InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 17 ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, all other OC’s and the plot, and story line..... There. I said it. (sighs)

A/N: Yasuo translates to- peaceful one. I settled on that for Kagome’s father’s name. Kayla’s father’s name was Hiroshi which translates to – generous, and Kayla’s mother was named Manami which translates to - love + beauty.

Heads up to all of my wonderful readers: After this I won't update again until Sept 15th. I have my reasons for waiting so long. Thanks for understanding.

Chapter 17:

The next morning:

Kayla woke early do to her rumbling stomach and just lay in Bankotsu's arms, enjoying the feeling of being cherished. She nuzzled her head into his powerful chest and lay there content.

After while feeling Kayla’s hair tickle his face, Bankotsu woke up chuckling as her stomach rumbled again and kissed her lips tenderly. Kayla giggled and kissed him back.

She pulled back from the kiss to stare into his beautiful indigo blue eyes. They reminded her, of glistening sapphire gems. When he was angry, his eyes would cloud grey, and flashes of red rage would crash out like thunder, and raw emotion seeped from the clouds, like a storm building in the sky before a heavy rain.

He kissed the tip of her nose and they stood up. Bankotsu instructed his two night watchmen to rest a bit before everyone ate. Suikotsu and Jakotsu grateful for the reprieve nodded and bed down, knowing it wouldn’t be too long before they’d be woken up again.

Bankotsu walked over to the river leading Kayla by the hand, then climbed into it to catch some fish for breakfast; and ended up laughing and playing in the water a little bit, after Kayla splashed him.

Bankotsu after catching enough fish for everyone; chased Kayla around in the water for a while. They took turns dunking each other and swimming away from each other, basically behaving like kids- carefree and in the mood to just enjoy life for a while.

Once he grew hungry about an hour after they’d first entered the water, Bankotsu scooped Kayla into his arms and carried her over to the bank. He gently lowered her to her feet and gathered his Banryu and the strings of fish. They walked over together to the fire and after stoking the fire, started smoking the fish.

Kayla sat beside Bankotsu smiling at feeling at peace. Bankotsu sat there watching his woman and said, “After breakfast we need to do something before we get going.” Kayla curious what he had planned, smiled and nodded.

Bankotsu left Kayla watching over their food as it cooked, and walked around waking his men up, starting with Renkotsu. Renkotsu sat up nodding and prepared his few belongings, so that he would be ready to leave.

Bankotsu then woke up Suikotsu. He groggily rolled out of his bed furs and began packing his things as well.

Bankotsu woke up Jakotsu warning, “Don’t be difficult this morning, Ja.” Groaning Jakotsu rolled over and seeing the look on his leader’s face nodded.

Inuyasha, who had seen their earlier goofing off, stood to his feet and woke his group up one at a time.

Miroku got up and went to scrub his face. Remembering Bankotsu request, he mouthed to Bankotsu silently, “After breakfast.” Bankotsu nodded and ate his food, sitting next to Kayla.

Sango rolled to her feet and after washing her face, packed up her stuff knowing they’d head out soon after breakfast. Knowing Inuyasha, he was already itching to get moving.

Kagome started passing out bowls of berries and nuts. Kayla pulling off some of the fish smiled and thanked her cousin. Kagome nodded and proceeded to pass out the remaining fish to everyone as well.

Kayla ate her meal and then dug into her bag. She pulled out her prenatals and calcium chews. She opened a bottle of water and took her prenatal, with the water to wash it down, then chewed her calcium chews. She replaced her things into her bag and looked at her lover saying, “Okay Bankotsu, I'm ready now.”

He nodded and ordered, “Go and change if you like, since your clothes still haven’t fully dried yet.” He could still see some of the material was darker in areas where it was still wet.

Kayla assured, “I’m fine.” Her clothes were drying fast and she didn’t feel like changing. Bankotsu nodded and turned to face Miroku nodding the signal for him to begin.

Miroku cleared his throat and using a large stump in place of a table settled the ceremonial cup on the stump; followed by the ceremonial bindings. Both had been stored in his robe, since he would occasionally be called on to perform such a ceremony from time to time.

Bankotsu walked forward leading a stunned Kayla by the elbow and Miroku began the wedding ceremony. Kayla was utterly speechless for once. She’d not been expecting this right now, but she was thrilled that they would be married in front of friends and family.

Once the bindings had been wrapped around the couple’s joined hands, he raised the cup and blessed them, before handing the cup to Bankotsu; who sipped from the cup, before handing the cup to Kayla with a grin. Kayla grinning as well drank from the cup, before placing it back on the stump.

Miroku announced loud and clear, “You all bear witness to the newlyweds, Ryuujin Bankotsu and Kayla.” Bankotsu smirked before leaning over and kissing Kayla soundly; she of course kissed him back and pulled away grinning.

Everyone congratulated them and the bindings were removed. Bankotsu hefted Banryu to his shoulder and Kayla went to retrieve her bag. Bankotsu walked over to her, pulling her into his side- where she belonged and said, “Okay people, time to move out.”

Suikotsu, Renkotsu, Jakotsu, Bankotsu, and Kayla started walking off together. Bankotsu kept Kayla beside him with their fingers entwined. Now they were officially married, and no one could keep them apart. Once they found a suitable village, Bankotsu would get them some wedding bracelets made.

Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango, all walked behind them, with Shippo riding on Kagome's shoulder and Kirara rode on Sango's shoulder. Inuyasha and Kagome caught up and walked beside Bankotsu and Kayla.

Shippo looked at Kayla and asked, “Can I ride with you for a while?” Kayla smiled and nodded. Shippo now grinning hopped over onto Kayla's shoulder thinking, 'She’s nice like Kagome… as long as you don’t cross her. Besides, if she can make Bankotsu act almost nice around us, she’d have no problem keeping Inuyasha off of me. I wonder if she will spoil her own child?'

Kagome smiled, she was happy to see Kayla being accepted by her friends; and accepting her friends- especially Shippo. Though she worried how Bankotsu and Kayla would stay together if the well indeed closed once the jewel was completed and the wish was made. She also worried about how she and Inuyasha would stay together, if that happened.

Kayla smiled she felt welcomed somewhere for once. Knowing she had a small child of her own on the way thrilled her. She was eager to show Bankotsu that she would be the best wife to him and mother to their children. Smiling her hand went to her flat stomach as she thought awed, 'A mother… I’m actually going to be a real mother.'

Spotting the kit on his wife’s shoulder Bankotsu hid a small smile, thinking about when his child would ride on her hip or on his back. Inuyasha grunted at the site and turned away trying to hide a smile of his own.

Sango watched slightly envious as she thought, 'Until Naraku’s dead, I can’t allow anything else to get in my way… but someday it would be nice to have what Kayla has- a devoted husband, and even a child on the way. You are so lucky Kayla… I only pray that we can defeat Naraku before he harms you or your child.'

Miroku walking beside Sango, reached down and squeezed her hand whispering, “Someday when Naraku is defeated, that will be us.” as he too watched the newlyweds. Sango smiled and nodded.

Kayla looked at Bankotsu and asked a little puzzled, “So what was with this morning?” curious as to his reasoning for the second wedding.

Bankotsu replied seriously, “It was made official in your time, and now it has been made official in my time as well. Everyone will recognize us as married this way, regardless of which era of time we are in.”

Kayla grinned and nodded, slipping her hand into his. Bankotsu squeezed her hand lightly in acknowledgement and turned his attention to the path that they were currently walking down.

His mind wandered to the rings they were wearing. He didn’t mind wearing her parents rings since they meant so much to her. But, he was going to craft them a set of bracelets as well- made by his own hand and surprise her. This way they would both be happy.

He just needed to find the materials, and slip off long enough to make them. For now though, he focused back to keeping his attention on their surroundings in case of and surprise attacks.

Renkotsu asked, “Big brother, where do you think Naraku is hiding?” as he watched his leader and his little sister leading the two groups.

Bankotsu sighed answering flatly, “I don’t know Ren, but I guarantee we will find that coward and finish him off once and for all!”

Jakotsu hummed to himself as he thought about holding his niece or nephew once it was finally born.

Grinning Kagome asked, “Kay, you realize that mama is going to expect to spoil the baby right?” while holding her mate’s hand and walking beside him.

Kayla replied, “Yeah Kags I know, but as you know I have more than enough money to provide for a child.”

Bankotsu added seriously, “And in this time, I have more than enough money to provide for my family.”

Kagome sighed, “Yeah I know Kay, but this will be the first child either of us have had and you know how mama is about babies.” secretly hoping that her cousin would at least let her mother help a little bit.

Kayla replied, “I know Kags. Don’t worry I’ll let Aunt Mioki help out some, but you know I’ve always been independent and prefer to handle things my own way.”

Stopping and staring his wife in the eyes Bankotsu added, “I’ll let your Aunt help a little but this child is ours K- babe and we will raise it and all others- together!”

Kayla grinned agreeing happily, “Yes we will!” earning a kiss on her star from her handsome husband, before they started walking off again.

Kagome smiled thinking, 'At least she is willing to let mama do some to help out,' knowing that was the best she would get from her stubborn cousin.

Suikotsu smiled as he watched their interactions thinking, 'At least these two are actually getting along for once without any bickering,' referring to his brothers on either side of him.

Kayla smiled as she walked holding her husband’s hand and watched the beautiful scenery they passed by. She’d always loved being out in nature, it was one of the biggest reasons she kept the cabin her father had left her along with all of the land. If she ever needed an escape she’d have one, one that her parents had cherished just as much as she did.

Her mother had died when she was only seven and it had scared her deeply. She’d practically clung to her father for the next three years- only letting go when she had to stay with her aunt during his yearly trips for business and her schooling, and as soon as he or she returned- she clung to him even tighter.

Eventually she had come to understand that he would return and she didn’t have to cling so much, ever since then she’d become independent and insisted on doing everything herself. She smiled as she recalled how she had insisted on taking over the house hold duties and ensuring her father ate well.

A tear slipped down her cheek as she remembered that awful day she had been told her father’s plane had crashed out over the ocean on its way home. They told her the small private plane had encountered a sudden storm that had taken the lives of her father, and his co pilot. She remembered throwing an absolute fit until they had dragged the sea bed and searched all surrounding areas for possible survivors.

She frowned as she remembered the horrible day she had buried both her father and his co pilot’s bodies. Both families had been devastated at the funerals. She wiped away a tear as the memory of watching their caskets lowered into the ground. Bankotsu sensed his wife’s sadness and squeezed her hand causing her to turn to him. He noticed the tears swimming in her eyes and asked, “What is it Kay?” concern visible in his sapphire orbs.

She replied sadly, “I was just remembering when daddy died.” and used her free hand to wipe away the crystal drops from her face. Bankotsu stopped her and kissed away her tears, before pulling her into a strong one armed hugged chasing her tears and the blue feeling away and replacing it with the warm feeling of knowing she was loved. She smiled and hugged his waist.

“Thanks Ban,” she said softly, before kissing his chin and pulling back. The others had all stopped and blinked wondering what had happened. Smiling she and Bankotsu started walking again and Bankotsu asked, “Do you want to talk about it?”

She answered, “He died in a plane crash, along with his co pilot- my uncle.” as her free hand gripped her shirt hem tightly.

He blinked and asked shocked, “You mean Kagome’s father?” she closed her eyes and nodded.

Taking a deep breath she added, “I insisted that they drag the ocean where the plane went down and search for survivors… From what we’ve gathered, Hiroshi- my father and Uncle Yasuo both survived the crash, but daddy had to carry his brother to the shore because he had hit his head when the plane hit the water.”

Opening her eyes and taking another deep breath she finished, “They were both found on an island already dead. Uncle Yasuo had died with a concussion from hitting his head. And daddy had died from heatstroke. They were both under the makeshift shelter that daddy had made from the trees leaves in an effort to try to save them from the heat.”

Frowning Bankotsu asked, “Than that means they were there for a while huh?”

She nodded answering, “They were missing for two weeks after the crash had been reported. I told them to scour the islands nearby because I knew my father wouldn’t have gone down in the water.”

Adding a little bitterly, “After a week of getting told it was no use I became irate and threatened lawsuits if anything happened to them during the time it took for the red tape bull shit to be finished. They finally listened to my advice and scoured the islands. There were three of them. On the last one they checked, the dogs found my father and uncle about the middle of the island, along with some old dried out coconuts, a make shift shelter, and nothing but coconuts for liquids. The salt water was all they had so some fish bones were strewn on the ground too.” as she wiped away another tear.

She took a deep breath and finished, “When they finally brought the bodies home and the autopsies were completed the official rulings were Uncle Yasuo died from his concussion, and bleeding to death from the wound- which my father had tried to tend to but he was no medical professional, and father from a mixture of heatstroke, dehydration, and heart failure.”

Overhearing the conversation Inuyasha thought, 'Damn, no wonder Kagome never talks about how her father died.' as his golden eyes softened and he turned to stare at his mate.

Kayla explained, “The money I have in my bank account now, is a combination of mother’s and Father’s inheritance that he left me. His company legally became mine once I turned seventeen, along with the house. The Cabin with the land has been mine since then as well, but was left to me as part of my mother’s bequest- She died in a car accident when I was only seven.”

Bankotsu sighed and said, “I’m sorry k-babe.” knowing how much her parents had meant to her.

She wrapped an arm around his waist and leaned into him saying softly, “It wasn’t your fault. Some drunk was speeding in a semi and smashed into her. Four years ago is when both my father and uncle were buried,” refusing to allow her tears to fall again.

Inuyasha gasped. Kagome asked, “What is it?” staring at her mate.

Inuyasha asked, “Is it true that you lost your father four years ago?” staring into her soft brown eyes.

Kagome bit her lower lip and nodded before asking, “Why do you ask?”

Inuyasha muttered, “Kayla she was just talking about it.” as his ears flattened to his head in shame of being caught eaves dropping.

Kagome gasped and said shocked, “She’s… she hasn’t spoken to anyone, even me about it since the day we buried them.” Giving him a small smile she said, “I’m glad she is finally talking to someone about it.” knowing she wouldn’t have to worry so much about her cousin’s withdrawal anymore since she was beginning to come out of her shell.

Inuyasha assured, “They are talking about it now.” and kept his ears focused on their surroundings.

Kagome whispered happily “This is a good sign Inuyasha. We’ve been so worried about her because she’s nearly completely withdrawn into herself since his death. Kayla and Uncle Hiroshi were very close. Mama says that after Aunt Manami died when Kayla was only seven, Uncle Hiroshi has been her entire world, and Kayla had become his entire world- even more than before.”

Sighing she added sadly, “Ever since the day we buried them she’s withdraw more and more. I was afraid she would completely withdraw when Nenji broke her heart. He was one of few people she’d had left and he tore her heart out.” Watching as her cousin and Bankotsu talked, Kagome smiled and said impressed, “It seems like even a guy like Bankotsu can bring about miracles.”

Inuyasha snorted warning, “Don’t go thinking him faultless Kags.”

Kagome rolled her eyes saying, “I never said he was faultless Inuyasha, merely that he has brought about a big miracle. Thanks to him my cousin is coming out of her shell and joining the rest of the world again. And because of him, I’m slowly getting back the cousin that I remember growing up with.”

Inuyasha sighed and she squeezed his hand. Inuyasha smiled before wiping it from his face with a ‘keh’ and they continued walking together.

Jakotsu, Suikotsu, Renkotsu along with Sango and Miroku watched the two couples and focused on the path around of and ahead of them.

Hearing everything Kayla had said Shippo clutched her shirt tightly before admitting sadly, “I lost my parents as well. Mama had been killed shortly after I turned two by an invading pack of demons. Dad was killed by those horrible thunder brothers.” as tears swam in his emerald eyes.

Kayla reached up pulling him into her arms saying softly, “I’m sorry Shippo.” He buried his face into her shirt and sobbed a minute while she rubbed his back trying to comfort him.

After a minute he sniffled and pulled back saying, “But Kagome found me and now she’s like a second mother to me.”

Kayla smiled saying, “I bet that makes her very happy.” Shippo smiled adding, “Yeah she’s so good to me too- even protects me from Inuyasha when he steals my food.”

Bankotsu smiled adding, “Hey squirt, why don’t you go check on Kags. I bet she’s worried about you.”

Shippo smiled replying amused, “I can take a hint.” and hopped off to join Kagome and Inuyasha.

Bankotsu chuckled saying, “Smart kit.” as he watched the demon scurry back to his ‘mother’ before looking at his wife and sighing.

After a minute he held up his hand signaling for everyone to stop. Kagome asked, “What is it?”

Bankotsu responded, “Kay needs to eat and take a bit of a break so that she doesn’t over do it, so I want you guys to make camp and a quick lunch while I take my wife to refill the canteens.”

Kagome nodded and cooed happily, “Aw you are so sweet.”

Bankotsu muttered, “Whatever- just do it.” and led Kayla over to the water away from the others.

Once he had his wife away from the others, he stabbed Banryu into the ground and pulled her into his arms hugging her asking, “Are you really alright?” with concern in his voice and eyes as he looked at her.

Kayla smiled assuring, “Yeah I’m fine Ban. I guess I just needed to get all of that off of my chest.” and hugged him back.

“You better be,” He muttered as placed her head on his chest and stroked her hair a few minutes before bending to refill the canteens and replacing Banryu on his shoulder.

Touched by his concern Kayla added, “Thanks for the lunch break too.” as she took his hand and they walked back to camp.

Bankotsu ordered, “Sit k-babe and stay off of your feet while the others make lunch.” staring at his wife.

Since her feet were a little sore anyways she smiled and nodded doing as she’d been instructed.

Bankotsu faced his men ordering, “Jakotsu, start getting some fruits and nuts. Renkotsu start a fire. Suikotsu, I’ll need you to help me ensure that Kay eats right.”

Suikotsu smiled saying happily, “Of course big brother.” and started listing off the things she could and couldn’t eat in order to have a good healthy baby. Jakotsu hearing this list nodded and left to gather some nuts and berries that Suikotsu has listed as safe for their little sister to eat. Renkotsu nodded and began making a small fire, which Kagome used to cook some ramen with.

Jakotsu came back with all kinds of nuts, berries, and fruits and plopped the bucket in front of his little sister encouraging, “Eat up little sister, we want to make sure you have a healthy pregnancy.”

Kayla smiled saying, “Thanks Jakotsu.” and grabbed a banana and some nuts and berries popping them into her mouth before eating the banana. Jakotsu smiled and put the rest of the nuts, berries, and fruits into small bundles by ripping up one blanket, before placing them into her bag.

Suikotsu walked over taking the bag and ordered, “No lifting for you little sister.” as he slipped the bag onto his broad back, the way he had seen her do earlier that day.

Bankotsu smirked happy to see his brothers watching out for their little sister and his child. Kayla sighed and said, “Okay.”

Bankotsu chuckled reminding, “They are only looking out for you and the baby.” as he smiled at his wife.

Kayla smiled answering, “I know.” and tried not to let it bother her too much.

A/N: Okay there is chapter seventeen everyone. You’ve now discovered some more of Kayla’s history as well as what happened to both of her parents and Kagome’s father. I hope you will continue enjoying this story XD