InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, all other OC’s and the plot, and story line..... There. I said it. (sighs)

Chapter 21:

Two and a half weeks later:

Kayla was waddling beside her cousin as they followed the group through the dense forest. She winced as she felt a slight pain stab through her lower back. Her hand went to rub the spot automatically and she sighed muttering, “Must be another Braxton hick.”

Bankotsu was leading the combined groups and having overheard his wife’s comment, he turned asking, “Are you sure?” with concern in his eyes.

She smiled, “Yup,” and assured, “It’s not time yet Ban.” as she nibbled on a small handful of trail mix that Kagome had given her.

Bankotsu turned to Inuyasha with a look that asked, “Anything yet?” knowing his keener sense of smell would pick up any scent of her going into labor.

Inuyasha sniffed and shook his head no. Satisfied his family wasn’t in any immediate danger, Bankotsu nodded and continued walking as he bounced Banryu against his shoulder, in an attempt to sooth his nerves.

Bankotsu just couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going to happen very soon. The groups were currently following up on a lead they had come across at the last village they had stopped at for supplies.

Once the villagers had gotten over their shock of seeing the infamous mercenary lead escorting two women to their shop for supplies, they quickly informed the two priestesses of an evil presence terrorizing the mountain to the east. Immediately they had gone back and told the others and everyone had decided to look into it.

Occasionally Renkotsu, Suikotsu, Jakotsu, Sango and Miroku, would all have to duck under a stray branch. Bankotsu, Kayla, and Kagome, were usually short enough they just passed right under them.

Bankotsu’s muscles were tense and he felt much like a coiled snake, ready to strike without any notice. Something deep in his gut told him something was going to happen very soon and try as he might, he simply couldn’t shake the feeling. Being a mercenary for so long, you learn to listen to those feelings, if you plan on surviving.

Inuyasha felt it too. Something in the air just didn’t feel right. He wasn’t too thrilled about having a pupped female along with danger imminent, but it was the mercenary’s choice. So to minimize any possible danger to the mikos, Inuyasha hung back beside his mate and her pregnant cousin.

Sango felt something was wrong too and asked, “Miroku, do you feel that?” as she walked beside the monk, with her weapon ready to swing.

Miroku’s grip on his holy staff tightened slightly and he said, “Yes Sango, I do.” falling silent again. Shippo and Kirara were both usually carefree and jolly, right now though they were tensed up as well.

The former mercenaries were all well aware that something didn’t feel right. Being warriors, they had immediately picked up on it the same time their leader and the others had.

Even Kayla, who had the least experience in combat, knew something was off. Bankotsu’s spine stiffened and he signaled for Jakotsu to fall back. Knowing his leader’s signals from the many years they had traveled together, Jakotsu nodded and immediately fell back beside his little sister, with his grey eyes carefully scanning their surroundings.

About a mile away from the mountain Bankotsu stopped dead in his tracks and swung Banryu in front of him just in time to deflect an attack that was barreling toward the group. After bracing her feet shoulder width apart, Kayla’s hand went to the quiver on her back and she grabbed one of her sacred arrows, just like her cousin had done.

Kayla immediately notched the arrow with a neon purple hue, in her bow and waited. Miroku, Sango, Renkotsu, and Suikotsu also readied their weapons sensing that battle was mere minutes away.

The ominous feeling in the air increased and another attack was deflected by Banryu. Growing tired of the coward hiding and playing games Bankotsu bellowed, “Stop hiding like a coward and show yourself!”

Kagura appeared from behind the trees and said amused, “Well look what we have here, a bunch of rats for our little trap.” as she tapped her fan against her chin smirking.

Bankotsu scoffed insulted, “Don’t tell me that he sent you to face us?” sneering at the demoness, as he kept Banryu ready to deflect any other attacks.

Inuyasha unsheathed his sword barking out, “Tell us where he is Kagura!” glaring at the wind witch.

Naraku’s deep wicked chuckle filled the air around them, as the mountain before them trembled violently.

Kayla and the other’s had to focus on their footing in order to keep their balance as the ground shook while the vile hanyou emerged from the top of the mountain, sending chunks of debris everywhere.

As he exited the earth, the sky began to grow dark and thunder rumbled in the sky. Jakotsu’s hand gripped the handle of his treasured Jakotsou and he ripped it from his back ready to defend his leader’s wife and child at any cost.

As per Bankotsu’s pre arranged instructions, Renkotsu and Suikotsu immediately moved into position over by Jakotsu and the three of them protectively circled their little sister. Miroku, Sango, and Bankotsu prepared to battle the demon hordes currently rising into the air and waiting behind Naraku. Inuyasha and Kagome moved into position to take out Kagura first.

Hovering in the air, Naraku stated, “How interesting. How is it that you and the others remain alive Bankotsu?” glaring at his former allies, who had now united with some of his biggest enemies.

Knowing that Kagome now possessed nearly one third of the sacred jewel, Naraku had decided to take possession of her shards by killing them off. He stared directly at Kagome and sneered, “You reek of Inuyasha’s stench.”

Kagome’s eyes narrowed and him as she pulled back her arrow and said, “You die today Naraku!” and sent an arrow coated with her pink miko powers towards him.

Naraku smirked as her arrow hit his barrier and sneered, “You are too weak,” adding, “Those shards will be mine! But first, I will rid myself of your little group of pests and you with them.” signaling his demon hordes to attack, adding, “Kagura, destroy them!”

The demon hordes launched towards the main group and Naraku watched chuckling, “Ku Ku Ku,” as the group fought the demons. At the same time Kagura launched her dance of blades towards them.
Inuyasha and Kagome combined her pink sacred arrows with his windscar and sent the attack the deflect Kagura’s wind blades and to try and kill Kagura. Her ruby eyes widened in shock and she flicked her fan deflecting the combined attack.

At the same time Kayla took aim and fired her purple arrow to come from a different angle and caught Kagura off guard, long enough for Inuyasha and Kagome to send another combined attack towards her.

Deciding to be rid of Kagura’s insolence once and for all, Naraku’s eyes glistened with pure evil as he held up his hand and sent her heart back into her vacant chest cavity.

Kagura’s ruby eyes went wide as saucers when she felt her heart beating in her chest and remembered that Naraku had promised to give it back to her just before they set out to destroy Inuyasha’s group.

When she felt her heart pulsing in her chest and noticed the attack coming towards her, she realized that she was in trouble. She raised her fan to deflect the attack, but the purple arrow destroyed her fan. As the combined attack of the pink arrow and Inuyasha’s windscar hit her, a horror filled shriek rent the air. Her body was obliterated completely.

After firing another arrow to help her cousin, Kayla immediately reached for another one and shot it to combine with her husband’s dragon hammer attack and helped obliterate the first wave of demons.

Bankotsu smirked when he saw the purple infused sacred arrow fly into the middle of his attack and realized what his wife had done.

Using her Hiraikotsu, Sango jumped into the fray and began slaying countless demons as she had been trained to do all of her life. It didn’t bother her in the least as chunks of demonic flesh and demonic blood began to litter the ground.

Using his sacred sutras and holy staff, Miroku battled the demons coming from the right side. He didn’t want to risk being poisoned by the Saimyosho by using his wind tunnel, unless it was absolutely necessary.

Even though they were some of the weaker members of the group, Kirara and Shippo ran around helping in the battles wherever they could. Shippo used all of his different fox magic attacks. Kirara was in her larger form and fought with her claws, teeth and fire.

Using his metallic claws, Suikotsu began laughing maniacally and sliced the charging demons to pieces, with his hair spiked up. The pleasure of the killing once again shone in his eyes.

Raising his gourd to his mouth and using his fire breath, Renkotsu began quickly turning the demons that were coming from the left side into nothing but ashes, which then fell harmlessly to the ground.

As the battle become more intense, Jakotsu pressed his back against his little sister and flung his snake-like sword slicing through the demons, determined to defend his leader’s wife and child at all cost.

With her back pressed against the snake lover, Kayla continued firing arrows to assist her husband in clearing a path towards their main enemy Naraku. Slowly Bankotsu was making his way through the demon lackeys.

After Kagura was obliterated into vapor, Inuyasha and his mate began making their way towards Naraku. Kagome again fired her arrow at Naraku, who cackled as it again hit his barrier and fell useless to the ground.

Spotting this, Kayla had an idea strike her and she yelled, “Kagome, I have an idea! Try hitting him again,” as she aimed her own arrow towards him.

Kagome grit her teeth and took careful aim. Inuyasha released his windscar and Kagome’s pink arrow flew down the middle of it. Kayla’s purple arrow quickly joined them. This time the increased miko powers along with Inuyasha’s powerful attack broke Naraku’s barrier.

Naraku’s cry of outrage rent the air. “Impossible! You’re too weak to defeat me!” his ruby eyes narrowed at the future priestess and her hanyou mate, filled with hatred.

Sango, Miroku, Jakotsu, Renkotsu, and Suikotsu all focused on taking down the demon hordes. Bankotsu, Kayla, Inuyasha, and Kagome all began firing attacks directly at Naraku since his barrier was down and his tentacles were sent flying everywhere.

Kagome, Inuyasha, and Bankotsu all glared at Naraku and quickly began dodging, and destroying his attacking tentacles. Kayla fired arrows to keep other tentacles from harming her beloved husband with any sneak attacks. Ignoring the occasional scrape from an attack that came a little too close, Inuyasha, Kagome, and Bankotsu began working together to attack Naraku, who was screaming out in a mixture of rage and pain.

Meanwhile, one of the other demons had managed to charge toward Kayla and her eyes widened as she rolled to the side trying not to hurt her stomach while firing an arrow at it. At the same time Jakotsou sliced the next demon’s head clean off and it fell to the ground landing right next to Kayla.

Kayla squeaked and began backing up across the ground to get away from it. After getting over her shock, she felt a sharp pain shoot through her lower back and clutched her stomach doubling over as she moaned in pain.

Eyes wide Jakotsu screamed for Suikotsu and ran towards their little sister. At the sound of his name Suikotsu’s head flew around and he saw Kayla clutching her stomach. Realizing what happened, his doctor persona assumed control of the body, and he ran over to assist her cursing under his breath.

Kayla’s eyes were wide and full of pain as she tried to breathe through the pain which was rapidly spreading through her back and stomach. Suikotsu ordered Jakotsu to open the bag that he had dropped earlier, and he ripped his metal claws off tossing them to the side.

Tears began running down Kayla’s cheeks as she said a little scared, “This isn’t happening. It’s not time yet.” looking at Suikotsu for reassurance.

Ever the professional, Suikotsu had Jakotsu help him lay the woman on her back and swore as he prepared to do an emergency delivery.

Kayla’s eyes went wide as saucers when along with the next pain; she also felt a large gush between her legs. Almost instantly the pain in her back and stomach increased and she began moaning.

Suikotsu instructed Jakotsu to put the strip of leather between her teeth so she wouldn’t scream and distract the others, who were still battling Naraku. Jakotsu did as instructed and when the next pain hit, Kayla’s teeth sank into the thick leather strip. Suikotsu instructed Jakotsu to start boiling some water and he did so.

As soon as he realized what had happened, Renkotsu ran over to defend the smaller group who were trying to help birth a very determined baby in the middle of the battlefield.

Back with the others:

Sango and Miroku worked their way over to Inuyasha, Kagome, and Bankotsu and the five of them began cutting Naraku down piece by piece. As Inuyasha and Bankotsu continued releasing their attacks distracting Naraku by drawing his tentacles attacks towards them, Kagome carefully aimed a sacred arrow directly toward Naraku’s piece of the sacred jewel.

Praying, “Please let this work,” Kagome released the arrow, followed by another one aimed for Naraku’s face. As the first arrow hit and began purifying the jewel from the inside out, the second one hit his face temporarily blinding him.

Unknown to Naraku the jewel flew off to land on the ground and taking advantage of the fact that he was temporarily blinded, Bankotsu and Inuyasha combined their strongest attacks towards Naraku hitting him dead on.

Naraku’s cry of pain and anger ripped through the air as Kagome fired one last arrow embedding it directly into his black heart. He began purifying from the inside out while the warrior’s combined attack slowly rendered him piece by piece.

Between the priestess purifying him and the energy attacks tearing him apart Naraku’s body was obliterated completely. Kagome wasted no time in running over and scooping up the abandoned jewel fragment holding it tightly in her palm as she slowly surveyed the battle field littered with demon carcasses and slime.

Bankotsu’s blue eyes scanned the field and widened in shock and fear as he noticed the tiny group toward the middle hovered around his beloved wife. Crying out her name, he tore off across the field with Banryu’s handled gripped so tight his knuckles became white.

Kayla held one each of Jakotsu and Renkotsu’s hands and squeezed them as tight as she could while bearing down to push during the contraction. When the contraction ended she fell on her pack panting and growled, “Take this fucking thing out of my mouth so I can breathe!”

Jakotsu yanked it from her mouth and she gulped in a huge breath of air before sitting up to bear down and push through the next contraction as she squeezed their hands again.

Jakotsu and Renkotsu both clenched their jaws wondering how the hell a woman so small could be so close to breaking their hands. Suikotsu was in position between her bent knees and said, “You’re doing great Kayla, just a little longer.”

She fell back panting and said, “I’m not sure how much more of this I can take.”

Bankotsu ran over and dropped Banryu a foot away from them before demanding, “What happened?”

Kayla sat up and pushed again panting, “What… does… it… look… like?” ending in a yell as she pushed for all she was worth.

The head emerged and Suikotsu coached, “That’s it, just a little more.” Placing his hands under the wear the child was ready to slip out of.

Kayla grunted and groaned pushing again. The baby slipped a little further out and she felt another contraction hit and took a deep breath to push again. The baby slipped out into the doctor’s waiting hands and Kayla fell back panting, “Finally!” before gulping in much needed air.

Suikotsu began washing the baby free of blood and amniotic fluid, before wrapping him in one of the receiving blankets and placing him on Kayla’s chest. Next he dug into his bag and cut the umbilical cord.

Passing the baby to his stunned father, Suikotsu delivered the placenta and began cleaning up his patient. With sweat dripping down her face and covering her body, from the exertion of delivering her child into the world, Kayla lay back panting glad that it was finally over.

Bankotsu held his son still awestruck as he stared down at the tiny creature in his arms. Kagome smiled saying, “Welcome to the world little one.” as she smiled at the baby.

Bankotsu grinned agreeing, “Yes, welcome to the world, my little Mouko.” as he stared into the clear blue eyes so like his own, and the grinning face of his precious son.

Kayla smiled saying, “Fierce tiger, a fitting name indeed love,” earning a proud grin from her beloved husband.

Bankotsu knelt beside her to show her their son and said, “Isn’t mommy pretty?” earning a grin from his son and a ‘you can’t be serious’ look from his wife who said, “I’m an absolute mess and covered in sweat from giving birth.”

Bankotsu smirked assuring, “I’ve never seen a more beautiful site in my life.” before placing a soft kiss on the star on her forehead.

She grinned saying fondly, “He has your eyes, and even has your mark.” pointing to the purple star on their son’s forehead.

Bankotsu said proudly, “Of course. He’s the most special kid in the world, and I’m the luckiest man in the world.” Kayla grinned and laid her head back on the ground.

Sango said, “Aw, he’s adorable.” as she traced the baby’s star.

Bankotsu replied, “Well duh, he’s my son.” giving her a smug smirk.

Sango laughed shaking her head. Miroku said, “You’re lucky Bankotsu.” feeling slightly envious as he was struck with the longing for a son of his own.

Bankotsu said, “You bet your ass I am monk. I have the best of both worlds right here with my wife and our son.” leaning his head against his wife’s, who was now sitting up smiling as she watched their son’s eyes take in all the people around him.

Inuyasha cleared his throat and said, “Not to spoil the moment or anything, but we’re in the middle of a battlefield here. Don’t you think the awing over the pup should wait until we’ve moved to a safer, cleaner place to rest?” amber eyes holding just a hint of wonder as he smiled at the baby.

Suikotsu said, “He’s right big brother, we should get mother and child to a safer, cleaner environment as soon as possible.” Adding strictly, “But Kayla shouldn’t be walking for at least two days.

Bankotsu stood up and passed the baby to Kayla while he and the others packed up their belongings and prepared to leave the area.

Kayla cooed as she nursed her son and stared into his big wide eyes. He smiled at her and her heart melted. She said, “Papa’s right Mouko, you’re adorable.” as she nuzzled her nose to the baby’s and they both grinned, before he began feeding again.

Bankotsu said seriously, “Of course I’m right.” as he strapped Banryu to his back and sat to wait until t=his son was finished eating. When Mouko was finished and Kayla’s tit was back in its bra, Bankotsu fixed the baby sling over his wife’s chest and then scooped Kayla into his arms.

Jakotsu had taken Mouko to burp him just before Bankotsu scooped his wife into his arms. Kagome smiled and helped show Jakotsu how to hold the newest member of their group just right explaining, “You have to support his head, like this.”

Jakotsu blinked and then smiled at his nephew cooing, “Such an adorable little guy.”

When Kayla was secured in Bankotsu’s arms, Jakotsu passed the baby to his mother and asked are you sure he will be okay like this?” as he helped place the baby into the sling.

Bankotsu assured, “Nothing will happen to them while I’m around.” staring into his best friend’s eyes.

Jakotsu nodded and slipped her bag on to his back, before falling in to step beside his leader. One by one everyone gathered their things and then the group set off to find a safe place for the night.

Kagome had fused the pieces of the jewel together and placed it on a chain to hang around her neck.

After many hours of walking, they came across a safe camping spot and decided to make camp.

Once camp had been made and dinner started, Kagome took the sacred jewel and she and Inuyasha walked just to the edge of the camp and knelt down on the ground where she said, “I wish for Midoriko’s soul to find peace, and for Kohaku to be returned safely to Sango.”

The jewel began to shine brightly before disappearing. Kagome stood up and turned to go back to camp, but stopped when she and Inuyasha heard Kohaku’s voice asking for water and saw him lying on the ground.

Inuyasha picked the boy up and carried him back to camp. Sango’s eyes filled with tears as she ran over hugging her little brother and took him from Inuyasha’s arms crying out her happiness at having him back again.

Koahku hugged her saying, “Forgive me sister.” burying his head in her chest as he wept.

Sango said, “There is nothing to forgive Koahku.” crying tears of joy herself. Miroku watched on happily and knew that his fiancée would be able to continue their lives happy now.

Jakotsu looked at his leader asking, “What will you and little sister do now?” waiting nervously for his answer. Suikotsu and Renkotsu were both curious as well and watched.

Bankotsu sat with his wife and his son stretched out on the blankets beside him and smiled announcing, “Actually Kayla and I had already decided we’re going to stay here and raise Mouko in this time.” earning sighs of relief from his men and a sleepy, “Mhm,” from his half asleep wife.

The whole camp, minus the reunited siblings laughed at her sleepy response.

Though a little sad about losing three of his comrades a second time, Bankotsu was grateful he had been able to save the others and help them to be alive again. The braid haired warrior sat there watching his family and thought amused, 'I would have never guessed that this would result in a happy ending for everyone.'

Reaching a hand out to lovingly trace his wife’s cheek and then his son’s forehead, he whispered, “But I’m glad it did.”

A/N: Okay that’s the official ending of ‘Two worlds Collide’ I want to take a minute to thank all of my readers for their wonderful reviews. I hope you will enjoy my future stories too.