InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Changes ❯ The Great Father ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Harry Potter and comp. Or anyone other than the people I create, like Jinome and the boys. blah blah blah.
Chapter: The Great Father
Kerala transformed and crouched down and offered her back to Kagome, she climbed up quickly, grabbing a fistful of the Neko's mane as she lept high into the air, flying high above the fighting pair of dogs.
“Can you get me closer Kerala?” The cat demon mewed and did as requested, hovering just above Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha you have to stop!” Kagome yelled.
It didn't seem to have any affect on him though as he managed to twist his head down and grip the back of Sesshomaru's neck. He pulled up, bringing his forepaws up he dug his sharp nails into the older demons chest, making him release his hold on his throat.
Both broke apart for a moment, panting they regained their composure and went to strike again, Kagome nudged Kerala closer down, trying to brake it up. Instead, she was thrown off as Sesshomaru's paw came up to swipe at Inuyasha and missed, he ended up hitting her instead.
Inuyasha's human side screamed at him and he finally looked over, hearing Kagome's voice, he moved forward and caught her in mid air as Kerala sought to find her balance again in the sky. She landed softly atop his head, shaking her head she took in her surroundings, finally remembering where she was, she sighed in relief.
Inuyasha lowered his head and allowed Kagome to slide off it back to earth, his lips curling as he turned back to Sesshomaru.
Kagome took her chance, “Inuyasha, please, you have to stop this fight or someone's going to get hurt!” She ran towards his massive form, resting a hand on his left foreleg she looked up at him with pleading eyes. He looked at her then back at Sesshomaru, who seemed calm and collected once more, but with a dangerous glint in his eye. Coming to a decision he decided to listen to his companions pleading voice.
She sighed and wiped the sweat from her brow, `that was way to close' She smiled up at him, and he slowly turned into a smaller dog form. Eyes changing from red with white slits, back to black with red slits. Although the rest of his markings stayed, he still looked just as fierce but in a miniature version.
Sesshomaru too changed back, though he went to his human looking form.
Rin ran over pushing Jaken out of her way as she raced to Sesshomaru's side, the little imp fell onto his side in a daze. She hugged his leg and smiled brightly up at him, clearly oblivious to the monster he had just been moments ago.
Sesshomaru patted her head lightly and looked back at the others. Both he and Inuyasha were suffering from wounds, though the Hanyou had more since he received others from the previous battle with Jinome.
Kagome kneeled down and hugged Inuyasha's stiff massive form, he came up to her waist while she was standing, so she didn't have to lower herself to far. Miroku, Sango and Shippo ran over to them, and Inuyasha gave a warning growl, making the group slow their pace down.
Kerala, back in her smaller form, jumped on Sango's shoulder, she nuzzled into her neck and licked her cheek, giving a little `mew' as she did. Inuyasha eyed them all wearily; his head still not clear with all the adrenaline rushing through his body. Kagome let go of him and turned to their friends, giving each of them a hug.
Harry, Hermione and Ron walked over, trying to keep a good distance between them and Sesshomaru. They walked over to the little group gathered in the dark outside the school.
“Are you guys all right?” Harry asked.
Kagome looked over at the trio, smiling brightly, she walked over and did a little bow. “Yeah, thanks for asking. My names Kagome, who might you be?”
Though they already knew her name, they nodded and returned the bow. Hermione spoke up, “I am Hermione Granger.” She extended her hand and shook Kagome's, turning she pointed and named the others, “That's Harry, and Ronald.”
“Its Ron if you don't mind, I hate it when people call me Ronald!” Ron huffed.
Hermione ignored him, trying to speak before the teachers reached them, as Dumbledore and some of the others were starting to make their way over. “What are you guys doing here? And where did you come from if I might ask?” She said politely.
Kagome looked back at her companions, Inuyasha standing at her side incase there was danger, they exchanged looks and she nodded, “I'm not sure what were are doing here, we would like to know that ourselves. We come from Japan, Feudal Japan really, well everyone except me that is.” She paused and thought about it a moment, “What year is it here?”
Harry thought this over, listening intently in on the conversation, though he kept looking at Inuyasha, and wondering why he was still in that form.
Hermione nodded, a questioning look on her face “It's the year 2000. What time era do you guys come from?”
“1500. But we just came from 2000. So we haven't traveled back in time, just to a different place.” Kagome said.
Dumbledore walked up, looking behind him, they noticed that Sesshomaru was gone now, the slightly rustling trees telling them where he went. “Are you kids alright?”
“KIDS?” Inuyasha huffed indignantly, apparently back to his normal self “I am not a child I happen to be-“ he was cut off by a glare sent his way by Kagome, and he immediately silenced himself and looked away, clearly irritated.
Clearing her throat Kagome bowed and smiled at him, “Yes we are fine, although I think Inuyasha could use some patching up.”
The head master nodded, “Very well then we will have our nurse fix him up, he'll be good as new in no time.” He smiled brightly.
Inuyasha balked, backing away from Kagome's side slightly, “I don't think so, no n-u-r-c-e is going to be touching me you got that old man!”
Kagome shot him a look once more, and he huffed “Well they aint!”
“Inuyasha!” she sounded irritated.
Dumbledore chuckled and waved his hand at her, “Its quiet all right, I don't mind.”
Kagome smiled apologetically at him, “I can bandage Inuyasha up instead, he doesn't really like strange people, as you can probably tell.”
“Hey!” Inuyasha said indignantly.
They all laughed, making Inuyasha turn away in embarrassment. Dumbledore cleared his throat and turned to Harry and his group, “So I trust you guys get along well enough that you wouldn't mind letting them stay with you in the Griffandor Dorms?”
“Not at all sir.” Harry responded. (god its hard to have a bunch of people have-in all these conversations!)
He nodded, “Then you won't mind escorting them there.”
Hermione turned to them, “Come on, before everyone else starts coming over and asking questions.”
They all moved to follow but were stopped by a child's voice, “Wait!! Kagome-sama, Inuyasha-sama!” Rin ran up, a brown bead necklace in hand, she stopped, breathing deeply, she straightened and bowed as she held it out to Kagome.
“I fixed it.” She gave the older girl a toothy grin and ran back off into the woods.
Kagome looked down at Inuyasha, he gave a small growl and a sigh, ears flopping down as she placed it back on his neck. She stepped back, in shock as Inuyasha slowly transformed back into a Hanyou, he rose from his kneeling position on the ground, brushing himself off he sighed once more.
“Glade I'm back to normal, though I kind of miss you not being able to sit me.” He said as he checked himself over, he looked up to find Kagome giving him a lazy glare, making him flatten his ears and grin apologetically.
“Glade to have you back Inuyasha.” Miroku said sarcastically, he pat his back with his left hand as he walked by.
They all followed the three students and climbed through the broken wall, walking through the giant oak doors they started their climb to the Griffandor tower, taking the ever-shifting stairs.
The rest of the students did so as well, dividing into their rightful dorms.
Dumbledore waved his wand after everyone was inside once more, and the giant hole in the wall repaired itself.
Kagome made the last patch around Inuyasha's torso; taking out her smaller bandages she placed them over the bite marks on his neck. Smiling she packed the first aid kit up, while Inuyasha shrugged on his fire-rat Kimono, “Thanks.”
Kagome stopped packing, looking over, wondering if what she had just heard had come from `his' mouth, she smiled softly “No problem.” Finished packing up the bandages she rose, looking over at the still awake students that had escorted them here who were chatting quietly with their other companions, taking notice that they had stopped and had been watching the scene of the two.
Inuyasha glared at them, “What? You got a problem or something?”
They shook their heads and looked away, Hermione whispered, “That gash in his chest was bad, how could anyone survive like that?”
Miroku sat cross legged on one of the pillows he had put on the floor, “Inuyasha, is a very strong being with a never ending will to live. And he's half demon so that helps as well.”
Harry stared quietly, finally speaking “But wouldn't that make him evil? I thought all demons were bad, how could one have fallen in love with a human? And have the same father as one who is all demon.”
Sango spoke up this time “It is very rare thing to happen. Inuyasha's father was a powerful Dog Demon ruler of the west, he was the great Lord Inutaisho, no one would oppose his power. He had once been married to another Dog Demon, until she was killed. Years later he found Inuyasha's mother in one of the many villages that lived in his territory. And since he was not evil and corrupt like most other demons he fell in love with her, the day Inuyasha was born, he was killed after going into a battle with a human that had tried to kill his mother, already wounded, he saved Inuyasha and his mother but died in the fire that engulfed the building they were fighting in.”
Miroku piped in “And plus you see Shippo and Kerala, they're both pure demon, and they help us.” Hermione, who was currently scratching Kerala on the head, looked up.
Shippo jumped on Harry's shoulder, “Yeah, I wouldn't hurt anyone.”
Inuyasha's voice slightly shouted, “Like you could anyway, your so small no one would ever have to worry about you hurting them, they could squish you like Myouga.”
“Hey! That's not true, Kagome Inuyasha's picking on me again!” He pouted from Harry's shoulder.
“Inuyasha now you know not to pick on Shippo, he's just a kid.” Kagome scold.
“Yeah right, he's A LOT older than he looks. Trust me, this is the size he's going to be for another 50 years or so.” Inuyasha huffed turning towards the fireplace with his nose in the air.
“Really?” Ron looked at Shippo with disbelieving eyes.
Miroku looked over at Sango for an explanation, “Well, back at my village when we studied demons, we found that some aged faster than other species, but I would have never guess Shippo was one of the ones who aged slower.” She shrugged.
Kagome stared wide-eyed at Shippo, “So, you really are older?”
Shippo nodded, and Inuyasha stared snidely at Kagome, “Told you he wasn't a kid. Oh and I hope you guys realize I can hear every word you say over there.” At the sight of a few embarrassed faces he brightened, getting confident again.
She sighed, “Hermione, can you show me the way to the showers, I need to get this blood and dirt off me.” She pointed at her dirty and slightly ripped wardrobe.
Hermione nodded and motioned for her to follow, Sango stood and trailed behind, everyone else took this as a sign it was time to get ready for bed after a long day. Standing the guys followed Ron and Harry, Shippo jumped to Miroku's shoulder, while Kerala curled up on the couch, waiting for the girls to return, Inuyasha stayed in his place as well, staring thoughtfully at the fire.
He thought over the days events for a moment, no one would ever know why he didn't want someone else tending to his wounds, truly he liked getting wounds, that way Kagome would give him attention without him having to swallow his pride, since she always insisted it was easy to cover it up. It was his own little secret, one of the many his heart held, the only one he might ever tell was Kagome.
A few hours later Kagome, and the other two girls, entered the dorm entrance once more. As Sango and Hermione walked up the stairs with Kerala in arms, Kagome walked over to the couch Inuyasha was propped up on, his bangs covered his eyes as she sat on the cushion next to his head.
“Hey, what are you still doing down here?”
He turned his head up so she could see his eyes, “I was waiting for you to get back. Just in case anything had happened, your practically helpless, and even though I trust Sango's skills, she didn't seem that good at protecting you those times I left you in her care.” He tried to cover up.
Kagome smiled, even though he didn't like to show it, she knew he cared, “Thanks for waiting.”
He huffed, crossing his arms in embarrassment, “Feh. It was nothing.”
Kagome nodded, standing she started walking up the girl's stairs, hearing rustling from behind her she assumed Inuyasha was going to bed as well, barely a few steps up though, the stairs suddenly folded into a slide and she slid back down, looking around to see what had just happened.
Inuyasha looked around from the ground, right behind her, he stood and helped her back up.
“What was that all about?” He asked
“I don't know.”
Inuyasha walked in front of her, starting up the stairs they folded once more, this time however he jumped off, glaring at them.
“What the hell is going on?” he fumed.
Kagome giggled slightly, “I don't think boys are allowed in the girls dorm. By the way, why are you following me there anyway?”
Inuyasha glared at her, “So I can protect you stupid!”
She glared back, but stopped, thinking, “Hang on a sec, Let me try something.” She moved towards him, placing her hands on the beads around his neck, pulling them over his head she watched as her theory was correct, and he changed back into his dog like form.
“Now try.” Inuyasha nodded, surprised that she had taken the beads off without him even having to ask, man she must really trust me, he nodded and placed a paw on the second step, slowly starting to walk up, cautious in case the stairs decided to fold again.
Kagome followed, as they finally reached the top, Inuyasha lead the way to the other girls scent. He stopped at a partially open door, pushing it open with his nose he inspected the entire room for any dangers, finding nothing but Sango and Hermione in their beds talking.
Hermione stared in shock at Inuyasha “How'd he get up here? Boys aren't allowed in the girls dorm.”
Kagome smiled sheepishly, “He insisted, it was either let him stay up here in dog form, or watch as he jumped up the stairs.”
Inuyasha snorted, “Damn straight, this place could be dangerous, and your always getting yourself into trouble.”
Kagome shrugged the comment off, getting ready for bed, she stretched after pulling on her pajamas, turning towards her bed she pulled back the covers, silently slipping under them. She shifted and moved onto her side and was surprised as a lightweight came onto the bed, at first she thought it was Kerala, but after moving her feet slightly she found a larger form there.
She pulled back the covers and sat up, looking at the foot of her bed, the other two girls also trying to get to sleep. She smiled at the curled up and already sleeping form of her canine companion, reaching a slender hand down she scratched his ear lightly, before lowering back down and falling asleep herself.
Kagome woke up when the sun shone into the room, she stretched and yawned, moving her feet to the side of bed, preparing to slid off. An alarm went off in her head when she realized Inuyasha wasn't sleeping at the foot of the mattress.
Her gaze scanned the room; she was about to finish sliding off the bed when her feet met something warm and furry. She sighed with relief, smiling at the already fully awake figure of Inuyasha who was staring back at her with void eyes.
“Morning Inuyasha, you sleep well last night?” She asked, her rubbing her sleepy eyes.
“Yeah, did you?” He asked.
“Yeah I did, thanks to you.” Her smile widened, “You make a very good foot warmer.”
She covered her mouth to try and hide a giggle when Inuyasha looked away embarrassed.
“Feh” He snuck a glance at her out of the corner of his eye, quickly looking ahead again, “It was nothing.” He silently thanked his fur, otherwise she would be able to see his burning cheeks.
She shook her head, figures. Inuyasha moved away from the side of her bed, allowing her to get down. He turned away as she got dressed in her normal school clothes.
The other two girls had already left, so the room was empty except for the two of them.
Finished changing Kagome walked up next to Inuyasha, small hand reaching up to scratch his head. Since he didn't pull away she moved to his ears, using both hands she massaged them gently between her nimble fingers.
Inuyasha's eyes closed as he relished in the feeling of getting his ears scratched, usually he would shoo her off, but in this body he was more susceptible to the feeling and quickly gave in. Though his body was becoming slack, it took everything in his power not to allow his leg to hit the floor, let alone roll over.
Damn this girl knows how to give a good ear rub! Suddenly the warm feeling left him though when she stopped, staring face to face with him as he opened his eyes. He scoffed though the massage had caused him to become slightly drowsy.
Kagome giggled and gave him a last pat on the head, “Come on Inuyasha, I'm sure your as hungry as I am right now.”
Inuyasha nodded and quickly followed her out the door and down the stairs leading back to the common room. Finding it empty, Kagome turned to him, placing the bead back around his neck, waiting a few moments for him to finish the transformation before ushering him to run to the dining hall.
They searched the crowd of people and found their friends already eating, running up and taking a seat next to each other.
“You two seemed to be content, so we didn't want to disturb you.” Sango explained.
Miroku leaned forward from his position at the other side of the table, whispering in Inuyasha's direction, “So I see you couldn't resist being with the ladies now huh Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha glared at him, “I'm not as perverted as you monk.”
“Yeah, and plus we trust him. That's something I can't say we have for you.” Kagome said the last part dryly.
“Oh come now Kagome, I'm not that bad. Besides I can protect you two as well as he can.”
Inuyasha looked at him with an `are you serious' look, “Its not just protection from danger, if their with you, whose gonna be there to protect them from you?”
The two girls nodded, and Sango scooted slightly farther away from the monk as his hand came up.
With breakfast out of the way, Dumbledore stopped them in the halls, telling Harry and his friends to move along, he turned his attention to their guests.
“I hope you had a pleasant night. All the students have their classes to go to at the moment, and you are free to roam. The only places I will warn you about are the 3rd floor, and the dark woods, and I suggest you try not to touch anything, especially if it looks shiny or draws you to it.” His eyes twinkled as he winked, nodding his head he turned to head down the hall to his office.
The group decided to split up in two groups to begin exploring, “We will meet back at the Griffin Door Common Room.” They all nodded, Inuyasha and Kagome going outside, while Shippo, Miroku, Sango, and Kerala started farther down the hall.
Inuyasha and Kagome sat on the lush green grass next to the lake. Kagome stretched out, her arms supporting her head, her face holding a warm smile.
Inuyasha looked over to her, the serene feeling he felt from her giving him comfort, and he sighed doing the same. They wasted time just staring into the sky when Kagome finally broke the silence.
“How long do you think we'll be stranded here?”
He turned his head to look at her face, “I don't know, but we can't stay here forever, we still have to finish collecting the jewel shards, we only have two left, and with Naraku dead it should be easy.”
There he goes again, talking about the Shikon Jewel, he can't just relax and enjoy a little time off. She pulled an arm from behind her head and picked the almost complete Jewel from her pocket to examine it.
The sun slowly started to descend to the west, and the orange light from it barely shone anymore.
Inuyasha abruptly sat up, gaze locked onto the forest, his ears twitching as he squinted trying to see whatever it was that had caused a disturbance in his senses.
“Inuyasha? What is it?” She asked worriedly, immediately shoving the Shikon back into her pocket, also sitting up she sat on her knees facing the dark forest.
“Shh, listen.” Suddenly the necklace her grandfather gave her started to glow, and Inuyasha growled, hand going to the hilt of his sword.
They could hear footsteps heading straight for them. Out of the shadows appeared a masked figure, who laughed manically. Inuyasha was on his feet in an instant with Tetsaiga drawn.
“Who are you?”
“Who I am is of no importance to the likes of you.” A cold raspy voice spoke, one of the long bone fingered hands raised at them, blasting Inuyasha back with a blue force.
The Hanyou gathered himself once more, standing he lifted Tetsaiga and ran towards the dark figure, slashing at him blindly, finding he only hit air as the figure disappeared.
A cracking sound interrupted them as the black portal appeared behind Kagome; the jewel her grandfather had given her glowed and slightly burned her skin.
She let out a scream as she felt herself being pushed into the black orb-like thing; she reached out for Inuyasha trying to grab him, though he was to far away.
“Kagome!” He stopped searching for the dark figure and ran back to the portal trying to grab Kagome, hand stretched out.
The portal engulfed her, shutting everything out quickly, she wasn't sure if Inuyasha had made it and silently hoped he did.
She fell out of the ever occurring portal, falling hard on her butt. Wind seemed to pick up around her and she felt fear slowly ebb into her heart.
Kagome rubbed her eyes to rid them of the dust, squinting to try and see who it was in the room with her. Her heart was racing, until she caught a glimpse of two golden orbs staring at her angrily, she was shaking with relief, but something seemed different, though she paid it no mind.
A strong hand grasped her neck and she gasped, she spoke strained with the restriction of her air, hot tears were rolling down her cheeks.
“Inuyasha?” the figure just stared at her, the dust finally started to clear and she could see him better, but his grip didn't loosen.
The figure growled and she was starting to get frantic, the oxygen slowly leaving her, a deep voice started to speak to her.
“Who are you and what are you doing in my domain?” It almost sounded much like a mix between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's voice, “Speak up Nigen I have no time to waste.”
She looked at him with a bit of fear in her eyes, not knowing why he was treating her like this. She pulled at his hand trying to get him to release her throat, it loosened a bit and she got some oxygen, he released her and let her drop to the floor with a soft thud.
Her mind was starting to get clouded and she started seeing two pairs of golden eyes, she smiled groggily from the loss of oxygen, as she tried to get up to move towards them she fell forward into a pair of strong arms, the tears stopped almost immediately at the contact as her eyes closed, she sighed lightly and fell asleep.
Inutaisho looked at the girl laying into him questioningly, taken aback by the movement. He still hadn't gotten any information out of her yet, shaking his head he decided to bring her with him. He put his arm under her legs, his right arm supporting her back he turned to walk out.