InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Walk of Destiny ❯ Another Round of Chess ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha --- Mine? No.

Choice of Destiny --- Mine? Yes!

Walk of Destiny --- Mine? Of Course.

Walk of Destiny

By angelwings1

Chapter 3 ~ Another Round of Chess

The plank clapped defiantly against the ground, wickedly enjoying the comfortable dirt. Hands wrestled with the mocking board and the wood rose against its wishes. Sango grounded her teeth together, fighting the unstable plank above her ebony crown. Luckily she was rescued when two men graciously hauled the wood higher, and out of her reach.

Nails mercilessly showered through the walls. As hammers pounded and ropes stretched, the villagers lifted their voices in content union. The blissful air was musky with sun driven sweat and shuffled dust.

Water sloshed from the jerking bucket in the miko's arms, a ladle bouncing within. Parched workers eagerly left their jobs to receive the wet drink from the beautiful woman.

Complements and praises were exchanged for water, though not by the water bearer's choice. Each man refused to take a single a drop of water before giving the miko decent gratitude. Some of the workers went a little far in their appreciation with winks and worships, but Kagome ignored them.

Years of hormonal teenagers had made her wise of such charm. Smooth talkers were not good for her health, and right now, their praises were bad for their survival. Even with Inuyasha avoiding her the last few days he had kept a gold eye on the males circulating through the village. By rights, he was the alpha male of the group and if any of the lower dogs sniffed after her, he immediately set them straight.

He had a way of pursuing the men to back off.

He might try to hide behind his neutral acknowledgement towards her, but she could see his possessiveness still blossoming. His eyes still held her in a light he wished to ignore.

Kagome felt robbed.

She trembled in her sleep as fear mounted with the days. Had she come to stay in this time only to be pushed aside?

Hugs, a silent gaze, anything?

What did it take to rip him open and dig out the affection she believed was there?

"Isn't this the perfect spot?"

Automatically the priestess withdrew from her solemn wishes, "Come again, Sango?"

"The house" a hand feverishly swung out, "What do you think, Kagome?"

Hugging the wooden bucket as the last of the men walked back to their work, the time traveler observed the yard.

Flanking the hill's long staircase, the house was on the edge of the village. Several empty flats of tall grass resided nearby, perfect for gardens and cattle pens. One of the main roads separated the yard from noise, but still connected the hut with the villagers. Still covered in tall grass and a half built foundation barely gave an idea about what it would look like in the end, but Kagome's imagination gave the perfect description.

"It looks like a home," the miko whispered, stepping towards the lot, 'A home one could live in.'

The rugged warrior shifted, "It does, doesn't it?"

Scowling, Kagome glanced at her sister. Blending into the fiery eyes of the slayer it was evident a tenderness had settled. Warmth that lustful passion could not ignite was swirling in a hard soul. Some could fake that tenderness or even be deceived by it, but only when it was pure did it crawl inside unseen.

Pale lips curled into a smile, "You're happy."

Sango jerked at the comment, turning with wide eyes, "What?"

The miko leaned over and wrapped an arm around the other's shoulder, "You're actually happy."

Comfortable softness rippled her heart as the warrior played with the hem of her kimono, "I suppose I am happy."

Together they looked over the working construction as if it held the puzzle piece to complete the universe. Seeing the roughish beginnings of a home was like watching the sunrise. Everything just seemed . . . right.

The miko swallowed, 'your family has been avenged. Your brother is alive and healing both in mind and body. You have begun to settle back into a home of your own, and your love is in hot pursuit.'

The warrior was moving on with life, finding a path after the climax of her life had ended. Even after she had completed the goal of stopping Naraku and saving her brother she still found her life had a lot to live for.

'Dang, life is unfair.'

Where was her path? She had strove for the last few years to complete college and stop Naraku. Her two priorities in life had ended in a heartbeat, leaving her in the middle of silence.

Naraku was gone.

She could never go back to college.

So what now?

She thought her life would fall into place once her goals had been completed, once Inuyasha was happy.

So why did she feel out of place?


The thick land of blackened trees and dirt swallowed his path. All that had been pleasant unfolded to a foreboding darkness.

Digging his thick claws into the dead earth, Shiro strolled onto the edge of a clearing. He inhaled the deep scent of cold death.

The name for the northern lands was well earned.


Behind the Black Curtain.

Halting at the edge of the burnt charcoal ground, the beast warily scanned the terrain. If somewhere within the cold flesh of his body a heart was beating, then it must have froze the moment his eyes took in the sight of Walshi.

All knew the land as a funeral. When she had overrun the realm, Walshi had first been believed to be a graveyard. The gossip about the endless corpses fooled many to irrationally think that the demon mistress was a keeper of the dead. Of course during that age the world was new and the creatures inhabiting the four corners were naïve. When many crossed her borders seeking to pay respects to their kin they were faced with an ill-tempered monster. The pile of bodies built in a short span of time and then immediately slowed to a near halt.

With unmatched age, the ancient creature had known the land's keeper was possessive. Few knew of the earth's history like he did, where she had, during the Early Age, fought to claim the northern hemisphere. The bloody war had been short, but deep. Whole clans had been wiped away as if they had been a mud stained on her kimono.

The stone pillars spread along her border reminded him of those days. He vibrantly remembered the hour when the markers had been built, when he had watched the woman viciously carved into the rock her symbol.

Centuries had long since passed since those red months, but she had yet to surrender to death. Her time now was spent heavily fighting to keep her kingdom, refusing to yield to anyone, or anything.

Placing his first step into the forbidden territory, the old demon captured the land's attention. A small groan whispered across the earth while the breeze died. Glowing orbs blinked visible and floated along the edge. His aged eyes easily noticed the hunching figure behind the trees.

"Show yourself, Kurso!" he hissed, lifting his body six feet taller, "I am not in the mood to play with you."

A high-pitched screech hissed from the trees, "I dare to say it is Lord Shiro walking into my Lady's territory. Have you grown bored of life, old man?"

"Bored of your chatter" he snorted, his tail striking the annoying ground, "I demand an immediate audience!"

The sadistic laughter bounced to a new direction, "Never! Never! You are no one worthy of her presence. Now leave before I get eager to sample your flesh."

Pushing his snout further into the moonlight, Shiro revealed worn fangs, "I only ask because I don't need her anger."

Wild laughter exploded, "Shiro is going through proper ethic! I shall die from this irony!"

"STOP THIS!" Shiro shouted his feet thundering against the ground, "Give me entrance!"

Abruptly a small ball rolled into view and the elder stopped to lower his head towards it. The sphere throbbed and shook, gradually unwinding. Gold eyes protruded from an ebony melon scrutinizing the larger demon, "I should have spilt your blood for such defiance, but I admit my curiosity. What would bring you to trespass her Lady's pastures after several centuries of hibernation?"

"Test me any further, mongrel, and all of Hell will be brought down upon you" the demon launched at the smaller being. Screeching, the midget creature dove to the side escaping the stomp that dented the ground.

Whirling around to face the object of his growing irritation the elder pawed at the brittle soil, "I am not here for games. Now fulfill your duty as Servant to the Lady of the North, and bring me to her!"

Tumbling forward the guard sprawled casually at the superior being's feet, cracking his sleepy knuckles, "Now why should I pursue her anger? Give me good reason."

That tore all sanity to shred, and for a split second of poor judgment his jaws nipped forward. Natural agility tossed him from the ground narrowly missing the snap.

Whirling around the elder realized the solider was now hanging upside down from a high branch, "I do not take threats in exchange for an audience with my lady!"

The upside down mongrel crossed his long, skinny arms, "I think I have grown bored of this. I shall take my leave."

In the blink of an eye, the guard attempted to fade from the clearing, his dark skin gradually becoming translucent water. Frustrated, the demon exhaled deeply "I know Lady Sakura would hate to miss my visit."

Kurso cocked his head, his body once again becoming solid blackness, "Care to explain why?"

Shiro made a move, "She wants to know more about the demon king's death."

There was empty weight in the air as the words were carefully considered. To Shiro's delight, Kurso's face crawled into a smile.


The warm tea lathered her welcoming throat as Kagome sampled the fragrant drink. Smiling she nodded to her grandmother, "It's been a while since I've had herbal tea made from scratch, Kaede. It's very good."

"Thank ye, Kagome" the woman settled down across from her.

The time traveler shifted slightly watching the one-eyed elder ideally rotate her cup in her aged palms. For a reason she could not see, the cup in her hands became more interesting than the child she had sent for.

Scowling, the girl leaned forward, "What was it you wanted to speak about, Kaede?"

A chill swept over in her chest, "I know you been having a hard time these last few weeks."

'That's the understatement of the year.'

Swallowing, Kagome immediately put forth a strong face, "I have had better, but no worries. I'm doing fine."

The old woman shook her head, "Do not lie to me, child. I can see in ye eyes thou are troubled."

'Of course.'

A true smile was bestowed on her face as the girl giggled softly, "You always had an eye for noticing things, Kaede."

The wrinkled priestess grinned, "Comes with age I suppose."

Silence followed as she drank her own cup of tea. Kagome sucked in her lower lip, not wanting to reveal how depress she had been feeling lately.

Her childish worries didn't need to be lectured to; they would fade.

"Would it be Inuyasha that troubles ye?"

Such an innocent question, yet it bitterly stabbed at her.

'He always does.'

"Not really" with practiced grace she lied, "I'm just having a hard time adjusting."

With her eyes on the floor Kagome failed to notice the disbelieving scowl. Downing another swallow of her drink the priestess decided to avoid the subject. She never forced a person to speak unless it was necessary. A grown woman didn't need an older woman dragging out her love life.

It was best to get to her point, 'That wasn't the reason I sent for you, however, Kagome."

The unblemished face turned upwards, eyes waiting expectantly, "Yes?"

Her worn hands put the empty cup aside, "As ye can see, Kagome, my years are disappearing. If you haven't guessed I am last of my family line. Kikyo was my only living relative and I never married."

Her audience nodded, sitting on the edge of the silence.

'Why is she saying this?'

"I wish for ye to take my place as priestess and keeper of this village."

The cup hit the floor and shattered, startling the elder lady.

Kagome frantically scooped up the fragments, "I'm so sorry, Kaede. Forgive me."

Shaking awake, the woman crawled forward pulling the girl's hand away from the interruption, "Never mind that now, child. I need to know your feelings on the matter."

Kagome froze, hunched over the broken shards of her cup. She knew her foster parent was staring at her, watching for the barest twitch of emotion.

'To be a priestess? In charge?'

"Surely, there is someone else better for the position, Kaede" the words blurted out in a rush, "I could never handle something so important. I barely could handle the stress in college."

Her feet rapidly passed over the floor, her heart thumping faster than her steps, "Besides I was raised in a different time. There are still things I don't understand here. Even after four years of visiting, I'm still unfamiliar with the culture."

"You'll learn" the elder insisted. She believed in the youth, whom had found her way to the past. Since the first week of her appearance years ago, Kaede sensed a deep swell within the child. At first, she denied the presence of holiness spilling from the girl, but after watching her countless battles Kaede knew there was no room for denial.

Kagome was a powerful miko.

And over the last years, Kaede had begun to believe that this woman was destined to take a place in the past. Why else would she be left to live here?

"Kagome, you have the potential to be a miko of significant power. Given the proper training and the right motivation I believe you will be able to do things few could accomplish" she whispered, desperately hoping she would see her reasoning.

There was no floor beneath her feet. Where was the floor?

"You are the first person to ever use the Shikon Jewel successfully. You have already proven yourself by stopping Naraku. Can't you see that you belong here?"

Kaede rose from her seat, feebly walking behind the girl. With her good eye she watched the girl's hands shake below the waist. Her jerking fingers twisted her stiff blue pants.

Why was she shaking?

Unable to read the face behind the ebony tangles, the old woman whispered, "Are you afraid?"

Every fiber stilled at that question. For a moment, the elder wondered if time had ended. Had she spoken some ancient spell? She stared, fearfully, at the child's back waiting for movement.

Sound stirred first, "Thank you, Kaede."

The priestess was shocked to hear the croak from the usually melodic mouth of her pupil. Swallowing she tried to look at the child's face.

Automatically Kagome ducked her head, a black curtain falling thicker between them, "Thank you for the offer, Kaede. I am deeply honored, b-but I'm going to need some t-time."

The wrinkled hand shot up as the slender figure launched out of the open doorway. Kaede's voice rang out from atop the steps, a bellowing roar that echoed throughout the village air. Several heads popped out from their doorways as the traveler stumbled down the hill's stairway. Her sneakers slapped loudly against the stone, overlapping with the noise of her sobs.

'No, no! This can't be right!'

Blinded by hair and tears, Kagome didn't see her sister race towards her, else she wouldn't have collided with the huntress at the foot of the steps. Sango was flung backwards directly into Miroku, both scrambling to stay standing. In those wild seconds of disarray, the couple's heart stopped upon catching sight of the miko's wet face.

The two women momentarily caught the others eyes and in that fraction the warrior knew her sister was going to bolt.

'Not now.'

The girl whirled away, dust already inflating between her and her friends by the time Sango was crying, "Kagome?!"

The huntress's haunting cry resonated through the air, but the time traveler never looked back.


The metal snake snapped through the dirt, rustling the dust clouds. Fur bristled, growls and hisses mingled with loud stomps. The robed figure floated silently through the crowd of torch bearers, the snarls the only sound beside his crunching footfalls. A large red eye locked on the approaching form. Cluttering together the crowd stepped forward to watch, their faces barely visible in the gold lights.

Thick silence stitched together as the man lifted up his ringed staff. Fur eyelids twitched shut as the religious circle hovered over the creature's head. The tiny hoops hung and clicked together along the edge of the main, larger circle. With a skilled hand the priest shook the staff, a melodic verse chanted along with the music.

His free hand opened passing over the muzzled snout of the beast. Ancient words fell from his cracked lips, drawing full attention to the ceremony. Several other aged voices out in the audience began to speak similar ancient words, but sounded less refine. Closing his eyes he began to wave his hands erratically, his words growing louder.

Heavy drums consumed the atmosphere, thundering the blood of the spectators. As the pounded grew frantic, the crowd began to bellow a repeated verse. It sounded as if the depths of Hell were screeching in mounted agony.

Silence abruptly froze the crowd, a dagger appearing from the priest's robes. The ruby eye widened upon the glint of the silver. All howls and struggles prior to that moment was put to shame as the demon went hysterical. Even though the chains creaked under the pressure, they fortunately restricted the demon, nearly pressing him against the ground. He could barely pull two feet away as the priest took his chained snout in an open hand.

Instinctive desperation plowed over his tainted demon soul as the cold metal pressed against his furred neck. His muscles froze as the priest spoke a final verse. His dark blood trembled once he saw the finalizing look from the priest.

Inhaling in that last moment, he accepted his fate just as the blade edge swept through the vein. Scarlet waterfalls puddle over the demon's feet and snuck between the many feet, overtaking the hilltop. The hazy night thundered once more as triumphant yells erupted.

Smiling broadly, the priest turned to face the crowd as if the bloody mess didn't lay behind him. Wiping his dagger with a perfect white square of cloth, the man nodded to the excited faces before flinging the stained rag behind him. No one really noticed as the red eye of the demon slid close seconds before the red and white draped over his face.

Nodding towards his disciples, the elder floated pass the ragged bunch, giving his trademark grin. Several townsmen pressed through the tight horde, swords scrapping from their scarabs.

Moonlight flashed and swords chopped against bone, as the priest swept towards the trail of parked wagons. The people clipped at his heels like puppies desperate for the love of their mother. His chin rose elegantly as they cheered him on, their eyes bright and wide. With a small wave of hand, a young lady graciously tucked away his staff into the single carriage sitting amongst the caravan.

He was about to partake in a small supper when one of the boys plowed forward. He easily accepted the small letter handed to him, never looking at the child's dirty face.

My Father,

Word has traveled down the river. The demon king Naraku has been vanquished by a young miko toward the west. It is rumored she is staying in a village near the shrine led by the priestess, Kaede.

She must be quite powerful to extinguish such a demon.

Could be what we need.



His calculating eyes crinkled, a shimmer of hope radiating from his face. Eagerly he asked for a map of the western lands, Narsee, the Whispers.