InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ You Are The Only Man For Me ( Chapter 39 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.

Last time:

Just when he was about to step out he said, “We all look forward to working with you Mr. Kitsune.”

This time:

“I don’t know about this Shippo guy,” Inuyasha said.

It was 7:21 and they were walking through town on their way to their new job. They were going to take Kiyomi’s care but after they stole it the other morning, she refused.

“Why?” Sango asked.

“What do you mean why? He was all over you guys yesterday,” Hitoshi slightly growled.

“And you guys liked it,” Miroku pouted.

The girls looked at them, honestly confused until realization hit them. They started snickering.

“What’s so funny?” Inuyasha asked.

“It’s so cute that you guys are jealous,” Kiyomi answered.

“I’m not jealous,” they defended in unison.

“Yeah, ok, sure,” Kagome, said.

A few minutes later, they arrived in front of ‘The Club’, and, just when they were about to enter, Shippo burst the double doors open.

“Welcome my dears! Oh and others,” he exclaimed with disappointment when he saw Hitoshi, Inuyasha, and Miroku.

“Hey Shippo,” the girls greeted

The guys just nodded.

“Well come on in, so you can change into your uniforms,” he sang excitedly.

“I’m somewhat scared to see,” Sango joked nervously.

“Oh don’t worry you’ll be covered up plenty. I am a gentlemen and I would never allow my employees to be exposed in such a way when thugs and perverts come in here daily,” he promised.

“Notice how they never mentioned that,” Hitoshi whispered to Miroku.

“Either way they won’t have to worry about perverts,” Inuyasha said cracking his knuckles.

“Very good, now follow me,” Shippo said in a bored tone.

Inuyasha growled quietly as they followed Shippo to a door in the building that said ‘Employees Lounge’. He opened the door for the ladies and ‘accidently’ shut it when the guys tried to step through. The lounge was very nice; it had red and black furniture such as couches and chairs, the walls were black and the floors were scarlet.

“Ima kill that little twerp,” Inuyasha growled.

“I just might help you with that,” Hitoshi agreed with an irate look on his face.

“Now, now let’s not act so hostile towards the man, at least he hasn’t touched them yet,” Miroku explained.

As if on cue Shippo ‘accidentally’ brushed his hand across Sango’s butt, which she didn’t notice but Miroku did. His eye twitched (weird).

“You were saying,” Inuyasha mocked.

“All rationality is gone,” he growled.

“Thought so,” Hitoshi said.

“Alright then, here are your uniforms,” Shippo said throwing them to the guys.

The guys uniform consisted of simple black slacks, a red silk dress shirt, a black tie, and a black waist apron.

“And now, for you lovely ladies,” Shippo beamed.

He brought out a rack with three female uniforms. The female uniform consisted of a black silk short-sleeved button up work shirt with red buttons, a silk red skirt about an inch below mid thigh with black lace frills at the end, a black waist apron with red outlining it, and black heels.

“Oh wow it’s so cute!” Kagome squealed.

“I know we are so taking pictures!” Kiyomi replied.

“I’m glad you like them, but I suggest you all get ready because we open at 8:00 and its 7:46,” he ordered.

“Alright,” they said and headed for the employee bathrooms.

The guys came out first followed a few minutes later by the girls. Kiyomi had her arms wrapped around her chest for some reason.

“Kiyomi, is there something wrong with the uniform?” Shippo asked.

“Well yeah, it fits just fine except when I need to button it up in the…chest area,” she answered blushing.

Hitoshi smiled and walked up to her. He removed her arms from her chest and saw that it was indeed too small. He placed his hand on the button just below her chest and eventually got it through the hole. He continued this until he had made it three buttons from the top.

“There, it may be uncomfortable but it’s buttoned,” he said with a triumphant grin.

“Thanks,” she thanked blushing.

“What, did you think I was gonna let you walk out like that?” he questioned.

“This, this, and these are mine meaning no one else can look or touch,” he declared pointing to her lips, butt, and chest.

She smirked.

“And this, this, and this are mine meaning if anyone touches them they die,” she shot back pointing to his lips, butt, and grabbing his manhood.

“Whoa there people, not in front of the boss,” Shippo half teased.

“We’re sorry, it’s just that out of everyone we know, Hitoshi and Kiyomi are the kinkiest,” Kagome mocked.

“Uh excuse me? We aren’t the ones who do it while talking on the phone,” Hitoshi pointed out.

“You are all wrong it’s obviously Sesshoumaru and Rin,” Miroku stated.

They all nodded.

“Anyways… let’s get started,” Shippo said.

He gave them instructions and items for what they needed for their positions and left to his office. They were doing a great job and were actually enjoying themselves. The girls were the ones who kicked the most ass since men kept touching them and women were all over their mates. Then, four familiar faces came through the door. The first three were Kouga, Keichi, and Hiten but the other…

“Oh sweet Jesus,” Kagome groaned.

It was Hojo; he is a boy she had gone to school with since junior high and he was madly in love with her. Kouga strolled up to her from the table he and the guys had picked out.

“Hey Ka-,” he started.

Kagome pressed a finger against his lips pleading with him through her eyes to be quiet as she shielded the side of her face with her tray. He looked at her with confusion and worry in his eyes. He nodded to show he understood, so she removed her finger from his lips.

“Kagome what’s wrong?” he asked.

“You see that guy over there,” she asked pointing at Hojo, “I don’t want him to see me, so could you please not say my name?”

“Sure, do you want me to take care of him for you?” he asked grinning.

She laughed quietly, “No thanks, but I’ll be ready to take your order in a few.”

He nodded and walked back to his table and explained to Hiten and Keichi about her situation. She sighed and relief. Kiyomi and Sango walked up to her.

“You want us to be his waitresses for the night?” Sango asked.

“Yes please,” Kagome said.

“Alright then, let me get these orders to Chef Buso and I’ll be right over there,” Kiyomi assured.

Kiyomi went behind the bar and to a little window that lead to the kitchen. A very…round man appeared behind the window. He was dressed in a chef outfit and looked exactly like those painted pictures of Santa Claus, minus the beard. Through the night, he and Kiyomi had become friends. He was Italian so when she first gave him an order, he tried to confuse her by speaking in Italian, and was surprised when she replied in Italian. He enjoyed having someone who spoke his native tongue and enjoyed her company.

“And what can I do for you my ameno socio,” he asked in an Italian accent (he called her his lovely associate).

“Equanime got qualche di più orders durante voi,” she said ripping a few papers from her note pad and giving them to him.
(Just got some more orders for you)

“Coming retto sù,” he said.
(Coming right up)

“Grazie,” she thanked.

She walked up to Hojo’s table and took out her notepad and pen.

“Good evening my name is Kiyomi and I will be your waitress this evening, may I take your order?” she asked politely.

“Oh, uh, yes- Kiyomi?” the man with short light brown hair and brown eyes said.

(Me: No, it’s El Chupacabra)

“Nice to see you again Hojo,” she replied.

“Same here, I haven’t seen you since we graduated! How have you been and where’s Kagome?” he asked eagerly looking around not hearing the voice.

“Well Kagome works here, I just haven’t seen her yet,” she lied.

“Oh well, uh, I’ll have a glass of ice water please.”

“Sure I’ll be right back.”

She walked behind the bar again and into the kitchen, got a glass, filled it with ice and water, and returned it to Hojo.

“Will there be anything else?” she asked.

“No but I’ll tell you if there is,” he assured.

She nodded and walked off. The rest of the night went by smoothly until it was time to go home. Kagome had walked out of the employee lounge with her regular clothes and Hojo had spotted her.

“Hey Higurashi,” he called out.

Kagome froze and hesitantly turned around. She put on a fake smile, waved, and turned to walk away, but he wasn’t giving up that easily. He caught up to her and smiled.

“You didn’t plan on leaving without a hug, did you?” he teased hugging her.

She tried to pull away but she didn’t have to. Hojo was lifted off the ground by the back of his shirt by none other than Inuyasha. Hojo looked at him confused thinking it was Kiyomi for a second.

“Mind explaining to me why your scrawny ass is all over my mate,” Inuyasha growled.

“Mate?!” Hojo squeaked.

“Yeah, now answer the damn question!” Inuyasha snarled.

“She’s a f-friend from h-high school. I-I just got e-excited I g-guess,” he stuttered.

“Inuyasha put him down now,” Kagome ordered sternly.

Inuyasha obeyed and dropped him unceremoniously on the ground.

“I meant gently,” she said.

“You meant it but you didn’t say it,” Inuyasha pointed out.

“I thought it would be common sense,” Kagome defended.

“For you maybe,” he scoffed.

Hojo groaned and Kagome knelt by him.

“Are you ok Hojo,” she asked.

“Uh, yeah I’m fine, something I didn’t know existed popped, but I’m fine,” he said wincing as he sat up.

“I’m sorry; Inuyasha gets really over protective sometimes. Inuyasha please apologize,” Kagome asked pouting.

“That’s not fair damn it!” he said trying to look away.

“Pwease Inu,” she pleaded again.

“Damn it…..I’m sorry Hobo,” he muttered.

“It’s Hojo.”

“And I should care why?”

“Anyways you’re forgiven,” he said getting up slowly.

“Wouldn’t give a rats ass either way,” Inuyasha shot back.

“I should be going I have to run some errands,” he said walking quickly out the door.

“Inuyasha that was mean,” Kagome said.

He sighed, “I know I just hate seeing other men touch you. You have no idea how hard it was to stay behind that bar.”

She giggled and kissed him passionately.

She pulled away and breathed, “You are the only man for me.”

(A/N: Aww cute. REVIEW!)