InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ Family Reunions ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey, people! Enjoy this chapter!

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.

Last time:

“Ok, I’m ready,” Kiyomi, said as they walked to the front door.

This time:

Izayoi sat in a pink nursery by a white crib. She ran her pale hand across the smooth white railing of the crib as she thought of her baby that she had to give up. Her midnight black hair fell over her shoulders as he she leaned over the crib and stared with chocolate brown eyes at the fluffy pink covers, and imagined a beautiful baby girl giggling happily as she stared up at her mother.

‘She is alive, I just know she is’ she thought as a tear slid down her face.

She put her hands in her lap and smoothed out her pink kimono. She continued to stare at the crib until her husband, InuTaisho, walked in. She turned and smiled at her handsome mate. Even though it has been more than 100 years since they mated, she grew more and more in love with him every day. He wore his usual gray business suit with his hair in a high ponytail. He smiled at her sadly his golden eyes reflecting her grief. He walked up to her and knelt by her side. She was usually in the nursery every day for about 10 minutes reminiscing the few days she had spent with their dear Kiyomi, but today she had been there for hours and he was worried and surprised. He missed Kiyomi dearly also, but, for his wife sake, he could not sob for their loss as he had done so many times in the solitude of the rose gardens. Even though they had abandoned Kiyomi before they got the house, Izayoi had insisted they build a nursery hoping they could somehow be able to get their baby back, and he did not hesitate silently hoping for the same. He slid her on his lap and sat in the chair watching the crib with her. She leaned her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her waist. They sat in silence.

“Why have you been in the nursery for so long my dear?” he asked deciding to break the silence.

“I don’t know, a voice in my head keeps telling me she is on her way to see us,” she said softly.

“Really? I have heard a voice also,” he admitted (I have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.)

“What do you think she looks like?” she asked looking up at InuTaisho.

“I don’t know, but, if she looks anything like her mother, she’s the prettiest thing in the world,” he said smiling down at her.

She returned the smile and sat up to kiss his chin, but he tricked her and captured her lips with his. She loved the soft and gentle kiss he always gives her; it was her favorite. They pulled apart as InuTaisho heard someone approaching the nursery’s door. They looked up to see their young head maid, Hitomi. She was a young human orphan who happened to be Izayoi’s great, great, great, great, great, niece, so they took her in. She hated the fact that they had took her in for free so she chose to be one of the maids. She was very good at the job and her chocolate brown and crystal blue eyes brightened every time they assigned a task, which was why they chose her as their head maid. Although, she already knew they were going to assign her as head maid before they told her because she was a psychic, hence the reason they named her Hitomi. In Izayoi’s family, mismatched eyes were rare but common. The unusual colored eye held great powers making them precious jewels.

“What is it dear?” Izayoi asked sweetly.

“Masters Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru have requested your presence, they said it’s of importance,” Hitomi said moving her dark black hair from her eyes.

“Tell them we’ll be there shortly,” Izayoi said.

“Yes, My Lady,” she said bowing and turning to leave.

“Oh, and Hitomi,” InuTaisho said.

“Yes Lord InuTaisho,” she said turning back to them.

“You are our family, you needn’t speak to us in such a formal matter,” he said smiling warmly.

“I’d prefer it that way if you don’t mind, Uncle InuTaisho,” she said returning his smile with one of her own.

“As you wish,” he said sighing.

She smiled and left to the living room where Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were waiting.

“Well let’s go see what is so important,” Izayoi said happy to see her boys again.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the police down there,” InuTaisho said sighing.

They walked down the stairs and down the hallway until they finally arrived in the living room. When they walked in they saw their four boys with three girls sitting on the couch, Izayoi grinned.

“GRANDCHILDEN, FINALLY!” she squealed running and jumping on the couch to sit beside them.

InuTaisho sweat dropped anime style and they all blushed madly, except Miroku.

“Yes mother, my dear Sango and I shall bear you 50 grandchildren!” Miroku shouted in delight.

“Very good, I always knew I could count on you to be the first to give me grandchildren,” she said standing up and holding out her arms.

Miroku hugged her as they dreamt openly about grandchildren. Sango smacked Miroku over the head blushing madly.

“Sit down you lecher,” she ordered.

“Yes Sango,” he said sitting down.

“This is Sango, oh she is so beautiful,” Izayoi cooed.

“T-thank you,” Sango said turning darker.

“I’m Izayoi and this is InuTaisho, thank you for keeping my son in order,” she said.

“What’s that suppose to mean,” Miroku said pouting.

“It means… your ass is whipped,” Inuyasha said laughing.

“And who have you brought home Inuyasha?” Izayoi asked eagerly.

“I, mother, have brought home the beautiful Kagome Higurashi,” he said taking Kagome’s hand and standing up.

“She is quite a beauty,” InuTaisho said.

“Oh yes very,” Izayoi praised.

“Thank you very much,” Kagome said smiling brightly.

“And what about you Sesshoumaru, have you brought someone home or is this shy young beauty Hitoshi’s,” InuTaisho said.

“No father she’s with me, I’d like to introduce you to Rin Kurakawa,” he said.

“Nice to meet you,” Rin said standing up and bowing.

“And you also, but I’m confused as to the fact that Sesshoumaru actually brought a girl and Hitoshi didn’t,” Izayoi said.

“I resent that,” Sesshoumaru said with an eyebrow twitching.

“I’m just saying, you’re the last person I’d expect to bring home a girl,” she said.

“I fail to understand why you emphasize the word girl,” he said.

“Anyways, mother, actually I have brought someone who is very important to me… and to you also,” he said standing up.

What do you-,” Izayoi started until Hitoshi held up his hand asking for silence.

“Kataki, it is ok to come out now,” Hitoshi said.

InuTaisho and Izayoi looked at everyone questioningly. They followed Hitoshi’s love filled eyes to the second entrance to the living room. Izayoi gasped covering her mouth with her hand and InuTaisho’s eyes widened. There, standing before them, the daughter they had to abandon all those years ago, Kiyomi. Izayoi’s eyes watered as she shook her head in disbelief.

“Mom, dad?” Kiyomi whispered her eyes watering.

“My baby… MY BABY!” Izayoi shouted running towards the girl and pulling her into a tight embrace.

InuTaisho froze where he stood as he stared in shock at the girl before him. Kiyomi… his Kiyomi was standing right in front of him. She has grown up and, despite the silver hair and mismatched eyes; she looked exactly like her mother. Izayoi pulled away from her and stood back, giving him room so that he could embrace her like he so badly wanted. His eyes welled with tears of happiness as he staggered towards Kiyomi. He cupped her face in his hands.

“My little girl,” he whispered and hugged her tightly.

‘Strange, I don’t remember him hugging me, but it feels so familiar’ she thought returning his hug.

“I thought you guys didn’t want me,” she whispered her tears finally falling.

“Nonsense, there hasn’t been one day we haven’t thought of our beautiful baby girl,” he said.

“In my memories you never smiled at me,” she pointed out sadly.

“Only because every time we saw you, it reminded us that we had to leave you,” he said his own tears starting to fall.

“Your goal was to protect me from Masashi, correct?” she asked pulling away and wiping her eyes.

“Yes, but how did you-,” he started but was cutoff.

“It was pointless; he found me 13 years later and raped me, he and his friend Naraku slaughtered the family who took me in except for Kagome; the one Naraku is after, and Masashi gave me a joushu scar that I lived with for 6 years. On the bright side I’m free from the curse thanks to Hitoshi,” she said blushing as she explained the last part.

“Masashi and Naraku? You were raped! You were cursed!?” InuTaisho asked trying to take in what she just said.

“Hitoshi, what did Hitoshi do?” Izayoi asked.

She blushed darker as Hitoshi came up behind her and kissed the mark on her shoulder.

“You two are mates!” InuTaisho and Izayoi shouted in unison.

“Mmmhmm,” Hitoshi mumbled trailing kisses up and down her neck.

“We’ve missed a lot huh, I’m sorry we were not there for you Kiyomi,” Izayoi said sadly.

“It’s ok, you did what you thought was right I’m just glad to finally meet you,” she said brightly.

“This is so much to take in,” InuTaisho said rubbing his temples.

“Oh be quiet, your daughter is home; be happy,” Izayoi said.

“Yes dear,” he said.

“Oh and I’m whipped,” Miroku said.

“Like father like son,” Sesshoumaru said.

“We’re not really related,” Miroku pointed out.

“Well you’re both controlled by women,” Inuyasha said.

“We are not!” InuTaisho and Miroku shouted.

“Shut up,” Sango and Izayoi said.

“Yes dear,” they responded.

Everyone laughed. Hitomi stood in the hallway out of site and listened. She peeked into the living room looking at Hitoshi and Kiyomi.

“Sun and Moon, Darkness and Light, Yin and Yang; it is all coming together,” she mumbled returning to her duties.

(A/N: Ooh mysterious. Anyways REVIEW!)