InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, all other OC’s and the plot, and story line..... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 18:

Later that evening:

After everyone ate lunch and then packed up, the two groups set off again. Just before sunset they arrived close to Sango’s village. Miroku asked, “Sango isn’t your village not far from here?”

She frowned, “Yeah,” adding, “Inuyasha, I want to go replace the flowers on the graves.”

Kagome asked, “Want me to come with you?” staring at her friend. Sango shrugged. The sky began to cloud over with gray clouds and the wind picked up slightly.

Inuyasha sniffed the air and said worriedly, “I smell a storm coming.”

Sango weighed their options very carefully and she sighed suggesting, “We might as well take refuge in the village for the night,” since a storm could clearly be seen brewing in the sky.

Kayla added gratefully, “Thank you Sango,” not wanting to get sick from being in a storm while she was pregnant.

Sango smiled replying, “Of course,” knowing that she had made the right decision and led them towards her once mighty village.

Once everyone was in the village she excused herself to go and collect plenty of fresh flowers and incense for the graves of her people.

Miroku helped her while remaining quiet out of respect for his fiancée. Kagome quickly began making camp. Bankotsu sent Jakotsu and Suikotsu to hunt while he and Kayla gathered wood for the fire, and Renkotsu was sent to fetch the water.

After the fire was started and camp completely set up Bankotsu helped Kayla into the one remaining intact hut where everyone would be sleeping that night and she yawned while they set up their bedding.

Catching her yawn Bankotsu chuckled and stood there thinking happily, 'She should sleep heavy tonight since she is so tired. That’s perfect! Since this was once the village of the demon slayers, there should be a forge nearby… I will do it tonight then.'

They walked back outside and sat by the fire waiting for dinner to make after the hunters had returned.

The meat was cut up, rinsed, and dropped into the pot. Next the vegetables we are cut up and added to the pot. Bankotsu and Suikotsu both nodded in approval of the stew.

After dinner finished cooking and was served everyone ate. Kayla stood up yawning and announced she was going to bed. Bankotsu led her back into the hut and she laid down for the night already feeling the day’s events and her pregnancy tolls catching up on her. Bankotsu patiently sat beside her running his fingers through her soft silky hair, soothing her until she fell asleep.

Shortly after dark Kagome lay down in her sleeping bag across the room also tired out from the day’s events. Inuyasha remained outside with Sango and Miroku. Jakotsu also lay down to sleep not far from his little sister and big brother.

Once Bankotsu was certain that his wife and her cousin were both fast asleep, he quietly slipped outside and walked over to the demon slayer requesting, “Will you show me where your forge is and how to start it please?”

Blinking surprised at the unexpected request she said, “Uh, yeah sure,” and led him over to where her father’s forge still stood. Renkotsu became curious himself and followed them wondering what his leader was up to.

Luckily the storm was a mild one and didn’t get heavy. Rain fell in a relaxing and soothing pattern and the shed with the forge seemed unscathed.

Renkotsu frowned asking, “What are you doing big brother?” as he watched the slayer check everything and start up the forge, while he walked in out of the light rain.

Bankotsu pulled two plates of metal out of his armor and said seriously, “I’m going to craft matching wedding bracelets for my wife and myself, so that everyone from this time will also recognize us as married.”

Renkotsu blinked asking, “You know how to craft things using a forge?” with a disbelieving tone.

Bankotsu smirked saying, “Shut up and watch,” as he unlatched and then removed his heavy armor and placed his trusted blade safely aside. Cracking his fingers he set to work turning up the fire and took the metal plate sticking it between the heavy metal prongs.

Renkotsu blinked and watched astounded as Bankotsu worked hard and meticulously on crafting the metal sheet and bending it into shape. Sango too was duly impressed as she watched the teenage mercenary move gracefully around the forge completely focused on his task at hand.

She was somewhat impressed as she watched his strong muscles move beneath the tanned skin. 'I never realized just how strong he really was.' She thought both impressed and somewhat intimidated.

As he raised the hammer his biceps bulged and she saw just how big they truly were. She watched as a thin sheen of sweat appeared on his pectorals and back and even watched the sweat slid down over his taunt abs, before shaking her head to clear it and brought her eyes back to the gift that he was crafting.

Bankotsu was so focused on his current task that he didn’t acknowledge the female slayer checking him out. He was used to girls ogling him so he learned to ignore it. He raised the hammer again and brought it down hard onto the metal.

Every now and then he would set the hammer down and wipe the sweat off his face before resuming his strenuous work. He was determined to have these finished and cooled by dawn, so that he and his treasured wife could wear them when they headed out in the morning.

Renkotsu also watched as if in a trance noticing every fold and every nuance that his surprisingly talented leader made. His eyes were glued to the metal his leader was busily crafting.

Once Bankotsu had the exact shape that he wanted he placed it in the water to cool and worked on the next one. Renkotsu’s jaw dropped at the sight of his leader working like a regular pro. He thought, 'And here I thought he was merely all brawn and only knew how to fight.'

Sango questioned confused, “You seem like you know exactly what you are doing?” As she watched him move the first one out of the water and place it to safely cool and dry.

Bankotsu informed her, “As a child I often watched the village blacksmith. He started teaching me at a very young age.” Noticing Renkotsu’s shocked expression he smirked adding, “Any good leader knows how to do at least the basics of all of the jobs of those under his command.” and continued working on the gift that he would bestow on his wife.

Not expecting such an intelligent answer from his leader, and frowning Renkotsu muttered, “That makes sense… but how-“

Bankotsu cut him off explaining, “It is never wise for a warrior to reveal all of their secrets to anyone,” and sent them his boyish grin as his second in command and the female warrior stared at him completely stunned.

Renkotsu let that sink in and thought, 'It would seem that I have greatly under estimated big brother.' as his grey eyes watched his leader continue working.

Once both bracelets were shaped and cooled, he turned to his second in command and asked, “Where are your engraving tools?” knowing that he never went anywhere without them.

Blinking Renkotsu reached into his haori and pulled out a small chisel and reluctantly passed it to his leader.

Bankotsu grinned thanking him and lit a bigger lantern over on the table and began painstakingly engraving the Kanji’s for his name on top, love in the middle, and then his nick name for his wife and added ‘kotsu’ to it at the bottom all of the middle area for everyone to see.

Along the borders he carefully chipped a rose in each corner and the middle, all connected through vines for each. Finishing by creating three holes in the ends for where the ties would go.

He stood there staring at his creation deep in thought for a moment and then grinned connecting them with the Kanji of eternity across a larger space on the inside of each bracelet.

Once that was completed, he engraved a portrait of their family crest in them at the very bottom and Banryu at the very top of the outside. He puckered his lips blowing the excess metal dust away so that all of the Kanji’s and lines were clear, he smirked passing Renkotsu back his tools and began mixing the paste for the filler to add color to them.

Sango smiled replying, “You’ve learned well.” as she watched him begin to grind up the filler paste. He set the paste aside and pulled out a small bag of precious jewels for the colors that he had already chosen.

One by one he ground the jewels into extremely fine dust and set them aside. He picked up the paste and mixed some into each of the sets of jewel dust.

His brows furrowed in pure concentration as he carefully placed the colors where he wanted them. He spent most of the night working on the gifts, wiping the sweat from his chest and back after he finished the arduous task of coloring the metal and set it aside to dry and cool.

Smirking in satisfaction at his handiwork he grabbed Banryu and walked outside kneeling beside the water to clean his face. Stripping he quickly bathed and then redressed glad that the storm had settled down. He picked up Banryu and went to join his beloved wife in their blankets.

He wrapped one arm around Banryu and the other around his wife. As soon as he closed his eyes exhaustion kicked in and he began to softly snore.

Renkotsu walked over thoroughly inspecting his leader’s work and declared thunderstruck, “Even I could not have done a better job.” careful not to disturb the bracelets.

He stared in awe at the colors that his leader had chosen and immediately picked up on why he had chosen those particular colors. 'He must truly love little sister to have slaved so hard to make these come out just right, and to have chosen those colors.' He thought impressed by how much grueling labor and serious thought had actually gone into these bracelets. Grinning the fire breather walked away and lay on his blankets.

Sango stared in awe at the colors the mercenary leader had chosen and thought, 'Kayla is a very lucky woman to have a devoted husband who labored endlessly to make her such a meaningful gift.' as she shut down the forge and went to bed herself. Everyone turned in for the night except Inuyasha who stared at the bracelets confused because he didn’t know what the colors meant.

The next morning:

Bankotsu woke before sunrise and went to retrieve his wedding gift to his wife. She had also woken up feeling the need to pee and was squatting behind a bush. When she finished her business, Bankotsu pulled her aside and showed her the bracelets.

Her eyes widened and she asked softly, “Did you make those?” as she stared at the bracelets noting the symbols and colors. Lapis Lazuli for Bankotsu’s Kanji, amber for hers, red jasper for Banryu, charoite for the purple star crest, pink sapphire for the love Kanji, and blue quartz for the borders.

He grinned at the complete shock on her face and answered proudly, “Yes I did- in fact I made them last night.” Adding, “I used my nickname for you and added ‘kotsu’ making it Kaykotsu to show that you are one of us.” Watching in pleasure as she lifted a trembling hand to lovingly trace each Kanji and design in reverence, with her eyes moistening.

She slowly raised her eyes locking them to his and said, “Ban they are absolutely exquisite.” As her mouth titled into a stunning smile she added, “I’m truly touched that you would create something as deeply meaningful as these.”

He smirked and held her hand slipping the smaller one onto her wrist and tying it in place with leather strings while explaining, “These will ensure that everyone in this time recognizes us as married to each other as well.” and placed the bigger one on his wrist tying it in place while asking, “Do you know what each of these colors symbolize, or do you want me to explain them to you?”

She nodded answering, “Hai. This one symbolizes both your strength and devotion,” pointing to his Kanji. He nodded and she continued, “This one represents relaxation and enjoyment of life, as well as self empowerment,” pointing to her Kanji. He grinned and nodded.

She smiled explaining, “This one represents enthusiasm, confidence, and protection,” pointing to Banryu.

He smirked. “Go on,” he softly encouraged.

She grinned and explained, “This one represents love, beauty, acceptance, and contentment; as well as forgiveness.” pointing to the love Kanji. He nodded. She continued, “This one represents calmness, peace and open communication,” pointing to the borders. Frowning she asked, "But why roses Ban?"

Bankotsu smirked replying matter of factly, "To immortalize your exquisite beauty and to acknowledge the small hints of danger that you exuded when we first met." Grinning as she blushed.

He replied impressed. “So you knew the symbolization behind each one?”

She explained, “Hai I studied the meanings of gems, stones, and colors as a side project in school one year. It was rather fascinating to me.”

He pulled it off and showed her the Kanji of eternity on the inside asking, “And this one?” staring deep in her eyes waiting for her reaction.

She gasped staring at the precious moonstone filled Kanji and answered, “Purity, vitality, and fertility.” before grinning at him.

Bankotsu said happily, “Very good, I’m impressed. It took Renkotsu over a year to get me to understand the meanings.” Briefly kissing her cheek, before placing the gift back on her wrist where it belonged and asked slightly nervously, “So, do you like them?” staring deep into his wife’s eyes.

She stared directly into his sapphire eyes and said firmly, “No,” watching as his eyes dimmed and he turned to look away.

She stopped him by catching and lifting his chin and grinned informing him wholeheartedly, “I absolutely love and adore them Bankotsu. Like is far too tame a word to express that. Truly I love them, almost as much as I love you.” before cupping his cheeks and pulling his face down for a very deep and passion filled kiss.

His eyes lit with pure joy and happiness as his mouth split into a very satisfied smirk. As she pulled him in for the kiss he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her flush against his body, kissing her back with the same endless passion.

When they broke the kiss she was flushed and breathless. He was breathless and couldn’t contain his grin as he pressed his forehead to hers aligning their purple stars.

Inuyasha and the others walked up while they were busy kissing. One of Bankotsu’s arms remained around his beloved wife’s waist as they faced everyone and she proudly showed them her wedding bracelet, while he explained what each of the colors and stones symbolized.

When he was done Miroku, Kagome, Inuyasha, Shippo, Jakotsu, and Suikotsu all stood there agape while each of the meanings sunk in. It became obvious to everyone in attendance that a lot of thought and consideration, as well as love and hard work went into these gifts. Once all of that sunk in they began gushing over how beautiful and thoughtful the gifts were.

Bankotsu announced proudly, “I wanted them to represent, Kayla, myself, and our life together.” as they held hands with their bracelets touching. Kayla leaned her head on his shoulder grinning proudly still awed that he went through such trouble to make something for her.

Jakotsu announced impressed, “They are absolutely perfect big brother. I simply love the name you chose for her.” staring in awe at his little sister’s wedding bracelet as she lifted their entwined hands.

Kagome said, “Bankotsu, I didn’t know that you could even make anything like this.” completely thunderstruck. Bankotsu's lips tilted at one end.

Staring into the sapphire orbs Miroku said, “You put a lot of thought into each of those stones and colors didn’t you?” stunned by this show of the warrior’s intellect.

Bankotsu answered serious, “Of course I did monk. They had to be absolutely perfect because they are my wedding gift to the woman I love.” Earning ‘awes’ and ‘how sweets’ from the women and Jakotsu.

Kayla grinned assuring, “They are absolutely perfect Ban, and more so since you made them. That alone means more than any of the Kanji’s or the symbolization.” and placed a firm kiss on his strong jaw; earning a wide grin from her husband.

Suikotsu blinked asking, “But how did you know how to make those?” confused. Bankotsu simply gave him a smug grin in response.

Renkotsu said, “It would seem that big brother knows more than he lets on,” staring at the others and leaving it at that when Bankotsu rose a brow questioningly. Bankotsu nodded in satisfaction and his smirk widened.

Kayla smiled thinking proudly, 'He’s far smarter than any of you credit him for.' as she stared at her beloved husband’s face.

Turning to his group Inuyasha barked out, “Okay enough mushy stuff, we need to get packed.” Kagome, Miroku, and Sango started getting things packed up.

Bankotsu faced his men and ordered, “Alright guys let’s get moving.” Suikotsu, Jakotsu, and Renkotsu immediately packed up their camp and were standing there waiting for the others.

After folding her blankets Kayla went to reach for her bag only to have Suikotsu pick it up reminding, “No lifting.” She pouted and he grinned donning the pack himself.

Bankotsu smiled with pride as he put on his armor and placed Banryu on his shoulder. He held up his arm admiring his gift and felt pride and a sense of completion fill him to his very core.

Everyone sat down and ate a healthy breakfast before they set off with Bankotsu and Kayla holding hands and their bracelets touching, as they walked side by side leading the groups.

Jakotsu Suikotsu and Renkotsu brought up the rear to insure everyone’s safety. Inuyasha and Kagome walked side by side next to Bankotsu and Kayla, with Miroku and Sango bringing up the rear of their group. Everyone remained alert as they traveled down the path and back into the forest.

A/N: before anyone asks, yes the meanings of the gems and colors are accurate- I spent approximately four hours researching for just the right ones for what I wanted them to express. So anyhow there is chapter eighteen- enjoy! XD