's good." Taking the bag from Kayla and instructing her to rest while they could.

Still in his doctor persona, Suikotsu walked up and mentioned, "Big brother, little sister, I’m glad you two are back now."

Hearing this Jakotsu ran over to Bankotsu and hugged him up whining, "Oh big brother! I missed you so much!"

Bankotsu laughed, hugged him back and replied, "I missed you to Ja. Now let go of me."

Jakotsu shook his head and whined, "No! Then you’ll just leave again," clinging to his leader for dear life.

Kayla shook her head, smiling at the display and sat down. Bankotsu pried Jakotsu off of him and sat beside Kayla.

Bankotsu faced the groups and asked, "So, we’re waiting on the lech of a monk and the slayer, correct?"

Inuyasha nodded and mentioned, "When they get here, we’ll be leaving." Bankotsu nodded.

Inuyasha suggested, "We should head to Kaedee's. We can wait there." Everyone nodded.

Bankotsu stood to his feet and held out a hand to Kayla. She accepted his hand and he gently helped her to her feet. They smiled at each other. Everyone after gathering their bags, set off towards Kaedee's hut.

At Kaedee's hut:

After arriving at Kaedee's hut, they all sat outside talking. Kagome smiled and mentioned, "So Bankotsu, I bet you and Kayla are pretty excited, huh?"

Bankotsu smiled and exclaimed happily, "Yeah! I still can't believe I’m really going to be a father," he finished with a huge grin.

Kayla added happily, "Yup! Just think we’ll have a little one running around soon enough."

Jakotsu shrieked excitedly, "Congratulation, big brother," eagerness shining in his eyes.

Bankotsu grinned and said, "Thanks Ja!" Truth be told he was damn proud to have a family on the way, but he was also worried about what Naraku would do. He was determined not to give him the chance. Shoving his darker thoughts aside, he basked in the moment.

Harboring no delusions Renkotsu stated evenly, "This will put us at a disadvantage against Naraku.”

Bankotsu stated seriously, "Yeah, I know, but Kayla is going with us regardless! I won't leave my pregnant wife, alone and unprotected!"

Suikotsu nodded and informed him, "We’ll have to ensure she eats properly."

Kayla smiling replied, "Yeah, my doctor gave me special vitamins and I also got some calcium chews- stuff people in my time use." She added after seeing the doctor’s confused look. Suikotsu shrugged and nodded.

Bankotsu added, "This also means we’ll be hunting more frequently," as he eyed his men back in leader mode. Everyone nodded.

Kayla smiled and mentioned, "And if I get lucky, I might just skip the whole morning sickness part." Really hoping she could by pass that part.

Kagome laughed and said, "Let’s hope so."

Inuyasha informed the group dead seriously, "This also means Kayla will not be in the front during the battles anymore. She should stay back beside Kagome."

Having already gone through this with her husband, Kayla sighed and stated, "I know. I have no intentions of putting my child in danger. However, don't expect me to stay on the side lines either. Until I start showing at least, I will be beside Ban, and fighting just like everyone else."

Bankotsu looked at her and ordered sternly, "As long as you and the baby don't get hurt! When things start getting dangerous, I want you back with your cousin! Got it?"

Kayla nodded, and replied, "Of course, love."

Bankotsu continued firmly, "I will not allow you to put yourself or the child in harm’s way!"

Kayla smiled and reassured, "I have no intention of doing so either." They both nodded satisfied.

For lunch Suikotsu and Bankotsu went hunting and brought back a huge boar. It was cut up and boiled into a delicious stew. Everyone sat around and ate lunch. Just as they had finished eating, Sango and Miroku arrived.

Sango said, "Sorry, we took longer than I’d expected." explaining their lateness to Inuyasha.

Kayla replied, "That's okay, I had to go see a doctor, so we ended up being longer than expected as well."

Sango questioned, "Is everything okay?" slightly alarmed. She remembered that Kagome had talked about how her cousin only went to see a doctor, if it was something serious.

Kayla grinned and answered, "Yup! Ban and I are gonna be parents," letting her happiness show in her sparkling eyes.

Sango smiled and exclaimed happily, "That's great! Congratulations!" She liked Kayla and was happy they had something to look forward to on a more positive note.

Kayla smiled and said, "Thanks," grinning as if she’d just been told the best news in the world and had no worries.

Bankotsu proclaimed excitedly, "I still can't believe I’m going to be a father! I never thought it would happen, me a father."

Kayla nodded and suggested, "Yup! Now, shouldn't we get going soon?" she was eager to begin their journey.

Inuyasha nodded and responded, "We’ll travel until the sun sets," expecting everyone to follow him without question.

Bankotsu shot him a glare barking, “Don’t think you’re gonna order me or mine about mutt.” Inuyasha scowled and everyone nodded and set off.

Inuyasha, Kagome, Kayla, and Bankotsu in front; followed by Sango with Kirara on her shoulder, Miroku, Renkotsu, Suikotsu, and Jakotsu.

Kayla stated happily, "Well, one good thing about all this walking, is it’ll make sure that I get plenty of exercise." Enjoying the exercise and remembering reading somewhere that walking was good, for when you’re pregnant.

Kagome nodded and agreed, "It is good, just make sure you don't overdo it." Knowing how stubborn her cousin would be, at times. Kayla laughing nodded. They all continued walking until sunset.

Bankotsu came upon a suitable spot and held up his hand signaling to stop. His group knowing what he meant, due to many years of traveling with him, stopped causing the others to stop as well. Bankotsu informed them, "Time to make camp." Kagome and Sango started setting up camp. Inuyasha scowled at Bankotsu.

Renkotsu gathered firewood, Suikotsu collected the water, and Bankotsu and Inuyasha went hunting. Inuyasha and Bankotsu brought back plenty rabbits, skinned them and threw them into the pots. Kagome and Kayla gathered plenty of different berries, nuts, and herbs.

After the stew was finished and everyone had eaten their fill, they sat around the fire talking a while. Bankotsu ordered, "Suikotsu and Jakotsu will be on guard duty tonight." They nodded.

Inuyasha added, "I’ll be up tonight and alert as well." Bankotsu nodded.

Kayla yawned and mentioned, "I’m gonna turn in for the night, night everyone." All of today’s exercise, plus the tolls of pregnancy were kicking in.

Bankotsu nodded and rolled out the sleeping bags for her. He tucked her into the sleeping bag and blanket, before leaning over and kissed her check and whispered, "Sleep well K-babe. I’ll join you after while."

Kayla kissed his cheek and said while yawning, "Okay," she rolled over onto her side and drifted off to sleep. After assuring she was indeed asleep Bankotsu rejoined the others over by the fire.

Kagome smiled and mentioned, "I imagine all that walking today, on top of being pregnant, has worn her out." Bankotsu nodded. He’d already reached that conclusion himself.

Sango faced Kagome and asked teasingly, "So Kagome, when are you going to be pregnant?"

Kagome blushed and replied, "I’m not even married yet Sango.” Deciding to turn the tables she teased, “What about you?"

Sango blushed and said, "Neither am I."

Inuyasha looked confused and Bankotsu laughed. Thinking things over he stared at the monk and said, “You’ll marry us officially in the morning, right?” Miroku surprised by the request nodded. Bankotsu smirked and nodded once as if that settled things.

Remembering who exactly he’d asked that of he warned seriously, “And don’t try anything funny monk, or you won’t have to worry about having a woman bear your son. We clear?”

Miroku’s eyes widened as he gulped and nodded saying, “I understand a simple ceremony in the morning. I’ll be ready.” He assured. Bankotsu nodded his satisfaction, and then turned back to the others.

Renkotsu suggested, "Umm, big brother, don't you think it would be wiser to leave Kayla in her time until the baby is born?"

Bankotsu answered, "No I do not. Suffice it to say, her family is okay,” thinking, “With the exception of the old geezer,” then finished out loud, ”but the rest of the people in her time aren't that kind to her. She’s better off here with us.”

Kagome knowing every word he spoke was true nodded and agreed, "Very true." Renkotsu shrugged and walked away.

Inuyasha stated, "You’re right Bankotsu, despite the dangers we all face; she is better off here with us." He too was well aware of how Kayla was treated in her time.

Bankotsu nodded and added, "Besides which, I intend to be there in case she needs anything."

Kagome cooed, "Aww that's sweet!" She’d never have expected the cold merciless killer to have such a soft spot for her bullheaded cousin.

Miroku said, "Very admirable. Besides, I doubt that she would be happy with you, were you to send her back."

Bankotsu chuckled and mentioned amused, "No doubt! She’d become furious, were I to even suggest it!" he quite enjoyed her feisty side, especially in the bed. Her temper could almost rival his- almost.

Kagome laughed then agreed seriously, "Oh yeah she would! And trust me a seriously pissed off Kayla is not something you will ever want to see twice."

Bankotsu chuckled and said, "I bet," he’d seen a hint of her temper when Nenji had visited, and held no doubt that was just the beginning; both of her temper, and of that bastard’s visits. Something deep down told him despite threatening the prick, he’d be returning sooner or later.

Inuyasha commanded, "You should get some sleep humans. We’ll set out at sunrise."

Kagome sighed and got into her own sleeping bag, quickly followed by Shippo; who curled up leaning his head on her side.

Miroku and Sango took Kirara and curled up by the fire to sleep, settling next to Kagome, and Shippo.

Bankotsu shot Inuyasha a warning glare, before facing his men and suggesting, "You may as well get some sleep while you can, Ren." Renkotsu nodded and settled into to sleep. Jakotsu and Suikotsu nodded that they remember his earlier decree about them being on guard duty.

Bankotsu talked with Inuyasha a while longer, about how best to handle Naraku and his minions; then went to turn in as well. Inuyasha rested against a tree with his sword in his arms, keeping a villigant watch over the sleeping people.

Bankotsu laid his Banryu close to him and lay down beside Kayla. He wrapped one arm around Kayla's waist and had his Banryu right by his head. Years of living as a mercenary had instilled in him, to never drop his guard completely, not even in sleep. The only time he’d be truly vulnerable, was when he was busy pleasuring himself and his beloved; even then Banryu would be close at hand, just not in his hands.

He closed his eyes and nuzzled her hair, inhaling deeply, breathing in her calming lavender scent; that always managed to soothe him. He slowly relaxed and allowed his eyes to close, knowing his men would wake him in case of anything major and drifted off to sleep.

Jakotsu and Suikotsu, used to the routine sat up keeping guard over the camp. Every now and then, one or the other would stand up and walk around checking the perimeters outside the camp, then return. Inuyasha sat up keeping a silent vigil as well, with Tetsuiga close to his chest. He may have accepted Bankotsu, but he wasn’t going to trust the men with him just yet. He too had learned not to let his guard down so easily.

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter sixteen please remember to read and review thanks.