InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ UnderCover is a *itch! ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4:


The sounds were loud and forceful. Rin mumbled in frustration and grabbed the phone near her bed. She took a few moments to move her untamed hair from her face, while the person on the other end yelled hello.

"Hello? Oh sorry, I know I was supposed to be in at 7:00. What? Okay, I'll be in at 9:00. Fine! Yeah… no, it's nothing. I'm just tired, okay? Bye."
Rin sighed and leans back into her bed. She was about to closer her eyes, but something beside her moved. “Who was that?” a deep voice asked.

Rin's widen and she let out a scream. Her heart felt as if it would explode and she nervously turned towards the strange cat like eyes that stared at her.

Rin couldn't answer, so she took the moment to examine the room around her. Wine bottles, champagne glasses, and clothing covered the floor. She felt her checks flush with blush and tears began to fill her eyes. //oh god! I just slept with a criminal… what am I going to do? What will Tony say if he found out?//
She felt Sesshoumaru move towards her and a warm arm went around her body. He kissed her shoulder lightly, “What's wrong, kitten?”
Rin looked at him in complete shock as the tears rolled down her face. Before she knew it, she was crying like a baby in front of him. “What have I done!” she yelled.

Sesshoumaru's mouth dropped and he couldn't help but pull her closer to his body. “You're not that type of girl, huh?”

"W-what do you mean?" Rin asked, pushing him away.

"I thought you were the type to just sleep around. When you started crying… I guess I was wrong about you. To be honest… it makes me want know more about you.”

Rin just stared at him. She didn't know what to say and his explanation confused her a bit. Here she was- sleeping in a bed with someone who she was has to put in jail. This kind of thing is not supposed to happen to a cop. So what if the guy's mysterious, sexy, strong, and yet gentle at the same time?

"Rin?" Sesshoumaru whispered.

//Even so- maybe this one time won't hurt. He doesn't seem that bad… and I'll be able to handle it, right? //

Sesshoumaru pulled Rin against him again and held her face in his hand. “Woman of mysterious.” He whispered; bring her closer to his lips.
"I have to go somewhere." Rin said suddenly.

"It isn't even eight o'clock yet. You said you'll be in at nine… we still have time." Sesshoumaru smirked, pushing Rin down on the bed.

Rin's eyes widen for a minute and she smiled. //What do I have to lose?// She thought bring him down for a kiss.


Rin walked into the police station 45 minutes late.

"Tomeo, what took you so long? You said 9:00 not 15 minutes till 10." Tony yelled as Rin came shinning into his office. "Why are you glowing?" He asked.

Rin stopped and blushed, "Glowing?" she asked innocently.

Tony arched his eyebrow and handed Rin a stack of papers.

"Well anyways… your report on this case was great. I've read it over with my boss and he said everything was fine. Are you having any troubles at all?"

Rin blushed and whispered no.

"What's with you today?"

Rin looked at him and gave him a bright smile, "Let's just say, I woke up on the right side of the bed this morning."


"Where were you last night?" Naraku asked as Sesshoumaru walked into their hide out.

"I had something I had to take care of. Why? Is there a problem?"

Naraku glared at him, "I don't like the way you're speaking to me."

"And I don't like hearing your voice… now we're even." Sesshoumaru growled walking towards Jaken. “What's this?” he asked Jaken, as the small man leaned over his computer.

"This is our next target, sir. We are hitting the jackpot this time. It seems the United States will be bringing some very interesting weapons to Japan. They are over 100 million dollars and are supposedly very powerful. If we can break in and steal some; I'm sure we will be drowning in money." Jaken smiled.

"Whose idea was this?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Mine. Inu-yasha Youkai will be there and you know he is the one who runs TYPD. TYPD is Japan's best police unite because he is a hell of a boss. Considering he will be around, I can settle a little score with him and deliver a huge blow to the TYPD. Not only will we get rich in the process, we also take care of a big problem.” Naraku smiled.

"It's going to be hell trying to do this. Don't you realize we are going against the United States as well as Japan's best? This isn't going to be an easy job. We will be jail forever if we are caught. You do understand this, don't you Naraku?” Sesshoumaru yelled.

"Are you scared?"

"No, I'm being smart. There are only 3 of us."

"4 of us,” Jaken corrected. “Don't forget our little Rin. She's equal to us and this job will be perfect for her.”

Sesshoumaru grabbed Jaken and held him in the air by his neck. "We are not putting her in this. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes sir." Jaken shuddered.

"We will use whoever I say we use. If I want to use the girl- I will." Naraku growled.

Sesshoumaru looked at him and threw Jaken to the ground. "Besides, once we are finish with this job. I'm moving out the country and taking the girl with me." Naraku laughed.

Sesshoumaru mumbled something under his breath and began walking away. Naraku watched him for a moment before yelling out. "Sesshoumaru, if there is something you are hiding I will find out."

"Whatever, I'll be back in a few hours."

Naraku nodded and turned his attention towards Jaken. "Think he's hiding something?" Jaken asked.

"If he is hiding something… I'll kill him."