InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ The Romance ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: *sigh* Who ever don't get this should go to hell, I don't own Inuyasha.

AN: Sorry bout the short chapter last time. I'll try to make this one longer and better. Sumimasan *bows* Oh and again whoever wants to write a chapter may do so. When you finish just send it to me, I will post it up giving you credit in the beginning and end of the chapter.

Review Responses~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mojave Wolf: Yeah, I know, I didn't think very highly of my second chapter too. I hope this one is better, and I would be very pleased if you wrote a chapter just let me know ahead of time so I don't have to write that chapter. Anyway thanks for reviewing and UPDATE LAST STRAW.


Sou Deska: I see

Inuyoukai: dog demon

Kitsune: fox

Youkai: demon

The Castle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Come in Jaken," commanded the Inuyoukai.

"Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama," squealed Jaken.

"I assume the kit came with you willingly."


"Kitsune, you may go to Kagome; Jaken will take you. Jaken take him to the lady."


Kagome woke up finding herself in a beautiful room and asked, "Where am I, and why am I here?"

Then it occurred to her, she remembered kissing Sesshoumaru, and agreed to coming with him, answering all her questions. She suddenly felt something move in her arms.

"Shippou!? How did you get here?" inquired a dumbfounded Kagome.

"Ka…go…me? Sesshoumaru told me to come here with Jaken if I wanted to see you, and I did so I came," replied the sleepy Shippou.

"Sou deska."

*knock, knock*

"Come in," answered Kagome.

"I see that you and the kitsune have awakened," came a cold voice belonging to Sesshoumaru.


"Then get dressed and come to the dining table. The clothes for you and the fox are in the dresser, and a servant will show you the way," demanded Sesshoumaru.

He then closed the door and left the room.

"I can never get you. Today you're warm, tomorrow you're cold," huffed Kagome, "come Shippou, let's get dressed."

"Ok," answered Shippou as he and Kagome climbed out of bed and walked towards the dresser. Kagome opened it and picked out a white kimono with flowers and leaves all over, and a silver, flowered obi to go with it. Shippou picked out a plain blue shirt, a navy blue haori and hakama ornate with silver mushrooms, and a white sash.

"Kagome, you look pretty," commented Shippou.

"Thank you, you look cute too."

*knock, knock*

"Lady Kagome, may I come in?" asked a female youkai.

"Yes, you may."
The door opened, revealing a kitsune youkai. She had waist length chestnut hair accompany by silver streaks. She possessed gray-blue eyes, claws, and a big brown tail.

"Milord, milady, I am to accompany you to the dining room."

"I see. What is your name?" asked Kagome.

"Sera (see rah), milady," answered the kitsune.

"Then Sera, will you escort us to the dining room?"

"It is my job," replied Sera, as she led Kagome and Shippou to the eating room. Kagome and Shippou arrived, and heard Sesshoumaru bark a sit. They obeyed, Kagome sat across from the demon lord, Shippou next to Kagome.

"After breakfast you and the little fox can either go out to the garden or venture the castle. Do not go near my workroom," directed Sesshoumaru.


The rest of breakfast was quiet, and when Kagome finished she and Shippou went to the garden to play with Rin.

Sesshoumaru's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"She is so beautiful, so magnificent. If it weren't for my control, I think I would have taken her the minute she entered.

Argh, off that subject. *sigh* What can I do to show her my affections? I know I need to treat her warmly, but after all those years of being iced up it's hard to show feelings. Oh well, I'll figure it out later. Right now time for work', and he headed to his office.

The Gardens~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kagome was playing hide and seek with Rin and Shippou when she saw a rosary bead near a tree. Immediately she was reminded of Inuyasha and started to cry. The two children saw her weep and thought to just let her cry her sorrow out, and went to play inside the castle.


Sesshoumaru was in his workroom replying a letter sent from the Lady of the Eastern Lands when we caught a whiff of salty water behind him. He turned and saw the beautiful maiden cry her eyes out. Somehow, he felt an ache in his heart alerting him to quickly go over there and comfort her.

"Do I really love her that much?" asked the lord, as he got out of his seat and headed over to Kagome.


"Why? *sob* why does he have to think of me as a shard detector? *sob, sob* "Do I not offer him enough love?" Kagome asked herself.

Then she felt someone wrap their arms around her waist and pull her onto the person's lap.

"Do not cry for him. He does not deserve your love and tears," came a soft and gentle voice.

Seeing that the person was offering comfort, Kagome turned around and buried her face into his chest.

"But tell me why he treats me so. I did everything he asked me to, and yet he just treats me like a nonentity."

"Because he still loves Kikyo."

"I guess I can accept that reason. Thank you… Sesshoumaru, but why are you being so nice? I thought you hate me. You hate humans."

"I still do, but there are a few humans I do respect. You are one and very few humans I love. You are the one and only besides Rin.

Upon hearing, this Kagome was awed.

"But…but how could you?"

"How could I? Because you are the first human to defy me. You are the only human I've seen with a strong will. You are the only human miko I know who almost possesses unlimited power. You are the only human I ever knew of with amazing abilities. Most of all you have a beautiful heart. You have the ability to make anyone fall in love with you, even me."

"I never knew you could be so sweet. I always thought you were cold, emotionless, stoic, and heartless."

"I was and still am, but you, you thawed out a cold part of me allowing many new emotions to come," said Sesshoumaru as he kissed kagome on the forehead, and once again held her bridal style.

"Now sleep I will take you to your chamber."

Kagome did as she was told, and went to sleep trusting Sesshoumaru to bring her to her room.


"Sesshoumaru-sama why is Kagome-sama sleeping in your arms," inquired Rin energetically.

"Yeah," agreed Shippou.

"Because she is tired. Now both of you go eat lunch."

The children scurried to the dining hall to have lunch, while Sesshoumaru placed Kagome in her room unconsciously hoping her to mend her shattered heart so he may have a chance.

EvilFire4321: Yes, I know don't yell at me Sesshoumaru is very OOC, but that's all I can do to turn him into a romantic guy so don't hurt me. *hides behind bomb shelter*

Lildrummergrl58: don't worry they won't hurt you. After all, it was I who started this.

EvilFire4321: Some partner you are; leaving me with this mess, and keep pushing me to write chapter five of Inuyasha Marching Band. When you know I have to continue your story too.

Lildrummergrl58: Hey, hey even if you are correct nobody made you continue my story.

EvilFire4321: *pouts* Yeah nobody but reviewers.

Lildrummergrl58: *sigh* Anyway like EvilFire4321 said above, whoever wants to write a chapter may do so. When you finish just send it to her, *points to EvilFire4321* She will post it up giving you credit in the beginning and end of the chapter. Also, push the little purple button at the bottom left corner so EvilFire4321 won't have another fit.

EvilFire4321: *cough* review *cough*