InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Waking The Demon ❯ Chapter 05 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The final battle had finally run its course, though Kagome was enemies with her old group, they teamed together to defeat their common foe. The miko turned demoness had made the wish she promised but didn’t get the results she had expected right away. The jewel had not been destroyed; it shot back into her body where her heart had been. Its magic had infused with her own energy, causing her to stare in shock at her own body.
With her quest now over and knowing that she would be stuck in the past, Kagome sighed nodding to her old teammates and her new ones. “I am going to return to my father, I do not know if and when we will ever cross paths again; Yoko, Kuronue, and Yomi, it has been indeed a pleasure these last few months of traveling with you guys, I will miss you,” she said.
The demoness walked up to the fox, “you have been a pain in my ass since we met but I’d like to say we are…friends of some sort, I hope to see you again sometime, don’t get killed because I want to do the honors of being the one to destroy the legendary bandit,” she smirked and turned to her old friends. “Despite our past transgressions against each other, I did enjoy traveling with you before you all betrayed me,” Kagome gave a sad smile and then nodded to Sesshomaru, neither demon exchanging a word.
Walking away from them, she waved her final goodbye and disappeared from their sight. “You know Kuronue, I believe I may have been in love with her,” Yoko stated as he and his two comrades headed back towards their den. “I think that we all three harbored some sort of feelings for the demoness, just didn’t realize how deep they ran until she was gone,” Yomi replied.
500 years later:
“Botan, gather up the team quick, there has been a breach in the barrier and it seems that the Toguros are not quite dead yet!” Koenma ordered his cinnamon hues wide with shock. Botan nodded and jumped onto her oar, heading into the living world to retrieve Yusuke, Hiei, Kuwabara and Kurama. Within minutes, a portal was opening up in his office and his Spirit Detective team stepped forth.
“Yo, pacifier breath! Would you mind explaining to me how the fuck Toguro is still alive! And what the fuck is the dark tournament!?” Yusuke growled out. “So he’s made contact with you?” Koenma sighed, “yeah, he ‘politely’ extended an invitation for me to come to the dark tournament and told me I needed to have five players in my team,” Yusuke said.
“That is one of three of our biggest worries. The second is that the Black Black Club is intending on creating a tunnel between the Makai and Ningenkai for all demons to pass through freely. And third,” he pressed a button, a picture of a demoness coming onto the screen. “It seems this demoness has gotten past the Kekkai barrier and is now roaming free in the human world, she is dangerous,” Koenma said.
‘It cannot be…’ Yoko stated in his counterpart’s mind with shock, staring at the screen with wide golden eyes.
‘What is it, Yoko? Do you know this demoness?’ Kurama asked, getting a nod from the fox.
“It seems that Yoko has been in contact with this demoness before,” Kurama said out loud, his green eyes staring at the blue-eyed demoness on the screen.
“That means she can’t be too dangerous, right? I mean Yoko is on our side and all,” Kuwabara said, scratching his head.
“On the contrary Kuwabara, she is highly dangerous; be known to the fact that when I encountered her, it was 500 years ago, I wasn’t exactly a saint; neither is she,” Kurama said.
Kurama let the fox take over, his green eyes flashing gold and red hair bleeding silver. “She is a formidable opponent, a strong demoness that I was lucky to never have to fight,” he said. “This demoness is not one we should call an ally, if we encounter her, it will be because she is an enemy and she destroys her enemies without remorse,” he warned.
“Great so we have this bitch on the loose along with Toguro?” Yusuke frowned, “can things get any worse?” he asked melodramatically.
“In fact it can, our intelligence tells us that she is also going to the tournament, so you will be in contact with her soon enough,” Koenma said. “Even better, now we’ll have to fight her, though part of me is intrigued as to how she fights and what her powers are,” Yusuke said curiously.
Yoko chuckled, “as I stated before, she is merciless; much more so than Hiei himself. On top of being an inu demoness, she is a miko; she carries twin blades, one infused with her demon energy and the other with her miko energy, one swipe of her sword could purify any demon within a ten mile radius. God I wish I could show you how beautiful she was in battle,” the fox stated.
“It will be…interesting to come into contact with her again, I say we all train hard for the next 6 months, we are going to need it if we are to be fighting her in this tournament,” Yoko left those words for the room’s inhabitants to ponder as he relinquished control back to Kurama.
With Kagome:
“I cannot thank you enough for helping me get out of the Makai, Mr. Sakyo,” her cool voice filled the room. “It was my greatest pleasure, Kagome-sama, I enjoy a gamble and you are something I am willing to bet money on, especially since you are to help me with my demon tunnel,” the human said, his blue eyes meeting hers.
“It would be my pleasure to bring the world back to its glorious days when demons and humans co-existed,” she replied. “So, I am betting that you are going to be fighting in the tournament on my team, yes?” he asked, receiving a nod in return. “Excellent, train hard, I will see you in 6 months time,” he said.
“Yes sir,” Kagome bowed only slightly before she left Sakyo’s office, her eyes meeting the shades of Younger Toguro’s, “I hope you find what you are looking for in this tournament, Toguro, it would be a shame if you wasted your strength on that human boy you have become obsessed with defeating,” she said coldly. He nodded to her, “he will be a worthy adversary to use my full strength on,” he replied, the two parting ways.
Kagome put on her necklace, her human features taking over as she left the building and boarded the train into town.
Getting off the train, Kagome’s brown eyes darted around the city, seeing familiar crimson hair. She smirked and walked up to them.
“Well well well, look what the cat dragged in; it has been a while since we’ve seen each other,” she said. “Ha ha ha, it’s the ramen girl from the grocery store,” Yusuke exclaimed.
“Hello Miss Kagome, how nice to see you again,” Kurama said, smiling at her. Kagome laughed, “I have been away visiting some relatives, just got back into town today,” she said.
‘Red…I still can’t shake the feeling that she is very, very familiar,’ Yoko said.
Kurama ignored what the fox was saying but stored it away for later pondering and discussion. “Well, it is nice to see you are doing well, we’ll have to get together sometime and get to know each other,” he proposed.
“Sounds like fun, but it’ll have to be much later, I have a life to catch up on,” she said and waved to them. “I will see you gentlemen later,” Kagome stated as she walked into the crowd.
Yusuke whistled once again, “is it just me, or did she get cuter in the last few months since we’ve seen her,” he said, looking over the retreating female appreciatively.
Kurama’s eyebrow raised when he heard a voice chuckling in his head, ‘Yoko?’ he asked cautiously.
‘It seems I have gotten dumb in my old age, Hiei’ the fox called out for their three eyed friend.
‘Follow that girl,’
‘Red, you said Kagome when you were talking to that human girl, right?’
Yoko asked
‘Yes, why?’ Kurama asked confused.
Yoko chuckled even more, ‘I can’t believe it didn’t click in until now, on exactly why she seems so familiar, it’s because she is familiar. Kagome is the name of the demoness that Koenma is talking about. Your little human is the demoness we are hunting,’ Yoko said, smirking.
“Yusuke, I hate to break it to you but that girl is the demoness,” Kurama said, shocking both Kuwabara and Yusuke.
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” he exclaimed, his brown eyes popping open wide. “Yes, I am very serious, Kagome is the name of the demoness, Yoko had said the human seemed familiar and now he knows why,” the fox avatar explained, all of them going in the direction that the girl had gone in.
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