InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unaware ❯ Unaware Chapter 2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I do not own Inuyasha & Co.
Well now, I have another chapter for ya! This one will show a bit of a different side of Inuyasha. You'll begin to see that he'll be more how we love him. He'll gain that chip on his shoulder we all love. Let's see how well Kagome will handle his arrogance, ne?
Chapter 2
Inuyasha seethed the whole way home. Once he reached the front door, he wrenched it open and slammed it shut as he stormed up the stairs to get his most needed belongings. He didn't know how to vent his anger. If he had a punching bag to work at, he swore he was so mad he'd destroy it in one punch.
His anger ran deep. Not only was he angry at the three he didn't trust, but he was angry with himself for allowing his weakness to get the best of him. Sure, his wife was trustworthy and strong in her own right, but she took that strength to an inhuman level. She always felt Inuyasha should never take care of her problems for her. She believed that being independent in that way gave her a chance to be feared by those who would wrong her. She wanted to make sure she didn't get him involved in things that didn't include him.
“Dammit, Kikyo! Why? Why did you try to keep me away from your problems? Why couldn't you trust me to take care of you? You'd probably be okay if you had allowed me to help you!” He shouted at her picture beside the bed. Once his ego deflated finally, he sat don't onto the bed and stared at her picture smiling back at him. “You always made me feel like I was the dependent one. You never let me do anything for you but love you. I'm the weak one, Kikyo. However, you forgot, you're human too. And now you're as weak as a knocked out cat.” He sniffed as he grabbed the picture and held it in his arms.
He swayed back and forth, as tears fell down his face, and whimpers could be heard throughout the room. He had failed her because she wouldn't allow him to be himself. She was very beautiful, and he would catch other men eyeing her as if she was the pick of the litter even if she was with him. Not that he meant to be possessive, but she was more standoffish than he was. Whenever he'd get bristled at other men making passes at her while he was with her, she always smacked him, then turned and smacked the jerks making the comments.
He felt as if he couldn't do anything right by her save for walk beside her and look as pretty as she was. He felt confused about his role in the relationship for a long time. She only allowed him to be dominant in the bedroom, never in public. She always said he was something of a brute whenever he acted as if he could protect her from said comments.
Once the tears had stopped falling, he stood and stepped up to the closet door. He then reached for the luggage and set it out on the bed. The first thing he did was set the picture inside the pocket on the edge. Then he went to gathering up his clothes and toiletries. Once the bag was packed, he slid the zippers shut, and looked around the empty room. He also eyed the bed. The bed was made and undisturbed. He remembered the mornings they woke in that bed, entwined in each other's embrace.
He missed those moments where they laid together under the covers. Naked as the day they were born, embracing tightly as if they were truly one. He missed the feel of her skin against his, her kisses, her voice. But most of all, her eyes. They were her most beautiful feature as far as he was concerned. He could read right through her. She was always truthful and never hid anything from him. She bore her soul without fear. Everyone knew her inside and out. She was free-spirited and kind. But not only that, her eyes also held a strong firmness. When at work, she meant business and not one underling could refuse her.
He had upset her few times, and he learned real quickly that being on the receiving end of her anger meant at least being banned from the bedroom the rest of the night. Of course, not without her being a bit dominant over him for a bit in said bedroom before he was banned. Kinda kinky, but that was what he loved about her. Even though she was mad at him during those times, she still loved him deep down. She just had a very morbid way of showing him who's boss.
After those memories left his mind, he then shuffled out the door, closing it behind him. He stepped into his car and stared at the steering wheel. Then after a moment, he looked up and saw in his mind what angered him in the first place. The alleyway and Jakotsu's actions. He grabbed onto the steering wheel, squeezed hard as he grit his teeth, and began to growl again. He couldn't take it anymore. He made some noises deep in his chest and proceeded to do what he could to calm himself down. His head hit the steering wheel repeatedly. Once his tears speckled the steering wheel and the dash, he just laid his forehead atop the horn and let the sound just carry as he whimpered.
A hand slapped the clock as the comforter stirred. The body shifting in the bed underneath. Soft puffs of air sounded once the alarm was silenced. The ceiling fan helped air to cool and flow over the covers, relaxing the woman lying beneath. The only sounds heard were of her even breathes, and the clock ticking away beside her.
Kagome had been asleep since she returned home. Shippo had already left for school, and her mother was knitting in the living room as the television rang on with the sounds of a soap opera. This was Kagome's life. After the nights she worked, she would sleep the day away as all the rest of humanity rushed about their lives and fought each other for space on the high ways and in the office.
Kagome was never one for crowds of people. She was more of an independent person who enjoyed the close company of just a select few. She loved her son, and never regretted ending up raising him on her own. Kagome's past was behind her, and she chose to move on. The man who graced her with Shippo was long gone, and she liked it that way. Shippo had sometimes complained about not having a father around, but she just didn't feel the need to depend on another man after what she had been through.
She slept silently for another ten minutes when the alarm went off again, causing her to sit up and stretch her arms out. She let out a loud yawn and turned off the alarm. As she sat there under the covers rubbing the sleep from her eyes, her bedroom door burst open, and her bundle of joy leapt onto the bed and embraced her.
“Mom! You wouldn't believe what I made you at school today!” He shouted excitedly as he reached into his little backpack and pulled out a piece of paper containing a cute little poem and a picture beside it.
“Oh, Shippo! Thank you, sweetie! I love it! I'll go put it on the fridge, okay?” Kagome responded as she roughed up his red hair as he smiled and giggled.
“Momma? Can we have Mac and Cheese for dinner?” Shippo asked as they stepped out of the room.
“Sure, but I'm not only making that. I'm also making chicken and peas.” Kagome smiled.
“YAY!” Shippo shouted as he ran down the stairs and into the living room to greet and hug his grandma.
Kagome stepped past the living room and into the kitchen where she grabbed a magnet and hung the picture at eye level, so she'd look upon his newest work first. She went about making dinner for the three of them as Shippo changed the television channel to the after school cartoons. She enjoyed hearing the funny voices and sounds coming from the television. But most of all, she enjoyed his laughter. Shippo's happiness meant more to her than anything else. She wanted nothing more than for him to always smile.
She heard both her boy and her mother laugh happily. The laughing caused her to stray from the kitchen for just a moment to look in on what they were enjoying. Shippo had pulled out some clean sheets of paper and was drawing funny faces. As he drew them, he made the faces. Her mother marveled at his comedic talents for just being a child.
Kagome stood silently with a smile graced upon her lips. She knew he would be even happier with a father near. Someone to encourage him in ways she couldn't. Even if he was happy as things were, he was still just a child after all. Suddenly, with her heart looking deep into that possibility as he grows older, she suddenly saw a figure appear before the boy. She began to clarify that figure in her mind. The man who appeared caused her to look away from the scene abruptly and rush back to the kitchen, her cheeks flushed. She had imagined Inuyasha sitting there encouraging her son to be a boy.
“What am I thinking? He's married. I don't even know him. Why would I see that? I definitely will need a vacation soon if this keeps up. Maybe his wife should rush her awakening so he can be out of my thoughts soon. I can't get his image out of my head. I've never had this problem with anyone else, but him.” She said to herself as she stirred the pot of macaroni sitting over the flaming burner.
Once she had finished making dinner, she called the other two into the kitchen, and they sat and ate as Shippo told about his day in school. They all laughed and listened intently as he talked about the new things he learned.
“Kagome how was your night?” Her mother asked once the boy finally started eating his macaroni and cheese.
“Oh, fine.” Kagome responded as her cheeks suddenly became flushed as she sipped her tea.
“Oh? And what's with the blush, my child?” The older woman asked as she spooned some peas into her mouth.
“Well, there's a new patient on my floor. She's a coma patient who was shot. Her husband is undoubtedly the most handsome and sweetest man I had ever met.” Kagome answered, seeing her son's head bob up at her suddenly.
“Oh yeah? How serious is his wife's condition?” she asked.
“Well, I think I'll answer that later, but her husband is broken up about it. He looked a bit lost last night.”
“What does he look like? Is he old? Is he young? Does he have any kids?” Shippo asked.
“He's young and handsome. A bit older than me and it doesn't seem that they had any kids.” Kagome tried to hold her composure and keep her eyes closed as she sipped her tea.
“I've noticed you're kinda in the clouds today. You slept a bit later than usual. Could he be the reason?” Her mother asked.
Kagome and her mother had always been able to read each other like books. Kagome tried hard to hide those emotions and thoughts. To think a married man could make her think dirty thoughts, kinda freaked her out a bit. Making her clam up and worry about her sanity. The last thing she had ever wanted was to fall for the impossible get.
“Oh no, it's not that. It was just a long night last night, that's all.” Kagome shrugged and went back to drinking her tea.
They all finished their meals, and then as Kagome rose and carried her dishes to the sink, her mother came up behind her and said, “You go on upstairs and get yourself ready for work. I'll take over from here.”
“Thank you, Mama.” Kagome said in response as she then turned and stepped out of the kitchen. She came to the steps and ascended to her bedroom.
She turned the shower on and shut her door. She shed her clothes and eyed her body in the mirror as it began to slowly fog up. She stared at her face and noticed something strange. The image of that woman's face popped up in her head. She noticed something funky. The left half of that woman's face looked like her own. She did notice how Inuyasha eyed her when she first stepped into the room that night. He had this strange look in his eyes as his gaze was held on her face.
Once the mirror was fogged up completely, she turned from it and stepped into the shower to cleanse her body and mind. She stood before the nozzle and let the water cascade down her bare body as heated thoughts suddenly plagued her mind. Realizing that man had once again forced himself into her mind set her on fire and she lost all track of time as she enjoyed her long, hot shower.
Inuyasha stepped out of the elevator and continued his way to his wife's room. The room he would consider his home for the time being. He hated the thought of living in a hospital, but nothing else mattered but his wife. He gained tunnel vision after her shooting. He hadn't even thought about going to the cemetery and telling his father about what had happened in his life. He was due to visit him, but his mind was focused on one event, his wife's awakening.
He thought about the possibilities of what she may be like when she awakes. Thoughts of her ending up like a vegetable plagued his dreams. He feared she wouldn't recognize him, that she wouldn't remember their memories, or their love for each other. Not knowing what to expect from her future was beginning to eat away at him, even though it had only been about twenty-four hours since her shooting occurred. Even though he felt he had lost her, she was still there.
Once he stepped into the room, he set his suitcase on the bed next to hers. He decided not to disturb their peaceful bed at home. He wanted the memory of the night they last had together to remain there with the comforter and pillows that surrounded them as they made love for the last time. He ached for her badly enough it was hard for him to even think about their past memories in that bed. To bring anything with him to remind him of that would hurt him worse. He needed to focus on the now and hope for recovery to be in her future.
He opened the suitcase and emptied his things into the little closet provided for him. Once he set his toiletries in the bathroom on the other end of her room, he stepped up to the suitcase to pull out one last article. The picture he had embraced earlier. He eyed it and touched the image for a moment, then set it down on the table beside his bed to remind him that she will be back for him soon.
As he stood and eyed his new living quarters, filled with flowers sent by co-workers at her company and his boss, he heard the door open behind him. He stood in place, facing his bed as Kagome stepped in behind him silently.
“Good afternoon, Inuyasha.” Kagome greeted politely as she grabbed the clipboard. “How are you today?”
He remained silent, causing her to eye his form as he brooded, his head slightly hanging forward. “Let me know if you need anything. Even if you need to talk to a counselor, the hospital has a wonderful staff of…”
“No thank you.” He interrupted her as his hands clenched at his hips. She gasped and turned from him. She then went to her duties silently.
After she copied down his wife's vitals, she changed the I.V. bag and then turned to him. Over the past three minutes, he never moved. He seemed very tense and looked as if he'd explode. She realized her presence was unwanted. She then chose to silently hope for him to find his resolve soon and set down the chart on her way out.
Once the door clicked shut, his shoulders shook and tears once again streamed down his cheeks. He grit his teeth as his body moved. He raised his right fist straight up and then down into the mattress before him as he whispered, “Kikyo. Dammit. My wife. My life.” He repeated the actions with each phrase. He continued `til he fell forward onto the bed face down and laid there for a bit as he seethed.
He was about to break when the nurse entered earlier. He knew who it was. It was Kagome. The woman who reminded him of his wife, only a little younger. She had no idea how she affected him when he saw Kagome standing at the foot of his wife's bed. At first, he thought his wife's soul had left her body and was standing at the foot of her bed smiling at him. She scared him with her very presence. While he slept that night, Kagome was the object of his desire as he dreamt. He couldn't understand why he dreamt of the nurse, rather than his wife.
He felt disgusting when it came to Kagome. He felt as if he was letting his heart waver by her innocence. He couldn't do that when he had devoted his heart, soul and life to Kikyo for as long as he had known her. He couldn't bring himself to love another after so long. Kikyo was everything to him. He felt he deserved to be beaten to death for those dreams he had the night before. He couldn't even think about living without Kikyo. He couldn't let his mind think about the possibility of her death and then having to move on.
He had always assured Kikyo that if anything were to happen to her, he would never look for another. He would remain faithful to her even through death. He was a very loyal and devoted husband, not an adulterer. After being with Kikyo and loving her fully, his heart was no longer his to give. It was the least he could do in return for her loyalty shown for him.
Kagome clicked the door shut and once again leaned against the doorframe. Only this time, she had her hand over her mouth as tears began to fall. She knew he was broken, but she didn't think he was that bad. For him to try to hold himself back from tears, she knew his heart was dying. All she wanted was to offer what comfort she could for him. What struck her as odd was he didn't even turn to her. He didn't show her kindness like he did the night before. She felt coldness in his presence just then.
Eri stopped as she caught Kagome's image in the corner of her eye. She turned to see that Kagome was crying silently.
“What's wrong, Kagome? Is she okay?” Eri asked as she stepped up to Kagome and got her eyes to focus on hers.
“Oh. Yes, Kikyo's fine. No change just yet.” She answered as her gaze dropped once again.
“Then what's wrong? How's the hunk?” Eri asked as she shook her shoulders just a bit, a smile forming on her lips.
“Well, let's just say he's not taking it very well. I think I have to be careful around him tonight. He just kinda blew me off in there just now. He looked as if he was about to lose it. His back was turned to me, but I saw his fists clench so tightly that I wouldn't doubt if he had drawn blood with his nails by now. I just felt this overwhelming amount of anger about him.” Kagome explained as she stepped away from the door so he wouldn't hear her on the other side.
“Whoa. Scary.” Eri drawled out as she led Kagome to a chair behind the desk. Kagome was still staring off into space as she settled in the chair. “You think you're gonna be okay? I mean, checking in on the patient every hour if he's as broken and upset as he is. He very well may become protective of his wife. I've seen it before. It's probably best if you don't talk to him.”
“Yeah, you're right. I'll be careful, don't worry. I just need to collect myself for a few minutes.” Kagome drawled out as Eri nodded then left her to her devices.
After about ten minutes, Kagome went about her rounds and checked up on her other patients. There were no changes in any of the patients, and no news to report to the nurses. After her run in with Inuyasha, she had hoped her shift would be a bit more exciting. She eyed the clock to see that an hour had past, and it was time to check on Kikyo. She gritted her teeth as she gained a bit of confidence to step into the room.
When she opened the door, she saw him sprawled out on his bed, his shoulders shaking. He had the pillow in his arms, and his head was buried in it. Her eyes began to tear as well just at the sound of his sniffles and his soft whimpers. She wasn't sure if he even knew she was standing not too far from him. Kagome tried to take her attention away from the silver haired man before her and watch over his wife.
Once she got a hold of the chart in it's holder, she tried to silently slide it out, only to gain the sound of plastic slipping against wood. She suddenly heard a gasp and the bed shift to her side. She stopped abruptly and felt angry eyes burn through her. She stared ahead, and tried not to gain eye contact with him. She could hear him struggle to hold his sobs as he scrutinized her.
Finally he let go of the breathe he had been holding and sat up on the bed. Kagome remained still, hoping she hadn't angered him. When she no longer felt his eyes on her, she closed her eyes as she inhaled silently and gained the strength to speak.
“I'm sorry. But I'm only looking after your wife. It is my job. I didn't mean to barge in on you. I will be gone in just a moment.” She said calmly.
“You…I mean…I…”He struggled to speak as he tried to collect himself again.
Kagome stood straight and turned her gaze to the broken man. “It's okay. I'm the intruder here. You don't have to justify yourself.” She then went to her duties.
“Kagome.” Inuyasha said suddenly, gaining her attention.
“You remind me of her. Did you know that? When I saw you last night, I thought her soul had left her body and was standing there smiling at me. That scared me. Since then, I…” He clenched his throat from saying what he truly wanted to say.
“Do you feel I shouldn't watch over your wife if I have that effect on you? If it hurts too much, you can easily transfer her to another floor.”
“No. It's all right. I just…need time. That's all.” He explained as he finally gained eye contact with her once again. The two became mesmerized in each other's gaze as the sunset flowed into the room, embracing her face, making his almost impossible to see. All she could see were his gold eyes and his curtain of soft silver hair.
Her breathe caught in her chest as she eyed the sight before her. If there ever were a moment she would never forget, it would be now. The sunset embracing his form, causing his hair to shine as if he was surrounded by a pure shroud of magic. She noticed his expression, and saw that his eyes were just as paralyzed as hers. Suddenly, a creak sounded from his bed, and they were startled from their stares. They both looked away and she set her hand down on the bed trying to regain her composure.
“I'm sorry. I forgot to bring in a new I.V. bag for her. I'll be right back.” Kagome mentioned as she set the clipboard down into it's holder and quickly stepped out the door.
Inuyasha sat on the bed and stared at the spot where she stood. He couldn't believe what he felt just looking at her. She was so beautiful in that light, he could feel his heartbeat race. “What just happened?” He asked himself as he shifted and then fell back onto the bed, his head landing on the pillow. He stared at the ceiling and tried to gather his thoughts.
After a minute Kagome returned as she said and stepped up to hang the new I.V. bag. He heard her enter the room. He turned his gaze to his wife, and then to the nurse, gaining her attention.
“You sure you're okay? You look a bit pale.” Kagome said as she then stepped across the room and up to his bed. She knelt down beside him and put her hand to his forehead. “You're a bit warm. You look as if you're really tense. I can give you a quick shoulder rub. It'll help you fell better.”
He looked at her innocently as she offered to comfort him. All he wanted was nothing but a shoulder massage and a back tickling. Her offer hit home as he nodded and sat up. He leaned his arms forward as she rose and then sat down behind him and lifted his hair.
He reveled in her tender touch as she laid his locks over his left shoulder and then began to press her fingers into his shoulders. His eyes immediately closed and he couldn't help but moan a bit in comfort.
“Wow. I wasn't kidding. How long have you been this tense, Inuyasha?” Kagome asked as she worked hard to soften his balled up muscles.
“Since yesterday, when I found out Kikyo was shot. I haven't been able to relax since.” He moaned as she switched from his shoulders to his mid-back. His shirt began to get in the way. She then politely shifted his shirt up towards his shoulders. He enjoyed her touch so much; he just worked his shirt off the rest of the way, allowing her full access to his back.
As she worked his muscles, she eyed his back. He looked strong and healthy. He was toned and hard. She couldn't feel an inch of fat on him. As he allowed the massage to continue, he decided to ask her some questions.
“Are you married? Boyfriend? Any Kids?” He asked, causing her to stop momentarily. He looked back at her over his shoulder.
“Oh! Sorry, no I'm not married. No boyfriend either. But I do have a son.”
“Yeah? How old?”
“He's eight. He's quite the character. He makes me laugh.” She said as she giggled.
“So, he's a good boy, huh? So, is it hard for you? Being a single full-time working mom?” He asked as he moaned at the end.
She shifted her work to his lower back causing him to hiss a bit as she pressed into his hard sides. “Yep, I couldn't have asked for anything more than what I have. I have raised him on my own since he was born. His father hasn't been a part of his life, and I'd like to keep it that way.”
“Why? Can I ask what happened?” She stopped and sat back away from him. He turned his upper body to the side and leaned on his right hand. His hair accented his face as he turned concerned eyes upon her. Kagome had lowered her head and her hands lay in her lap.
“Did I say something wrong?” He asked as she shook her head.
“No. It's just not easy for me to talk about my past with his father. Makes me wonder why you even asked me. You don't know me.”
“Well, you know enough to know my life is not without tragedy. I just thought that talking with someone who's gone through hard times as well might help comfort me. If it's too hard for you, I understand.” He said as he eyed her form. She sat there, as if she was submitting. He couldn't stand to see her that way. He reached out and put his finger under her chin. He lifted her face to his gaze. She saw a look of concern in his eyes.
“You all right?” He asked.
She sat there silently for a few seconds. “Yes.” She whispered as his fingers embraced her chin. She didn't know what to think as his look went from concern to contentment as his eyes embraced her features.
“That massage felt great. You do have wonderful hands. I wish Kikyo did. She's usually a bit too harsh when it comes to massages.” He let out as he then looked over to his helpless wife and smiled.
“Well, just let me know if you need one, okay? Remember, I'm not only here to look after your wife, but also to make sure you're comfortable while she sleeps.” Kagome reminded him with a smile.
“I will thanks. I'm okay now. I'm sure you have other patients to look after. I don't want to hog you all to myself.” He said with a smirk.
Kagome giggled and noticed he still had his fingers under her chin. Her cheeks flushed at the thought as her eyes shifted down and looked at his wrist. He noticed her expression and realized what she was reacting to. He gasped and pulled his hand away quickly and then turned his back to her, hiding his red cheeks. Kagome was surprised by his actions. But she shrugged as she got up from the bed, patted his pillow and propped it against the headboard.
“Well, now that you're okay, I'll go look over my other patients.” She said as she turned and headed towards the door.
“Kagome.” Inuyasha called out.
Kagome turned to see what he needed. “I'm glad to have you watching over Kikyo.” He said with a smile.
“I am honored to look after you both.” She replied as she bowed and then continued her journey to the door. As she stepped through the doorway, she turned to see him still smiling after her. She returned his smile and slowly closed the door.
“Hello.” Kikyo said aloud as she took a seat as dizziness began to set in. The man in question turned his gaze to her as she sat in the chair sluggishly and leaned her head against the back of it.
“What happened to you?” The man asked as he got up sluggishly from his seat and slowly made his way to the seat beside her. He turned her face to the side to look at her. Then he noticed the blood soaked fabric she had wrapped around her head. “You're bleeding.” He pointed out as she fainted and began to fall over.
He caught her in his lap and pulled the fabric away from her forehead a bit to see what the wound looked like. Noticing the situation, he laid her head down upon his chair as he stood up and walked into the emergency room to get some bandages. Once he returned he knelt down beside her and removed the fabric from her head and proceeded to clean the blood from the wound and dressed it with a bandage. As she remained blacked out, he sat against the chair beside her head and waited for her to regain consciousness.
After about an hour, her eyes opened, and she grunted a bit from the pain. He opened his eyes and turned to see her touching the dressing over her wound.
“You're awake. Looks like a bullet was attracted to you.” He said with a smirk as she turned her head to meet his eyes. “Name's Houji Takamura. Yours?”
Kikyo eyed him for a moment. “Kikyo Tai.” He bowed his head a bit in greeting and smiled. “Can you tell me why you're the only person here? Where is everyone?” She asked groggily.
“I have no clue. I've been alone for days waiting for someone to appear, and here you are.” He shrugged.
“For days? You haven't seen one soul?” Kikyo asked as she lifted her body on her elbows, a look of shock in her eyes.
“Not one.” He shook his head.
“What is this place? Was there a holocaust? What day is it?” She asked. She grabbed for her cell phone and looked at the date. It was June 6. The day hadn't ended. She continued to stare at her phone as she realized the time. It was dusk and it said 4:00 pm. She gasped and set her phone so he could see the time. He eyed the date, time on her phone, and then looked at his watch. The date on his watch was June 13 and the hands remained rooted to 2:13 pm as if it stopped. Their eyes met as they realized something was definitely wrong.
Awww…cute, huh? That scene kinda surprised me, ya know. I'm beginning to love how this fic is turning out. Sorta different from what I planned, but then again, this is Inu and Kags we're focusing on, right? Well, I certainly hope you all enjoyed this chappy, and I really appreciate the reviews and the hits! Thank you all so very much! Well, ja ne for now!
A/N: Very interesting findings as far as Kikyo and Houji, don't ya think? Freaky… (shudders)