InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unconditional Dramatizations ❯ Sango's Anger ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Miroku left the hut, to go look for Shippo, because he wanted to test Inuyasha, but Miroku spotted two beautiful woman walking around the village, so Miroku had too go up to them.(A/N and I mean he had toooo) so Miroku ran up to them grabbed their hands and said “will you two ladies bear my children.”

“Oh, monk, are you really sure about that!!” The girls screamed in pleasure of his saying.

“I may sure of you beautiful ladies!” Miroku said laughing not knowing some angry eye’s glaring at him.

“OHHHH, MONK YOUR SO HANDSOME, AND WE WILL BEAR YOUR CHILDREN!” The woman screamed again, and walked with him.

“MIROKU!!” said an angry voice.

Miroku then turn around to find that it was Sango who was the angry voice.

“S-Sango” Miroku said


Sango had just slapped and whacked Miroku with her Hiraikotsu.

“Miroku you pervert, cheating Monk!!!”Sango yelled running away crying.

“S-Sango W-wait” Miroku struggled to, and ran after her, leaving the two woman confused of what happened at the time.

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Sango was running and kept running, and didn’t care where she went she sick and tired of seeing that monk flirt, cheat, and asked to bear his children, she could not take it no more, he said after they would kill naraku and his wind tunnel disappeared he would marry her, naraku wasn’t dead yet, because he still had his wind tunnel.

Sango began to sob, will she ever get kohaku back, and will she ever marry and have children with Miroku.

Then miroku found Sango sobbing.

“S-Sango please forgive me” Miroku said feeling her pain.

“Miroku, why must you do that you know I don’t like it when you flirt with other woman, I thought you loved me, I thought I was the one you want to only to bear your children!!!”

“Sango that’s true, please forgive me, I didn’t mean it honest”

“Oh really, prove it!!”

Miroku got a grin on his face, he knew this was the best chance he would get. He then walked beside her and said “Sango” which made her look up and then he kissed her on the lips. Sango was shocked, gasping a bit. Miroku then slipped his tongue into her mouth and explores it, and it made Sango groan.

Miroku and Sango let the kiss go gasping for air, and then kissed again, and again. Miroku pulled off Sango top, exposing her upper body. Sango then pulled his shirt off to see his muscular chest and abs. Miroku kissed Sango again but this time Sango explored his mouth making him groan in pleasure. Miroku pulled off the rest of Sango’s cloth’s, and Sango did the same to him.

They where both panting Miroku pushed Sango down playfully to the ground. He kissed her from her lips, to neck nipping it a bit making her groan and shiver, then he went to her breasts, and put his mouth on one of her nipples, and sucked, teased, and nibbled it making her groan.

Miroku then kissed down over her belly, then finally reach her core. He started to rub it with his thunb, Sango groaned. Miroku smirked then put his tongue on her core and lapped up her juices.

“OHHHH, MIROKU!!” Sango screamed in pleasure.

Miroku sropped licking.

“OH DON’T STOP!” Sango begged.

Miroku then stuck his tongue in side of her core moving his tongue up and down her core sucking the juices from.

“OHHH DON’T STOP.....RIGHT THERE DON’T STOP!!!” Sango screamed in pleasure.

Miroku did as she said, but he stopped remembering what he had left Inuyasha waiting in the hut, and he didn’t want anyone get suspicious, about him and Sango.

Miroku then jumped up from Sango, putting his cloth’s back, and tossed Sango’s cloths to her.

“Remember I said we would wait until we defeated Naraku, Sango so this must wait.” Miroku said grabbing his staff.

“Understood” Sango said blushing for getting to carried away.

Miroku and Sango both started to walk to the village out of the forest.