InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire love ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own them, never will and unfortunatly, even though i love em i dont want to.

A/N: I'm sorry but i dont write good Lemons, i can cyber/rp fairly good but with Lemons im not to good but im working on it, ill add onto chapter 2 when i can completely do a Lemon, is that fair? And I'm sorry if my grammer and puncuation arn't very good. My mother, who is totally happy that im doing something with my spare time, tried to do a teacher thing and correct my mistakes on the printout i did. HMPH! I'll show her! Oh and on a second note! Sango in this story Sango is Bi-Sexual, just a heads up.

Review plz. I love reviews, but keep in mind. This is my first fanfic....-.-;

Chapter 3

Sango made her way down the dark abandoned street, looking for any sign that Kagome was still alive. He best friend wasn't one to just leave without telling her. She had spent all her free time looking for Kagome. She couldn't eat, sleep, bath, or even enjoy herself in any activity without thinking of her lost friend. She missed Kagome, that was that. Nothing to it. As Sango walked down the abandoned street she noticed it was all that abandoned but there were people around. Whores in the allyway making a good profit. Hobos sleeping in dumpsters and next to trash cans. And then she noticed it. A man, about 6'10'', but unfortunatly thats all she could see. He was standing in the shadows. Letting only the silouette of his body show. Sango quickened her pase not wanting to disturb the man, but mearly make it home in one piece. But when she quickened her pase, his foot steps started to follow suit. Making Sango's pase turn into a jog, then a sprint as his speed quickened. Quickly Sango turned a corner and slammed into something solid. " Woah there cutie!....S-Sango?" The solid something spoke. It spoke?! what the heck, walls arnt supposed to speek to me! She slowly looked up to see, standing right before her holding onto her to keep her balanced, was none other then Miroku. Just as she opened her mouth she felt a tingling sensation on her behind then noticed that it was his .... SLAP!!! " Miroku! will you stop that already!. Grope me when I'm not being chased by a...." she turned around but saw nothing. She looked around the corner but saw nothing. She even went as far as to look behind Miroku. But with all her looking she found nothing, only an abandoned street with a few Whores and a few Hobos. " Being chased by a what? by a monster!??!" he states in a spoky tone. " Just shut up and take me home, I'm done looking!" They made their way to Miroku's Mustang and they drive off, oblivious to the eyes that are watching them. A spooky chuckle comes from a roof top just above the spot where Miroku's car was parked. " I'll turn you too Sango, she wants you with us, i know she does." The spooky voice turned and walked away.

~*~*~*~*~ Meanwhile ~*~*~*~*~*~

Kagome is in an allyway( sound familiar??) with a man who she pulled in off the street. To common on lookers she would look like a Whore with a paying costomer. But no, she was doing what she needed to survive. Kagome kept kissing him as he thrust into her. His small tool pounding into her with a furious speed. Kagome begin to moan like she was enjoying every minute of this act. Moving to kiss his neck she wills her teeth to protude farther out, making it impossible to run once she had him on the ground. Slowly she bit into his neck. Hot blood spewing into her mouth and down her throat. In one quick motion she had him on the disgusting ally ground, sucking all the essence and life from him. She listened to his heart beat. It was in her ears, she felt it flow through her vains. She waited until his heart began to slow down then she hurd him. His pitiful voice begging for her to stop. He managed to choak out a " please don't i have a wife and 2 children." But Kagome pressed on further. Then right before he was dead she muttered " How dare you, you were having an affair on your wife with a vampire posing as a cheap Whore. I think im doing you'r wife and kids a favor!" And with that she plunged her hand into his stomach, wraping her hand around his intestine and pulling it out, bitting into it and spitting the blood and the chunk of intestine into his face and while he was destracted with his screaming she reached into his chest and pulled out his heart, sucking the last of the blood from it and crushing it into pieces. " I pitty you. You had a death..." She got up his small manhood slicking out of her with ease. She got herself composed and fixed her outfit, licking all the blood from her lips. Chuckling lightly to herself she walked away from his corpse, making her way down the street to see Miroku and Sango off in a distance. Sango, i wish you could be with me ... After watching them speed away in Miroku's car she desided to go home. She was in need of a serious bath. Ugh! I'm fucking filthy! She looked back at the mans corpse once more. Fucking pervert! She made her way home not caring that Sesshoumaru was listening to her thoughts and watching her the whole time. Yes, she has turned out to be a fine Vampire, and a great consort.

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