InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 19 ( Chapter 19 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, all other OC’s and the plot, and story line..... There. I said it. (sighs)

A/N: Okay time to speed up the pace a bit, so bear with me here. Hopefully this is still flowing nice and smooth.

Chapter 19:

Kagome spent the next several months helping Kayla to hone her priestess powers, without harming the baby. When they would stop for camp, after the food was started, Kagome would spend an hour or two teaching Kayla all the knowledge that she had learned over her time of traveling with the Inutachi- one step at a time.

The covered everything from infusing her priestess powers to an object, such as an arrow; to collecting healing herbs and making medicines, which both girls were learning thanks to the patient teachings of Suikotsu’s Doctor personality.

During one of their training sessions together the two cousins accidentally stumbled upon a new discovery… how to create a barrier together. In fact, they had spent the last several weeks, with Inuyasha and Bankotsu both supervising their respective mates, working on maintaining their and strengthening their barrier.

As expected Bankotsu would only allow them to practice so long per day, before adamantly insisting on his pregnant wife taking it easy for the rest of the day- guarding her if necessary to ensure she followed his orders. After each session Suikotsu would check over Kayla and make sure no harm was coming to her or the baby. If anything seemed amiss he would insist she break from the lessons for a day and Bankotsu of course, would make sure she did so.

Kayla quickly learned that Bankotsu wasn’t budging even an inch on things that might risk harming her or their child. It was annoying at times, but she reminded herself he was just looking after her and their child.

When Kagome and Kayla weren’t working on her priestess powers, and Kayla wasn’t sleeping, Bankotsu spent at least an hour a day teaching his wife and her cousin the fine art of archery.

Thanks to his tips Kagome was able to strike the mark with perfect accuracy now, and Kayla was close to perfecting her archery skills herself. She cherished each lesson with both her cousin and her husband. Her growing powers would come in handy in the event of a battle. Let’s face it; two priestesses would be a very advantageous event, if the groups became in dire need.

Bankotsu of course and even Jakotsu, were very adamant that Kayla was still to remain back with the others during fights. And believe it or not, Jakotsu had been the first to volunteer to stay with Kayla if it came down to it.

The special training with her husband gave Kayla and Bankotsu plenty of non sexual quality time together, and it would improve their chances as a group for battle. With Kayla able to protect herself, she wasn’t as likely to let depression settle on her, because she didn’t feel so useless or so much of a burden.

After the lessons everyone would eat their fill of the nutritious dinners, and then Jakotsu would discuss babies with Kayla and how excited he was about becoming an uncle. Bankotsu would sit with his wife during her ‘wind down’ time and an adaptable sense of peace would settle over the two groups.

Kayla’s activities of the day, and her tiredness would eventually lead to her drifting to sleep in her husband’s arms. He would smile and carefully, so as not to disturb her, lay her on their blankets. He would kiss her cheek or forehead and then move over to sit a few feet away, where he would polish Banryu, and then work on the gift he was making for her.

No one dared mention the gift to her until he gave the okay though, because he had promised pain and lots of it to anyone who spoiled his gift for her. He would spend an hour or so working on the gift and then put it away again and make a final round of the campsite, before posting the two guards on duty and lying beside his wife.

By this time Kagome would be asleep in her blankets and Inuyasha would more often than not, stay up and guard the camp. Despite Inuyasha’s protests, he and Bankotsu would switch of twice a week on who stayed up to guard the camp, and who slept.

In fact, the only two who didn’t switch off on guard duty at all were Kayla, because she was pregnant and needed her rest, and Kagome, because she needed her rest and priestesses didn’t usually make effective guards on their own. Two people were always on guard while the rest of the camp slept.

Halfway through the night, the guards would switch off with the next shift, this way everyone got plenty of sleep and no one would be tired out in case of an unexpected battle.

And tonight was no exception… The two groups were traveling and came across an easily defendable site for camp. Bankotsu held up a hand signaling for everyone to stop. Everyone stopped to make camp and the usual routine began.

Bankotsu and Inuyasha signaled for their groups begin making camp. Kayla, who was now showing, was more than ready to get off her feet which were usually sore. Bankotsu stared at her and ordered, “Kayla sit and relax a while the others make camp and start dinner.” as he finished dragging over a good sized log for them to sit on.

She nodded and sat on a fallen log he had just finished dragging over to her. Kagome and Sango quickly found a spot and knelt down. Together the quickly dug the fire pit plenty deep and circled it with rocks. As usual Renkotsu was charged with collecting firewood.

Suikotsu and Bankotsu would switch off on hunting duties, with Jakotsu glued to Kayla side until Bankotsu’s return. Tonight it was Suikotsu’s turn to hunt and he immediately had taken off once it was announced they were making camp.

Miroku was charged with water retrieval and refilling all of the canteens. Inuyasha would always remain at camp watching over everyone, in case of an unexpected attack.

Half an hour later, Suikotsu returned lugging a good sized boar. He knelt down and began slicing up the boar with his shiny metallic claws.

When he was finished cutting up the meat, Kagome would walk over and gather it, rinsing it, before dropping it into the pot of water. Sango added the carrots and potatoes and set the pot over the fire.

Once the food was started Kagome would sit with Kayla and they would pick up from the previous days’ lesson. Tonight was working on improving their barrier again.

Kagome walked over and smiled sitting beside Kayla. Kayla greeted, “Okay Kags, ready when you are.”

Kagome smiled, “Okay Kayla,” and they raised their hands to mirror each other. The girls focused their spiritual powers into their hands and slowly a barrier began to take shape between their hands.

Making sure to breathe, they slowly stood up and moved farther apart, extending the barrier, while maintaining their connection through their out stretched hands and focused concentration. As had become routine, the girl’s spouses watched over them during their training session, but stood clear of the area and so did everyone else.

The cousins concentrated on their powers and the barrier slowly grew in strength and distance. When they were halfway across the campsite from each other, Bankotsu called out, “Okay you two, that’s enough for today!” walking towards his wife, who was showing signs of tiring out.

With the added weight of her large rotund belly weighing her down more each day as the pregnancy progressed, she was starting to tire out faster. The doctor had been very specific about her needed to eat well and rest often and Bankotsu had made it his personal goal to ensure his wife had plenty of both.

Knowing this, Kagome nodded and the girls dropped the barrier. Bankotsu walked over to his wife and made Kayla sit and relax about ten minutes, while Suikotsu checked her over, before he asked, “Are you sure you’re up for this tonight?” staring at her with concern in his eyes.

Kayla assured, “I’ll be fine Ban, now, help me up.” as she held her hand up to her husband. At Suikotsu’s nod that everything was fine, Bankotsu took her hand and helped her to her feet.

Renkotsu passed her the practice bow and arrows Bankotsu had picked up for her, and Bankotsu led her over to a make shift archery range he and the others had set up while she and kagome were practicing their barrier exercises. Kagome smiled and went to stir the food as Bankotsu began the archery lesson for Kayla tonight.

Bankotsu had his wife take her normal position and fire the arrow. She did so and missed, glaring at the target.

Having observed her previous shot, Bankotsu moved behind her, reaching around her as he gently guided her arms to the correct position of the bow and arrow. "Like this," he breathed in her ear. “Now, shoot." Kayla shivered a little as his warm breath brushed her ear; she released the arrow and watched it fly.

Bankotsu smirked as he felt her body slightly shiver. 'She’s getting easier to arouse lately. Must be because of the hormone fluxes,' he thought both amused and pleased. He didn’t mind in the least, he enjoyed holding her like this.

Her body began to melt against his and his member began stirring already sensitized just from holding her so close. She smirked as she felt his arousal pushing against the soft flesh of her curvy backside. Her eyes drifted shut as she felt her own arousal stirring in response to his more obvious one.

Bankotsu’s breath hitched as she pushed her backside against his hardened staff and whimpered. He bit his lower lip to hold back a moan. Reminding himself that they had an audience, he reluctantly released her and ordered, "Try it again Kay. Focus down the shaft and aim only for the target." struggling to reign in the fierce need to drag her to the ground right then and there.

Squaring her shoulders she nodded and took aim again, this time the way her husband had shown her. Taking a deep breath, she let the arrow fly and watched as she actually hit the target. "I did it!" she beamed feeling proud for having hit the target at all.

Bankotsu smirked teasing, "Wasn't a bull's-eye, but at least it hit the target this time." enjoying ribbing her playfully. He liked that they were able to spar verbally without either of them losing their tempers.

Kayla childishly stuck her tongue out at him, and then turned around to try again, determined to get it right. Bankotsu's brow rose as he held back a chuckle at her antics. He was pleased that she was finally learning to hit the target.

Truth be known, he was impressed with how well she was doing in all of her lessons. He was relieved that for the most part, his wife would be able to protect herself and the baby, both from human and demonic threats.

It was a huge weight off his back, for him to not have to babysit her one hundred percent of the time, or worry about her getting into a situation she couldn’t handle. Even though he was well aware that she was capable of defending herself and their child, he wasn’t about to let her go anywhere alone.

He trusted in her abilities, but he was a realist as well. Being pregnant and as big as she was growing was beginning to hinder some of her movements. It also limited her possible reactions to any situation. Add that to the fact that she was tiring out easier now, he just refused to risk any possibility of her or their child being in danger that she wouldn’t be able to handle alone.

When she needed to escape from the others for a while, he would take her for a walk or to soak in the hot spring a while. If he wasn’t able to be around, Jakotsu and Kagome always were. Even Inuyasha had agreed to make sure Kayla was never left unattended for any length of time.

If it got to the point where Kayla had to have a break and they needed to keep moving, Kirara was transformed and Kayla would ride on her back. Despite their differences Inuyasha and Bankotsu both agreed that Kayla and the baby had to be safe, and their needs met at all times. Smirking Bankotsu shook his head from its thoughts and focused back on his wife’s archery lesson for the evening.

After Kayla struck the target, but missed the bull’s-eye again, Bankotsu moved behind her again. This time he leaned over her shoulder, brining the weapon to bear toward the target.

Reaching out he brushed some of her silky hair away from her soft neck. Kayla blushed at the intimacy beneath the touch and tried to focus on his words and not his touch. "Look down the shaft to your target, center it on the bull’s-eye," he replied huskily enjoying the feel of holding his wife in his arms.

Focusing down the shaft trying to concentrate on the task at hand, Kayla lined up the target and fired the arrow; silently praying it’d strike the bulls-eye this time.

After watching it strike the intended target, Bankotsu lowered his hands saying amused, “Congrats on getting it right this time.” Before sighing, “Okay Kay, now keep practicing a while.” as he passed her another practice arrow.

Grinning she notched the arrow and aimed. She fired the arrow and repeated the process hitting the target six out of ten times. Bankotsu saw her frustration mounting and called for a break, leading her away to the hot spring for a bath.

After ensuring the water wasn’t too hot for his wife and child, Bankotsu undressed and then undressed her. He continued skillfully arousing her until she was good and horney. When she was so horney that she practically took control from him, he smirked and they made slow passionate love in the spring. After the deeply satisfying romp, for both of them, they washed each others’ hair and climbed out dressing.

Shortly after that Bankotsu and Kayla returned to camp and ate dinner with the others. As the two groups sat down enjoying their hearty beef stew with plenty of veggies in it, Jakotsu went on chattering about how adorable his leader’s baby was going to be.

“I bet the baby will have its handsome father’s long hair and dreamy blue eyes. But its mother’s grace and iron will.” Jakotsu said, trying to imagine the picture in his head.

Bankotsu blushed a little uncomfortable about the comment and scolded, “Jakotsu, knock it off already.” Adding, “Besides it could be a girl with her mother’s beauty and grace and my temper.” grinning as he concluded, “Either way the baby is going to grow up one hell of a looker.”

Jakotsu sighed dreamily, “Yeah, I might actually be able to tolerate a niece too, but I really hope it’s a boy.”

As she felt a sharp kick Kayla said, “Sure kicks like a boy.” staring down at her stomach in awe as she watched the tiny foot roll across her stomach.

Bankotsu’s eyes had dropped to her protruding belly and watched stunned, as the foot rolled across her stomach. Kayla said amused, “Okay little one, time for you to settle down so mama can rest soon.”

As if in a trance Bankotsu slowly poked her tummy and began ‘playing’ with his baby; like a kid would play with a new toy. He grinned as the baby kicked his finger, pushing it back out. Kayla said, “Oof, hey you two. Not so rough, okay?”

Bankotsu poked it again and snickered when the baby kicked his finger again. He went to poke again and Kayla stopped his finger saying firmly, “Enough.” staring directly into his eyes.

Bankotsu blinked then sighed, “Fine.” pouting a bit. Kayla stared down at the next kick and ordered firmly, “That means you too wee tot.” sighing relieved when the kicks lessened and finally stopped.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out in a yawn she leaned back against the log and closed her eyes. Seeing how tired she suddenly looked Bankotsu carefully adjusted to hold her as she began dozing off.

When he was certain she was asleep, he carefully scooped her into his arms and carried her to their blankets. He gently laid her on their blankets and kissed her star whispering, “Good night Kay.” She rolled over onto her side and fell into a deeper sleep.

Bankotsu walked back over and pulled out Banryu polishing it for about half an hour. Kagome stood up yawning and announced she was turning in for the night. Inuyasha kissed her and she went to bed.

Bankotsu pulled out the bow he had hand carved and added the finishing touch to it, before setting it aside and picking up one of the many smaller sticks. He pulled out his dagger and began whittling the wood into an arrow.

When it was ready, he spliced in the metal tip at the end of the arrow and added the feathers to the back. He managed to get three done before growing bored with the tedious task and set them aside.

Sango had turned in shortly after Kagome. Tonight’s guards were Miroku and Renkotsu, so Bankotsu told Jakotsu and Suikotsu to call it a night. They dutifully obeyed his command and laid out their blankets.

He made his normal slow round of the camp ensuring everyone and everything was secure and instructed, “Alright, you two know the drill. Anything seriously wrong, you give a shot and we will come running. Stay together until the time to make rounds. One at a time for bathroom breaks, yada, yada,” waving his hand in a bored manner.

Used to the routine from the first day he’d joined the Schichinatai, Renkotsu said, “Yes big brother.” and took his post as expected.

Also used to the routine by now, Miroku nodded adding, “We’ve got it covered.” Noticing how tired the man looked, he suggested, “Why don’t you relax a while? You’ve stayed up the last few nights yourself.” staring at the younger man.

Leaping from his perch in the tree Inuyasha added, “Yeah, you made me have to sleep three nights in a row, now it’s your turn.” staring at him, refusing to acknowledge how badly he had needed the rest.

Bankotsu rolled his eyes and scoffed, “What are you, my mother?” earning a snort and hard glare from the hanyou. Yawning Bankotsu scoffed and muttered, “Whatever, just do your job and I’ll do mine.” Reminding, “Don’t forget, tomorrow we start heading back to Kaede’s so Kayla and I can go for her check up.” before walking over to his blankets. He stood smiling at the sight of his slumbering wife.

Truth be told Bankotsu had already intended to be sleeping curled around his precious wife tonight; he just didn’t want the mutt thinking he’d get away with bossing him around. Snorting derisively Bankotsu thought, 'Ya right, like that would ever happen.'

Lowering Banryu from his shoulder and placing it in its protective cloth, he placed it on the ground where he’d be able to reach it immediately in case of trouble. Opening his haori against the night air he knelt behind his wife and settled in behind her, spooning to her body, instantly feeling his tension start melting away as she instinctively rolled over to snuggle into his chest.

He chuckled commanding, “Go to sleep,” when he felt his child lightly kick his stomach. The baby settled down and Bankotsu smirked. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to follow her into a peaceful slumber.

Inuyasha snorted thinking, 'Damn that guy is stubborn.' before turning to look at his own sleeping mate. He watched a few minutes as the moonlight shinned down on her, illuminating her pale angelic face and deep silken hair. A smile came to his face as he thought, 'She looks like an angel when she sleeps.'

Tearing his golden gaze from the form of his mate, Inuyasha nodded to the two guards and hopped back into his tree, to continue his silent vigil. Miroku sat near a tree and busied himself with organizing his sacred sutras and kept his senses pealed for any signs of trouble.

Renkotsu sighed and sat facing the other way keeping his ears and eyes attuned to everything around them, with his mind started recounting all of the events from when he had been resurrected to now.

Renkotsu thought, 'Since bring us back again; big brother has led us in battle against Inuyasha and his friends. We have gotten revenge on the employer and his village who betrayed us. We have lost Kyokotsu, Mukotsu, and Ginkotsu again.'

Renkotsu’s normally hard heart ached as he reminisced the death of his best friend. He thought longingly, 'Ginkotsu… I won’t let your sacrifice have been in vain, my old friend. I promise I will live a full life this time, and I will never forget that you sacrificed yourself to save me.'

Uncomfortable with the deafening silence Miroku put away his sutras and asked, “So, I bet you’re happy to be alive as flesh and blood again, eh Renkotsu?” blue eyes shining with curiosity.

At the unexpected question Renkotsu shifted a bit and answered, 'Yeah,” while thinking, “It’s a good thing I stuck with big brother after all. Thanks to him and little sister, we are all alive again. I only wish Gin were here as well.'

Deciding he might as well get to know his newer comrades, Miroku asked, “So Renkotsu, what did you do before joining the notorious Schichinatai?”

Renkotsu muttered, “I was doing a lot of things.” Releasing a heavy sigh he added, “I was running from my past.” and left it at that.

Miroku nodded, “I see.” and rubbed his chin debating whether or not to ask what had been on his mind for a while now. Deciding it couldn’t hurt to ask, he continued probing, “You were a monk, correct?”

Renkotsu’s grey eyes widened and then narrowed and he asked, “Figured that out, eh?” staring at the nosy monk.

Miroku said, “Yeah, being a monk myself I know the signs.” Then asked, “So why did you quit?”

Renkotsu snorted asking, “Since when did you decide to get so chatty?” refusing to elaborate on the past he was still trying to forget.

Miroku blinked a minute and then apologized, “I meant no offense, I was merely curious is all.” before the two fell silent again.

Up in the tree Inuyasha thought, 'I wonder what that was all about? Obviously the fire breather is trying to forget something. Could it have to do with his past?' Remembering his own painful past, the hanyou sighed and decided to let it drop.

He clasped his hand behind his head and leaned back against the thick tree, with his other arm around the sword he’d inherited from his father. His amber eyes lifted to the sky as he watched the stars twinkling above for a while, before returning to his vigil over the slumbering camp.

A/N: Okay a little shorter then normal but there it is, chapter nineteen- enjoy! XD