InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Untiltled ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey, peps here is the third chapter in my story I hope you like it. I still need a name for my story and I would love many more reviews. Last thing would you like to make this a crossover if so it would be a crossover with ether DBZ or YYH. I think I'll give you'll about two weeks to get in your votes for it so please R&R thank you.

Inuyasha: Hey bitch I think you for got something.

WingedFox: What?

Inuyasha: The disclaimer you stupid wench.

WingedFox: Listen here you stupid mutt I'm not stupid.

Inuyasha: Your one to talk on the mutt part bitch.

WingedFox: Just because I'm a hybrid does not mean I'm a mutt. {Sticks tongue out.} {Inuyasha pounces on WF. Kurama and Hiei walk in and look at Sesshoumaru.}

Kurama: Are they fighting again.

Sesshoumaru: Yes.

Kurama: What is it over this time, No wait let me guess, is it food?

Sesshoumaru: Nope.

Kurama: Money.

Sesshoumaru: Nope.

Kurama: Clothes.

Sesshoumaru: Nope.

Kurama: Ok then what are they fitting over now.

Sesshoumaru: The disclaimer.

Kurama: Ok… I can fix that WingedFox owns know anyone or anything. {Door busts open.}

Keda: Wait I'm here and she owns me, so ha.

{Everyone rolls his or her eyes at Keda.}

Kurama: On with the story. {sigh}

"…" talking

`…' thinking

~*~ flashback

-^- scene or scene change

(…) my notes or stray thoughts

{…} details I don't know how to put in the story

-^-^-^-Airport 9:00 a.m.-^-^-^-

Keda's POV

`Oh man note to self never sleep on a plan again it is rough on a person. Ok, now were is Auntie A. at. "Keda, hey Keda over here." `I turned around and saw a girl about sixteen in jeans a black shirt.'

End Keda's POV

Kagome's POV

`I saw the girl turn around and knew at ones that it was her. I ran up to her and gave her a big bear hug.'

End Kagome's POV

Normal POV

"Kagome!" the girl cried. "Keda! How are you?" Kagome asked the girl. "Fine how have you been since I can't keep you out of trouble." The girl laughed. "Ha, ya right I'm the one that kept you out of trouble, Keda." "You only kept me from getting caught when I played tricks on people. I'm the one that kept you from getting hurt." "Hey what's that suppose to mean?" Kagome said with a pout. "So Kagome when do we get home?"

"Hu, as soon as we get your stuff I guess." Kagome said with a shrug.

"Kagome! Kagome dear where are you?" yelled Aiko. (I don't know Kagome's mom's name so I gave her this one.) "Over here Mom I found Keda." "Oh that's good well let's get your stuff and head home ok?" Aiko said with a smile. "Ya Auntie Aiko, I can't wait to see Souta and Grandpa." Keda said with a huge smile.

-^-^-^-In the car on the way to the shrine-^-^-^-

Kagome talking

Keda talking

Aiko talking

"Keda I see you finally talked your mom into all that Goth stuff." "Yep, it took forever but I finally got to be Goth." "So do you have anything pieced; I mean besides your eyebrow?" "Ya, I also have my bellybutton, nose, and my tongue pieced." "Really can I see?" "Well du, you can see.""Wow cool, Hey Mom can I get my bellybutton pieced?" "Sorry, but I don't think that would be a good idea with you having to travel all the time." "You travel? But to were?" "Umm, I'll tell you as soon as we get home ok?" Keda gave Kagome a weird look but nodded her head.

Sorry guys that it is so short but I have lots of work to do and I don't get much free time but I hope you like it thanks and R&R please. P.S. Help with a title please. I need one bad.