InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Until Death ❯ A Place to Call Home ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Note: Okay, I know it has been forever since I last updated, but it isn't my fault…really. My brother used a program on my computer, without permission, and really screwed it up. Everything, including the five page chapter I was ready to upload, had to be wiped from my computer and I had to start fresh. I also don't have access to Internet until January 14thbecause of said brother. No one else in my family hasaccess toMicrosoft Word, so I'm pretty well stuckuntil then. Well, now that I'm all worked up, on with the chapter!
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the show's characters, but the plot is still, and always will be…MINE!
Until Death
A Place to Call Home
The last thing Kagome expected after such a peaceful sleep was to be jostled awake so… unpeacefully. She didn't hear the little pitter-patter of feet enter her room via the hallway, nor did she hear she childish giggles that came with it. All Kagome knew was that one minute she was sleeping soundly, and the next, well, something very heavy had plopped right onto her chest. Her eyes sprang open as her breath was knocked clear out of her, her eyes locking onto a pair of brown orbs not dissimilar to that of her own.
Another giggle escaped the young girl's mouth, and she appeared suddenly shy, even after her stunt. “Lord Sesshoumaru said you saved Rin. Rin just wanted to say thank you.” The child said barely above a whisper, her eyes peering up through her long, thick lashes. Kagome smiled, gathering Rin in a maternal hug. “You're very welcome. It was nothing. How do you feel?” Rin grinned up at Kagome, “Better than ever!” she stated loudly, stretching her arms wide and raising her hands towards the ceiling to emphasize her point.
Kagome laughed for the first time since entering the castle. “Will you stay in the castle with Rin and Lord Sesshoumaru?” Rin voiced, unable to contain the question addling her mind any longer. Kagome began the process of braiding the youth's long black hair, not quite sure how she should reply. “I don't know.” Kagome said plainly. I have fulfilled my purpose here. What if Sesshoumaru doesn't want me to stay? Where will I go? What will I do?
Rin shifted from Kagome's grasp, turning her face towards the miko. “I promise I'll be good.” She whispered so softly Kagome almost missed it altogether. She stared at the girl in confusion, not quite sure she understood where she was going with the particular statement. “What do you mean, Rin?” she asked gently, rubbing the girl's back in a circle with her hand, noticing the child was close to tears. “If you stay, I promise I'll be nice to Jaken, and make my own bed, and eat everything on my plate…” Rin said, the tears coursing own her ivory cheeks in rivulets. Kagome hushed the child, pulling her close in a protective embrace. “Oh Rin, I would love to stay with you here, but I don't know…” she couldn't make herself finish the sentence. She settled on the bed, cradling the weary child on her lap, whispering soothing words to her until the distressed girl slipped into an untroubled sleep.
“How are you doing, miko?” The voice slipped into the room like silk; Kagome didn't have to look to know that Sesshoumaru had slid into the room, and was standing in the doorway. “I have felt better, but I will live.” She looked down at the sleeping child in her lap, “I am happy Rin has pulled through. I wasn't sure I would be able to pull it off.” Kagome brushed a strand of black hair from the girl's ivory face, and smiled at the innocence the face beheld.
Sesshoumaru stepped behind Kagome, placing is hand on her shoulder. “I have not properly thanked you for saving my ward. You have my thanks, and it would do this demon an honor if you would stay here with this Sesshoumaru and Rin at the castle. Rin needs female companionship, and I am to believe that you would fit the qualifications, likewise, when your time comes, you will receive an honorable burial.
Kagome faced Sesshoumaru, taking in his stoic features, unable to speak. When her voice returned, all she could utter was a weak, `Thank you.” And with a nod of his head, Sesshoumaru disappeared beyond the doorway, and Kagome allowed the tears of happiness to slip unseen down her cheeks.
Kagome's eyes snapped open, instantly aware that she felt alone and vulnerable. Upon further thought and investigation she noticed that the rambunctious girl that had accompanied her in sleep had disappeared from the room. Kagome slowly sat up, observant of the fact that she was still groggy. She ran trembling fingers through her disheveled hair in hopes of at least lessening the effects of sleeping on one side, and found this to be moderately effective. She got to her feet and walked to the mirror on the wall across from the bed. She stared at the reflection, unable to connect her face to the one in the mirror; the face reflected back was aged and tired. Her eyes housed dark rings that sang of her weariness. Her cheeks were flushed from the fever one of her medications created. She could still see where the sores on her face from past radiation treatments were healing away, some forming small scars underneath her skin. She looked like a ghoul; face chalky white, bones jutting through. Her hair had lost its sheen, but one thing had not changed. The spark of life, hidden in her eyes, still shone, but the past pain and sorrow of the life she had forgotten, and the people it included, dulled its glow, making it a beacon for only those who searched for its presence.
Kagome turned at a sudden knock at the door, surprised to see a small kitsune standing at the door. “Good morning, Lady Kagome. My name is Yura, and I am here to be your guide around the palace; I hope you have found your room to be satisfactory?” Yura asked in a squeaky, high pitched voice, her hands folded over a crisp, white apron that topped her plain peach colored kimono. Kagome smiled at the child, whose flame colored hair made her stick out like a sore thumb. “Please, just call me Kagome. I don't need a title like Lady, it makes me feel uncomfortable.” She asked, squatting down so that she was on the same level as Yura.
Yura returned the smile, a small giggle escaping her lips. There was something about this lady that made her want to smile, laugh, and even play. Clearing her throat, she pushed the feelings aside. “Lord Sesshoumaru wants me to take you to the hot springs located beneath the castle. You are to join him and his ward for the afternoon meal, so we must hurry.
Kagome got to her feet and grabbed the proffered hand. “Lead the way.” Kagome said with a grin she just couldn't seem to quell. Yura looks just like my little Shippo. Kagome though as she was guided down the hall and down some steps, a swell of compassion and sadness overwhelming her momentarily. “How did you come to live in this castle?' Kagome asked as she pushed the feelings away, just trying to pass the time as the slipped down another corridor.
Yura's smile fell for an instant, before the kitsune forced it back on her face. “My family was killed a long time ago, when I was really little. I met this really nice lady that lived here, and she offered to bring me here as well. I was hungry, tired, and lost, so I agreed, and now I can't seem to call this place anything short of home.”
Kagome glanced thoughtfully at her surroundings. The castle seemed to be full of twists and turns, and she found herself realizing that without Yura, she would never be able to navigate around this place. A second, more optimistic evaluation of the palace crossed her delicate mind as she stared at the immense, white walls, empty except for the huge windows that were lined up across them, and the untouchable ceiling. She marveled, mouth agape, at how the light filtered through the crystalline windows, engulfing the surrounding area with light. The sunlight left no area of the room unlit; illuminating all corners of the room, and raising its temperature to a comfortably warm degree. Yura, who had stopped along Kagome, gave the woman a light tap on the shoulder to signal that they should continue.
They traveled on, each corridor mimicking the décor of the last. To Kagome, there was no variation to the rooms, nothing to make one stand out amongst the others. “How do you find your way around this place?” Kagome asked as they continued down another flight of stairs. Yura shrugged, “After so many years in this place, you learn to pick out the differences in each room. They stepped into another hall. Each room has something different from the others. They entered another room; Yura motioned at the farthest wall, “See that crack near the base of the wall?” Kagome nodded. All of the rooms we enter are public rooms. They are all alike. There are rooms like the Lord's study, the guest rooms, the more stayed-in rooms, and some of the more important rooms that are decorated more precisely. Before long, Kagome began noticing some of the defining marks of the less-used rooms, a vase on the corner of a desk, a mark on the handle of a door.
Finally, three floors later, Yura halted in front of a large, oak door. Through the cracks and the crevices little tendrils of steam could be seen filtering out of the room, only to dissipate as they reached freedom. “This is one of the bathing grounds. There are three others located in the castle. This is usually the hardest one to find, but it offers the most privacy.” Kagome listened carefully, though on the inside her body desperately wanted to get in the water; she knew it had been a while since she had been able to get a proper bath and could practically smell the stench that clung to her body.
Picking up on Kagome's excitement, Yura opened the door, and they both entered, engulfing the both of them in roiling wisps of steam. Kagome would have stayed in the water forever if Yura hadn't patiently reminded her of the time and when she would be expected at the table. Grabbing the soft towel the kitsune had laid thoughtfully by the water, Kagome frowned in thought. I should have thought to bring extra clothes. She chided herself as she stepped onto the hard ground, too deep in thought to realize her clothes, which she had dropped only inches from the water, were missing, along with Yura. By the time she did take heed, Yura had returned, her arms full with a bundle of fabric.
“Yura, where are my clothes? I could have sworn I left them right here.” She asked in desperation, her voice thick with agitation and the realization that she had misplaced her clothes. “Kagome, don't worry; I took them away to have them cleaned. They were in poor shape. Lord Sesshoumaru has asked me to give this to you to wear for now. He said to tell you Rin picked it out, and she would be devastated if you didn't compliment her by wearing it.”
Kagome frown deepened. She couldn't face Rin's disappointment, and she couldn't forget Sesshoumaru's hospitality. Sighing in defeat, Kagome took the kimono from Yura and studied it. It was a soft lilac colored fabric, dotted with a dark purple sakura blossom pattern that trailed deftly around the hem of the clothing and around each sleeve; a lilac obi with the same prints accompanied it. Once on, the kimono felt as if it was made especially for her. It was the perfect size, fitting to her body perfectly, softening the jutting edges of her bones on her lean figure, making her appear less thin, and closer to an appropriate weight. Yura grinned at the effect the kimono had on Kagome's looks. Motioning for her to sit, Yura positioned herself behind Kagome; with a bone comb clutched in her hand she began her work on the miko's silky, black hair.
When Kagome finally got a look at herself in the mirror, she almost passes out. Her hair was wound up in an elegant bun; a wisp of midnight hair had escaped, positioning itself before her right eye. She felt beautiful; something she hadn't considered herself since the start of her cancer treatment. She smiled shyly at her reflection in the mirror, and would have been content in doing so for the entire night if Yura hadn't taken her hand and dragged her up into the dining hall, having no memory what-so-ever in how, exactly, she got there.
Sesshoumaru was the first to sense Kagome standing in the shadows of the dinning hall. He hid his spreading smile at her overwhelming sense of awe. The dining hall was the largest room in the castle, other than the ballroom. A long, slim marble table was situated in the middle of the space, reaching both ends of the room. Lined on either side of the table, and at both ends were stylish, high-backed chairs. An immense fireplace graced the west wall. Two, vast, gilded doors, which led to the adjoined ballroom, adorned the eastern wall. Beautiful, hand-carved leaves, painted metallic rustic red encircled the entire room near the ceiling. Lit candles on tall, chic candelabras along with the fire burning in the fireplace kept the room at a pleasing temperature. In short, Sesshoumaru could see why Kagome felt so mesmerized by the room. It wasn't until she stepped into the flickering firelight that he felt the feeling in turn.
For the first time since he'd brought the miko here, she was holding her head high. The young kitsune, who reminded him of the feisty child that followed Kagome around while traveling with his half-brother, which is why he had assigned her to Kagome, had done a superb job of getting her ready. The kimono clung to her nicely, making her sickly appearance less noticeable. The light, soothing color made the pallor of her skin seem less extreme. Her cheeks were pleasantly blushed, probably from her extended time in the hot springs, and her hair done up as so made the gauntness of her face disappear altogether. As she approached the table, Rin jumped form her seat, “Kagome, you look great!” she shouted, jumping into the woman's arms. Kagome, already blushing from Sesshoumaru's lengthy examination, blushed an ever deeper crimson as she hugged the child in turn. Imagine her surprise when Sesshoumaru got up from is chair, at the head of the table, and pulled a chair out for her, immediately to his left, and motioned for her to be seated!
“Well,” Kagome began shakily, trying to disperse the silence that had settled around the table. “What are we going to do today?” No one answered straight away, preferring to swallow their food beforehand. Rin could barely contain herself. “You and I are going to play in the garden with Jaken. Lord Sesshoumaru said we could!” she shouted triumphantly, almost ready to jump out of her seat. Kagome sighed as she picked at the food before her. One of the medications she was on tended to distort the taste of her food, and another had a tendency to destroy her appetite altogether, but not wanting to appear rude, she managed to eat at least some of the food. Still, it wasn't long before Rin finished her dinner and had permission to leave, dragging Kagome along with her in her wake.
Kagome found out why Jaken didn't like to play outside with the little girl of the castle. Rin just had way too much energy. Even between the two of them, they just couldn't keep up with her. Finally, after what seemed to be hours, Kagome reached her limits. She was already tired to begin with, and since they were playing hide-and-go-seek, and it was her turn to hide, he found a nice little hiding spot under a small bridge. With bushes on either side, and under the cover of darkness, Kagome smiled as she leaned her head back. A head that just felt too tired and heavy to lift. Closing her eyes, she smiled serenely, focusing on the memories of the day. As she drifted off to sleep, she thought about Yura, Rin, and even Sesshoumaru and her smile deepened. I think I've come home… she thought as she slipped out of consciousness and into a silent slumber.
Author's Note: YAY! Another chapter is complete! Once again, I'm sorry for how long it took to get this posted! I didn't think it would take so long to type it, but it is longer than most of my chapters, and I did respond to all of the last chapter's reviews. One more thing,I'm not going to tell you every time Kagome takes her pills. At this point,for her, it's like an everyday routine. I will, however, put aftereffects of the medications into play every now and then.I want to ask if anyone has any names I can use for Sesshoumaru, Kagome, and Rin. I don't want to overuse the obvious ones! I would love to know some Japanese words that could tie into my story such as names of clothes would be great! I would also love to hear your opinions and thoughts! You are the ones who are reading the story, so I want to hear from you!Well, not much else to say at this point, but READ AND REVIEW!
I do want to thank the following people for reviewing on my last chapter:
cookiemonsterks: Not a bad idea, but I don't know if it ties into the story. But it is a good idea!
Dark Inu Fan:What would I do without you?! Seriously, you are always such a big help, and you review after each chapter! You deserve a cookie! One question: Why, if you have the potential, and I know you do, don't you write your own fanfics?
Angel Sniper: I'm glad you like it! I hope you equally enjoy the rest of the story!
charm: I know! I never understood Inuyasha's obsession with Kikyo!She's dead; forget her!
Fluffykagome: I am sooooooooo sorry I didn't update for this long! I hate it when people don't update for long periods of time, but now I think I'm starting tounderstand!
inuyasha_kagom3_Fan: Thank you! I hope you like sad…
kagsbigfan: The others should come in soon. I haven't quite decided how to approach the whole Inuyasha-helping-Ki kyo thing yet. If you have any ideas…
mauigurl808: Thanks for understanding about finals/work. Not everyone does. I didn't start reading KagSess ficsuntil recently, but, like you, I make exceptions!
Koori Youkai Hime: Your opinions are greatly appreciated. And I agree, stories that aren't properly written are really hard to read. You spendmost of yourtime focusing on the words and not the story. I try to keep my grammatical errors as few as I can. I am an English major, so it would be wrong, and lazy, not to! Thanks for noticing the details I put into my stories. I try to make my stories as realistic as possible!
Inu's fan girl: Sorry, can't ruin the story for ya! That would be wrong, and besides, I don't even know all the details of the story yet!
LadyKagometheinuyoukimiko: Yes, I did have an aunt that died of brain cancer, though I only know so much about it because I've done some research and also had some help from a few readers.