InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Waking ❯ But Only Some Remember ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Waking" By Jezunya

Chapter II: But Only Some Remember

As always, standard disclaimers apply: I don't own IY!! (much as I like to pretend I do..)

Eep.. posted the first chapter a loooong time ago, but haven't been posting the next chapters as they come out! Gomen, here they are..

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Kagome stared after the boy, thoroughly confused.

There was a sudden, insistent ringing noise. Kagome looked around, wondering where the sound was coming from. It sounded like an alarm clock. She blinked--

--And found herself in her own bed in her own room. Her alarm clock was going ballistic on the nightstand next to her, which would explain the noise she'd heard. She quickly slapped the thing, temporarily shutting it off, and leaned back on her pillow. That boy in her dream... he'd looked like a demon, but not quite. She knit her brows, concentrating. He seemed slightly familiar, but she was sure that she'd never seen him before. She relaxed, shrugging it off. It was only a dream after all.

Kagome quickly showered and dressed for school, grabbing a bit of breakfast on her way out. As she rushed out of her house, she spotted her best friend just coming up the sidewalk.


Sango smiled, falling into step next to her friend. "Ohayou, Kagome-chan. How was your weekend?" she asked.

"Pretty good," Kagome said around a yawn.

The two walked to school together, meeting up with some of their other friends and chatting like normal teenage girls about boys and grades and who had what hair-cut.


They sat together at lunch, as always. After a while a slightly awkward silence fell between them. Kagome couldn't stop thinking about her dream. What had the boy meant? She couldn't get past the nagging feeling that she knew him. He was obviously a demon and if anyone knew about demons it was...

"Sango-chan?" she said, breaking the silence.

"Hm?" the other girl said, not looking up from her food.

Kagome chewed her lip, unsure as to how to begin. "Uh.. I had this really weird dream last night. It was about um.. a demon."

Sango looked up at her, suddenly much more interested. "What do you mean?"

Kagome opened her mouth to continue, but just then a guy sat across the table from them with a loud "Hello girls!" It was Miroku, from B-class. He nodded politely to Kagome before giving Sango a dazzling smile. The other girl just rolled her eyes. Miroku, a good friend of theirs, had been after Sango since they met at the beginning of junior high. Now, in their ninth year, Sango was still fending off all his advances.

"So, what are you two beauties talking about over here?" Miroku said, picking up his chopsticks.

"Kagome was just telling me about her dream last night," Sango replied, giving the boy a look that said 'that is, until she was so rudely interrupted.'

Miroku nodded again, this time slightly apologetic. "Please continue, Kagome-sama."

Kagome took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. "Ok... Last night I dreamt about this boy, and I'm pretty sure he was a demon."

"What makes you say that?" Miroku asked.

"Well, considering that normal humans don't have dog-ears, claws, and long white hair, I think it's pretty safe to assume that he wasn't human."

Next to her, Sango gasped. Miroku looked at her and something seemed to pass between them.

"What?" Kagome asked.

"Oh..! Uh.. nothing.." Sango tried to cover up. Kagome raised an eyebrow at her.

"It's just that for a demon to have 'dog-ears' as you said, instead of the usual elfin ears, would suggest that he is a hanyou -- a half-demon," Miroku said calmly. Sango shot him a grateful look.

"So..?" Kagome asked.

"So, half-demons are very rare, that's all," Sango answered.

"Oh," Kagome said. "But I just can't help feeling like..." she trailed off, shaking her head. "Never mind.. Forget I said anything about it, ok?"

Sango and Miroku nodded and went back to their food.


"She doesn't remember anything, does she?"


"Except him."

"Dreaming about someone isn't the same as remembering, Houshi-sama."

"But she's trying to. And I thought you weren't going to call me that anymore."



"Do you think we should take her to see him?"

"No... He's not ready to see her. Even if he remembers her, it would be too much for them to meet now."

"Then... when? We can't go on like this forever."

"True. But he might take it into his own hands to find her, in which case we would probably want to keep our distance for a while."


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Review please!!