InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ Unexpected Appearence ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

WRITTEN BY: LilDrummergrl58 (I guess you can say she's my partner. She only writes Inu fics.)

Disclaimer: me don't own Inuyasha

AN: there might be grammar mistakes so please bare with it

Unexpected Love~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Damn it Kagome. Don't you ever listen to me?" Inuyasha angrily said with clenched fist and gritted teeth. "You never listen to me. You always go running off. Kagome, you can't just run off by yourself or you're going to get hurt. Don't you understand? I need you to help me find the jewel shards."

"Is that all I'm good for Inuyasha? Finding jewel shards, that's it. You really don't care about me do you?"


"That's it I'm going home. Good bye Inuyasha." Kagome said as she turned and stomped away angrily.

"No! Wait." Inuyasha yelled to Kagome, but it was too late. She had already started to head for the well.

"What a jerk." Kagome thought to herself." "I can't believe him. I would probably be better off without him anyway." Then she suddenly stopped. She couldn't believe her eyes she had almost walked into Inuyasha's brother Sesshoumaru.

"Hello Kagome. How are you?" he said with a slight smile.

"Sesshoumaru, did you just ask how I am and not where Inuyasha is?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face. "Are you feeling okay?"

"That's so sweet of you to ask about me," Sesshoumaru said as he kept staring at Kagome. "Of course I'm okay. So how have you been? Has my brother been treating you okay?"

Even though Kagome was puzzled about the way Sesshoumaru was acting, the thought of Inuyasha made her remember the argument they had earlier. "Your brother is a big jerk!" Kagome replied. He could tell that she was angry by her furious voice.

"Calm down, Kagome. It's okay; you can tell me every thing." As Kagome started telling the story of their argument Sesshoumaru listen quietly nodding in agreement occasionally.

"That bastard" Sesshoumaru though to himself while it seemed to Kagome that he was as cool and slick as usual. "This is just one more reason why I should kill him." "Don't worry Kagome, it's all over and don't worry I'll take care of Inuyasha." He said while embracing Kagome in his arms. So many feelings were rushing through her that she wasn't quite aware that she embraced him back.

Meanwhile Inuyasha, Shippou, Sango, and Miroku sat around a campfire drinking some soup. "You know, you really should make up with Kagome," Shippou said.

"What would you know you little squirt?" Inuyasha replied. "I don't need her. In fact, we will probably be better off without her."

"Oh, quit kidding yourself and go make up. You know we need her to help us find jewel shards and beat Naraku." Sango told Inuyasha.

"Besides, you love her. Don't just let her leave like that." Miroku added.

"WHAT?! I do not!" Inuyasha yelled defensively as he jumped up.

"Just admit it we all know you do." Sango said.

"Yeah," Miroku agreed, "just go find her and apologize."

"Fine," Inuyasha said a little annoyed on how he was being ganged up on. He turned around and started walking away mumbling to himself. "That stupid girl, why did she have to go running off again?" He quietly walked through the forest. Then he suddenly stopped. He couldn't believe his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and then rubbed them again, but he still saw the same sight no matter what.

"I can't believe it. Do my eyes deceive me?" As he hid in the bushes, he silently watched as Kagome and Sesshoumaru stood there in the moon light kissing.