InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Vacation's All I Ever Wanted! ❯ What Do You Get When You Put A Full-Demon and PowerPuff Girls Together? ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3: What Do You Get When You Put A Full Demon and A Power Puff Together?

Warning: Mild language, lemon in later chapters, and oc Kagome. lol

Note: Italic indicates that people are communicating telepathically. <____ > indicates that T.V, radio, or song.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any Power Puff Girls!

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I awoke the next morning to the sound of the television blasting loudly from the downstairs. I yawned and stretched around to see my alarm clock. 6 AM! What the hell was Sota doing up at this hour? I dazedly got up and sat in the bed, trying my best to shake myself to wakeup. I thought about yesterday and my eyes widened in shock. Was it all just a dream? I tried to jump out of bed to run downstairs to prove I was wrong, but, being my clumsy self, my feet were caught in the blanket and I ended up face first on the floor. Damn it! Dumb blanket! I got up, rubbing my face tenderly. Damn instincts! I straightened my nightshirt and hurried down stairs. But nothing could truly prepare me for what I saw.

<We got you now Mo Jo Jo Jo! You can't run from us! > A pink little girl yelled at this monkey with a huge brain in a glass on his head. This had to be that new show…um, what was it called? … The Powder Puff Girls? O well, who the hell cares. I watched in wonder as Inuyasha's face scrunched against the screen. How did he figure out how to turn it on? And where was my family?

< You'll never get me, Power Puffs! I will now use this big laser beam to kill you and rule the world! Mwhahahahahaha! > Inuyasha grinned widely at the T.V. " Hear that, you little wretches? You're going to dye!" Now, this was a scary scene. Inuyasha yelling to a television and looking like he idolized Mo Jo jo jo. It was kind of cute, though. Kind of being the key phrase. I quickly ran upstairs and got my camera.

But, just when all looked like shit for those three girls, they pulled together and defeated the monkey. Lets just say Inuyasha wasn't very pleased at this. " WHAT! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Inuyasha looked in horror and anger at the T.V. " He almost won! Damn you, Power Puff Girls!" When I saw that Inuyasha looked about to destroy the television, I ran into the room. " Don't you dare lay a claw on the box, Inuyasha!" He looked at me irritably but soon looked away.

" Why not?" He huffed. " They were cheating!" I sighed and took his hand. He looked back to me questionably. " That was a show, Inuyasha. From what I've heard, those girls always win," He looked at me sadly. " But…but…that's not fair!" Now, I've never heard Inuyasha whimper before, and believe me, NO ONE can resist his sad puppy face. Damn emotions. " I know Inuyasha. Why don't you go and get dressed into some of my fathers old clothes. I'll make breakfast and by the time you get back downstairs, I'll have some ramen cooked and waiting," I watched his eyes widen as he ran up the steps. " It's the second door to the right!" I sighed as I heard cursing and a door slam. Shopping with Inu will be very interesting. I went into the kitchen and saw a note on the table.


Grandpa, Sota, and I have gone to visit your uncle in America. Sorry we couldn't bring you, but we waited to see if you would come back. He was very ill and needed us to come. Please take care of yourself because we won't be back until the end of summer. On top of the refrigerator, there is a large amount of money for food, clothes, supplies, and extra for fun. Please be home when we come home!

With love,


Well, this is going to turn out great! No one will be home for the whole summer! I hope Inuyasha will be okay with walking or going in a taxi shopping. Only God knows he'll have an issue with cars. I watched him come downstairs, and to add to my surprise, he was actually dressed properly. Note to self: Inuyasha is attractive in jeans. I found myself blushing crimson red. Just one more thing to distract me. If I don't love him, I can't end up heartbroken again. This was supposed to relax me, not give me more problems to work out!

I sighed and got out some ramen. How the hell am I going to survive this summer?

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Fluffysgirl4ever: Yay, another chapter done! * Jumps for joy * It wasn't hard, but I was thinking about the next chapter. A shopping trip, a karaoke bar, and a carnival. Inuyasha and Kagome are in for it! * Grins evilly at Inuyasha and Kagome who are finishing their ramen * Lets just say that Inuyasha isn't in his right mind. * Smirk *

Inuyasha: HEY! What do you mean by that?

Fluffysgirl4ever: You know exactly what I mean! I wasn't the one getting caught watching the Power Puff Girls!

Inuyasha: Whatever * Blushes then goes back to eating *

Kagome: So, Fluffygirl, when's Sesshomaru coming in the cast?

Fluffysgirl4ever: He should be in tomorrow. He was in Hawaii on…*smirk*…business. So, till the next chapter, seeya! Review or I will make Kouga kiss INUYASHA! And believe me, you don't want to see that! lol

Inuyasha: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is Fluffysgirl4ever signing off! Till next time!