InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ Training: Miyu ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Put your hand over to your heart and think if I own the Inu cast. If you don't know the answers then go to hell.

AN: Due to many pleas I gave in and decided to continue, but I will not update for a while because I think this fic needs some serious revising so enjoy what you have so far.


Review Responses~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Cresent Moon22000: Well, I'm updating and I don't mean to have a cliff hanger, sorry.

Inari-foxgoddess: Thanks, well, I'm updating now.

o0ShadowXFox0o: Reall? -blinks- I'm flattered. There are much better writers out there. Well, sorry bout not writing the whole story at least I'm still writing.

bubble0000: I'm updating don't worry.


Unexpected Love Ch 6: Training: Miyu

"Kagome is it?" came a smooth voice.

The young miko unconsciously nodded her head in a positive way.

"Perhaps it was rude of me to interrupt," a smile graced Miyu's lips, "but if I didn't something might go very wrong. Anyway, now we will start your miko training," whispered Miyu emotionlessly.

As Miyu stated her intrusion she snapped Kagome back to reality. "Um……I guess you're right," replied Kagome.

Miyu smiled in her heart and turned the corner in the hallway and entered a room to the right. It was about the size of the dojo Kagome was just in, which is almost the size of Sesshoumaru in his doggy form.

"Sit in the center of this room and meditate with me. That will be our first lesson," dictated the more experienced version of the miko.

The sixteen year old [now sixteen because she's been with Inuyasha for a year now] followed her instructor to the center, and watched her inhale deeply. She did the same.

"Clear all your thoughts and try to find your power," bid the brunet headed women.

"Like it's easy to clear my thoughts. You have noooo idea how hard it is after being kissed. -sigh- but it's worth a try," thought Kagome. "Hey, I see my power, its pink."

"Now shape it into a shape that you find comfortable with," added Miyu

"Hm….shape it eh? Let's try this……….." pondered the girl in training.

"Now draw on it like a thread. Then channel it to where ever you want that makes it easy for you to fire, most preferred at the finger or palm, and then release it to where ever you wish."

Kagome did what she was told and loosened her powers to her palm. Then she shot an orb of flush red which made contact with the wall in front of her, narrowly missing Miyu's head.


Kagome gave her teacher a sheepish look and apologized guiltily, "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

-sigh- "It's alright, just don't do that again. This is the end of lesson one. You can go back to your room."

The experienced miko's pupil agreed and left, leaving her sensei alone.

Kagome made way to her room, thinking again of what had happened. She wished that Miyu had never entered the room even if it was for her good. She concluded that she was falling for Sesshoumaru, but denied it. `I still loved Inuyasha' repeated the miko over and over again, but his brother was such a wonderful person, really. She realized this, and was thinking poorly of herself for losing control of her feelings.

"I should go talk to Sesshoumaru that I should leave soon, maybe it'll stop my thinking, but he's in his office. I was told to never go near there, and I think he needs to think about this, too, but, he is such a great kisser. I wish to kiss him again. Argh, stop thinking about Sesshoumaru, Kagome, you love Inuyasha."

Kagome then fell into a very wonderful sleep. She could do nothing, but think of Sesshoumaru, even though she wished not to. She dreamed of a life they may have together.

*Next Morning*

Kagome was again awakened by Sesshoumaru. He was staring at her. She looked into his beautiful golden eyes thinking how much he has changed. His eyes once filled with ice now contained a childlike quality in them. Now his face flushed with feelings instead of nothing. She started to rethink what he said a few days ago in the garden, but stopped herself knowing it cannot be true when Sesshoumaru's voice snapped her back to reality.

"Kagome, are you alright?" his eyes were now drowned in concern even though his face reverted to his emotionless mask.

She chuckled at herself, "Yes, Sesshoumaru, I'm alright just..."

"Lost in thought again?" he finished for her.

She blushed ever so slightly, "Yes."

Sesshoumaru's POV

Why does she blush so much? She looks so cute when she does. I hope she doesn't really feel uncomfortable around me after what happened yesterday. I just couldn't help myself. She was so beautiful and he scent was heavenly. I want her so bad, but she will need her time to adjust.

Kagome's POV

After Sesshoumaru had left me to get changed, I felt strange. He acts so un-Sesshoumaru like when he's around me, though it was only a little. I feel so confused. Do I still love Inuyasha or am I…………. No, I still love Inuyasha.

Normal POV

Kagome was then escorted to the dojo once more and saw Sesshoumaru practicing. She was just staring in amazement as she actually saw Sesshoumaru's muscles move under his under shirt. He was wearing regular fighting kimono and it was sticking to him from his sweat.

"Man, he has such a great body. He's better formed than Inuyasha. Wait what am I thinking? Must get out of it," thought Kagome in a pensive state of mind.

Kagome was snapped out of her trance by Sesshoumaru.

"Kagome, you seem to wander a lot. What is going on?"

"Nothing's going on."

Sesshoumaru reviewed the answer, and he doesn't seem too happy with it. He seems more worried.

"Let's begin. Are you ready?"

"Yes, let's go."

They began to practice again; Sesshoumaru threw punches that she was getting better at blocking. He told Kai to stay away today, because he wasn't needed at this point. He would probably be needed tomorrow for other parts of her training. Just then when Sesshoumaru was about to throw a punch, Kagome stood her ground and threw one herself. It wasn't hard, but she did make contact with his stomach. She felt there, very hard abs, and she looked him in the face.

"Oh, my, I just threw a punch at Sesshoumaru and caught him off guard. Neat!" said Kagome mentally.

She looked him in the face, only to see surprise in his eyes, and a smile on his face.

"Well, Kagome." He stepped back from her fist and stood straight up. "You managed to surprise me. I'm impressed."

"Thanks Sesshoumaru."

"That'll be all for today."


Kagome was in her room, when she had to rethink the situation.

"Wow, I thought Sesshoumaru would have been mad, but he seemed delighted I improved. That punch probably didn't hurt him anyways. Oh well, I might as well get to bed."

*Sesshoumaru's Office*

"Well, she managed to make contact. I'm greatly impressed. She will pass the training with ease if she keeps this up. Hm, better go to bed. Tomorrow I'll be training again."

AN: There you go. I was really surprised that a lot of you like this so gave in and decided to continue.


Please read my new fic The Future Past. I know I am advertising my own fic hopelessly, but I really want to know what you guys think of it so R and R.