InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Violation of Honor ❯ Chapter 21 - Fighting for Freedom ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Violation of Honor

By Rinseternalsoul

**Disclaimer: I do this for free. I'm not affiliated with Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha, and only write free fanfiction for my love of twisting her character's to my dark, demented will. May the smut live on.

Chapter 21 - Fighting for Freedom

A/N: You know, I was very touched by the reviews from last chapter. Not only did you all tell me how much you enjoyed the read, but you took a moment to wish me well in my personal life and that means so much to me! You guys are great. It lifted my spirits and my heart. Some of you even shared some of your own woes with me and that was very special. To thank you for being such a wonderful group of readers I have worked double time to get this chapter out quickly. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! I love you guys!

And thank you Risa, for being the best beta that I could have ever wished for!  


Things were looking grave for the future of his master’s citadel. Beyond the great wall were nearly a thousand youkai warriors—and some worthless humans—eager for a taste of blood. Jaken feared that they would get that taste all too soon.

Day and night the enemy had bombarded the wall while those youkai with ample physical abilities attempted to scale the wall of their own accord. He had lost many a great soldiers defending against their assaults. His master's army was not so vast that its number was infinite; after all, with Lord Sesshomaru’s immense power, he had never really needed a large army before. The soldiers retained by his lordship were seasoned fighters, skilled beyond compare, but limited in what they could do against numbers so great.

Jaken sighed heavily, feeling the encroaching despair deep within his bones. It had taken all his skills in strategic planning to hold them off this long without Lord Sesshomaru here to lend his awesome skills; it was simply postponing the inevitable.

'Where are you, my lord? Why have you been away for so long?'

He refused to believe that his master, in all his magnificence, had fallen prey to that miserable bitch, Asuza. It was unthinkable that a mere female had done in the great and powerful Lord Sesshomaru. The thought made Jaken shudder with revulsion. His bulging yellow eyes narrowed angrily. If it were true that the whore had indeed destroyed his beloved lord, then she had better hope that this army was the end of him. As Lord Sesshomaru's loyal servant, it was his duty to hunt that slut down and burn her to a crisp with his staff! He would stop at nothing. No underhanded trick could be too devious to thwart his eventual revenge. 'Perhaps a knife in her neck while she sleeps? Yes... that has possibilities.'

Jaken turned his thoughts away from vengeance and focused on his duty. He could already see the enemy lining up for another strike against the wall. The massive structure was showing severe signs of damage and he feared that the structural integrity was gone. What would they do when the wall was breached? They would be swarmed within minutes, then all would be lost!

His mind flashed to an image of Rin's smiling face. He hated to admit it, but he had missed the human since she'd been gone. It was strange how much he had grown accustomed to having her around. Would she cry for him after he was dead? 'Probably so, stupid child.'

The line of enemy youkai gathered, and Jaken could once again feel the air crackling with their power. His own soldiers stood ready to counter-strike, but he dared not signal to them before the time was right. They could hardly afford anymore losses, and those remaining would be instrumental in protecting the female servants and children left within the stronghold. Sadly, it would be a wasted effort, but the men would die trying. Thank Kami, he'd had the foresight to send Rin away on Ah-Un.


General Takeo glanced toward the green imp high upon the tower, then grinned. He doubted the wretch could see the triumph in his eyes from such a distance, but he damned well hoped so. For the past four days and nights the imp had managed to outwit his men and hold the Western Citadel, but the toad's borrowed time was now at an end.

"Steady men!" He shouted with barely controlled anticipation. Soon, soon the wall would crumble, and then he knew victory would be his.

Ten of his best youkai were calling on their god-like powers. Two had been mortally wounded in the dark hours, but now, as the sun was just beginning to rise in the sky, Takeo felt confident that their lives had not been lost in vain. Though they were two less, his men were still enough to shatter the massive crumbling wall. Even the infusion of magic that held it together was not enough to stop them. He could almost taste the blood of his enemies now, and he vowed that the green imp would be his first victim. Yes, Jaken's blood would flow.

Takeo licked his lips, feeling his fangs drop in readiness. There was nothing he loved more than a good kill, and today, he and his men would certainly enjoy their task.

"On the ready, now!" He called, then waited for his lieutenant to shout the word that would set the path to victory. His claws itched and he snarled. Finally his man turned and held up his arm. The signal was soon to come.

Suddenly, the look on his lieutenant's face turned from eager readiness, to one of... shock?

General Takeo turned around to see what in the hell had caught his man's attention so completely in the midst of their greatest moment. What he saw nearly sent him stumbling back. In the shadows of first dawn, barreling through the fading darkness, was a ball of glowing light sweeping toward their position. It moved so fast that he hardly had time to register its approach before two flashing whips of sizzling green energy emerged in a spiraling storm of death.

The winds howled from the force of the spinning orb as it shred a path through his unsuspecting soldiers like a knife through warm honey. Screams of agony gouged his ears as he watched their blood splattering all around. He began to back away from the destruction, confused and for the first time in his life, truly afraid. "Attack that thing!" He ordered his men with a desperate shout that left his throat raw. He pulled his sword, but had no idea how he could fight something so fast and devastating. His eyes could barely follow its approach!

The green whips rotating from the globe and slicing through the air, cut down every man in the sphere's path. The thing bore through the mass of soldiers, exploding heads and hacking limbs until it reached the front line. Takeo's remaining ten most powerful youkai turned their aim from the wall and toward the approaching sphere of lights. Two fired blasts of raw energy from their raised hands, but the orb skirted the onslaught so quickly that the blasts were completely ineffectual. 'Gods! The thing dodged them with ease!'

With horror, Takeo watched the glowing green whips as they spun past the attackers, slicing them completely in twain. Blood arced outward in a crimson spray of gore. Both torsos’ slipped from their still-standing legs with a sickening wet sound that turned his stomach, but there was no time to mourn their loss. He had to stop the thing before it killed them all!

Without warning the fearsome ball of lights stopped its path of destruction. As quickly as it began—it ended, and from the spinning orb materialized a figure that he often prayed to never face in battle.


Jaken watched the progressing devastation with awe and giddy delight. He could hardly believe his eyes as he witnessed the glorious bloodshed. He felt such relief at the sight that he thought for a moment he might actually pass out. Then from the lethal ball of fury materialized the tall statuesque form of his savior.

'By the ancients, he has returned!'

"Lord Sesshomaru!" His shout rang out in the morning light, echoing through the pale fog for miles.

"I knew you would come teach these fools a lesson! Woohoo!" Jaken jumped up and down and did a shuffling little dance of triumph. His lord was home and safe, and now these imbeciles would feel his wrath!


Sesshomaru came out of his energy orb in a spinning flurry of black silk and white whipping locks of hair. The spiral of destruction ended with a contradictory display of supple grace, yet the green power of his whips continued to dance maniacally from the tips of his elongated claws. He had the leader of this wretched crew in his sights, and he narrowed his golden eyes on his prey.

All in the clearing before the great wall grew completely silent.

"You dare to attack the home of this Sesshomaru?"

He could smell their fear now, and he smiled his most menacing smile.

"Prepare to die!" He hissed the decree through dropped fangs that ached to taste their blood, reveling in this part of himself that was familiar and completely welcomed.

On queue, the words brought forth his allies in battle. The air suddenly became chilled and the ground covered in growing sheets of ice. Toran made her appearance on a ribbon of frozen liquid that arced through the air before her, bridging the distance between them with ease. She slid delicately to a stop nearby, and smiled a wicked smile of greeting before turning a look of impending death on the murmuring crowd.

Her sisters appeared in a flash of blinding light that exploded not far to his right. The sound of it startled many of the men closest to them and they scattered back. Karen appeared holding a ball of flame, smiling evilly, with three dozen of her panther minion's crouched and ready to fight. Shunran floated above them in a cloud of pink flower petals, laughing like a young girl with a demented mind.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning forged through the air, smashing into the earth with enough force to send most of the humans present sprawling upon the ground. From the massive blast to Toran's left appeared the fearsome bulk of Shuuran, a youkai towering above most others and wielding the elemental power of lightening with deadly precision.

A smirk grew in one corner of Sesshomaru's regal mouth. His army was complete. It was time to kill.


Jaken was baffled at the display before him. It appeared that his lord had brought allies. And what allies he had brought! The panther tribe! It was most unbelievable, but there it was, plain for his bulging eyes to see. Obviously his lord had called in that favor owed, and as much as he was stunned by the knowledge, Jaken wasted no time in ordering his men to join the fray.

"Over the wall men! We will fight with our Lord and slay this pestilence from his lands! Go! Go! Kill them all!"

Jaken then turned to the spiraling stairs of the tower, hurrying down the narrow stone steps as fast as his tiny legs would carry him. He could hardly wait to unleash his demon fire on those lowly beasts!  


Saburo blinked once and looked around him with a strangely dazed feeling. His back was against the freezing stone of the cliffside, and everything around him appeared quite normal. He spotted the pretty hanyou girl still picking up chestnuts and the image sparked a strange sort of déjà vu.

Something about her made him think that he had been closer to her before. Had he once met the girl?

It was strange, but he couldn't remember it clearly. He was pretty sure that he had never spoken to the girl. Surely he would remember such an event. She was stunning in her beauty. Her hair was a pale yellow, like the sun bleached stalks of fallen bamboo near his home. Her skin was flawless and her form was petite and curvy. She exhibited an air of innocence that drew the eyes and made a man's heart beat just a little faster.

He watched her for a time as she continued to gather the fallen nuts into her woven basket. She seemed oblivious to his presence, and for some reason that irritated him. But... why did he care?

Lady Asuza had taken a special interest in him recently. It was a golden opportunity for advancement in her military regime. As a newly enlisted man, he could possibly move up to corporal, or even lieutenant, with her support. His family back home could use the extra money, and he would enjoy the pleasure freely offered and given by the hentai queen. A man is a man, after all. He has needs just as any other man. So, why not use his skills as a lover to advance? He could see no reason not to.

Asuza was a lusty bitch, and her tastes ran a bit to the extreme, but he could handle it. It was just sex, right?

The young hanyou girl wondered away, bending down for one more fallen nut, and giving him a nice view of her round behind. When she stood up, she hastily glanced over her shoulder, meeting his eyes, but then quickly looked away. Saburo was breathless for a long moment afterward. Her eyes... they were a stunning shade of green, a color so vivid that they could capture a man's soul.

He was sure that he had looked into those eyes once before.

But when?

Suddenly his thoughts were distracted by a familiar scent on the wind. His mistress was returning. As she grew closer, he could hear the many footsteps of the soldiers following her lead. She had brought with her nearly half of the battalion, and he imagined that their progress through this meager human village would leave little behind in their wake.

Automatically his eyes shifted to the departing form of the hanyou girl. Her long pale hair swayed gently in the breeze. Something made him want to warn her of what was to come, but he stopped himself after taking a forward step. That would be a terribly stupid thing to do, leaving his post when Lady Asuza was well on her way. If she were to arrive and he had abandoned his post, he would likely get an execution instead of a promotion.

No. He would stand his ground. Why should he care about a ridiculous hanyou anyway?


Asuza waltzed through the outskirts of the village with a glint of triumph in her crimson eyes. Iku was feeling the bloodlust as well, and stood proudly by her side. For now, their little disagreement was put behind them and they were of one accord—death to all in their path and the complete destruction of the monkey clan.

A human scream caught her attention and she turned her head to catch one of her men gutting a farmer that strayed too close. The soldier's companion happily cut down the horse that was pulling the plow. She laughed, for it was a joy to watch her men having such fun. Today would be a great day for them all, and upon their victory she would throw a celebration to top all past celebrations.

To her left, she caught the scent of flame and watched as several fire-wielding youkai chased a family into their meager hut, then burned it to the ground. She could hear the mortals screaming over the roaring inferno, and she gloried in their pain.

Closer to the cliffside that encased the secret opening to the monkey clan's barrier, the throng of human dwellings grew thicker, but there was no sign of the inhabitants. She could smell them though, hiding like rodents, thinking to escape their fate. She chuckled and shouted over her shoulder, "Kill them all!"

A great shout erupted from her men and the outermost soldiers began to spread out. Cries of agony and the scent of blood were at once thick in the air. Burning bamboo and mortal fear began to grow cloying in its intensity and Asuza announced, "These fools will pay dearly for protecting those disgusting monkeys."

Iku laughed and made a familiar flicking motion with his hand. At once the human appearance of his long masculine fingers was gone and in their place were deadly sharp talons. "Let us join the fun, my lady. Shall we not sharpen our claws, before the true sport begins?"

Asuza laughed and smiled at her love. "If you must, do enjoy yourself. I, however, shall go straight to the heart of the matter."

Iku nodded, deciding to hold off on the bloodshed just yet. He would stay by his mistress's side. They rounded the corner of a burning structure that was large enough to be the home of the village headman. Two of their soldiers were busily shredding the dress from a human girl who screamed and fought them like mad. Iku caught sight of the soft mound of her breast before the man at the end shoved his fully engorged cock between her thighs. Behind her, an elderly man lay with his head lying several meters further on the ground. It looked as if the soldiers were enjoying their visit to this town.

Up ahead Iku spotted the youkai Asuza left to stand guard at the barrier's entrance. He appeared alert and prepared for their arrival. It was the young male that had caught Asuza's fancy as of late, and Iku had to admit that he could not wait until she finished with him. Saburo was young and lean, full of hopes that needed to be crushed. It would be Iku’s pleasure to instruct him in the art of degradation.

It would be a shame to kill such a fine specimen in the end, but he could hardly leave him alive after fucking him. The bastard had witnessed Asuza's disgusting punishment. It wouldn't do to have him spreading that around.

Asuza smiled broadly at her newest young lover and shouted up, "Ah, Saburo, how goes it?"

After bending to his knee in greeting, Saburo quickly replied, "Well, my lady! There has been no sign of interference since your departure."

Asuza nodded and motioned for him to rise. She turned to instruct her men to line up single file in order to enter through the barrier's narrow doorway when a sudden shift in the barrier startled her. She just barely had time to register the change when a sudden blast of cataclysmic proportions shattered the cliffside above, sending Saburo flying through the air. She didn't bother to see if he landed well, for she had other more important matters at hand.

Standing on the rocky outcrop, high above her head, were several hundred macaque soldiers. Just up the incline and perched on another jutting outcrop of rock was the king himself, and by his side, the prince that had obviously escaped from her dungeon cell.

Asuza lost only a moment in stunned revelation, before grinning from ear to lovely pointed ear. Things could not have been better planned. She held out her arms and greeted them, "I see you have come to surrender! I welcome you, my slaves!"  


Eight youkai warriors turned the full extent of their powers toward Sesshomaru, but their attack miserably failed. With a mere thought, the green energy of his whips retracted and he brought his outstretched arms forward to release a potent blast of Dakkasou. The soldiers’ cries of pain diminished quickly as their eyes melted from the sockets and their flesh dissolved from the bone.

The cloying thick scent of wisteria blossoms filled the air, mingling with the fresh scent of blood and death. Sesshomaru smirked his satisfaction, and to his allies he whispered, "Go."

Toran laughed and lifted her ice scepter, releasing a blast of frigid wind that blew back dozens of soldiers, sending them spinning helplessly to the ground. She took off in her mission to destroy Sesshomaru's enemy in a sparkling mist of ice.

As he watched the panther princess skate away, he registered the battle roar that ignited all around him. The enemy was preparing to defend themselves and he could not be more pleased. Let them try. In the end their efforts would be in vain, leaving their rotting corpses as food for the vultures.

In direct contrast to Toran's icy assault, Karen began hurling blasts of flame into the screaming throng of men, laughing and joking all the way. "Damn, but I do enjoy a good fight!" Karen cried, as she decapitated an attacking soldier with her claws. Her sister, Shunran, reached into a leather pouch hanging at her side and withdrew a tendril of pink silk. She maneuvered the sliver of material with a maniacal smile on her pretty face. The length of thread grew longer and longer, magically increasing in length with each pass of her hand.

Shunran flipped her wrist and sent the magical thread spinning out into the crowd. Sesshomaru watched as the arrogant men laughed at her silly trick. The joke was on them; however, as Shunran twisted her delicate wrist, the thread began to wrap around the necks of six men. The length of silk did not stop there; it continued to twist and turn, trapping another group of six and another before pulling tight, slamming their pained, grunting bodies together, and weaving a pattern between them all. Their eyes began to bulge as their air was sliced off. They struggled, clawing at their necks in an attempt to break free. The string worked its way around every man, in and out, creating a macabre quilt of screaming, suffocating heads. Their pain was soon ended with one pull of her slender arm, which efficiently decapitated the heads of every single man woven within her trap.

Sesshomaru was quite impressed with the move.

Out of the corner of his eyes, the taiyoukai caught the abrupt destruction of a large group of youkai, compliments of one blast from Shuuran's lightening strike. The big male panther gave a hearty chuckle then stomped the life out of the only victim that survived the explosion. Somewhat messy, but it served to accomplish the task.

Sesshomaru then turned his full attention back toward his prey, the leader of this invading force, General Takeo. Just then, from his right, a youkai attempted to cut him down. Sesshomaru did not even bother to look that way as he flicked his wrist, popping the fool's head open like an over-ripe melon.

The sounds and smells of the battle around him fueled his warrior blood, and the taiyoukai grinned in eagerness. Takeo was lifting his sword, preparing for him. It was a wasted effort, but an admirable way to meet his end. Sesshomaru slashed through another soldier and then clawed the face from another, ignoring their screams of pain, only intent on making his way toward the swarthy youkai commander. Nothing would keep him from taking Asuza's general down. Nothing.

Toran had to admit that she had not enjoyed herself this much in many months. Peace had its advantages, but there was nothing more satisfying than seeing the fear in an enemy's eyes just before delivering their doom. She laughed, a lighthearted sensual sound, and turned her weapon on a pathetic group of mortals that had finally gotten the nerve up to attack her. "So, you would attack a woman would you?" She laughed again. "I am no mere woman, though!" Dozens of sharp icy slivers blasted from her scepter, streaking through the air and stabbing into her victims. Several fell to their knees with blood seeping from their mouths. One was struck so hard his feet actually left the ground sending him reeling backward. Two of them escaped with minor cuts, but made it only so far before Karen burned them alive.

"Don't worry sister," she called out in jest. "I am happy to clean your messy leftovers!"

Toran merely shook her head with a smile and turned her attentions back to her prey.

"Sesshomaru!" Takeo growled as his nemesis came face to face.

"General," Sesshomaru sneered in greeting. He then held out one arm and intentionally cracked the knuckles of his hand. His claws were fully extended and dripping ominously with blood.

Takeo took a step to the side, and they began to circle one another, sizing each other up, and waiting for the perfect time to make a move. At that moment, Sesshomaru cursed the fact that he had no sword to battle with. There were times in his past that he thought the Tenseiga useless. Through experiences he had come to honor and appreciate the sword of his father, and actually regretted having lost it. It was strange that now he felt its loss so deeply.

Perhaps he would one day have the opportunity to retrieve it from Asuza.

Without warning, Sesshomaru's mind flashed back to that hellish place. He saw the bitch standing over him, laughing with Iku by her side. The image was so real that it startled him; his eyes grew wide when he realized that he could actually smell his own blood. Then the sharp pain that he felt brought him crashing back to reality.

Takeo had made his move, taking advantage of his distraction. The wound to his shoulder was deep, but he forcefully pushed the pain aside. He cursed his bumbling, for it could have been a fatal mistake. He would not lose to this fool of Asuza's making!

In anger—at himself and Asuza—Sesshomaru's eyes bled red. He growled his annoyance and his fangs began to lengthen. The winds whipped around him sending his long hair flying about his form. His claws became impossibly longer and his voice grew scratchy with the pull of the beast. Never one to mince words, he growled the last thing that General Takeo would ever hear, "You will die!"

He leaped at the general with such impressive speed that the youkai never had a chance to raise his sword. Sesshomaru clawed through his gut and bit out his throat in a fit of aggression. The winds continued to howl and Sesshomaru continued to transform. His jaw popped and stretched and his extremities twisted and lengthened. With a howl of fury, he had risen high above those battling for their lives.

In his true form at last, he felt primal and free. He released a terrifying howl that shook leaves from the trees and rattled stones from the cliffside. It was a fearsome sight for all to behold as he gnashed his massive teeth, dripping corrosive miasma from his jaws. The poisons of his Dakkasou poured freely from his claws, and with each ground shaking step he crushed bones and melted rocks.

Jaken released one more blast of searing flame toward his enemy and while the man burned, he stood back watching the scene behind him unfold in awe. His master had transformed and it was a glorious sight! His pale fur gleamed in the dawn and his enemies ran in terror. The fools had no hope of escaping now, and he almost felt pity for their wretched souls.

To his left, he noticed the massive panther male slamming his fists together, causing a spark of electricity to ignite before he turned his hands outward to successfully blow several men apart. The stench of burning flesh mingled with lakes of blood—added with the sweet scent of his master’s poison, it was enough to make his stomach churn.

Jaken shook his head, deliberately pushing aside the hint of nausea. He shouted for his men to attack the weapons reserve tent near the east boundary of the encampment. Several of them ended their personal battle with a quick slash of swords before turning to follow his orders. In minutes the tent was blazing and the sounds of exploding munitions filled the air.  


Uchuu felt a tremor of unease sweep through him as Asuza caught his eye, but just as soon as the nervous tremble began his brother shouted the command for attack. Before the bitch could get a clear view of the king, she and her men were swarmed with macaque soldiers.

Uchuu had his prey in his sights and Iku began to back away. The bird was favoring his left side and it was obvious that he still suffered from the purification wounds. Uchuu had full intentions of taking advantage of that weakness, and he eagerly leapt from his perch and joined the fight.

Lord Hyuuga fought the urge to call his younger brother back from the battle. After all, he had only just returned safely home. It was only too obvious the torture and pain that he had endured, and he knew that Uchuu was still weakened from his stay in the dungeon. It was tempting to keep him safe, but he held his tongue. His brother needed this more than he could probably begin to imagine.

Hyuuga lingered on the cliffside, overseeing the battle below. He was unimpressed with this pathetic army that dared to invade his realm. The soldiers were undisciplined and overly aggressive. It was sloppy and careless the way they first spread out to wreck havoc on the defenseless villagers before attempting to enter his barrier. It was indicative of their leadership, and that brought him back to the lady in question.


She had disappeared for the moment amongst the fray, but he had little doubt that she was nearby. He searched the mass of grunting bloody bodies below, but saw no sign of her.

It was driving him mad to hold back from the fight. His advisers thought it best for him to avoid being caught face to face with Asuza and her amulet, but it was not in his nature to let the battle rage without his personal participation. They told him to remain behind the barrier, only observing, but damn it, I am The King! Since his ancestor's reign, no battle had ever been waged in their territory that the king did not fight. It was unheard of, and he had no intention of changing that tradition now.

With a roar of fury he leapt into the chaos.

It was hardly worth the effort. The humans were so easily slain that he could have slaughtered them in his sleep. He crushed one frail body with his tail and ripped the head from another. He finally drew his sword, and slashed through three at one time. Their corpses fell to the ground with a 'thud'. Hyuuga turned his attention to a large youkai warrior that grinned at him as if he were superior. It nearly made him laugh. The day that fool could best him in battle was the day he gave up all sixteen of his wives.

The oaf lumbered toward him, swinging a massive spiked club. His fangs were large and yellowed and dripping with blood. Hyuuga watched the massive youkai as he moved, studying his stance and agility. When the bear lunged, Hyuuga was surprised at his speed, but he was still no match for the monkey king. Hyuuga brought up his sword as he swiftly dodged the big male's strike. He sliced through the beast's stomach in an upward cut, drawing his weapon deep along the way. The bear roared his pain and grasped at the guts that began to spill upon his big feet.

Hyuuga spun and raised his sword high. He brought it down with force upon the bear's exposed neck, but did not bother to watch as the massive head rolled. He immediately grabbed a human by the neck and squeezed until the bones snapped, while slicing his sword through the torso of yet another youkai.

Growls and howls filled the ears of all nearby. There was blood and ashes flying in the air. He caught a glimpse of his uncle ripping a mortal in two with his bare hands, and immediately turned to block a strike from an arrogant whelp that thought to sneak up on him. Hyuuga howled loudly, enjoying the fright that the simple action brought about in his enemy. The youth fell back and raised his sword to block another strike. Hyuuga was impressed that he held his ground, but the sentiment would hardly save the fool's life. With a vicious swing of his sword he relieved the boy of his head.

Suddenly a warm hard body slammed up against his back, and Hyuuga glanced over his shoulder. "Umito! Are you enjoying yourself?" His brother did not answer, instead using the opportunity to chastise him.

"Hyuuga, you were supposed to stay out of the fight!"

Hyuuga narrowed his eyes as he kicked an attacking youkai in the chest, sending the fool flailing helplessly through the air, then growled, "My honor demands it!" Umito growled in frustration—knowing that to argue with his stubborn brother was futile— then jumped back into the thick of it.

Uchuu slashed and parried with Iku, who arrogantly met each attempt with a smirk. It was maddening that he could not pull forth any show of emotion. Uchuu wanted him to be fearful and plea for his life, but the fucking bird refused to give in to his will.

Each hard hit sent the fowl bastard backward. Uchuu was confident that Iku's strength was lessened. That was to his advantage, and so Uchuu decided to destroy Iku slowly.

"What is the matter, monkey prince," Iku suddenly taunted. "Are you angry about your stay in my torture chamber? I am sure that we could begin again. I will make sure the next stay is twice as much fun."

Uchuu growled and sliced his claws toward the bird's gut, but Iku moved just out of the way. "I'll kill you, bird, and I will shove your spilled intestines down your throat."

"Come now, prince Uchuu. I favored you quite a bit, you know. If you would only have stayed as my guest, there many intriguing hours of pleasure planned for you at my behest." He laughed mockingly, and Uchuu growled with anger and disgust.

"You are a sick piece of shit, you know that! I'll be doing the world a favor by killing you."

Iku spun just out of his reach, missing a blow from Uchuu's sword by the mere width of a hair. He began to wonder if the bird was not toying with him after all. Iku moved faster than he expected, and it was enough to bring his guard up. He would not underestimate Asuza's filthy minion. He thrust his sword forward, and Iku ducked fast, but still several long blue hairs were severed from his head.

"Careful, boy. You wouldn't want to hurt yourself with that thing," Iku teased, before suddenly striking forward, slashing toward Uchuu's exposed belly with his talons.

Though he leapt back, Uchuu felt the cloth of his haori slicing open and the tip of the talon graze his flesh. A trickle of blood welled and tickled its way downward. Thankfully it was only a scratch. It was obvious that there was more to Iku that he was letting on. Iku feigned to the left, then at the last moment cut to the right—the movement so fast that Uchuu could only follow.

He used the blunt nub of his mangled tail to slam into the bird's knee, sending him off balance before he made his next move. Uchuu slipped the dagger from his belt and jabbed it toward Iku's gut, then cursed when the asshole managed to dodge the full extent of the blade. It merely sunk a fraction, probably not even the length of his finger.

'Damn!' Silently Uchuu fumed. It was proving harder to kill the bird than he had hoped—wounded or not. He kept his feet parted and his knees bent, ready for the next thrust.

Iku was angry that the brat managed to nick him with the blade, but he shadowed his reaction well. The monkey prince was an adept fighter, though he would have been no match for him at full strength. Once again he cursed the miko who attacked him, and silently vowed to make her pay.

"Tell me prince, how did you escape my prison? I should think that you must have had some help."

Uchuu refused to answer and only grinned. He lunged forward and one-handedly sliced upward with his sword, but once again Iku avoided his blade. He immediately followed with a stab of his knife, but the dagger, too, met empty air.

"Oh, it was easy enough to thwart your devious plans," Uchuu teased in return. "I had over-stayed my welcome, as it were." He then tossed his knife and clamped both hands on his sword before slicing it toward his enemy. As expected, Iku dodged the attack, but Uchuu had other plans. He rolled to the ground, thrusting upward and piercing Iku's thigh with his blade, before continuing the loop to his feet.

Iku made a slightly pained sound that Uchuu welcomed completely. It was glorious to see the bird bleed.

Lord Hyuuga was having a royal good time when suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder. Thinking it was again his middle brother, Umito, he turned with his sword up and a smile that quickly died on his face.

By the ancestors, she was a beautiful woman, but evil to her very core. He could see the madness in her crimson eyes—eyes that were now beginning to glow a brilliant red. The shine, he immediately noticed, matched the sparkling glare of the huge ruby jewel hanging from a chain around her delicate neck. The color was fascinating, but then Hyuuga realized his mistake.

He looked up and met her glowing eyes. She smiled at him—a sexy knowing smile. He could feel the power of the amulet taking hold. Before he could defend himself, or even call out for his men, Lord Hyuuga was trapped in her gaze. He lowered his sword, while wondering the whole time how it was that she made him do so. He stepped toward her, and could feel her heat even through the frigid air blowing around them. Nothing seemed to matter anymore, yet the battle raged on.

"Mmm... you are a prime piece of male," Asuza purred as she cupped his strong cheek. "It will be my pleasure to use you for the rest of your days."

Her words brought up feelings of panic and rage, but his damned feet refused to step back and his arm refused to lift his weapon. He wanted to tell her what he thought of her statement, but his mouth refused to form the words. What was happening to him? Was this what Uchuu had warned him of? Was he so easily caught in her spell?

"Now, King Hyuuga of the monkey clan, you will call off your warriors from their attack. Tell them to stand down and give up their weapons. Do this and I will make their deaths quick and relatively painless."

Hyuuga's mind tried to rebel the command, but much to his horror his feet began to turn and comply.


The desperate shout came from his brother, Umito, but Hyuuga could no more react than he could stop his feet from moving of their own accord. He was completely under Asuza's control.

Uchuu suddenly heard his brother, Umito, shout out Hyuuga's name. The cry was desperate and he chanced a glance toward his king brother. What he saw there nearly stopped his heart. The bitch, Asuza, had him within her grasp!

Iku saw the scene as well and proceeded to gloat. "Put your weapon down, young prince, and bow to me. Asuza has won this fight, and your brother is now her slave. All is lost for your monkey clan, but do not fear, for I will keep you safe. You will be my own personal servant and I shall put you to good use."

Uchuu spat at the disgusting offer and reverted to their contingency plan. He roared the signal, and those of his clan nearby immediately came to his aid. His uncle was among them, and three other soldiers, all of whom were present in the meeting earlier that day.

It had been decided that if Asuza were to somehow gain control of Hyuuga, and Iku still lived, that they would attack Asuza's favorite with everything they had. The bird seemed confused at first when Uchuu called for help, but he immediately began to understand. He backed away, slashing his lengthy talons from side to side. He had a trapped look in his lavender eyes, and Uchuu grinned. "Now, Iku, let us see how you truly bleed!"


From the sidelines, she had watched the whole thing. She was frightened and disgusted by the bloodshed before her, but could not bring herself to flee. Her legs were like jelly beneath her and she could only stay crouched behind the stack of smoldering firewood. Yumiko had never bared witness to such violence before. She had seen men die and even killed, but nothing compared to this horror. The macaque army was ruthless in destroying their enemies, and she could hardly blame them. From what she witnessed already, the invading army was nothing but heartless brutes bent on rape and needless bloodshed of the innocent.

Originally she only intended to get a peek. She had never seen the monkey king before and was dying to capture a glimpse. Her father and the others were hiding, and he was probably scared half out of his wits for her now, but there was nothing she could do. She had become trapped in her hiding place when the real battle began.

Lord Hyuuga was magnificent, as were all of the macaques. She had watched them destroying their enemies with determination and graceful brutality, but suddenly the beautiful youkai woman appeared and captured the monkey king's attention. At first Yumiko didn't understand what was happening, but now, she was beginning to see.

It was as if the beautiful woman had taken control of his mind—something that Yumiko was very familiar with. Yes... the macaque warrior had a glazed look in his eye that was disturbingly familiar. As she watched, it became apparent that numerous monkey soldiers near the king were also under the spell, for they simply stood in place, as if dazed and unable to assist their leader.

Yumiko knew all too well the terrible turn of events this could take. She, too, had the ability to mesmerize. Nothing to this extent though. Oh no. Her ability was to capture only one mind, and even then she could only hold them in thrall and shade their recent memory. It was how she had earlier tricked the handsome young enemy soldier and helped the runner get word to the monkey clan.

To her horror, the abilities of the youkai female went much farther than anything she had ever dreamed of, for king Hyuuga dropped his sword and began to turn around. He shouted, "Halt! Put down your weapons!" Yumiko could not believe her ears and eyes! The female's powers were truly vast that she could command his speech and actions!

Her heart was pounding so fast now that she thought she might faint. What would happen to them? What would happen to her village? Her father? Without the macaque youkai to protect them the invading army would slaughter them all! She watched—hoping, praying, that someone would do something to stop the wicked woman, but no one near the king made a move.

Suddenly, it became clear to her—she knew what she had to do. She could not allow the evil female to take control of the monkey king. Already many of the nearby soldiers were laying down their weapons in obedient confusion, surrendering to the enemy by the command of their king.

Yumiko took a deep steadying breath and then released it. She then leapt from her hiding place.


Iku could not fend them off! There were too many, and they attacked without honor, all of them tackling him at once. He stabbed outward with his talons, and felt satisfaction when they slipped through flesh. A grunt of pain sounded close to his ear and he smiled with the knowledge that he finally scored a hit against the monkey prince.

Iku was on his knees now, and the monkeys were clawing and biting his flesh. The end was near, and in a panic he re-doubled his efforts. His talons slashed through the belly of a macaque, but another grabbed his head. The brute was twisting it, choking him and ready to snap his spine.

"Halt! Release the bird!"

The command came from the king, effectively distracting the one soldier that was wrenching his wounded arm behind his back. It offered Iku the opportunity to jab the gut of the one attempting to rip his head off. The big macaque released a pained grunt, and Iku was able to breathe.

"No!" Uchuu cried in desperate pants of breath. "No! We must kill him!"

But it was too late. The moment Iku was given the chance he squirmed from beneath his attackers.


Yumiko raced toward the female, unthinking of the consequences, unthinking of her death. In her mind was one purpose, one drive, to save the monkey king! She jumped, and hit the female so hard that they both fell hard to the ground and she was nearly knocked off.

Asuza was shocked and enraged. She had been so close to complete domination, but suddenly a silly twit of a hanyou brat dared to attack her from behind! She rolled to the side and slashed outward with her claws. The little bitch stumbled out of her grasp. "How dare you!" She growled and came swiftly to her feet. She called forth the power of her amulet, intent on taking control of the girl's mind and slowly gutting her where she stood.

Yumiko saw the necklace around the female's neck flare to life. The same eerie red glow was reflected in her eyes. Nothing happened. The female looked at her in confusion and her sculpted brows drew together in a scowl. The light in her eyes then brightened, but still Yumiko was unaffected.

"What?" Asuza screamed, but Yumiko did not wait for her to try again. She jumped on her and started tearing at her with her claws. She had never fought with another being in her entire life, but she fought this woman with every ounce of her hanyou soul.

Asuza was furious and confused. The amulet was not working on this crazed hanyou woman! It was all she could do to keep the thrashing claws from gouging her eyes out.

From the corner of her vision, she spotted Hyuuga and to her horror he was no longer under her spell! He was shouting orders to his men and they were beginning to regroup for another assault! She tried to focus on him again, but with the bitch biting and clawing her, she could not get him under her control.

She had to do something!

She turned her full attention on the snarling piece of fluff trying to kill her; after all, the hanyou was a child compared to her many years! Asuza growled and reared back, slamming her forehead into the bitch's temple. The force was enough to stun the girl until she could push her away. She then pulled back and energized her own youkai power. The consecutive punch she delivered knocked the breath from the girl, and she finally was able to kick her completely off.

Once Asuza was on her feet, things happened very fast. Out of nowhere her young lover, who she had not seen since the monkey clan's arrival, came barreling into sight. He leaped between her and the hanyou bitch.


Saburo had woken up beneath a pile of rubble dazed and in pain. He could not remember what had happened to him. The last thing he could recall was standing guard for Lady Asuza, then... nothing. It didn't take long for him to realize that a battle was being fought all around him. The macaque clan was present and apparently winning because the ground was littered with his comrades.

Through blurry eyes, he spotted Asuza standing near a macaque that could only be their king. Saburo shook his head in an attempt to clear his vision as tiny rocks and debris fell onto his shoulders. He blinked, then looked again, finally wondering if his ears were clogged. It appeared the king was giving orders to stand down.

That is when she appeared! Out of nowhere came the pretty, young hanyou with the magical green eyes.

She was running fast, and at first he did not understand her intention. He could only marvel at her beauty and her pale hair flowing wildly behind her. As if in slow motion, she tore through the field of fallen soldiers with a clear destination in mind. Saburo looked ahead, trying to see where it was that she was headed.


He was on his feet in less time than it took to blink. He had to stop her! Saburo raced after the crazed girl. He leaped over dead and dying soldiers, even one gutted mongrel dog. There was no way that he would reach her in time. To his horror, she reached Lady Asuza and attacked her like a wild thing, clawing and biting. Asuza, in her surprise, could barely fend her off. It did not occur to him why the amulet did not work. He was too intent on protecting her!

As he covered ground, Asuza had finally managed to take control, flinging the girl off and hard to the ground. In that moment in time, Saburo did not think about betrayal. His future goals were not important. Nothing mattered to him, nothing was important, except protecting that girl.

"Lady Asuza, no! Please spare her!"  


Sesshomaru looked around in satisfaction. They were dead. Every last one of them. The ground was littered with corpses, both human and youkai. He transformed back into his mortal form. It was somewhat restrictive, but so much more functional. He flexed his claws and popped his neck. His body was tired from the battle, and he would welcome rest tonight.

Toran made her appearance by his side with an elated Jaken right on her heals. She was about to speak when the toad fell forward on Sesshomaru's black boot, groveling his praises.

"My Lord! You have saved us all! I knew that you would come! You were magnificent, as usual, Lord Sesshomaru! So glorious in battle! Absolute perfection!"

Toran raised an amused brow, and Sesshomaru felt a little twitch of embarrassment. His first reaction was to kick Jaken over the great wall, but, for some reason he held back. "Jaken." Once he had his retainer's full attention, he ordered him away. "Go and see to our wounded."

"Yes, master! Right away, my lord!"

Toran watched the imp scurrying to do his master's bidding with a mischievous smile. She then turned to Sesshomaru, unable to resist a little jab. "One must wonder why it is that the imp worships you so, Sesshomaru. It seems a bit excessive."


Toran laughed at his one-grunt reply, but did not press her luck further. Absently she checked the slight wound on her right arm and was pleased to see it healing well. It would be gone completely within the hour. She glanced over Sesshomaru and noticed the slash over his shoulder that left the black kimono gaping open. The wound was closing rapidly and she guessed that it would be repaired before the evening was out.

Karen joined them, limping just slightly, and Sesshomaru noticed that several of her minions were missing. Dead, obviously. He almost felt remorse. Almost. Though, one less cat in the world was nothing he would ever complain over. Toran's youngest sister appeared in a puff of pink flower petals, looking as pristine and untouched as when the battle first began. The big male trudged up soon after, looking rather pleased with himself and none the worse for wear. All in all, it had been a good fight, and Sesshomaru was ready to call it a day.

Toran turned to him and grinned. "Well, Sesshomaru, I believe that our debt to you is paid." She bowed slightly, never taking her glinting blue eyes from his face.

Sesshomaru nodded and only replied with one word, "Agreed."

Toran laughed slightly, but he could hear the fatigue in her voice. She then turned to her tribe. "Let us depart from this place. The stench of dog grows tedious." Her sisters laughed with her and then they were gone.

Alone on the empty battlefield, Sesshomaru looked around at the destruction. So many lives lost for Asuza's maniacal pursuits. Now he would have to send someone out to clean up this mess.

"What a bother."

With a sigh, Lord Sesshomaru headed toward the gates of his home. It would be nice to once again sleep in his bed.  


A/N: First I want to thank Risa for offering inspiration for Sesshomaru's entry into battle. I also want to thank Kat for her continued support and guidence - not to mention the occasional email of very sexy half naked men.

Well, after the battles, I hope that you all can still breathe! Haha! Sesshomaru has saved his home. Unfortunately, Uchuu is wounded and Asuza and Iku are not dead. Will young Sabaru be able to save Yumiko? Or will Asuza kill them both? Sorry, but you will have to wait and find out the answer next time. Muahahaha! Until then...

Ja ne