InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unspoken ❯ Unspoken ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: Hi, how are you? That’s good! Ohhh, I’m fine… EVEN THOUGH I DON’T OWN INUYASHA!!!!!!! o.O (deeeep breathssss… that’s good)

By: Abercrombielvr07
My media miner password is: *********
And I live in: ******************
My social security number is: *********************
You can reach me on my personal cell with this number: *-***-***-****
Haha jk!

As I walked down the hallway, I had an idea. I immediately changed direction and followed the scent of newborn baby to the Eastern wing of the palace. As I walked by one room, I could hear Izayoi, my late-father’s wife and my step-mother, bathing in her private quarters… perfect. I ventured one door further to the room next door to her room, and silently pushed aside the shoji screen. I sauntered my way through the dark room with my candle and up to the ivory and gold crib that held my baby half-brother, Inuyasha.
He looked rather small, weak, and insignificant. The pup woke, however at the change in scent and the extra light. As the baby’s eyes opened and he recognized who stood before him, not only by sight, but as I noticed by scent too, he giggled and reached his small, clawed hands up to me, squirming around. I can’t say that I’m so heartless that this gesture didn’t affect me, because it did. Every time that baby saw me, he would giggle and coo and squirm. I don’t know why the baby is so taken with me, but perhaps it is because I smell like the father he only met once, or maybe it’s because I can make my hand glow bright green. However, that annoying princess in the room next door insists that it’s because I was the first male to hold him.
I held that baby before his father did. As Inu Taisho journeyed to Izayoi’s palace for the birth, she put him into my arms and told me that we would be great friends and a powerful set of brothers. In that moment, as she watched me hold and look at my brother, she begged me to keep him safe. She refused to rest until I promised her that I would make him strong and that I would watch out for him and make sure that no harm comes his way, for she knew that he is a hanyou and nobody would be there for him.
She knew who I would become. She knew that I would be the most feared, respected, and powerful demon of my time, and she begged me to have mercy on my brother. As I stare at the tiny, insignificant, weak, and innocent puppy, who is my flesh and blood and therefore, mine to protect, I wondered about that promise I made. I was angered that I had to be the one to protect this nuisance. I was furious that that human made me build my future around his comfort and safety. I couldn’t stand the thought of having to stand up for a hanyou, and I especially couldn’t stand the thought of this hanyou dirtying up the blood-lines.
The blood-lines of me, my father, my mother and every single one of my ancestors was clean and pure. There were no humans, not one hanyou, and no subordinates. All were demon lords and all were brimming with so much power that was inconceivable. I was to follow in their footsteps, me, Sesshomaru was next in line for the west, but now I am hindered by something that can’t even lift its stupid head! ‘What a stupid baby…’ I thought to myself.
“Yes, Inuyasha. That is right. You are stupid.” As I said this, the baby just continued to smile and reach for me, unknowing of my words and the meaning behind them. I scoffed at the thing and continued our little conversation.
“I’ll have you know, Munchkin, that I was able to say 13 words within two months of life. What can you say? Come on, speak up! You are 3 months old, Inuyasha. Say something!” His whispers were becoming louder and he forced himself to keep control.
“You are 3 months old, and have yet to utter a syllable. One would not guess you were of the Taisho blood-lineage. Do your family, besides that mother of yours, proud.” The baby just continued to giggle and coo at me. The sounds coming out of his mouth were still, if not more, incomprehensible. I acted purely out of rage at the little nuisance for being the family favorite, and still merely a hanyou. I put an extremely sharp claw at the young pup’s throat and growled at him.
“I could kill you right now, you little runt of a hanyou, and then you wouldn’t be in my way. However, count your blessings, mutt, because I don’t think our deceased taiyoukai father would appreciate his 8 year old prince of a son killing one of his own.” The pup merely blew a spit bubble at the immanent danger facing him, and giggled when it popped. No, he was laughing at me. (Little does Sesshy know that Inuyasha will laugh at him many times in the future when he threatens to kill him! Lol. Do I see a little foreshadowing? GO SYDNEY! WOOO! I got an A in English pre-AP 2 btw! :D lol.)
It shocked me that this little… thing… would laugh in my face as I threatened its life! Doesn’t it know that I am being completely serious?! However as my mind was racing in turmoil over my threatening factor, and how I could become more menacing and scary, Inuyasha was trying something out…
“S-“the baby attempted. I was yanked roughly from my thoughts as that blubbering baby began to speak. As I realized that my claw was still to his throat, I quickly removed it.
“Se-“the pup continued. I was holding my breath at that moment.
“Sessho- Sessho-…” I strained my highly trained and sensitive ears for more.
“Sessh- Sesshy…” the pup’s eyebrows furrowed in concentration and complete focus. I inwardly urged Inuyasha on, but I knew that there was only a cold façade on the outside. ‘Come on, Inu! Come on!’ I couldn’t believe the turn my mind was taking. What was this infant doing to me!?
“Sesshom-“ My brother took my finger and squeezed as his little voice squeaked out,
There it was. Inuyasha's first word. I could feel a small smile dancing on my lips indicating how proud I was of the little runt as I inwardly cheered for his success. It only lasted for a milisecond, but I knew that Inuyasha picked up on it, for he squeezed my finger tighter than I ever though possible and laughed full out. I reaquired my finger with the thought that Inuyasha might not even need my assistance, considering he would gain great strength of his own, if that death grip on my finger was any indication. However, in the end, I simply patted his head unemotionally and picked up the candle.
“Well done, little one.” Was all I would allow myself to say as I pulled his silk blankets further up over him. I then patted his stomach and walked towards the door. That’s when I saw the fat maid asleep in the corner in her chair. That lazy pig was supposed to be watching over my baby brother! She would not get away with this abuse any longer. Actually, I didn’t know if she would get away at all… ‘This one’s for you, Izayoi. And I guess for you too, Dad.’
“Hag! Wake up!” I kicked her chair violently and held a glowing green hand to her face.
“P- Prince S-s- Sesshomaru! I’m sor-“A baby could be heard giggling uncontrollably in the background, whether at the bumbling maid, or my glowing green hand… or both.
“Never fall asleep on the job again!!” I cut her off, “If anything happens to my brother while you’re asleep, I’ll have your head!” And with that menacing, dark threat that made her shake so much that I could see it, I went to my room.

AN: So, I kind of had this idea a while ago, but just now was not too lazy to write it! Lol. This was supposed to be Sesshomaru looking back on when he and Inuyasha were still living in the Taisho palace with Izayoi. I thought it was a cute idea, because really, who knows if Sesshy’s violence towards Inuyasha is for a good reason!? Maybe he’s only doing it to make Inu stronger and more capable of protecting himself and the people he cares dearly for! I don’t know. I don’t think I’ll say anymore, because I’m afraid I’ll ruin the story with my stupid babbling! Haha. R&R people! :D Wow! I’m tired!
