InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Violation of Honor ❯ Chapter 31 – Unsettled ( Chapter 31 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Violation of Honor

By Rinseternalsoul

 **Disclaimer: I can only dream of having the money that Rumiko Takahashi makes off of her anime, Inuyasha. Me? I’m just a non-profit fanfiction author who adores the show and loves to write smut.


Chapter 31 – Unsettled

 A/N: Wow! The reviews have been so wonderful! You guys rock! I have enjoyed reading your responses so much. It thrilled me that everyone loved the use of the Aztec Gods in Asuza's punishment.


I also want to thank everyone that nominated  'Violation of Honor' for the annual A Single Spark awards! I was surprised to learn of it, since the story hasn't been posted there due to its dark nature and non-consensual content. Not that they wouldn't take it, but there seems to be more young people browsing that site and I didn't want to bring any angry parents down on my friends there. It is a great site with an excellent search engine and if you are into Kagome and Sesshomaru fanfiction it is the place to read. So check it out if you haven't already at


Inuyasha's accusation was both damning and liberating. Sesshomaru met his brother's narrow-eyed gaze but did not respond either way. Why bother? Inuyasha had already figured it out. Strangely enough, the half-breed had put the pieces of the puzzle together and came to the correct conclusion. But how much did Inuyasha really know?


Sesshomaru looked down at the woman in his arms. How much of their story would Kagome have told? She was not the type of female to betray a trust, and she was not the type of woman to speak of such private matters. He glanced up again, meeting Inuyasha's angry stare. He could see that his brother was wary of his new interest in Kagome. The distrust was clearly written on his face. Still, behind it all, he could also see the dawn of understanding.  However, it was not the same type of look that he would receive had Inuyasha known of their passionate night spent together. No. Inuyasha was upset that he and Kagome had formed a bond—any bond—but his brother was still unaware of how deeply that bond went.


Looking down, he swept his eyes over Kagome. She was such an enigma. Would he ever completely understand her? She was the bravest little human that he had ever met, lending her inner strength to all those in need and keeping nothing for herself. Sesshomaru vowed that her constant sacrifice would soon come to an end. Kagome deserved the best that life had to offer and he intended to give it to her, starting in his bed. A low, barely discernable growl escaped him at the thought.


Their time was just beginning.


Kagome felt the rumble against her side and smiled dreamily before peeling her eyes open. Staring down at her was the most magnificent set of golden eyes she had ever seen. Otherworldly and intimidating, but full of warmth only reserved for her. "Sesshomaru." His name crossed her lips in a reverent whisper to which he blinked in reply.


Her demon was not a man of many words. He spoke the loudest through his actions. Like now, for instance. Although she was now awake, he still hadn't released her. He was holding her to him and silently staring into her eyes as if she were the most fascinating creature alive. How could she have ever thought him cold and unfeeling? Without a thought to where they were or who was watching, Kagome reached up and gently cupped the smooth contours of his face. When he leaned his cheek further into her touch, closing his eyes as if experiencing a tiny bit of bliss, Kagome knew without a doubt that her lover had returned to her at last.

 "Put Kagome down."

 Kagome breathed a deep sigh of regret before releasing his strong, hard jaw. She wanted to explore him further, but this was not the time or place for such a show of affection. There were too many questions to answer, and too many lives that would be affected. Their personal struggle would have to wait. "You can put me down now," she said with a shy smile.


He did not want to. Sesshomaru would have rather given up his left arm once again than release Kagome in that moment. She was so warm and soft against him and he had waited for so long. The way she touched his face had stirred his innermost desires, and her nearness brought him inexplicable peace. With her in his arms, the dark memories that continuously plagued him dimmed from her light.


With a resigned nod, he allowed her to slip down his body until her small feet touched the ground. For a moment, she did not step away; she only looked up at him with those warm blue eyes. He could not have walked away had he wished to. He was frozen to the spot. Her tiny hand moved to his arm, and he felt the heat of it softly caress his strength. She felt the pull between them as much as he, and yet she was the stronger in this instance, for she was finally able to step free.


Kagome turned to Inuyasha and frowned. Her friend was going to be difficult. She'd known it all along, but that did nothing to make the going any easier. She was about to tell him that he needed to trust her, when she was suddenly swept up into a strong pair of masculine arms. Hoping it was Sesshomaru, but knowing it was not, Kagome opened her eyes and smiled at Kouga.


"I am relieved that you are not hurt, Kouga."


"Aw, that stupid bitch couldn't kill me. I was about to get up and kick her fucking ass when you guys took care of her for me." Kouga chuckled and then released Kagome. "I'm just glad you are okay, Kagome. I was worried there for a minute. I thought I was going to have to kill that dog."


Sesshomaru was displeased that the wolf found it necessary to taint Kagome with his scent, and he was gritting his teeth against the urge to snap the urchin's scrawny neck. He would not, however, be insulted openly by the wretched beast. "Your skill is not enough to injure this Sesshomaru. Watch your tongue, wolf, or you shall lose it."


Kouga grunted and ignored the taiyoukai's remark. He stepped back and smiled at Kagome. "I have to go now, Kagome. My pup needs his papa." He gave her a wave over his shoulder as he started into a jog. "I'll be seeing you!"


Ginta and Hakaku took off after him, waving and grinning from ear to ear. "Take care, little sister! See you next time!"


Sesshomaru was on the verge of asking Kagome why those wolves called her sister, when she was distracted by a frantic little tug on her sleeve.


"Lady Kagome, please, Saya needs your help!"


Kagome turned to Rin with wide eyes. What was she doing here? Hadn't they left her back in YoKaishi? "Saya? What do you mean?"


"Saya's uncle beat her terribly. Her wounds are far greater than I can heal. We have come to find you in hopes that you can help her."


"Oh Gods!" Kagome breathed.


Inuyasha ripped his glaring eyes from Sesshomaru at the mention of Saya. He turned away from Kagome and Rin and sniffed through the menagerie of blood and gore until he scented the soft, gentle blood of the silk spinner. Without a word to Kagome, he reached out and snatched her to him before taking off in the direction of the smell. His heart was pounding with so much anxiousness by the time they reached her that he barely took in the presence of the three youkai bitches standing guard over the wounded girl.


It was obvious that she was hurt badly. He felt his breath leave him in a rush. His stomach knotted with fear. Could Kagome help her when she was obviously injured so badly? A growl of fury began to build and he felt his claws grow. Inuyasha cracked his knuckles and swore, "I will kill that fucking old man for this!"


"You are too late, half-demon. The human male is dead."


Inuyasha looked up to the female that spoke. There was an odd glimmer of satisfaction in her dark eyes. "You did it?"


Lady Arisu nodded once in reply, "Indeed."


Inuyasha growled dangerously. His blood was boiling for revenge and discovering that the deed was done gave him no outlet for the anger. His eyes tinted red around the edges and he felt his fangs drop.


"Be assured," Arisu continued, "that his death was both lingering and painful."


Inuyasha was forced to nod his acceptance. It was all that he could give at the moment. He was still too frustrated and furious to say anything. His demon side wanted blood, but his logical side knew that he needed to calm down. He took in a deep breath and released it slowly, calling back his sanity and focusing on Kagome as she leaned over Saya. At last, he felt the bloodlust recede and in its place were anxiety and despair.


"Can you help her, Kagome?"


Kagome looked over her shoulder to Inuyasha, surprised to see the depth of his concern. The outside of his amber irises were still tinted pink, and she could just barely see the fading jagged lines of his demonic heritage on his cheeks. Did Inuyasha have deep feelings for Saya? Was that why he was so agitated and upset that it brought his demonic blood out? How had she not noticed it before?


Shaking her head, she told him the truth. "I don't know, Inuyasha. My healing abilities have grown stronger in the last few years, but I've never been able to mend organs and bone. I am pretty sure that a broken rib has pierced her liver. The blood is pooling beneath her skin and I can tell she has some in her mouth. I can only try."


"Well, do it wench," Inuyasha snapped impatiently. He couldn't stand seeing Saya like this. He couldn't stand to watch another woman that he cared for die before his eyes.


"What is going on here, Inuyasha, Kagome?"


The two of them looked up at the approach of Miroku followed by Sango, Kirara and Shippo with a solemn Rin by his side. Kagome looked down at Saya and said, "Her injuries are very bad. I'm not sure if I can heal her."


Miroku kneeled down beside of her and looked the girl over. Indeed, her injuries were terrible. He shook his head sadly. "I had hoped that Lady Rin was exaggerating."


"No. It looks as if her uncle nearly killed her." Kagome's tone turned from angry to sad. "And she might die yet."


Inuyasha cut in on them. "Well quit your yapping and get busy!"


Miroku and Kagome turned to glare at Inuyasha but it was obvious that he was just upset. Miroku nodded and placed a comforting hand on Kagome's shoulder. "Lady Kagome, you can only do your best. No one will blame you if it is not enough." Strangely, he could feel Kagome's pain, her reluctance and fear. It was as if her emotions were suddenly his own. "You were not the one who did this to her."


Kagome gave Miroku a strange look. It was as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. She pushed the thought away, since Miroku was often the wisest in the group, albeit when it came to women, sometimes the dumbest. Kagome took a deep breath for courage and reached out to move Saya's torn kimono aside in order to place her hands on the girl's bruised, bare skin.




Uchuu approached Sesshomaru and followed his gaze to Kagome hurrying away to help her friend. "Well, it was not as bad as you feared, eh? She did not purify you on sight."


"Hn," Sesshomaru replied to the monkey. He had hoped to have some more time with Kagome, but her injured friend needed her right now. He could tell that she was deeply upset at hearing the girl was hurt, and he would have liked nothing more than to give her support in her time of need. Unfortunately, Inuyasha was unaccountably disturbed by the news as well. In fact, Sesshomaru could not remember a time when Inuyasha reacted so violently to anything of that nature besides danger to Kagome or the clay priestess, Kikyo.


With the death of Kikyo, Inuyasha had turned his full protective instincts to Kagome, barely ever letting her out of his sight. That was one of the reasons that he had been so surprised to see her cast into the dungeon. Her protector was a persistent mutt. It was difficult to imagine Inuyasha had allowed the girl to be captured and taken away. Discovering how he had been called away on a mission—leaving her behind—was nearly as shocking. Obviously, his brother's dedication to the mortals he deigned to protect went beyond his canine inclination to keep his alpha bitch safe. Sesshomaru could only think it was due to the diluted demon blood.


"Lord Sesshomaru."


Sesshomaru was drawn from his thoughts and turned from Kagome to the monkey prince still standing by his side. He raised a brow in question; finding Uchuu to be somewhat reluctant to say what was on his mind. The boy seemed fidgety, anxious. He kept glancing toward the castle. It began to dawn on him what was wrong. "You wish to enter the castle." It was a statement. He could see the barely veiled distress on the prince's face.


Uchuu nodded, looking toward the looming palace. He felt a shiver of unease at the mere thought of entering there, but it was not something he was willing to put aside. He needed to go back. It was the only way. "Hai. So, uh…I do not suppose that you would like to accompany me?"


Sesshomaru felt many things in that moment. Not only was he reluctant to enter the castle, but he was reluctant to leave Kagome in order to do it. Just being near her helped the anxious knot that rolled in his gut whenever he thought of his previous time here. He had to enter, though, if only to search for Tenseiga. Perhaps having Uchuu for company would not be so terrible. He turned to the monkey with a grim expression. "You wish for me to hold your hand, monkey?"


Uchuu sucked in a furious breath, but soon caught the twinkle of amusement barely visible in the taiyoukai's eyes. He released a somewhat distressed chuckle and shrugged. "I don't need a damn babysitter, if that's what you mean. I just thought it might be…easier, if we went together."


The uncommon bout of humor left him just as quickly as it came. Sesshomaru gave the prince a firm nod. "Let us be done with it."


Uchuu felt a sense of relief. He could have gone alone or with Hyuuga or Umito, but that did not feel right. Neither of his brothers had suffered the things that he and Sesshomaru had suffered in that place. It seemed fitting that the two of them should revisit the site of their worst moments in life together. Besides, Hyuuga and Umito were busy with the body of Uncle Juno. It was a great loss to their clan that such a powerful warrior was taken from them. Norio was lost to them as well. Hyuuga would mourn his guardsman nearly as much as his uncle.


The victory had not come without loss. In war there was no true winner.


As they moved to enter the structure, Saburo approached while holding his wife’s hand. Uchuu gave him a broad smile and turned to Yumiko. "You did a fine job, Yumiko-san. I was thoroughly impressed."


Saburo did not give her the chance to reply. He stepped up and glared at Lord Sesshomaru. "No thanks to you. None of you cared that Yumiko could have been killed! Were you willing to sacrifice her so easily?"


Umito stepped between Sesshomaru and his emotionally charged guard. "Stand down, Saburo. You are out of line."


"No, he is not," Sesshomaru replied from behind him. Uchuu turned to the taiyoukai, curious as to what he would say.


"This Sesshomaru will not explain himself to you, wolf; however, I offer an apology for endangering your mate."


Uchuu was not the only one surprised at Sesshomaru's response. Saburo's eyes grew wide, and he gave the inu a considering look before bowing. "Apology accepted." Saburo could tell that the taiyoukai was not one to give apologies easily. It must have cost him dearly to do so now.


"If you will excuse us, Prince Uchuu and I have something to take care of."


Saburo could only nod silently and wonder if he could get Hyuuga and the others to offer an apology so easily. For some reason, he doubted it.


Sesshomaru entered the castle with Uchuu following closely behind. The last time they were in this hall they were fighting for their lives. It wasn't the first time Sesshomaru had revisited a battle scene, but it was definitely the most disturbing. They were silent as he and Uchuu traversed the hallway that led to the dungeon, both remembering the bloody fight and what it meant to them. Both Uchuu and Sesshomaru turned up their noses when they approached several rooms used as offices and sleeping quarters.


"It stinks of that fucking bird here."


"Hn." It was obviously Iku's private chambers. There was a low table covered in maps and charts and a futon in the corner. Apparently Asuza did not deem it necessary for her subordinates to live in the same luxury that she enjoyed. Immediately a familiar pulse from the corner drew his attention, and he knew that Tenseiga was there and calling to him. He began to stride toward his sword, relieved to also spot his mokomoko, when a strangled sound from behind him diverted his attention. He looked over his shoulder and found the monkey staring up at the wall with a mixture of fury and horror etched on his face.


Uchuu could hardly believe what he was seeing. It was a travesty! It was humiliating and wretched! It was his gods-be-damned tail mounted on the fucking wall—displayed there like a trophy for anyone to see! "I'll gut that mother-fucker if it is the last thing I do," he growled with rage. In a blink of the eye he was there, beside his long beautiful tail—the symbol of his heritage, of his royalty. It was held up on a rack of wood clearly designed just to hold the 'trophy'. "That bird is one sick asshole."


"This Sesshomaru must agree with you. It is a most disturbing presentation."


"It's my fucking tail!" Uchuu was still having a tough time wrapping his mind around the fact that it had been chopped off and then displayed so callously. He reached up and snatched the mount from the wall, holding his tail for the first time since that fateful day he had been brutally tortured. He could feel the demonic energy trapped inside of it and smirked. He looked up at Sesshomaru with a wide grin on his face. "I think it wants to come home."


Sesshomaru raised a dark brow and watched curiously as Uchuu twisted his torso, bringing the stump of his tail together with the newly recovered length. Amazingly the tendons and veins began to react, moving with grotesque pulsations until finally snaking out to join. The mending of the flesh brought forth a strained groan of pain from the trembling monkey. It was a fascinating sight to witness, and Sesshomaru thought back to a time when he was forced to battle a filthy human turned demon that was using his own discarded arm.


Would his arm have returned to him in the same manner? Of course, it was of no consequence now. As he informed Takemaru in the heat of battle, he had no use for a discarded arm. With a bit of time his own demonic blood—strong even beyond his reckoning—had served to provide another.


Uchuu breathed a sigh of relief when the pain finally eased. He released the heavy weight of his tail and tested the appendage. It was sore, a little stiff near the place it had reconnected but otherwise working wonderfully. He turned to Sesshomaru with a broad grin. "Damn. This made it worth it to come back inside this vile place."


Sesshomaru nodded and returned to his task. He reached out and grasped the familiar sheath of his sword and felt the power of it soothe him like never before. It was if the sword recognized his inner scars and was attempting to heal them. The warmth of it swept up his arm and eased through his body. It was a valiant effort. 'Cease your struggle, Tenseiga. There are some things that you cannot heal.'  Finally, the power of the sword settled, and he slipped it into this obi before grasping the soft comfort of his pelt. He wrapped it around him and stood up, feeling more like himself since that fateful day that he met Asuza.


"Where do you suppose the bird is hiding?"


Sesshomaru gave a thoughtful shake of his head. "It was expected that he would be here fighting by the witch's side. My hopes were to slay him on this day."


Uchuu huffed. "Well get in line. I'd like nothing more than to rip his heart from his fucking chest myself."


Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes and gripped the familiar hilt of his sword. He ignored Uchuu's comment. "The bird will not escape me." No one would stop him from killing that vermin when the time came.


Uchuu grunted while his tail swished in agitation. All he could say was that the inu better hope to hell that he finds the bastard first. If he was presented the opportunity to gut the son-of-a-whore, then he was damn well going to take it.


"Shall we proceed to the dungeon?"


Uchuu gave the dog a look that clearly spoke of his reluctance, but he also knew that he needed to see it. For his own peace of mind, and to put it behind him for good; he had to go back there. With a resigned sigh, he said, "As much as I hated that fucking place, I need to end this today. Nothing can change the memories of what those fuckers had done, but seeing the cell, and knowing that I'm on the outside of it looking in will hopefully lay it all to rest."


Sesshomaru did not think that Uchuu was right. In fact, seeing the cell again might just make things worse. It was all too fresh in his mind still, but he would not let that stop him. He had escaped and now he was free. Seeing the cell where Asuza kept him beaten and chained was a necessity that could not be avoided. It was something that he felt he had to do, no matter the consequences. He needed to see it one last time…and once he had, he would destroy it.


They exited the chambers, and Sesshomaru caught the scent of a very familiar substance. His eyes narrowed and his brow dropped as he thought of the many times it had been forced upon him. He turned to follow it, noticing absently that Uchuu was behind him. At the end of the corridor, he ripped open a door leading into a garden room. Immediately he detected the presence of two mortals cowering in fear beneath a waist high table where dozens of green leaves were laying out to dry. He approached the table and picked up a leaf, bringing it to his nose and inhaling the unforgettable scent.


It smelled of the poison they had fed him daily. "Disgusting," he growled, destroying the leaf between his fingers with a small flare of jyaki. He then reached down and grabbed the edge of the table, tossing it easily aside. It slammed against the far wall and fell to the floor with a crash. The spineless humans—an elderly man and woman—cried out in terror, and Sesshomaru was forced to hold his temper and wait for them to calm a bit before he could question them.


"What is this leaf you cultivate?"


The pair just ogled him with wide, horror stricken eyes while shaking so badly that their teeth were chattering. It was sickening. He wished to swipe his claws over them, putting them out of their misery. He squelched the urge and then made a second attempt to gain the information that he sought. "If you value your lives, you will tell this Sesshomaru everything you know of these leaves."


Just when he was about to spray them both with poison, the male scooted forward on shaky knees and started speaking.


"Please, youkai-sama, do not harm us. We are merely servants to the Lady Asuza. We only do as we are told."


Uchuu could tell that Sesshomaru was going to slaughter the humans soon if they didn't just tell him what he wanted to know. He stepped up in front of the human then squatted down to the same level in order to appear less intimidating. "We mean you no harm, old man. We just want to know about the leaf. What is it and where did it come from?" The mortal seemed to calm just a bit; then he gulped and began telling the tale.


"It is the leaf of the coca plant. We were told that it hails from across the ocean and is used by the human natives there for medicine and ceremonies. It is chewed for stimulation. Me and the wife chew it all the time. It allows us to work many hours without tiring. It has the opposite effect on demons. It is said that Mistress Asuza learned that the hard way. After traveling through the territory and stumbling on the natives there, she took some of the leaf to try it for herself. They say she slept for a week! "He ended with a nervous chuckle.


Uchuu nodded before prompting the old man to continue. "How was it put in the water?"


"Lady Asuza had Master Iku experiment with the leaf, and he discovered that a large quantity of the leaves could be boiled with water and lemon for a tea that would put a youkai in a weakened stupor. Me and the wife were responsible for taking care of the plants, but it was Iku-sama that made the coca tea."


"Tea," Sesshomaru scoffed in disgust.


Uchuu stood up and looked around the conservatory. There were numerous large bushes in massive planters. They had obviously been well cared for and groomed for many years. He turned back to the old man and said, "Your Lady Asuza has been slain and these foul plants are going to go next. I suggest you take your wife and leave this place."


There was no need to tell them twice. The old couple wasted no time in scrambling to their feet and running out of the room. Uchuu wondered if the coca leaves were aiding in their energetic flight. It was strange that the effects of the plant were completely different for humans than youkai. That made it a dangerous thing in the wrong hands, and he had no intentions of allowing it to be used against another youkai.


Apparently Sesshomaru had the same thoughts because as soon as the couple left the room, the inu youkai released a blast of sweet smelling poison from his claws that made Uchuu's eyes water. "Damn it! What the hell is that stuff?"


Sesshomaru continued to spray the plants, and Uchuu watched them melting before his eyes. He didn't think Sesshomaru was going to answer him until he turned his head slightly and said, "It is my Dakkasou. This Sesshomaru produces copious amounts of the poison which is released through small ducts within my claws." As an afterthought he added, "It is fatal to most creatures. You should leave."


"Oh! Now you fucking tell me!" Uchuu coughed and wiped his hand over his stinging eyes before taking several long strides to the ruined doorway. Once he was well down the corridor and far enough that he was unaffected by the poison, he stopped to wait for Sesshomaru.


It was only seconds before Sesshomaru appeared and joined him. Together they continued down toward the corridor that would bring them to the dungeon. When they reached the end of their journey, Sesshomaru took a steadying breath before pushing onward. He traversed the steep stairwell, remembering the many occasions that he was forced to walk them while stumbling and ruining his knees. At the bottom, he viewed the remains of the heavy wooden door that he had burst through during their escape. He didn't take the time to consider his actions; he simply walked through the opening into the dank core of the dungeon.


His cell sat as he left it. The useless, rusted bars embedded in stone would not hold him now. It was hard to believe that they were effective in containing him even then. Of course, they had presented no true obstacle. It was the enchanted chains and the coca 'tea' that had rendered him as helpless as a newborn pup. He stepped closer, surreptitiously sniffing the air for traces of his lingering scent. Thankfully, time had faded it to nothing. Even Kagome's sweet scent was gone.


He turned his eyes to the wooden bucket and remembered the miko's embarrassment over having to use it to relieve herself in the presence of others. Although it was a humorous memory, it angered him greatly that she was forced to suffer such humiliation. His eyes narrowed and he turned his gaze to the pitiful mass of decaying hay where she had made her meager bed. The thought of her being left to freeze and sleep on the hard filthy floor infuriated him even more.


It was then that he realized how much of his anger was centered on the injustices done to Kagome, and even the water girl called Chisumi. Surprisingly, he felt as much discord over their treatment as he did the torment of his person. Granted, his experience was something nightmares were made of. Sesshomaru inwardly shivered as the image of Iku's leering face leaned over him, his cold eyes filled with lust and venom. The disgusting bird had been hell-bent on using him again, taking advantage of his weakened state. If Kagome had not been there to fend the bird off …


The unacceptable conclusion was drawn when Sesshomaru held up his hand and released a hearty dose of Dakkasou. The thick green spray spewed from his claws, coating everything from the bars to the previously enchanted chains. As the sweet smell of wisteria blossoms filled the chamber, he watched all before him succumb to the acidic potency of his poison. Metal and even stone melted into a sizzling pile of sludge. An overwhelming sense of satisfaction settled within his chest as everything that was once his cell dissolved into nothingness.


The distinctive scent of Sesshomaru attack dragged Uchuu from his own morbid memories. He glanced over his shoulder and took in the deadly truth of Sesshomaru's elite demonic heritage. The inu was indeed a formidable creature to naturally produce something so completely destructive. Uchuu held his sleeve up to his nose and blinked against the stinging in his eyes. He turned his attention back to the prison that had robbed him of his dignity and promised nothing but pain and fear.


Like Sesshomaru, Uchuu could not leave it in place. He reached down and drew his sword, pulling Kiba Shokkingu from its sheath and calling upon its power. "Dentou Happa!" The electric-light explosive blast emerged from the blade and swept forth turning everything in its path to burnt ash. The foundation began to crumble as it blasted out the corner stone. Uchuu growled with gratification and slipped the sword back in its resting place.


"We should depart." The words fell on deaf ears, however, as Uchuu realized the taiyoukai was already leaving the place. The rumble overhead was a sign that the structure above had become unstable and was soon to fall. It was with a sense of relief that he stepped out of the castle and into the fading afternoon light.


Sesshomaru had just crossed through the doorway of the castle when an effulgent explosion of light encompassed everything within sight. The power was familiar and warming, engulfing his body in every way imaginable. Instantly his manhood hardened and throbbed, while his chest seemed overcome with warmth and acceptance. It was enough to make him stagger slightly.


"Kagome." He hissed as the realization struck him. It was undoubtedly the miko's power, but somehow greatly enhanced.


Without preamble he dashed toward her scent only to find her collapsed over the body of the mortal silk spinner. Those around her seemed to be suffering the same dazed state that he was. Inuyasha was obviously overwhelmed and lying flat on his back. Sesshomaru was irritated to see the bulge of his hakama and the whimsical smile on his brother's face. The monk seemed to be suffering a similar condition, and the females gathered around were smiling with joy. 'What has caused this change?'


His thoughts were abruptly seized by movement from Kagome. Sesshomaru stepped closer, then noticing that the shifting was not from the miko, but from the woman beneath. He leaned down and gently took Kagome into his arms, lifting her from the spinner and pulling her close against his chest.


Saya took in a deep breath of air and released it with a smile. She looked around the area and grimaced at the destruction left behind from the battle. Her eyes fell immediately to the tall youkai staring at her with golden eyes. In his arms he held a young woman dressed as a miko. She quickly ascertained it to be Kagome and realizing that she was unconscious, Saya scrambled to her feet. "Kagome!" She called and went to her side. The demon, however, narrowed his eyes and stiffened his posture upon her approach.


Saya paused in confusion and glanced around at the others that were beginning to sit up and shake their heads as if from a dream. She looked to the side and saw three female youkai looking at her with extremely curious eyes. 'Why is everyone looking at me so strangely?'


It occurred to her then, that she could see them. The reality was so sudden and unexpected that it had not seemed out of place at all. Beneath the weight of her discovery, she stumbled even as her hands flew up to touch reverently at her eyes. Inuyasha grabbed her, stopping her fall. She turned to the half demon that she knew only from description and smell. He was much more handsome than she had imagined. His mass of silver hair was thick and somewhat unkempt, while his deep amber eyes looked at her with concern and wonder. Atop his head was a pair of cute fuzzy ears, and before she realized it, she was reaching up to rub one between her thumb and finger.


"Oi wench, am I just imagining this, or can you really see me?"


A smile began to form on Saya's heart shaped face. The curve of it grew on her full pink lips until it spread in brilliance. Small white teeth flashed with joy and a glimmering light sparkled in her previously dull dark eyes. "I can see! Oh Inuyasha, I can see you!" She looked around her and exclaimed, "I can see everything—everyone!" Her happiness was so great that she reached up and wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him with feminine strength and beguiling curves.


Inuyasha was never happier, but he blushed at the familiar way she touched him. She seemed to suddenly understand her forward actions and jumped back with an embarrassed little flush. "Sorry," she murmured shyly.


Inuyasha ignored her remark, feeling less than satisfied that she had moved away. He was astounded that she could see now. "Did Kagome do this? I had no idea she was so powerful."


Saya frowned a bit and shook her head. "She told me before that she could not heal my eyesight."


Miroku moved up next to Inuyasha and studied Saya carefully. "It is true that Kagome could not heal such an old deficiency. In fact, until now, she has not even exhibited the strength to fully heal the wounds wrought on you by your uncle. Kagome's power is great and she is, indeed, a strong healer, but her skill has been limited…until now."


Sesshomaru looked down at the woman in his arms while ignoring the stares he was receiving from those around them. His miko had increased in power—increased to the point of miraculous. How had this come about? He leaned forward just a bit, almost unnoticeably by the witnesses around him, and delicately sniffed at the miko. Kagome smelled amazing, but that was not unusual. He had often thought the same. It was the distinct absence of another component that confused him. Her scent was the same, and yet, it wasn't.


It disturbed him that he could not place the missing element—a part of her being that was inherent to her—but not a part that was missed with regret. He blinked with confusion and turned his sight to those standing around. Closest to him was the spinner, Saya, and he secreted a slight sniff in her direction. Again, he found that the human's scent had changed almost imperceptibly. Something was different, yet he could not distinguish what it was.


"Is she okay?"


Sesshomaru nodded at the human woman, concealing the depth of his concern for Kagome. Instinctively, he knew that she was not harmed and that her sleep seemed to derive from the amazing burst of healing power, which had obviously drained her. Because he was unsure of the origin, he did not mention the change in her scent.


"Lord Sesshomaru!" The call was heard at nearly the same instance that he detected the approaching scent and aura. Sesshomaru turned to the soldier, wondering what had become so important that he would abandon his station. He held back his impatience as the male prostrated before him and awaited his word to proceed.


"Lieutenant Akira, this Sesshomaru hopes that you have a valid reason for betraying your post."


"Hai, sire! The citadel has been breeched by a traitor—several in fact! The assassins entered through deceptive means. They approached General Kasuo separately under the pretense of seeking employment within our guard. Now they have banded together and turned on us!"


Sesshomaru was forced to hold in the growl of anger that raced through his blood. It was not surprising, really. He had known that such could happen when he had been forced to supplant his fallen warriors with outsiders. It was the timing that enraged him. Asuza was finally defeated, and now that he could reunite and rekindle his relationship with Kagome, he was once more forced to return to his home.


For a moment, he considered bringing her with him as he was extremely reluctant to release her into someone else's care—even Inuyasha. Sesshomaru's possessive instincts were pushing him to keep Kagome by his side, but in truth, that would be the most deadly place she could be.


The sleep she was engulfed within seemed heavy. Her energy had been overly taxed, and the strangeness of her changed scent only served to confuse him further. He could not begin to guess how long she would remain in this state. It could be one hour, and it could be several days. It would be a most selfish move to bring her into his citadel while she was unable to defend herself.


The assassins would be seeking to defeat him in any way possible. He had little doubt that they would see her as vulnerability against him. He was yet without valuable knowledge needed to ascertain their strengths. They could seek to face him head on, but most likely they would attack him any way that they can. Few assassins held honor in high value.


Honor was what divided the mediocre from the sublime.


She looked so peaceful…so lovely. Ignoring the stunned look from his soldier, Sesshomaru leaned forward and nuzzled Kagome's cheek, breathing in her scent and memorizing the subtle difference. He was torn. He had to return to his home immediately. His people were in danger and his status as leader in peril. Yet releasing Kagome—leaving her behind—was causing his heart to beat most painfully within his chest.


"You can't take her. I won't let you."


Sesshomaru looked up from the sleeping miko and met Inuyasha's glaring eyes. Yes, he had expected such a remark from the half-breed. From the moment Inuyasha discovered his role in Kagome's imprisonment and escape, Sesshomaru knew that his brother would try to stop him. It was not in the baka's character to release Kagome into his care—no matter that she would be happiest there. Inuyasha felt that she belonged to him—his pack, his alpha female—and he would not let her go so easily.


"She's not even conscious, you asshole. You're crazy if you think I'll let you haul her off like this, alone…with you."


Sesshomaru was forced to resign himself to the inevitable. He could not take her with him. Not now. Not while she was sleeping and not while his citadel was under attack from within. With a nod that cost him greatly, Sesshomaru conceded this small victory to his brother. He stepped forward, and held her out. Inuyasha looked surprised that he had won without a fight, and once the hanyou had her firmly in his grasp, the taiyoukai spoke. "This Sesshomaru must attend to the welfare of his keep, but make no mistake, Inuyasha, this is not over. I will come for her."


"Yeah," Inuyasha grunted. "I expected as much. Be prepared for a fight, because the only way you will take her is over my dead body."


"So be it," Sesshomaru issued before turning and leaping into the sky.


"What was that all about?"


Inuyasha turned to Miroku and frowned. "The arrogant prick has suddenly taken it in his head that he wants Kagome. Well, I am not giving her to him. He'll have to take her by force."


Miroku considered his long-time friend's vow. It would undoubtedly prove to be a violent encounter. "How do you think Kagome will react to this?"


Inuyasha turned to him with stony resolve. "That doesn't matter."


A frown marred Miroku's face and he shook his head. "Inuyasha, you cannot be serious. You have no right to decide Kagome's future for her."


"Monk, mind your own concerns," Inuyasha warned.


Miroku nodded, deciding to leave the subject alone for now. He reached out and placed his hand on Inuyasha's shoulder to show his concern, yet to also reinforce his support of their friendship. Without warning he was struck by a flood of emotion that was not his own. Anger, doubt, possessiveness and most prominent…fear. Miroku's violet eyes grew wide and he immediately snatched his hand back as if the touch had burned.


Inuyasha looked at him strangely, showing surprise and curiosity at the abrupt retreat. Miroku glanced down at his hand and then back to Inuyasha with a befuddled expression. Tentatively, he reached forward and lightly touched the half-demon's shoulder again, and was again accosted with a wash of emotions. Now there was confusion and curiosity mixed in with the rest. Clearly, he was receiving Inuyasha's feelings. Miroku pulled his hand back and looked up with wonder. "I can feel you."


"Of course you can, dumb ass. I'm standing right here. Are you sure you didn't take a blow to the head?"


Sango stepped up and placed her hand on his arm. The touch was enough to send a shiver of her emotions coursing through him. Caring, love, worry. He turned to her and smiled, attempting to reassure her, though he was shaken beneath this new discovery. "Sango, I can feel your emotions," he looked up and met Inuyasha's eyes, "as I could feel Inuyasha's."


"Keh. That's ridiculous," Inuyasha replied irritably.


"It is true. I felt your anger, your pain over the thought of losing Kagome."


"Don't be stupid. I'm not losing Kagome to that asshole."


Miroku shook his head, not saying anything more, but not believing Inuyasha in the least. He knew that he was lying. The half-demon was afraid of his brother's new claim to Kagome. An idea occurred to him and he turned to Sango. "You said that I passed out during the red dust storm. I wonder if this is some sort of side effect." Sango shrugged, but the look of concern was still etched on her face.


"Kagome passed out too," Inuyasha added. "She had just woken up when Rin came asking her to help Saya." He turned and saw that Saya was standing nearby, looking around her with happy astonishment still lighting her eyes. The terrible wounds that she suffered from her uncle were healed, but not only had those injured been mended, the girl's eyesight had been restored as well.


He looked down at the sleeping Kagome and shook his head. "It was amazing, what she did. At first it was her usual pink healing light, the wounds were slowly beginning to mend, then suddenly it flared into a blinding red flash of power unlike anything I've ever seen or felt. Kagome healed Saya completely—even her sight."


Miroku was stunned not only by his own newfound abilities, but Kagome's unimaginable rise in power. He felt the same thing Inuyasha had when Kagome's power reached a peak. It was beyond anything he had ever experienced before. "This has to be related, and I suspect it was greatly due to that strange dust."


"We all breathed it in," Sango said with a shiver of unease. "I don't feel any different."


Inuyasha grunted, "Me either."


"Perhaps it has only affected me and Kagome, due to our spiritual power?"


"That could be it, houshi-sama," Sango replied. "Do you think that it is temporary?"


Miroku shook his head, unsure of the answer. "I do not know. I suppose only time will tell."


"There has been a change in all of the humans here."


All eyes turned to Queen Arisu, who had remained silent while considering the slight change that she sensed and smelled. It was a confusing distortion, one that flitted about her senses, but that was too elusive to place. She had first noticed it in Sumiho, but now she was picking it up in the one dressed as a demon slayer, as well as the monk. The girl Rin smelled different also. Now that Saya was healed, it was perceptible in her, and once the miko was handed over to the half-demon, she could sense it in her as well. All of them had been changed in some inexplicable way.


"What are you saying, sister?" Lady Aoi asked curiously. Her senses were not as acute as Arisu's, and she could not detect anything different.


"This Arisu is unsure of what has altered within the mortals, but nonetheless, there has been a change. It is most probable that the red dust was the catalyst which spawned the alteration."


"Fuck!" Inuyasha angrily exclaimed. "That gods-be-damned witch is still causing trouble even after she's dead!" He turned a worried look to Kagome and then glanced up to the female youkai called Arisu. "Will…Kagome be alright?"


Arisu walked over and placed a hand on the miko, mindful of her deadly black claws. She could feel the girl's life-force…healthy and strong. "Hai. The miko is well. It appears that she merely rests until her strength fully returns."


Inuyasha felt a great sense of relief. He nodded his thanks to the youkai and turned to his friends. "Let's get out of here."


"Hold on, Inuyasha," Sango called. I am almost finished wrapping this bandage on Shippo." Shippo looked up and grinned at Inuyasha, while Rin stood dutifully by his side.


"Fine, but hurry it up. This place reeks and I'm sick of it."


Rin moved closer to Shippo and whispered her concern. "Lord Sesshomaru said for me to return to YoKaishi with Jaken, Shin, and Ah-Un. Will you come there as well?"


Saya overheard the girl's question and remembered something very important that she needed to say. "Forgive me, Rin-chan, I did not mean to listen in, but your question has sparked a memory from just before my uncle…" she trailed off with shame over what her kin had done. After a moment she regained her composure. "My uncle was angry about Kagome. He attacked me because he thought that I was hiding her. He said that the soldiers would kill him if she were not found. I am afraid that he was corroborating with them to capture Kagome. I know not why, or how, but it was enough to send him into a rage."


Inuyasha growled and cursed their damned luck. According to Myoga, Nobunaga was offering a reward for Kagome, and it would be just like that old bastard, Tsuneo, to turn her in for a coin. "Damn! We are going to have to take her back to our village and hope the soldiers don't look for her there."


He then turned his attention to Saya, who was standing silently by his side. Her dark eyes moved over him, and he felt a sense of pride and happiness in knowing that she was looking at him—seeing him with all his faults—yet her admiration for him was still shining brightly.


He had no reserves in what he was about to say. He knew without a doubt that she belonged with them. "I want you to come with us."


Saya felt a sudden sense of relief that was strangely mixed with confusion and fear. To leave her home, her family, behind was a very big step. It was a huge change. Could she do it? Would she regret it, if she did? Looking back up, she saw that Inuyasha was still watching her. His amber eyes looked anxious. Was it possible that he felt as nervous as she did? "I…I don't know," she replied.


"Saya, think about it. Your uncle is dead. Some of your family might blame you. I can't stand to see you hurt again."


Saya smiled at his honest declaration. He did care for her. She could see it in his eyes. For once, she wanted to do something for herself. She wanted a new life, and she wanted it with Inuyasha and her new friends. Should she take the chance? Could she trust him not to break her heart? Well, there were no guarantees in life. She knew that better than most people. Nearly all her life she had been counting steps, daring not to stray from the known path. Here was her chance to be a new Saya.


With a big smile, she nodded and said, "I will! I want to go with you, Inuyasha! With all of you," she added, looking around at her new friends. It still amazed her that she could see them. They were there, before her, and she could see them smiling. They welcomed her into their folds—as true friends—and it was an exhilarating feeling.


"Good." Inuyasha walked over to Shippo and held out Kagome. "You up for it kid?"


Shippo gave Inuyasha a proud smile. It was rare that he trusted anyone to take care of Kagome. "You can count on me, Inuyasha."


After Shippo had Kagome, Inuyasha turned to Saya. He squatted down, as he had thousands of times for Kagome, and said, "Hop on!"


Saya blushed, at first wary of climbing onto a male's back. It seemed so…intimate.


"Well? Quit dawdling, woman."


His impatience gave her the courage to approach. She tried to lift her leg up, but her kimono trapped her legs, and Inuyasha turned to see her problem. Saya felt a little nervous when he leaned down and put his hand on her leg—no man had ever touched her like that—but the sudden sound of slicing fabric brought her abruptly out of it. "Inuyasha!"


"What? You couldn't expect to ride on my back with that thing wrapped so tight around you!" He stepped back, ignoring her indignant stare and looked over his handiwork. The slits went all the way up to mid-thigh on both sides. He really hadn't considered how much of her beautiful legs were going to show. On second thought, the view looked pretty damn good from where he was standing. He definitely liked what he saw.


His approval reflected in his amber eyes when he finally looked up and met Saya's gaze. She turned a bright cherry red and said, "Fine! Just turn around!" He chuckled and turned, and then felt her slipping her arms around his neck. Although it was the same as when Kagome got on, it was also very different. Her slender hands grasped his shoulders and her smooth legs slid around his waist. He could feel the heat of her body and the press of her small breasts. A shiver went through him as he reached back and grabbed her firm thighs, marveling at the warmth of her skin against the palms of his hands.


He cleared his throat, and asked in a somewhat husky voice, "Are you ready?"


"Ready," she whispered just inches from his dog-like ear. The result was a bevy of little chill bumps racing over his flesh. If the sudden stirring of his cock was a mark of things to come, then Inuyasha knew that this was going to be a damned uncomfortable trip.


Rin turned sad eyes on Shippo and he felt a tug at his heart. "I'm sorry, Rin. I have to go with Kagome. She needs my help to keep her safe. Will you be okay with Jaken?"


"Hai. We will go to the inn and stay there until Lord Sesshomaru comes for us."


Shippo nodded and gave her a sad smile. "I will miss you, but don't worry; I'll see you as soon as I can." He then leaned over and gave her a quick, tender peck on her sweet young lips. He wanted to explore them further, but this was hardly the time or place. A soft blush turned her cheeks a rosy hue and Shippo felt his heart swell with love for her. Regrettably, he finally turned to join his friends. "I'm ready when you guys are."


Sango gave Shippo a warm, knowing smile that left him a little embarrassed before she settled on Kirara's back. Miroku joined her and together they all left the site of the battle behind.


"I will miss them," Sumiho said while waving at their departing figures in the distance.


"I will too," Rin said with a heavy sigh.


Together the two of them turned and followed Lady Arisu, Aoi and Yukiko back into the main battleground where they met up with Lord Hyuuga, Uchuu, Umito, Takimaru and Hidekazu. Saburo and Yumiko stood solemnly behind the austere group. The males had already taken to task the wrapping of their fallen brother's-in-arms. Uncle Juno's body lay across his horse, as did Norio, both awaiting the trip back to their ancestral home where they would be laid to their final rest.


Sumiho turned to Rin and on a whim she reached out and pulled the girl into a hug. "I will miss you, Rin-chan. I am so happy that we met."


Rin returned the hug with youthful exuberance. "As I will miss you, Lady Sumiho. I do hope that you can come back to the Western Citadel again soon for a visit."


"I will bedevil Uchuu every day until he brings me," Sumiho promised with a smile. Uchuu groaned playfully, but gave Sumiho a wink when she turned to glare at him.


Rin waved farewell to her new-found friend as Sumiho rode off with her husband and family. She then turned to seek out Jaken. "Where do you think he could be?" she murmured to Shin who seemed to be in as somber a mood as everyone else.


"I can hear the sound of his muttering beyond the gate."


"Really? I can't hear a thing."


"I may be small, but dragons have acute senses. I can hear very well. The toad is grumbling about some foul task that his master has issued him."


"Oh," Rin replied with a new sense of urgency. Lord Sesshomaru could be a difficult taskmaster at times. Jaken might well need her for support. She hurried her steps, careful in the maze of grotesquely displayed limbs and bodies. With a breath of relief, she clambered over the splintered wood that used to be a massive wall and finally landed her small feet on blood-free ground.


Outside of the ruined wall, she spotted Jaken pacing back and forth near the horrid and decayed body of a young woman who had been impaled on a tall stake. Rin was stunned into silence as she stared up at the appalling vision. What was left of her long dark hair— stringy and full of grime and gore—waved eerily in the gentle wind. What remained of her clothes hung in tatters around the exposed bones and hanging flesh. The stench was atrocious. Numerous scavenger birds watched the meal with hungry eyes—too afraid to approach with her and Jaken standing close by.


Rin shivered and wrapped her arms around her body. "Who was that, Master Jaken?"


"Just some stupid human! What does it matter? It is too unbearable that Lord Sesshomaru would do this to me! Why? Oh Why, my lord? What have I ever done to deserve this horrible task?"


"Calm down, Master Jaken. What is it that Lord Sesshomaru wants you to do?"


Jaken finally stopped his pacing and turned to her with desperation in his big yellow eyes. "What, you ask? I will tell you! He wants me to dispose of this…this…atrocity!"


"Will you use the Staff of Two Heads?"


Jaken gave a rather dramatically audacious laugh, before waving his short arms around madly. "I cannot! Lord Sesshomaru forbade it! He insists that the body be taken down and buried away from the grounds and in a suitable spot! Arrrr! Why me? Why me?"


Rin looked away from Jaken—who had flopped over on his back, still crying from the injustice of it all—and turned curious eyes on the body of the girl. It was clear that she suffered horribly before she died. No one could withstand such a torturous death and not feel an unimaginable amount of pain.


Why had Lord Sesshomaru taken such an interest in this particular human corpse? During their travels, they passed many that met horrifying deaths. So what was it about this one that grabbed her lord's attention? Not only had he told Jaken to dispose of the body, but he demanded that she be laid to rest in a proper place. Why? What was so special about this one? Who was this girl that suffered so awfully before her death?


Did Lord Sesshomaru know her?


Rin was incredibly curious to know the story of the girl. She finally turned to Jaken and asked, "Did Lord Sesshomaru tell you her name?"


Jaken quit his squawking and sat up. He looked from Rin up to the human corpse and said, "Our lord called her Chisumi."




Perched high in a tree just beyond the outer edge of the surrounding forest, Iku watched the last of the invaders leaving his castle behind. He had arrived too late to save his lady. His failure trembled through him in a nauseating way. Only by masking his presence and remaining hidden and still had he avoided joining Asuza in her fate. The gathering of taiyoukai and their formidable allies was too much for him to take on by himself. Besides, Asuza had already been slain. His purpose was gone.


Iku clenched his fist, feeling the bite of his talons puncturing the tender flesh of his palm. Since he was a youth, he had lived only to serve Asuza. She was there to take him away from the humiliation of his existence. The conqueror of his father would have used him like a whore until he grew bored and killed him. Asuza offered escape and a future by her side. He never understood what she saw in him that inspired her to take him under her wing. He spent every moment of his life trying to live up to her expectations and to repay her for all that she had done. It was more than that, though. He loved her.


It was not an emotion romantic in nature. It was the love of family. And now, she was gone.


Iku was alone in the world once again.


He blamed it on Sesshomaru. Together, he and the miko had brought this hell down on his head. They escaped their grasp and turned on them once they were free.


As Iku closed his eyes against the sight of his burning home, he vowed that those two would pay. He would kill them all, even the prince and his clan. Lord Hyuuga would pay and any others that got in his way. Sesshomaru and the miko would suffer the most. He would take his time and with immense satisfaction make their deaths as painful as possible.


Even now, his assassins were probably engaging the inu filth. He doubted very much their success, but it was the discord that they brought to Sesshomaru which would give him a sense of satisfaction. If they killed him, then it would only be a benefit to his cause. He could then focus on the miko and her companions. If they failed, then he would use the miko to draw him out.


A crooked smile of ill-intent curved the corner of his mouth. He would avenge his mistress, and he would start by following the miko.



Lieutenant Itou Goro reached up and wiped his filthy, sweat covered brow, while his horse continued to gallop over the countryside. He looked over his shoulder to make sure Yoshiro was still beating a path behind him. The two of them had been riding hard for YoKaishi since they left the outskirts of Edo village. By his recollection Goro figured they should be arriving a few hours past sunset.


He hoped like hell that the miko was there because he was too damned tired to kill the fucking old man that sent them on this wild goose chase. All he wanted was a bath and a clean place to lay his head after filling his belly until he could hardly move.


It was disappointing that the wench wasn't at the village. This ridiculous search was growing tedious very fast. Lord Nobunaga's desire for the miko had grown somewhat obsessive. At first, the daimyo seemed to be mostly concerned for her welfare. Goro could tell that he felt responsible for her and worried that she had fallen to some ill fate while in his care. Now, however, the search had grown to a level of absurdity that caused many of his followers to stop and wonder if the man had gone mad.


Mad or not, there were few who would dare to question Oda Nobunaga.


Goro was drawn from his thoughts by a cloud of dust rising ahead. It could only be a large regiment of soldiers, unless by chance it was a huge youkai. In either case, he hoped that he and Yoshiro would not be attacked. He didn't have the energy to fight his way out of a wet blanket.


The cloud grew more dense as the two forces converged. He was almost positive now that it was not a demon. The cloud was too widespread and it seemed to be following the road. When he and Yoshiro reached the curve ahead, he was relieved to see that it was a regiment of Nobunaga soldiers. He pulled up his horse, which was all too pleased to stop for a rest. Yoshiro reigned in beside him, and the leader of the troops rode up to meet him with two other men.


Goro recognized Lieutenant General Watanabe Kazahiro and quickly bowed in respect.


"Rise soldier!" Kazahiro snapped. "State your business."


Goro explained his mission and though he could see the Lieutenant General's disgust with the matter, he dared not say a word against Nobunaga-sama. It was surprising, however, when Lt. General Watanabe told him of his own mission.


"My troop has just passed through YoKaishi. You will find no miko there." When Goro growled in frustration cursing the life of Tsuneo Okada, the man continued. "The old man you speak of is already dead. He was slain in his own home by a demon. It is believed that the demons are protecting the miko. They have also taken the man's blind niece. The village is in an uproar demanding justice. To keep the peace, I have sworn to go after the miko and slay the demons responsible."


Goro considered his words. He could use some help in this insane quest. He could hardly hold his own against several demons with only Yoshiro by his side. This was good news. "Have you word of their location?"


"My scouts spotted a group of demons and humans taking the northern trail through the Amber Forest toward Edo village. We plan to intercept them before they reach their destination."


"With your permission, sir, Yoshiro and I will join you!"




The man next to the Lt. General held up the Nobunaga banner and shouted. "Forward!" The troop of just over thirty mounted soldiers kicked their horses and broke into a gallop. Goro and Yoshiro fell in behind, glad of the unexpected reinforcements. Goro looked over at his equally filthy companion and shook his head. "Looks like we will not see that warm meal anytime soon." Yoshiro nodded sadly, but then they both pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the upcoming battle while maneuvering their horses over the terrain.




Inuyasha leapt over the ground, enjoying the feel of Saya's warmth against his back. His thoughts were on the days ahead and the things he would do to make her welcome into their village a comfortable one. Suddenly, from above, Sango called out.


"Soldiers ahead!"


Inuyasha put on the brakes and Shippo stopped beside him. "What do you think they want?"


Inuyasha frowned and shook his head. "Don’t know, but I don't like them being this close to our village. That's a bad sign."


He looked up over his shoulder and called out to Sango. "How many do you see?"


"Maybe twenty or thirty!" She urged Kirara ahead just a bit, and then circled back. "Looks like they are just waiting there!"


"An ambush?" Inuyasha muttered. 'But why?'


"Do you think they want Kagome?" Shippo asked worriedly.


"I don't know, but I guess we are going to find out." He glanced over his shoulder to Saya and said, "Hold on tight. This might get rough."



A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Poor Sesshomaru! He had such hopes for keeping Kagome with him, but alas, it was not to be—not in this chapter anyway. Both of them still have obligations that continue to stand in the way. Next chapter we will join Inuyasha and the gang as they fight to keep Kagome from Oda Nobunaga's clutches. A decision is made by Miroku that may alter their lives forever. Sesshomaru faces enemies threatening those under his protection, and Iku plans a devious plot to avenge Asuza.


Some of you were wondering how many chapters are left in the story and by my estimate we are looking at 5 or 6 more to go. It's not over yet folks, but we are getting close!


I can't forget the most important thing of all…Thanks to my awesome beta, Risa! You are the best!