InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Violation of Honor ❯ Chapter 28 - Reluctant Allies ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Violation of Honor

By Rinseternalsoul

**Disclaimer: I do this for free. I'm not affiliated with Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha, and only write free fanfiction for my love of twisting her character's to my dark, demented will. May the smut live on.


Chapter 28 - Reluctant Allies

A/N: First I want to thank everyone for your heartfelt condolences after my mother-in-law's passing. Some of you even opened your hearts to reveal moments of pain that you have suffered and that really touched me. To me, this fanfiction realm is like having an extended family and it is times like this that I believe it the most.

The reviews on the last chapter have been awesome and both Risa and I have enjoyed reading them very much! Thank you for taking the time to leave us such inspirational messages. Knowing how much all of you are enjoying 'Violation of Honor' really brightens our days!

I have some super great wonderful news everyone! 'Violation of Honor' has won first place in all three categories that it was nominated in for the Dokuga Awards! YES! Amazing! Risa and I are so excited. 1st in Darkfic/Horror, 1st in Best Portrayal: Sesshomaru and 1st in Best Portrayal: Kagome!!! Woohoo! I'm telling you, I can't remember having been so thrilled. To all of our glorious fans that nominated and voted and to all of the site moderators and volunteers, We Thank You from the bottoms of our heart! As the author, I am so proud and pleased with the acclaim that I am giddy. It is such a pleasure to know that you all think so highly of my story.

As to the other authors and their beta's that achieved a win, Congratulations! Thank you all for the hard work that provides us with so many enjoyable hours of reading!

If you are interested in checking out the Dokuga site you can find it by following this link:

On with the story....  


"We traveled a long way for this, old man!"

"Lord Nobunaga Oda is not a man that you play games with!"

Tsuneo Okada grimaced as the second soldier grabbed the cuff of his shirt and wrenched him up as if he were a weightless doll. They were angry, and he was damned near scared out of his wits. "Please! Have mercy on an elder!"

"Nobunaga spares no one that dares lie to him!"

"'T'was no lie, sire! I swear it! The girl was here, but now she is gone!" When the burly soldier finally released him with a shove, Tsuneo gasped for a lung-full of air and continued, "The girl was blinded and came to stay with my niece, Saya. She stayed for several days then a cursed half-breed came and took her away!"

"A half-demon, you say?"

"Hai! He was terrible and frightening! He burst into my shop and nearly killed me when I tried to protect my niece!" Tsuneo shivered from fear and prayed that the four soldiers would believe him.

"Did they give any clues as to where they were going?"

"No," Tsuneo stammered, "but when the girl first came here, my niece said that she was from the village of Edo. Please sire, do not kill me! I want only to help Nobunaga-sama!"

The first soldier released a sarcastic laugh that sounded very much like a choking grunt. "You wish to line your pockets with more gold, you mean."

The second soldier turned away from Tsuneo and approached his comrade. "Should we pursue this to Edo village?"

The first soldier considered the question while palming the hilt of his sword. "Nobunaga-sama will not be pleased if we come back empty-handed. The girl is clearly not here, and I don't think the old man is lying about Edo. Hn. Let's ride. We can make it to Edo within two days if we work the horses hard."

"We ride!" The second announced loudly to the others and old Tsuneo breathed a sigh of relief, but as they filed out of the door, he couldn't help the greedy question that popped out, "Sire? Please, if you find the girl there, you will remember it was I, Okada Tsuneo that led you to find her?! You will pay me the gold?"

The soldier that had grabbed him so ruthlessly halted in the doorway and turned back to him with a look that spoke of violent amusement. "Do not fret old man. If the girl is there, you will get your gold. And if she is not, you will lose your head!"  


Inuyasha strolled in front of the group, listening as his pack members talked about nonsensical things. The sky overhead was crisp and blue while the breeze was just a little chilly. He felt an odd sense of foreboding deep in his bones that made him suspect a storm was approaching. The wind suddenly shifted, picking up force and sending a shiver over his flesh. If he wasn't mistaken, Inuyasha thought that he smelled snow.

The oddity of the weather was pushed aside when Shippo suddenly asked a question that captured Inuyasha's attention completely.

"Don't you think it's weird that Lord Hyuuga sent word to meet the other allies in the village of YoKaishi?"

"Why do you say that, Shippo?" Miroku asked.

Kagome waited to hear what Shippo would say. It was a question that she had asked herself over and over since the messenger delivered the summons two days ago. Was it just coincidence that it was the same village that her silent youkai had left her in—the same village that she had met Madam Seto and Saya?

Shippo shrugged his shoulders—nearly knocking a silent Shin from his perch—and kicked a loose pebble across the dirt road as he walked. "Oh, I don't know. I was just thinking that it was strange that he wants us to meet him in the same village that Kagome recently stayed in."

"Hm...," Miroku pondered thoughtfully. "I must admit, there does seem to be some coincidence in the location."

Sango, who had been walking along side of Kagome, glanced up to her friend, and Kagome returned her look with one of perplexity. Sango leaned in closer and whispered, "Do you think that Lord Hyuuga knows him?

Kagome shook her head, not knowing exactly how to answer that question. It was something that had been plaguing her as well. "I don't know, Sango. It is strange, though."

Kagome couldn't say more. She couldn't tell Sango how she suspected Sesshomaru of suggesting the village of YoKaishi. She couldn't tell her that she might have been there with Sesshomaru once before. How could she tell her friends that she suspected Lord Sesshomaru of being her silent youkai? They would either freak out...or laugh at her.

Still though, the coincidence was almost too much to overlook. Uchuu had told them that Sesshomaru had joined forces with Lord Hyuuga against Asuza, and now, of all the places the allies could have gathered, the monkey king had directed them to YoKaishi. The clues were adding up all too quickly and as much as the logical side of her brain was laughing at the mere idea that Lord Sesshomaru could be her gentle and cherished lover, the other half of her was being slowly and steadily convinced.

She was more nervous about meeting Sesshomaru face to face in YoKaishi than she was about going into battle against the evil witch, Asuza.

Miroku spoke up again, drawing Kagome from her inner thoughts. "Why do you suppose they chose to meet in YoKaishi? Is it near Asuza's castle?"

Shippo answered, saving Kagome the trouble. "The castle is within a day's travel on foot, but I think the main reason might be the village itself."

Miroku then asked, "Why do you say that?"

"It's the people there. The village is mixed with youkai and humans."


"Hai. It was like the humans and youkai there blended in without strife. They worked beside each other and traded amongst one another like there was no difference of species between them."

Miroku was silent for a moment and finally nodded his head in understanding. "I must say...that is not completely unheard of, but very rare. Perhaps, Lord Hyuuga simply heard of this anomaly and determined that it would be a suitable place for our gathering due to our own mixed circumstances."

"You are probably right," Shippo agreed, but remained unconvinced. The coincidence was still too much to ignore.

"Miroku?" Sango suddenly called.

Miroku stumbled a bit and jogged up quickly to his wife's side. "Yes, my lovely and cherished wife?"

Sango blushed profusely at her husband's open declaration of adoration. He had been overly affectionate since the night that she had 'punished' him. As strange as it seemed to be, she had felt as if their relationship had taken on a deeper more emotional connection since that night—and their sex life had evolved into something more passionate than she could have ever dreamed.

"You said that it is not unheard of for a village to exist with both youkai and humans living in harmony? Where else is this occurring? Do you know?"

Miroku paced himself by Sango's side, happy once again to bask in her attention. "It has been rumored that there are one or two other small villages where the occurrence is the same. It is a recent blending, however, and I do not think that it has been going on for very long."

"Strange," Sango murmured. "In the past, there has been a strict separation of the two. Humans are usually frightened and distrustful of youkai, and youkai too arrogant or fearful of attack to risk staying in a village occupied by humans."

Inuyasha's sudden announcement of water up ahead interrupted their discussion and together the group meandered off the side of the road. They settled for a short rest on a grassy patch that lay in front of some large dark rocks that hid a small stream. Inuyasha took a drink of the cool water and splashed a little on his face to wipe away the dust from the road. Kirara jumped from Sango's shoulder and joined him. The small feline lapped her fill and then leaped up atop one of the rocks to catch a nap in the warm sun.

Kagome dug through her bag and pulled out a little food for those that might be hungry; she then got up to splash some water on her face and gather some in her wooden cup.

The sound of horses’ bearing down upon them captured their attention for a moment, but it was clear that the soldiers approaching had no intentions of stopping. The horses were breathing hard with foaming froth built up on their chests as the four soldiers urged them on. Kagome was busily rinsing her face in the stream, down behind several large rocks when they passed, but she heard Miroku say that they were soldiers of the Nobunaga clan. By the time she looked up, the men had already passed them by, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.

Shippo sneezed twice from the dirt, stirred by the passing soldiers. "Wonder where they were going in such a hurry?"

"I cannot say," Miroku mumbled, while taking out a cloth to wipe at his face, "but now I am even more covered in dust than before."

"Me too," Sango complained and scaled over the rocky barrier to join Kagome. After rinsing her face again, the two of them went back to the grassy patch and settled down for a quick rest of their feet before heading out again.

"Those damned soldiers are nothing but a menace. I'd like to put an end to them all," Inuyasha grumbled.

"It seems that Nobunaga's army has spread nearly everywhere. Our village has been lucky to have avoided a major infiltration." Miroku sighed before settling down at Sango's feet.

"You should have seen some of the villages that Kagome and I passed the last time we came this way, heading for YoKaishi. It was horrible. At some places, they left not one person alive."

Miroku nodded toward Shippo, thinking that it was such a shame that the young boy had been forced to witness so much death and suffering in his life. Sango's hand threading through his hair distracted Miroku from his morbid train of thoughts, causing him to sigh with peaceful joy. He could not have imagined his life with Sango getting better than it had been when they married, but since that night when she caught him just before groping Yumiko-san, it had bloomed beyond his belief.

Every time that he thought of her standing over him, so strong and fearsome, not begging him to change, but demanding that he do so...well, it gave him a maddeningly hard erection. The pain that she delivered with such retribution and love had been nothing short of bliss.

"Enough dawdling," Inuyasha suddenly announced. "Let's get going. I want to be there before dark. I know it sounds weird, but I think it's going to snow."

The group turned their heads to the sky and collectively peered into the scattering of light clouds. "Are you sure, Inuyasha? Kagome asked curiously. "It's not even that cold out."

"I said it was weird, didn't I? Now come on; quit wasting time!"

Kagome guessed it to be around three o'clock when their group strolled into YoKaishi. Everything looked basically the same as when she was there the last time getting herbs from Madam Seto. Vendors lined the sides of the main thoroughfare selling their wares from rickety wooden structures while some merchants retained fine buildings for shoppers to enter and get out of the cold.

The weather had gotten steadily worse as they approached the village, and Kagome pulled her shawl up tight around her body wishing that she had a nice wool coat from her time in the future. As they passed by a couple of the merchants, they attempted to garner their attention by holding up simple tapestries and woven baskets. She nodded and smiled politely, but didn't stop.

"Where should we go from here?" Shippo asked.

"Don't know," Inuyasha grunted. "I think we are the first to arrive."

"I agree, Inuyasha," Sango chimed in. "I don't feel a strong demonic presence here—only lesser youkai."

"Yes. I believe that Sango is correct," Miroku added. "If Lord Hyuuga and Sesshomaru-sama were both here, then we would feel it."

"Feh, just like those arrogant pricks to be late," Inuyasha complained.

Kagome shook her head at her impatient friend and decided that it would be best to get settled before the others arrived. "Come on everyone. Let's go get a room for the night then we can get something to eat. I'd like to go visit Saya and maybe even Madam Seto before the others get here."

"Sure, Kagome. That sounds great," Shippo added. "It's getting cold out here." Kirara mewed her agreement and snuggled down into Sango's shoulder as the group made their way through the crowd. "Should we stay at the same place we did the last time?" Shippo asked.

Kagome gave him a scowl then sighed with a nod. "I guess it will do as much as any other. I really didn't like that rooster, but at least we won't over-sleep in the morning."

It was nearly an hour later when they were settled, clean, and full from their meal. Inuyasha was still polishing off the leftovers when Kagome stood up and said, "I think that I will go visit Saya now." She was surprised when Inuyasha tossed down the wooden spit that he had been gnawing on and offered to accompany her. Sango decided to come as well, and so the entire group ended up following Kagome to the kimono maker's shop.

On the way there, Kagome and Sango stopped to admire a bolt of silk that was being sold near the front of the rambling kimono shop. The girl working the booth immediately recognized Kagome and welcomed her with a smile. "Greetings, Kagome-sama. It is nice to see you again."

Kagome smiled in return, but unfortunately, did not recognize the young woman, as she had been unable to see during her last visit. The voice was familiar though, and Kagome quickly apologized. "I'm sorry; I remember your voice, but..."

The girl immediately realized her error and placed her hands together in an upper body bow of apology. "So sorry, miko-sama. I realize now that you could not have remembered me. I am Kanako, Saya's cousin."

"Oh!" Kagome exclaimed. "I remember now. You are the daughter of Saya's aunt who is an artisan."

Kanako rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Well, mother does try, but I fear her craft will never bring in enough coin to keep our belly's full."

Kagome and Sango laughed softly in understanding. "This fabric is beautiful. Did you weave it?" Sango asked.

"Oh, no. My cousin, Etsumi, crafted this silk. Would you like to buy some?"

Sango shook her head with a longing smile. "No, thank you. It is far too expensive for me. It is lovely, though."

Behind them Inuyasha grunted his impatience, and Kagome looked over her shoulder to find all the men standing nearby. "Oh, Kanako-san, I would like to introduce you to my friends. This is Sango, and over there—twiddling their thumbs impatiently—is Sango's husband Miroku, Shippo, Shin and Kirara." Kagome then patted Inuyasha on the shoulder and said, "This guy is Inuyasha. We've come to visit Saya. Is she in?"

Kanako's eyes grew wide when she looked at Inuyasha, obviously noticing the furry ears before anything else. She then suddenly shook her head vehemently. "Oh no. I do not think that is a very good idea, Kagome-sama. Uncle Tsuneo was very upset by your demon friend—Inuyasha's—last ...uh...err...visit."

Inuyasha huffed rather loudly behind her, but Kagome ignored him. "Oh. Well, is there any way that you could tell Saya that I'm here? I would really like to see her."

Kanako looked undecided for a moment, but finally leaned over and said, "I will go and find Saya if you will please look after my stand while I am gone." Kagome and Sango nodded emphatically, and Kanako quickly scurried off to find her cousin.

Inuyasha took up a position leaning against a wooden post to await the arrival of the blind silk spinner. It was weird that his pulse had picked up at the thought of seeing the girl again. He hadn't really thought much about her since he first retrieved Kagome from the kimono shop, but now that he knew he would see Saya again, he found himself a little nervous. He didn't like feeling nervous. It was a stupid emotion that put him in a temperamental mood. He shifted irritably against the post and inadvertently captured Shippo's attention.

"What's the hurry, Inuyasha? It isn't like we have anything better to do. The others haven't made it here yet. Besides, I'm looking forward to meeting Saya. Kagome said that she was really nice."

"Feh. I don't give a shit either way."

Miroku shifted his stance and leaned in toward Shippo. "What's gotten into him all of a sudden?"

Shippo shrugged his shoulders giving Miroku a look that clearly said: with Inuyasha, it was anyone's guess. He was about to find a seat on the worn steps of a shop-front when Kanako returned guiding a pretty young woman with short dark hair.

"Saya-chan!" Kagome squealed happily.

"Kagome-sama!" Saya returned before Kagome enveloped her in a warm hug. "It is so wonderful to have you visit me!"

Kagome stepped back and took Saya's arm. "Can you spend some time with us for a little while?" Saya nodded happily, and then Kagome quickly thanked Kanako before leading Saya away. When they arrived at the town square, where the main well for water was located, Kagome stopped and turned to her friends. "Saya, I have some people that I would like you to meet."

Saya smiled shyly and reached up to pat her hair. "I did not realize that I would be meeting your friends today, Kagome. I would have dressed nicer."

Kagome scolded her for being silly. "Saya, you are beautiful. My sight has returned and now that I can see you, I can honestly say that you are just as lovely as I thought you were."

Saya turned a brilliant shade of red from the unexpected compliment, but Kagome wasn't finished. "You have the prettiest hair! It is so shiny. The natural highlights are beautiful—like glimmers of purple silk. And you have beautiful eyes! They are so dark. I don't believe I have ever seen eyes as dark as yours." Kagome turned to Inuyasha who was standing beside of her. "Have you Inuyasha? Saya's eyes are pretty, aren't they?"

Inuyasha flushed nearly the same shade as Saya and blubbered a second over his answer. When nothing intelligible came out he finally backed up, putting his hands out and shaking them to ward off his suddenly pushy friend. "Hell, I don't know! Gah!"

Kagome giggled at Inuyasha's reaction, but Saya's quickly made her stop. "Please, Kagome-sama, you are embarrassing me!"

"I'm sorry, Saya. I'm just so excited to see you at last!"

Sango decided to step up and save Saya from Kagome's enthusiasm. "Hello, Saya. I am Sango. It is so nice to finally meet you. Kagome has spoken highly of you."

Kagome grimaced. "I didn't mean to embarrass you, Saya. Please forgive me. Here, let me introduce you to everyone. You have heard me talk about Sango. She's like a sister to me; plus, she is a fierce taijiaya so with her around, there won't be any sneaky demons trying to get a peep show." Saya giggled and Kagome then continued. "This is Shippo. You remember how worried I was about him? Well, he was fine and waiting anxiously for me when I returned home."

"It's nice to meet you, Saya," Shippo said cheerfully. "I really want to thank you for taking such good care of Kagome for us."

Saya nodded with a smile. "It is nice to meet you Shippo-chan. And do not worry; I loved having Kagome-sama here."

Shippo grinned brightly and added, "Oh, and this is Shin. He's a pixie-dragon, but don't let that fool you. On the inside he's just a pain-in-the ass male."

Shin released a tiny puff of smoke from one nostril and did his very best to scratch a claw through Shippo's haori in hopes of drawing blood. "It is a pleasure, my lady, and please, do ignore this disreputable fox. He only wishes to disparage my name in order to make himself feel better."

Saya's dark eyes grew wide as she grasped the concept that Shin was an actual dragon. "Oh my! I have never met a dragon before. Can all dragons talk as you do?"

Shin shuffled atop Shippo's shoulder and audibly sighed. "Alas, no. I am, apparently, one of a kind."

"Well, Shin the dragon, it is nice to meet you."

Kagome then introduced Kirara, who leapt into her arms before leaning forward to purr against Saya's hand. Saya made a girlish sound before reaching out to stroke the small firecat's soft fur. Kagome then turned to the monk, hoping that he would behave. "And this is Miroku, Sango's husband."

Everyone froze, awaiting Miroku's greeting. Would he embarrass Sango once again? Would he ask Saya to bear his child? Would he attempt to grab her butt?

Amazingly, Miroku merely bent over Saya's hand and said, "It is a pleasure to meet you Saya. I, too, would like to offer our sincerest gratitude for taking such good care of Kagome-sama." He then released her hand and stepped back to stand beside of his wife.

Not only was Sango visibly surprised, but the rest of the group was as well. Shippo's mouth had fallen open in gaping amazement, and Kagome's brows had completely disappeared into the silky bangs of her hair. Inuyasha, less tactful than the rest of them, whistled lowly and said, "Damn, I didn't see that coming."

Kagome elbowed her best friend lightly in the gut, causing Inuyasha to grunt and give her a glare. "Well, I didn't! That pervert usually—" A harder elbow in the gut promptly cut him off.

The group continued to stroll through the village, and the girls spent some time 'oohing' and 'ahhing' over various crafts they came across. Inuyasha and the guys followed close behind, but with enough distance as not to be pulled into the women's thrill of shopping. Inuyasha watched as Kagome helped Saya wind through the crowds. The two of them seemed very comfortable with each other. It was clear that they had grown close during their time together. He had to admit that he liked Saya, too. There was something about her that made him take notice. He wasn't sure exactly what that was just yet, but he couldn't ignore the pull.

He continued to watch Saya as she smiled and laughed with Sango and Kagome. He wondered if it might be her inner strength that drew him. He could tell that she had made her life livable—even against the odds, and that was something that they had in common. As they made their way through the village, Inuyasha found himself getting annoyed several times when people shied away from her just because she couldn't see. Several people spoke to Saya, as they recognized her, but raised their voices loudly as if the girl were deaf instead of blind. People treated her differently, and that made Inuyasha angry. She didn't deserve it. She was kind and pretty and just as human as the rest of them.

As a half-demon, Inuyasha had experienced first hand how people treated someone that they didn't understand. He had been poked fun at and ridiculed, avoided and feared for something that he had no control over. Watching the people of YoKaishi treat Saya so differently than others made him want to pull her close and growl at anyone that acted like an idiot toward her.

On their way back to Saya's home, the winds began to howl with sudden freezing gusts. Miroku was quick to take Sango beneath his arm and attempt to shelter her from the worst of the uncanny storm. Kagome had been standing next to Shippo as he admired a leather arm strap designed for concealing two throwing knives. Shippo quickly put the strap down and wrapped his arm around Kagome when the first cold blast billowed through. Saya had been waiting patiently nearby, but the sand and debris that suddenly kicked up made it nearly impossible for Kagome to reach out to her.

Inuyasha quickly grabbed Saya up and held her close, protecting her from the worst of the winds. The humans and youkai of the village began scurrying around, attempting to gather their precious goods before the blasting winds swept them away. The group could barely see through the sand whipping up in the air and stinging against their exposed faces. Inuyasha swiftly removed his fire-rat haori and enveloped Saya with it to further protect her against the onslaught. She snuggled against him, and Inuyasha was forced to admit that he enjoyed having her so close, compliments of the rapid change of weather.

A quick glance around and Inuyasha spotted Shippo leading Kagome toward a storefront that was partially sheltered from the raging winds. He yelled out to Miroku to follow, and together they all pushed heading that way.

"What's going on?" Sango asked worriedly.

"Don't know," Inuyasha shouted above the screaming people and the whistling winds. "Something's coming. I feel a strong demonic aura approaching."

"I feel it too!" Miroku shouted. "It seems to be coming from the North!"

Kagome shook her head, "No. I feel it coming from the West!"

Suddenly, as if a giant barrier had been thrown up over the town, the violent winds came to a complete stop.

"Wow," Shippo muttered nervously. "That was weird."

It was only seconds before the first snowflakes came drifting down. The gentle white specks quickly began to grow in number, and soon the entire street was covered in snow. The group watched the strange weather phenomenon with wide, curious eyes. The normal sounds of the bustling main street had gone completely silent as every single human and youkai stared up at the sky as if in a trance.

"Look, Lord Sesshomaru! It's snowing! Isn't it beautiful?"

Rin's voice echoed loudly through the hushed village. Kagome turned her head toward the voice so quickly that a pain shot through her neck and shoulder. She winced, reaching up to rub the burn away, all the while watching his approach.

"Sesshomaru," Inuyasha growled. The sound came out more feral than human, causing Saya to gasp in fright. Reflexively, Inuyasha squeezed to comfort her and quickly whispered near her ear. "You stay here, Saya. This guy is dangerous." He then released her and left her standing alone.

"Inuyasha?" Saya called, but Kagome was quick to come to her side. "Don't worry, Saya. Inuyasha will be okay."

"Who is that? What was Inuyasha talking about?"

Kagome watched as Inuyasha sauntered out from beneath the sheltered storefront to face Lord Sesshomaru. She prayed that the two would not fight since they were supposed to be meeting as allies. To Saya, Kagome said, "That is Lord Sesshomaru with Rin and Jaken. Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's brother."

"Half-brother!" Inuyasha called back over his shoulder, causing Kagome to snap her tongue irritably and mumble, "Whatever."

Sesshomaru entered the village of YoKaishi leading Rin upon Ah-Un and with Jaken alongside. The weather had taken an odd, sudden turn, and he was suspicious of the snow, especially since it diminished his senses considerably. Inuyasha was the first thing that he spotted. His younger brother approached him with barely concealed hatred, and Sesshomaru hoped that the brash young fool did not start a fight in such a crowded place.

He held the angry amber gaze of his younger sibling, watching for any sign that the youth would attack, but when it seemed Inuyasha would hold his temper, Sesshomaru chanced a glance toward the one face that he longed beyond measure to behold.


She stood huddled together with her friends, watching him as he watched them. He met her eyes, fully expecting to see hatred glaring there, but was surprised at what he found instead. Her blue eyes looked upon him with uncertainty and no small amount of curiosity. She seemed to be searching his golden eyes for something that had never been there before. His breath suddenly became rather solid, and he found it somewhat hard to inhale. What had happened to change her views of him since their last encounter?

Kagome felt as if her heart was going to plunge right through her chest. It was beating so fast that she could hear it echoing in her ears. She had waited for this moment to come with anticipation and anxiety, wondering if there would be some clue that would tell her that he was the one. When Sesshomauru’s eyes left Inuyasha’s, and his attention immediately and directly fell upon her, Kagome felt like she might actually faint.

He held her gaze, and she could clearly see the question silently shining in his reflective eyes. He seemed surprised that she was not shooting flaming arrows at him, and considering the last time they were face to face, she knew why. Was she imagining the subtle softness that came over those same cold eyes as soon as they touched her? Without a thought to her well-being, Kagome opened her mouth to speak his name.

"Sesshomaru..." It came out as a whisper upon the gentle wind that was now blowing fluffy white snow flurries around. The sound was barely audible to her own ears, but Sesshomaru clearly heard it just the same. Long dark lashes blinked once, but his unbreakable gaze never wavered. Kagome seemed to be held in a weightlessly suspended state as the moment stretched out.

His lips moved slightly and Kagome felt her frantically beating heart come to a crashing halt that nearly sent her stumbling back. Her eyes were now focused completely and expectantly on what he would say. She glanced once more, swiftly meeting his eyes, and down again to those smooth male lips. Would he speak her name?

"God damn it, Sesshomaru, what the fuck is all this snow about?"

The spell was broken with the crass question put forth by Inuyasha. Kagome felt as if her world had teetered off its foundation, then abruptly been thrown back into a spin. Sesshomaru looked away from her, turning narrowed impatient eyes upon Inuyasha.

"This Sesshomaru has no control over the weather, Inuyasha. Even you should know this."

Suddenly the snow began to fall in earnest. The wind picked up, whipping the white stuff around madly, making it difficult to see. Jaken yelped as if the soft fluffy flakes were going to harm him and huddled up close beside Ah-Un. Rin leaned far down in the saddle, trying to block the worst of the blast. Shippo, who had been watching intently, quickly grew concerned for her and without a thought to his safety, ran out to assist Rin from the dragon's saddle.

Sesshomaru stepped in front of the approaching fox with a deadly glare. Inuyasha growled threateningly, ready to once more defend his young friend, but Shippo quickly went to his knees in front of the powerful demon and said, "Please, Lord Sesshomaru, I ask that you forgive me for the way that I treated Rin before. It was disrespectful and wrong, and I know that it was a mistake! I swear to you that I would never do her harm. I love her! I only want to see her safe!"

Sesshomaru considered the plea only briefly as the storm had suddenly taken a turn for the worse. The white fury of the bizarre blizzard tossed his long hair wildly about. His loose clothing beat violently against his body, and he knew that Rin would be suffering the effects many times more roughly than himself. The kitsune seemed sincere. So, with only a small amount of reluctance, Sesshomaru decided to forgive his transgression.

Sesshomaru nodded once to the prostrate fox youkai and stepped aside.

Shippo breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the gods that he still had his head. He quickly scrambled to his feet and rushed over to assist Rin from the saddle of her dragon. "Come on Rin," he called above the harsh winds. "You will be safe over here with us!"

Rin had never felt so much joy in her life. Shippo had come barreling over to help her, ignoring the danger that was her lord. He had even proclaimed his love for her right there for all to hear! She could hardly believe it. "Shippo?" She muttered as they ran. "Is it true? Do you really love me?"

Shippo almost stumbled over his own rushing feet and felt a moment of panic set in. The truth was already out though, and there was no turning back now. "Yes! Yes, Rin, I do."

Rin's smile could have melted all the snow atop Mount Fuji with its brilliance, and Shippo was thrilled that she accepted his claim. When they jumped up onto the low porch and huddled at the back of their group while shaking away the snow, Rin turned to him and proclaimed, "That's good, Shippo, because I think that I love you too."

Shippo felt his heart swell nearly ten times its normal size. He was so happy that he picked her up and swung her giddily around.

Sesshomaru watched the exchange between his ward and the fox with uncertain eyes. His Rin was too young to fall in love—wasn't she? His attention was promptly pulled away from the emotional display between the young ones when the strange blizzard suddenly and completely came to a halt. In the wake of the storm only a few specks of snow were left drifting eerily to the ground.

At this point, the village had been nearly cleared of pedestrians, only the most curious and brave still stood their ground weathering the strange and spontaneous storm.

The sound of girlish laughter was the first thing everyone heard and just beneath that the sound of music being played. The grunt of a pack beast, and the clomping sound of many hooves began to draw the attention of all those who remained. Villagers peeked through windows and doors, attempting to figure out what was going on, and Kagome stepped out from beneath the shelter to get a better look at what was approaching.

It appeared to be a caravan of sorts with a young woman dancing at the front. She was obviously youkai, wearing her white hair pinned up in a long complicated braid that wound around her head before spilling loosely down her back. She danced gleefully with her hands raised high and her back arched with perfect form as she gracefully twirled around.

"I just love the snow!" she chimed out with joy. The woman then danced back toward the caravan that was much closer now. She slid up sensually against a male that walked along with the haughty arrogance of a snow god. He was regal and fearsome, surveying his surroundings like a true aristocrat. Kagome knew without a doubt that he had to be the monkey king.


Uchuu's voice rang out in the silent town and Kagome smiled brightly. She could see him now as he pushed his magnificent white mount through the drifts of snow. "Uchuu!" Kagome called and rushed forward to join him, despite the layers of snow. He jumped from his horse, laughing when they met, lifting and spinning her around. Kagome giggled uncontrollably, knowing full well that she was acting like a child, but uncaring. Her friend had made it at last, and she was overjoyed in seeing him again.

Sesshomaru walked forward, knowing that Inuyasha trailed along just behind him. He didn't like the spectacle that the monkey made with Kagome and felt the urge to snarl toward the male. Unfortunately, he was forced to reign in his reaction, as no one would understand the possessiveness that he felt. It should have been him holding her and making her laugh in the snow—if only she could know how much he longed to do just that.

His attention was pulled from Kagome when his old nemesis stepped forward. The monkey king was as imperious as ever, leading a small group of soldiers and escorting several of his wives. "Hyuuga," Sesshomaru greeted coldly, prepared to do battle if the macaque so much as twitched the wrong way.

Lord Hyuuga smirked and pulled his youngest wife up closely to his side. "Sesshomaru. Lovely weather we are having, wouldn't you agree?"

"Hn. I assume this is your doing."

Hyuuga chuckled and looked away from the inu lord to plant a rather steamy kiss upon his youngest bride. He then pulled back and said, "No. For that you should thank my beautiful, sweet, snow child here. Meet LadyYukiko."

Inuyasha grunted and uncouthly said, "Yeah? Well we could have done without the show. This shit sucks."

Hyuuga stiffened, and Sesshomaru felt the urge to uncharacteristically roll his eyes. Fortunately, he was far too well bred for such a mundane show of emotion. Instead, he held out his arm and looked over his shoulder. "Quiet, Inuyasha. You know nothing of this youkai."

Hyuuga chuckled rather egotistically and addressed the young pup that spoke so rudely. "You should heed your elder brother, pup. It might serve you well in preserving your life."

Inuyasha was just about to show his true colors when Kagome quickly stepped in. "Inuyasha, don't make me say 'it'!"

Inuyasha tossed her a glare, and Sesshomaru could not stop the smirk of approval that curved his lips. He most certainly enjoyed watching Kagome send his brother crashing violently into the ground. This, however, was not the time for such shenanigans. Hyuuga was a very dangerous youkai, and one that even he would think twice before engaging in battle. Inuyasha was a fool to think himself impervious to the powers of the monkey king.

Hyuuga met the blue eyes of the priestess that clearly held control over the young halfling. She was a beauty, as far as humans go. Even from this distance, he could feel her purifying powers tingling against his skin, and he marveled at the fact that it was not an uncomfortable sensation. In truth, he had never been this close to a miko of power before, as most miko's considered him a frightening enemy. This one bravely stood before him as if she was his equal and that captured his attention in a most intriguing manner.

Sesshomaru did not at all like the way that Hyuuga was staring at Kagome, and he deliberately moved one step over, effectively blocking her from view. Hyuuga looked away from Kagome and met Sesshomaru's eyes with a scrutinizing stare. Sesshomaru held Hyuuga's gaze with a cold, meaningful look that clearly stated that the girl was under his protection. Hyuuga gave an amused snort as he nodded his resignation. Sesshomaru was relieved that the monkey did not pursue the issue further; it might have revealed more than he was prepared for at the moment.

Kagome wasn't sure what was going on between the monkey king and Sesshomaru. For a few minutes there, Lord Hyuuga had stared at her with an intensity that was unnerving. His blue eyes were much colder than Uchuu's, and she had found it hard to look away. Oddly enough, it was Sesshomaru that broke the strange bewitchment by stepping in front of her and blocking her view. She was surprised at his actions and glanced back to Inuyasha wondering if he had noticed it as well. Inuyasha, however, seemed completely focused on the gathering monkey clan. Kagome, too, watched with fascination as they dismounted from their fine steeds. The soldiers were few in number, but well armed and fierce looking.

Lord Hyuuga was wearing a suit of armor that was as white as the snow that had so recently coated the ground. She guessed it to be carved from the bones of some great beast, but dared not ask the question aloud. Hyuuga's hair was beautiful—long, like Sesshomaru's and just as straight. It fell to the back of his thighs in unusual shades of mottled gray and white. The green snowflake on his forehead captured her attention, and she thought it was very delicately made. The king of the monkey clan was tall, well formed, and handsome in a regal way.

Hyuuga's soldiers were each wearing a heavy suit of armor similar to their king's, but not nearly as fine. They all wore clothing of various shades of gray and white that she noticed blended well with the fallen snow. Even their horses were all pale in color and she figured that it would be to their advantage in the snowy background of their homeland because they were perfectly camouflaged.

A huge Japanese palanquin, carried by four burly male youkai servants, was carefully lowered to the ground. The conveyance was much different than the pale colors worn by the soldiers and Kagome stood admiring the magnificent red, gold and green mingled within the intricate designs while the servants moved to open the heavy curtain for those inside to step out. As soon as it was prepared, two beautiful youkai women stepped gracefully through the opening while looking around.

The first female to exit the liter was very tall, lean and crowned with a thick head of long, gleaming dark hair. Kagome knew in an instant that the woman must be one of Hyuuga's infamous sixteen wives. The youkai female carried herself like a member of high royalty, glancing surreptitiously around before settling her eyes on her king. The second woman followed close behind and Kagome gasped at her beauty. She was nearly as tall as the first and her hair was a magnificent powder blue, but her magenta eyes were what fully captured Kagome's attention. They were large and bright, curiously glancing around with a brand of confidence that could only be held by one born so lovely.

The two youkai females sauntered up to Hyuuga and joined the youthful Yukiko in pressing against their king. Kagome had never before met anyone with more than one wife, and she wondered how Hyuuga managed to keep the peace. Didn't they get jealous of one another? How did he divide his time? There were a million questions that she wanted to ask, but dared not intrude. It was enough to witness the oddity of the three standing so sensuously around their shared husband.

Hyuuga suddenly laughed out loud and Kagome's eyes went directly to him. He was looking at her again, and she realized that she was the object of his sudden mirth. 'Oh crap! I was staring and he noticed!'

"It seems your little miko is quite curious about my wives, Sesshomaru. Do you suppose she wishes to learn more intimately of my personal habits?"

Kagome's eyes grew wide and her mouth fell open. She couldn't believe what he just said. She was on the verge of setting him straight when Sesshomaru released a very low and dangerous growl. Inuyasha was apparently pissed off, too, because his snarl joined Sesshomaru's, and together they sounded pretty darn scary.

"You can't talk about Kagome like that!" Inuyasha snapped. "And she doesn't belong to Sesshomaru! Kagome is mine, you got that?"

"Quiet, Inuyasha," Sesshomaru barked. His temper was barely held in check. He did not like the insinuations Hyuuga was making toward Kagome, but he suspected the taiyoukai was simply trying to goad him. "Hyuuga, this Sesshomaru would suggest that you tend to your own affairs. Kagome is not, nor will she ever be, one of them."

Kagome's eyes grew as wide as saucers and just behind her Inuyasha's went large as well.

'Did Sesshomaru just verbally defend me? Did he really just say my name?' If Kagome had previously suspected Sesshomaru of being her silent youkai, then at that moment she was nearly sure of it. Never before had he acknowledged her like that. They had crossed paths for years and not once had he actually used her name.

Hyuuga grunted with amusement while studying the inu-taiyoukai and his unruly younger brother. It appeared to him that the two of them fancied the miko, but it was Sesshomaru's defensiveness that intrigued him. He would have to remember this little weakness of the great Sesshomaru. One could never know enough of ones enemy.

Hyuuga pulled his arms tightly around Yukiko and Aoi, while Arisu stood behind him. He nuzzled their necks openly and gave Sesshomaru a disparaging grin. "Touchy, Lord Sesshomaru, especially since the halfling claims her as his own."

"Enough of this," Sesshomaru snapped, losing his patience for Hyuuga's game. Already he had revealed more to the damnable monkey than he ever wished. An enemy like Hyuuga would not hesitate to use Kagome against him. "We have business to discuss."

From behind the palanquin, Kagome spotted the familiar carriage that had brought Uchuu and his wife to Edo village. She decided that it would be best to leave the powerful males to their verbal sparring. Obviously, if they couldn't fight one another with swords, they would do everything in their power to stab each other with words. Besides, she needed a moment to gather her senses. Standing so close to Sesshomaru while suspecting him of being her lover was not conducive for good equilibrium. Any minute she expected to fall over.

Kagome left the males to seek out Lady Sumiho and found her with Yumiko directing the servants to carry their baggage. "Sumiho-sama, Yumiko-san! It is great to see you again!"

"Kagome!" They both exclaimed happily and hurried over to speak to their newest friend. Surprisingly, Yumiko was the first to ask how she fared. "Tell us, Lady Kagome, has all been well with you?"

Kagome smiled and tossed her hand carelessly. "Oh, as well as can be expected with all of these arrogant males running around."

Sumiho laughed and Yumiko joined her. "You have seen nothing yet. Have you met Lord Hyuuga?"

Kagome gave her a nod. "Hai. I can't believe that he has more than one wife!"

"Oh yes," Sumiho replied. "Uchuu said that he only brings three with him on any given trip. Lady Arisu, the dark haired youkai, is his first wife and she always travels with him on lengthy trips. He then chooses two more to accompany him."

"Wow," Kagome muttered in amazement. "That is so weird."

Sumiho leaned in conspiratorially and whispered, "I agree, but do not tell him that I said so."

Kagome giggled and turned to Yumiko. "So, Yumiko-san, how is life with you and Saburo?" Yumiko's smooth pale skin flushed a brilliant shade of cherry red, and she tried to hide a smile. Sumiho laughed at her reaction and then turned to Kagome. "She has discovered that there can be many pleasures associated with marriage. I do believe the arrangement suits her."

"Lady Sumiho!" Yumiko chided playfully. "I am most embarrassed!"

Kagome shared a laugh with them then said, "Don't worry about it, Yumiko-san. I am happy that you and Saburo-san have grown close. He seems like a good man...err...youkai."

"Thank you, Kagome-sama. He could use a few improvements, but so far I can not complain too much."

The women laughed and turned to join the men and Kagome was immediately confronted with a golden-eyed stare. Had Sesshomaru always found her so interesting? Since his arrival, Sesshomaru seemed to constantly capture her with his gaze. His eyes were on her almost every time that she looked his way. Was it true, then? Was Lord Sesshomaru her lover? Was he the man that had pledged himself to her so passionately, body and soul?

It was a hard thing to fathom. Sesshomaru was so...untouchable, so aloof and superior. He always carries himself as if anything less than perfect could never besmirch his distinguished person. Was it all a ruse? Was there a warm, living, loving heart buried amongst all the pretentiousness? Was this demon lord—the one who surveyed his surroundings as if all should bow to his greatness—the man who had held her so tenderly and loved her body so thoroughly?

If the sudden heat in his eyes was real and not imagined, the answer was 'yes'.

"Kagome-sama, are you alright?"

Sumiho grabbed her arm just as she stumbled, her words bringing Kagome out of the golden-eyed trance. "Huh?"

"You look very pale, Kagome. Perhaps the cold has made you ill? We are used to the frigid temperatures, but it could make you sick. Here, let us help you inside."

Sumiho and Yumiko looked so concerned for her that it made Kagome felt a little guilty for worrying them. Admittedly, she was feeling a little sick, but it certainly wasn't from the weather. Another glance toward Sesshomaru had Kagome breathing a sigh of relief to find him heading toward a prominent inn with Lord Hyuuga and his wives.

Unfortunately, the calm did not last long.

Uchuu strode up to them and took Kagome's arm from his wife. "Kagome, are you ill? Should I send for a healer?"

"I think that she might have been overcome by the cold," Sumiho supplied. Kagome found it easier to let them believe that than to tell them that she was actually freaking out because she might have slept with Lord Sesshomaru without knowing it.

Uchuu pulled her close and let her lean on him a bit more. "Let's get you to the inn." When he began following after Sesshomaru and Hyuuga, Kagome tried to stop him. "No, Uchuu. We have a room at the inn down the street."

"Forget that. Lord Sesshomaru said that he has reserved rooms for you and your friends at the inn with us."

"What?" Kagome gasped, forcing Uchuu to stop. "He can't do that."

"He has already seen to your needs, Kagome. Why does this bother you?"

"Well, because...he's not...I mean, we're not...oh Gods, this is insane. Inuyasha will never agree."

Uchuu chuckled at Kagome's distraught features, now feeling a little less concerned for her health. He had a sneaking suspicion that what Kagome was suffering from had nothing to do with the weather. The look on her pale face appeared to be more related to panic than anything else. Obviously, Kagome was finally realizing the truth.

Uchuu grinned mischievously and with no small amount of satisfaction he announced, "Actually, Inuyasha did agreed. Lord Hyuuga thought that it would be best if we all stayed together, as the talks of our approaching battle could last well into the night."

"He did?" Kagome asked in amazement. "Inuyasha actually agreed to let Sesshomaru put us up for the night?"

Uchuu snorted with amusement. "More or less. I believe his exact words to Sesshomaru were "What the fuck, it's your money."

Kagome chuckled and shook her head. "That sounds just like Inuyasha. Well, I guess if the others are also staying there...then lead on."

When they entered the inn, Kagome was aware of the stares by many of the local people. It seemed that there were mixed feelings about their powerful youkai visitors. The owners of the inn were scurrying around madly to see to their every whim, while many of the regulars simply sat at their steaming meals and stared suspiciously.

"The food smells delicious," Yumiko exclaimed and from behind her a deep voice said, "You smell even better."

Kagome smiled as Yumiko turned to her husband with a pleased blush. It was so sweet to see a newly wed couple enjoying each other.

"Kagome!" Rin called through the crowd. Kagome spotted the girl and waved. Rin rushed over and quickly announced, "Lord Sesshomaru was kind enough to purchase a room just for us! Isn't that great?"

Again, Kagome was flabbergasted. She blinked as if the entire idea were beyond her comprehension. Was Rin serious? Had he really done such a thing? She looked away from Rin and spotted the tall demon lord just before he turned and looked away. He had been watching for her reaction. She was sure of it. What did this mean?

Unable to break Rin's heart by rejecting Sesshomaru's offer, Kagome smiled and said, "Yes. That was very generous of him."

Already settling in their shared room, Miroku, Sango, Kirara, Inuyasha and Shin were impressed with the size and quality. Miroku whistled, "Now this is what I call a room."

Inuyasha simply grunted and took a seat near the wall. "Keh, whatever. Personally, I'd rather sleep outside."

"A barbarian—such as yourself—would," Shin retorted sarcastically.

Inuyasha reached up and plucked the little pest from his shoulder. "What was that?" he asked angrily. "I should just toss you out in the street and maybe a cat will have a nice snack."

"Go ahead. I no longer care."

"What's your problem, anyway?" Inuyasha gruffly asked. "You've pined for Rin since she left you with us, but now that you can be with her, you are still here bothering us." Shin released a puff of smoke and arched his long neck around successfully bringing him within biting distance of Inuyasha's finger. "Ouch!" Inuyasha yelped. "Why you..." he growled, ready to pinch the lizard until his eyes popped out.

"Hold on, Inuyasha," Miroku intervened. When he had his friend's attention, Miroku asked Shin, "Inuyasha has a point, Shin. Why did you not go with Lady Rin. We are all aware that you had intentions of rejoining her."

Shin sighed sadly. The sound was so pathetic that Inuyasha let him free. Shin took flight and fluttered up to find a perch on an intricate tapestry before spilling his guts. "She doesn't want me."

"What do you mean," Inuyasha asked. "Hell, she didn't even know you were with us."

"Yes, Shin," Sango gently prodded. "You never even said hello to her. Why not?"

Shin huffed and tried to appear as if it didn't really bother him, but the effort was simply too much. Finally he sighed, releasing a thin stream of white smoke before admitting the truth. "She has the fox. Didn't you hear them? He said that he loves her." Shin nearly choked on the word 'love' but managed to spit it out. "As if that wasn't bad enough, she shares his feelings. So what am I to do? The two lovebirds do not need a third party hovering around."

"Oh, Shin," Sango breathed. She shook her head sadly at the miserable little dragon. "You love her, don't you?"

Shin stuck his tiny snout in the air and replied smartly, "Absolutely not."

"Liar," Inuyasha chuckled.

"Leave him alone, Inuyasha" Sango warned. She then turned a sympathetic eye to the man trapped in the body of a pixie dragon. "Shin, you have to see this from Rin's perspective. You are...well, you are..." She trailed off nervously, unable finish for fear of hurting his feelings.

"A shrimpy, little lizard! You can't even protect her." Inuyasha crassly supplied.

"Inuyasha!" Miroku and Sango chided simultaneously, while Kirara followed with a chastising, "Meow!"

Inuyasha grunted, finally laying back and closing his eyes. "Whatever," he mumbled. "As if I care."

Shin's little body, shimmering with chameleon colors that were now blended reds and whites to match the wall hanging, sagged in defeat. "Inuyasha is right. I am cursed in this body. I will never know happiness again."

Shippo suddenly entered the sliding door while escorting Saya. He caught the little dragon's last comment and offered him a possible solution. It never crossed his mind to be selfish with Rin's attentions, as he no longer considered the dragon a threat. "You know, Shin, Lord Sesshomaru is a very powerful demon and his retainer, Jaken, has some knowledge of magic. You should get Rin to ask them to help you. There might be a spell that would release you back to your original form."

Shin perked up with hope. "Do you think that they would agree?"

From his relaxed position in the corner, Inuyasha snorted, "Not likely. Sesshomaru doesn't do anything unless it benefits him in some way."

Surprisingly enough, Shippo defended Sesshomaru. "That's not true, Inuyasha. When Rin was killed by wolves at her village, Sesshomaru used Tenseiga and brought her back to life. That didn't benefit him, and Totosai said the sword would not work without compassion of the heart. I think that there is more to Sesshomaru than you know."

Miroku was surprised that Shippo had learned so much. "That is most interesting, Shippo. I have often wondered how Rin came to be with the taiyoukai."

Saya listened to the group talking amongst themselves as she waited patiently for Shippo to escort her inside. It seemed that Inuyasha held a deep disregard for his half-brother and that made her feel sadness for them both. She also noticed that Inuyasha was a complicated man. Earlier, he was quick to shelter her with his body against the harsh storm. He had been kind and self-sacrificing by offering her his haori, yet often times, his words were rude and thoughtless.

Was it all an act? Did Inuyasha behave so gruffly for a reason beyond bad manners? Perhaps it was a defense against others? As a half-demon, Inuyasha would have been ridiculed and shunned his entire life. The front that he presented to everyone could very well be a form of emotional armor against possible attack. Saya felt a deep ache in her heart at the thought of people treating him ill for something that he had no control over. She knew well how that could make a person feel.

Shippo lingered a bit too long in the doorway, and Inuyasha grew tired of watching Saya just standing there. He finally rolled up to his feet, walked over and took her hand. "Stupid fox. Can't you see she's tired?" Shippo looked at him like he had grown a second head, but Inuyasha ignored him. He led Saya over near where he had been sitting and helped her get settled on a plush pillow. "There. Are you okay now? Do you need me to get you anything?"

It was not only Shippo that was stunned into silence, but Miroku and Sango as well. They each regarded Inuyasha's gentle treatment of Saya with obvious disbelief. Miroku finally closed his gaping mouth and mumbled, "Well, if I had not witnessed it with my own eyes..."

Inuyasha heard the remark and quickly turned around to give the monk a silencing glare. When Saya thanked him, adding that she was fine, he plopped down beside of her and crossed his legs. He didn't care what the others thought. He liked Saya, and she was a very good friend of Kagome's. He would not let her stand around uncomfortable when he could easily do something about it.

Shippo finally blinked away his amazement and turned back to his previous discussion. "Shin, about asking Sesshomaru...I really think you should talk to Rin about it. She has a way with him. If she asks, he might just agree."

Shin felt a little lighter after hearing that there could be hope. He hated to admit it, but the fox had cheered him up considerably. He really did not like the idea that Rin and the fox would be together as a couple, but he had to admit—if only to himself—that the boy was both brave and honorable. Rin could do much worse in a mate, even if he was a youkai. He could hardly blame her for choosing Shippo over him. As much as it pained him, Inuyasha was right. Rin would never fall in love with a silly little dragon.

"I will ask her," Shin announced. Shippo grinned at him and said, "You will get your chance soon. She went to go get Kagome and said that she will be right back."


Sesshomaru entered the large gathering room of the inn and glanced around with marked disinterest. The room itself was like any other, empty of furnishings other than a large table near the middle. The walls were all constructed of beautifully designed rice paper and were available to slide back into place for less open space.

The shoji walls were apt to be a problem for them, as any ningen or youkai passing by could easily hear the plans being made. Sesshomaru looked around for Jaken and found him scurrying along at his heal. "Jaken. Place a sound barrier on this room."

"Hai, milord!" Jaken croaked happily, as it was always an honor to do his master's bidding. Jaken began chanting a spell aloud that sounded jumbled, but it indeed worked well. He then hurried around to each and every wall, tapping them with his staff and setting the spell in place. When he was done, he hurried proudly back to his master's side.

"Well done, Jaken."

The unexpected compliment nearly sent the short green kappa staggering sideways. Jaken looked up at his magnificent lord with huge bulbous yellow eyes filled with admiration. He had no idea what had happened to Lord Sesshomaru that would bring about such a change, but he was not about to question his good fortune. Lord Sesshomaru never, ever, gave compliments. What had just occurred was a monumental moment after hundreds of years of faithful service.

Sesshomaru smothered a sigh when he caught the ridiculously fascinated stare of his retainer from the corner of his eye. Jaken had a most infuriating habit of drooling over him, and it often brought out his temper. The imp was, however, a loyal servant and had been so for centuries. Sesshomaru was determined to quell the impulse to step on Jaken's head—for once allowing the obedient youkai to bask in his praise.

When the nonsense became slightly nauseating, Sesshomaru walked over to join Lord Hyuuga.

"Ah, Sesshomaru, come and meet my esteemed uncle, General Sasaki Juno. He is my father's only surviving brother and a valuable member of our clan.

The General eyed Sesshomaru warily, but politely nodded a greeting. Sesshomaru did the same and Hyuuga turned to introduce yet another male youkai. "This is my younger brother, Prince Umito." Umito seemed much more favorable than the elder macaque who Sesshomaru had just met. Umito greeted him with respect and acceptance, to which Sesshomaru returned the gesture. Lord Hyuuga was not finished with his introductions, however, and continued to present three more youkai: Taikimaru, Norio, and Hidekazu—all of the King's Personal Guard.

Hyuuga was ready to get down to business. He held out a hand and his loyal servant, Takenobu, quickly passed him a rolled up map of the area. Hyuuga rolled the parchment out and placed his dagger on one side to keep it that way. Takenobu swiftly provided a second knife to the opposite side thusly freeing his hands. Hyuuga then glanced around and noticed that they were missing several of their key allies. "Sesshomaru, shouldn't your brother and his comrades join us?" He then turned to Takenobu and ordered, "Go and fetch Prince Uchuu. I suspect he is still frolicking with his wife."

The servant Takenobu bowed low to his master before scuttling out the door in search of the prince. Sesshomaru considered going to fetch Inuyasha himself, but wished to avoid another unfavorable confrontation with the insolate pup. Had he not wished to have the use of Tetsusaiga in the upcoming battle, he would have happily left the baka where he was. The miko, however, was a different story altogether. Even if it meant suffering Inuyasha's presence, he would do so for the slightest chance to be near her. "Jaken."

"Yes, milord?"

"Fetch Inuyasha and his pack."

"Hai, milord! Right away! This lowly servant is most happy to follow your every command!"

Sesshomaru heaved a sigh when Jaken continued his unsolicited praise to the point of absurdity. Hyuuga snorted in amusement, not missing an opportunity to enjoy a quick jab.

"You're retainer worships you as a god, Sesshomaru. It makes me wonder what he sees that I, clearly, do not."

"Hn. Do not forget, Hyuuga, that it was you who required my aid in this venture." Sesshomaru replied with a stoically charged glare. Hyuuga offered him a heated sneer in response, but made no move to continue the verbal spar. Sesshomaru was silently relieved when the monkey's attention was diverted from his personal affairs and back onto the map.


"Inuyasha, you baka dog! Lord Sesshomaru requires your immediate presence in the gathering hall! It is his desire that you bring the scraggly members of your pack with you!"

Jaken's unsolicited squawking shouts were effective in raising Inuyasha's hackles. He had been enjoying the soothing presence of his friends while surreptitiously watching Saya from the corner of his eyes. She smelled nice, like fresh linens and woman. She was pleasant and from what he learned of her while she conversed with Sango; she had a damned funny sense of humor. He liked to see her laugh. There was something hypnotizing in the way that tiny mole shifted with every broad smile.

Unfortunately, the moment did not last. Jaken thoroughly ruined it. Inuyasha's first instinct was to bang the pest over the head with his fist, but he realized that he needed to see Saya home before he could meet with Sesshomaru. So instead of pounding the green twerp, he barked out a reply, "Tell him I'll be there in a few minutes. I have something to take care of first."

"You insolent half-breed! Lord Sesshomaru does not have time to waste—"

Jaken's tirade against Inuyasha was abruptly cut off by the least-likely source. "Ack!" The imp cried when a small spool of pink silk pelted him right between his bulbous eyes.

Saya was furious at the nasty little man! In seconds she snatched the only available weapon she had on her from her kimono sleeve and threw it as hard as possible toward the offensive voice. When she heard a satisfying croak of pain, she smiled viciously and scrambled to her feet. "How dare you speak to him in such a way! Inuyasha cannot help his heritage! It was the union of his parents that made him this way! If you have some grief with the demon and human that spawned him, then I suggest you take it up with them!"

Jaken fell back on his flat green behind and gawked at the infuriated female that had just accosted him with a spool of thread! She was yelling at him while pointing with one finger and gripping her waist with the other hand. The oddest thing about it was that she was yelling just to his left at a blank spot on the wall.

Obviously, Saya wasn't finished with her angry rant because she took a deep breath and continued, "And who are you to say that one person is better than another just because of mixed blood? What have you done, little man, to improve the world and make it a better place? Kagome has told me of Inuyasha's bravery and all the wonderful things that he has done to help others. He is a hero! And you have no right to speak to him in such a way!"

Jaken was beginning to grow angry at the impudent female, quickly scrambling to his webbed feet. He raised his staff to put the wench in her place, but an angry growl from the hanyou abruptly stopped his assault. Inuyasha was looking at him with steely violence in his amber eyes, and Jaken knew it was time to evacuate. Without another word, he turned around and scuttled back to his master's side.

"Wow, Saya, I'm impressed! You have great aim!" Shippo laughed.

Miroku agreed, and even Sango offered a slightly astounded chuckle. Miroku shook his head and stood up, then politely assisted Sango to her feet. "Yes, Saya-chan. I must agree with Shippo. Your aim is most impressive. You managed to land a blow right between Jaken's domical eyes. I don't believe that I have ever seen him so surprised."

Shin flew over to the corner and gathered up the spool of silk that Saya had tossed. He struggled at first with the weight of it, but with increased flapping of his wings, he finally managed to get it off the ground. He flew rather awkwardly over to the blind girl and said, "Hold out your hand, Saya-chan." When she did, he dropped the small weapon back into her hand and added, "You never know when you might need this again."

Saya laughed and closed her hand around the spool before shoving it back inside of her sleeve. "Thank you, Shin the dragon. I hope that it is not too soon, though. It would be most unpleasant to cross paths with someone like that very often."

Inuyasha stood behind them all while virtually frozen to the spot. His face was cherry red in color as he realized that Saya had just defended him against Jaken. He could have handled stupid Jaken, but he had to admit that it was an impressive sight to see. Up until that moment, Saya had seemed like such a docile creature. He didn't think that she had a violent bone in her small body.

Miroku was quick to notice Inuyasha's stunned appearance and decided to save his friend from further embarrassment. "Inuyasha, we will go and join Lord Sesshomaru while you escort Lady Saya home. It would be prudent that you keep an eye out for Kagome and Rin. Kagome will need to attend the meeting as well."

Inuyasha shook his head and cleared his throat. "Yeah, sure. I'll tell her." He then walked up and took Saya's arm. He looked down to discover that she was flushed with a soft pink blush. That made him feel a little better about the whole thing, and he decided to put it behind him and get moving. "Are you ready?"

"Hai," Saya returned softly. She said farewell to the others and allowed Inuyasha to lead her out of the sliding door. On the way down the hall, they ran into Kagome and Rin. Inuyasha quickly explained what was going on, and Kagome shook her head. "You can't be seen by Saya's uncle, Inuyasha. Besides, you need to be there with the others as they go over the plans. I'll take Saya home and as soon as I get back I'll join you."

Inuyasha felt a moment of disappointment when he realized that he would have to part with Saya so soon, though he knew that Kagome was right. Before he released her into Kagome's care, however, he leaned down so that only Saya could hear, and whispered against the shell of her rounded ear, "Thanks."

Saya knew just what he meant and smiled at him warmly. She didn't say anything because she didn't want to embarrass him. Instead, she bowed and said good-bye. Kagome took her arm and Saya sighed at the sense of loss. She had enjoyed being with Inuyasha. He was always so fierce and protective. It made her smile.

"Kagome, can I come with you?"

"Sure, Rin-chan. It is just down the street." Together the three of them left the building and headed out into the frigid cold. The three girls huddled closely together as they made their way back to the kimono maker's shop. "I really wish Lord Hyuuga's wife would lay off the snow, already," Kagome grumbled.

"I think it's beautiful in the darkness," Rin said with chattering teeth, then added, "even though it's freezing."

"I wish that I could see it," Saya wistfully mumbled.

"I'm sorry, Saya-chan. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"No, Rin. Please do not feel that way. By your descriptions, I can imagine what it looks like."

Rin smiled and gave a friendly squeeze to Saya's hand. Kagome put her arm around Saya's shoulders and patted Rin's shoulder while offering Saya a hug. "That's what friends are for, right Rin?"

"Right Kagome!"

When they reached Saya's home, they said their good-byes at the door. "I'm sorry that we can't stay longer, Saya, but I need to get back for the meeting. I promise to come by in the morning before we leave."

"Thanks Kagome! Goodnight Rin."


"Oyasuminasai!" Rin called as she and Kagome quickly headed back to the warmth of the inn.


Kagome left Rin in their room at the inn and made her way to join Inuyasha and her friends in the gathering hall. Upon reaching the doorway, she could feel the presence of magic and wondered what the barrier was for. She reached out to knock, but before she was able to, someone slid the door open from the other side. Immediately she realized that the barrier was to keep in the sound because the voices of her friends suddenly became clear to her.

As Kagome passed by the youkai servant responsible for opening the door, she bowed politely. When she raised her eyes and looked around the room she spotted Inuyasha sitting cross-legged near a low table where Lord Hyuuga and Uchuu were bent over studying a map. Miroku and Sango stood just behind Inuyasha and Shin was perched on Shippo's shoulder. The young fox was conversing with Saburo, and just behind Lord Hyuuga was his uncle and middle brother.

Kagome's eyes did not stop scanning until she found the white clad figure that had dominated her thoughts for over a week. As soon as she laid eyes on Sesshomaru, she realized that he had been watching her. He stood in the left corner of the room, detached from the rest, with only Jaken by his side. His eyes were hooded somewhat, but it was clear to Kagome where his interest lay.

Knowing that he was watching her so intently sent a shiver up her spine. She couldn't decide if it was a good sensation or not. Before she suspected him of being her silent youkai, Kagome would have known the sensation as fear. Now, however, things were different. The shiver could have been spawned from an entirely different source.

For the first time since she met Lord Sesshomaru, Kagome began to consider in detail what it would be like to find passion in his arms. She replayed the sensual feel of her youkai's lips as they savored her mouth and lingered over her pert, aching nipples. In her mind, she substituted Sesshomaru's lean jaw and hooded golden eyes. She imagined that it was his long snowy locks tickling over her belly. It was his large clawed hands caressing gently between her thighs.

Sesshomaru had been frozen since she entered the room, but when her lovely blue eyes finally fell on him, he was unable to hide the heat that coursed through his veins. He lowered his head, attempting to use his bangs in hopes that she would not be able to read the desire burning so brilliantly within his eyes. He had longed to be with her for so long that her close proximity was playing havoc with his libido.

It was folly to continue the visual consumption, but Sesshomaru found it impossible to turn his gaze. She was so fresh and pure. Her miko energy practically hummed in the air around her. From her lush raven hair to her full pink lips, his eyes roamed. He lingered on the swell of her breasts and remembered how they felt in the palms his hands. Though her miko garb was bulky, her tiny waist was evident. It was a delightful offset for her flared hips that begged for his touch.

A scent that he recalled with perfect clarity began to gently filter into his nose. Sesshomaru sniffed deeply, savoring the aroma of Kagome's sweet desire. 'Desire?' His eyes snapped up in surprise. She was watching him, as he had been watching her, and it was clear from the darkened expression in those big blue eyes that she had been thinking lewd thoughts.

Sesshomaru was torn between whisking her away to ravish her delicious body and the need to redirect her train of thought before the other demons in the room noticed her scent. The very thought that Hyuuga might catch a whiff of the alluring essence was enough to snap him out of the captivating stupor, but one quick look around confirmed his worst fear.

Hyuuga met his gaze with a smirk on his lip, and Sesshomaru gave a mental curse before intentionally baring his fangs. The smirk then slipped into a snide smile that left Sesshomaru itching to carve it away. Apparently his show of temper snapped Kagome out of whatever daydream she was in because when he glanced at her again, she was awash with a blush rivaling the red of Inuyasha's fire-rat haori. The onslaught of her compelling aroma diminished quickly when she shook her head before turning abruptly away.

Sesshomaru watched her as she went to stand beside the slayer, and he was aware of the bashful peek that she gave him one last time. His every instinct was screaming at him to properly lay his claim. Unfortunately, the time was not now—the morning before a battle with the bitch that had caused him so much pain. He needed to focus on the meeting and plans for the upcoming fight. There was no room for error when it came to Asuza, and as much as he detested it, his personal affairs would have to wait.

With forceful resolve, Sesshomaru pushed aside thoughts of losing himself in Kagome's arms and approached the table where Hyuuga's uncle was laying out a strategy for approaching the castle undetected. It was time for Sesshomaru to be the warrior that his father had taught him to be.  


A/N: I hate to leave you guys hanging, but the chapter is now 13,000 words long. So, I am forced to break it off here and pick up with our friends in the next chapter. Get ready, though, because the next chapter is going to herald the long awaited battle against Asuza! Some unexpected friends will show up at the last minute to help, and Saya discovers that danger is just as likely to be found at home than abroad.

I would like to extend a special thank-you to LazyJenny otherwise known as always_forthright for her adorable depiction of Shin the Pixie Dragon which she has posted on her Deviant Art site. Please stop by and take a look. It is just too cute for words! 6995743