InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Waking ❯ Police and Demons ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Waking" by Jezunya

Chapter III: Police and Demons

I don't own IY!!!! Don't sue me!!!! I need that money to buy manga!!!!

What?? Inuyasha's actually supposed to make an appearance in an IY fic?? And not just as a ghost?? You people must be crazy!! Heh heh.. don't worry.. dog-boy ain't dead for long ^-~ Have a little faith in me, jeez!!

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Akumanoshi Sento was Chief of the special Youkai Control police unit. It was his job to make sure no demons caused trouble for the humans of Tokyo and the surrounding area. Thanks to their sci-fi-mixed-with-magic weapons, this was not an impossible task. It just took a lot of specialized training to be able to face down a raging youkai every day. Which was why he was bringing his son and daughter to work with him tonight. They both showed extraordinary promise in the trade. If he hadn't known any better, he'd almost say they'd already been trained to fight demons.

Sento was pulled out of his thoughts by the ringing of the visiphone. He clicked the 'Answer' button and a tiny hologram of his teenage daughter popped up.

>Hey, Dad, where are you?? School's been out for almost a half hour!< Sango's voice came through the speaker.

He chuckled. "Well, obviously, I'm here at work."


Sento laughed again. "Okay, sweetie, I'll be over to pick you up in a few minutes."

>Thanks, Dad,< Sango said, sounding just a bit sarcastic. She smiled at her father, then hung up the phone.


Sango glanced at her brother as they strapped on their battle gear. He was being uncharacteristically quiet. "Kohaku?" she asked, her voice concerned.

The small boy didn't answer for a moment, and when he did, his voice was pained. "I can't help worrying," he said quietly, "that we'll fight that spider-youkai and everything will happen all over again."

Sango gently placed a hand on his shoulder, understanding how he felt. He carried far too much guilt for a boy his age. "Don't worry. Nothing's going to happen."

"..." Kohaku didn't look at his sister. "Sometimes... I still have nightmares about him... Naraku..."

"Stop it!" Sango cried, grabbing both her brother's shoulders, and dropped down to her knees so she was at his eye-level. "Naraku's dead, got it? He didn't come back with the rest of us!"

Kohaku just looked at her sadly. "How can you be so sure?"

"Well..." Sango looked away. How could she answer that? How could she tell him that she didn't know? That it was nothing more than a desperate hope. "Do you really think Kagome would've brought him back? Do you think she wanted that?" When Kohaku slowly shook his head, she gave him a reassuring smile and ruffled his hair. "Besides, if he were here, he'd have attacked by now. That's proof enough." I hope, she added silently. "Just don't worry about it, ok?"

Kohaku nodded and gave her a tiny smile. Sango smiled back and pulled her little brother into a warm hug.


Kagome looked up in surprise at the battle sounds coming from outside. "May I go see what it is?" she asked, her eyes pleading.

"Of course, child," her sensei replied. She smiled warmly as the girl leapt up and bounded toward the window to watch the local Taiji-ya take out a youkai gang that had been causing trouble in the neighborhood.

"Kaede-sama!" Kagome gasped. "Look! There's Sango-chan! And her little brother Kohaku!"

Higurashi Kaede limped over to her pupil's side and looked out at the battle. Her eyes widened as her gaze fell on the remaining youkai gang members. "Perhaps we should return to your lessons," she said quickly. "Mastering such incantations takes much time and concentration."

"Oh, all right," Kagome sighed, finally managing to pull herself away from the window.


Why, damn it all?! Why do the fucking police have to interfere?!

He shot a look at the shrine on the hill above them, just in time to see a young girl turn away from the window. So close... he was so close...

The battle was waning. There were only two youkai left standing now, and the Taiji-ya were circling them, slowly closing in. His eyes fell on one he recognized. He growled.

She smirked beneath her gas mask before yelling "Gas 'em!" to her companions. The youkai were immediately engulfed by a huge cloud of sleeping gas. And, thanks to their keen canine noses, they were both very quickly unconscious.


He woke to find himself lying on a concrete pallet in a tiny prison cell. He sat up and looked around, though there wasn't much to see. No windows, just an iron (and probably enchanted) door. He tried breaking through the door and each of the walls. And sure enough, he always got the same result each time: he was thrown against the far wall and the architecture showed no mark of the beating he'd given (or tried to give) it. Stupid Taiji-ya really know what they're doing... he thought sullenly, reseating himself on the concrete bed.

He leaned back against the wall, planning to take a nap, when the sound of his door being unlocked caught his ear. He opened his eyes just in time to see the door open and a girl, still decked in her battle gear though lacking her mask, step into the cell. She leaned against the wall and smiled coldly.


"Hello Inuyasha."

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Akuma no shi (or Akumanoshi, as in Sango's last name) mean "Devil's death" and Sento (Sango's dad's name) means "lead" (like guide) or "battle."

Review please!!