InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Want You To Remember ❯ Want You To Remember ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 5Promise and Memories Unlocked

Own any characters

can't go because I HAVE TOO MUCH RESPONSIBILITY!" Everybody had their hand on their ear after the burst from Kagome especially the ones that are demons. "Opps sorry." 'She's scary.' thought Yusuke. "What a woman like you, got responsibilty?" "Unforntunately I do, and would you mind using my name next time three eyes?" "What how do you know that?" asked Kuwabara. "The Jagan eye is powerful how can it hides its energy idiot? Just because it could hide its appearance, it could never hide the energy radiating around it. From me." "Who told you about the Jagan eye Kagome?" asked Genkai curiously. "I don't know, it just came up thats all." 'It came up from me touching Kurama.' she added in her thoughts.
the suns' going down I better be going, see ya!" "Wait you didn't tell us...!" before Yusuke could finish she was gone. "what was your responsibility." 'Kagome your the same, always running from what you want to avoid.' thought Kurama sadly. "Old hag whats her this 'responsibility' she must do." "That is none of your business, if you want to know go ask her yourself." as she threw her tea cup at Yusuke leaving a mark on his face. "Genkai-san, where does she live?" asked Kurama. "The Sunset Shrine, just don't get her mad, especially you Hiei, she could easily purify you." "Hn." "Thanks we'll be there by tomarrow." with that Kurama went to his own household.

what happen to you? Why are you a miko?' "That sorceress..." Kurama growel. He walked through the street as the lights went on. 'No matter I will do whats in my power to get you to remember...' "I promise..."

guess this fox does know this 'Kagome' pretty well I suppose.' He was jumping from tree to tree in a black blur as he read Kurama's mind. "Maybe i should investigate the miko." With that said he left to the Sunset Shrine as a black blur.
arrived seconds later at the steps. 'Damn, the it is worst than Genkai Shrine. It's making me weak.' As Hieh jumped it was a little slower because of the shrine miko ancestors power still resides aroud the place. Kagome just came out from the bathroom dressed in teddy bear, pink pajama. 'She, sometimes really doesn't act like a miko.'

tear slid down Kagome's cheeck as she buried her face into the pillow. 'How come this weak, still thinking about Inu Yasha. "Stop being this weak." she whispered to her self as her back head laid on the pillow. "I got to get some sleep, yeah that's it, what I need some sleep. 'Than hopefully I'll dream of something nice..." She was now deep in her sleep from the stress she have today.
was a forest in a clearing as you can see a little girl chasing a little boy holding something. Kagome was like a ghost in an image. "Huh? Where is this place?"
give it back to me!" "No, Kagome-chan, you to get it from me." 'Kagome, that's my name! b-b-but where am I!' "Youko-kun, I'm getting mad I want it back!" The girl started welling up in tears as she stopped and stood there. "Kagome-chan, don't cry here I'll give it back to you."
little boy was in white kimono with amber eyes with silver/white hair and cute white ears on top of his head with a matching white fluffy tail, looked about 8 years old. He went over to her and gave her a necklace of some sort"Why do always do that You-Youko-kun." The little girl was wearing black kimono had blue eyes and black hair with two little black ears on top of her head with a black fluffy tale in the back of her. The girl was now on Youko's lap as he smooth her hair. "You know I'll always do it, Kagome-chan its fun teasing you."
girl looked about 2 years younger than the other boy. She looked up in a cute face as tears started to flood her eyes again. "Oh, what did I say? I'm so sorry Kagome-chan, don't cry please?" The boy have a worried and cautious face because the little girl was about to cry again.
was a giggle from the girl instead, surprising Youko. She stood up and started laughing. "What's so funny?" asked little Youko with an angry face trying to hide the flush. "You look funny when your worried."she said between giggles. "Is that so?" "Yup." The little girl grabbed and yanked his tail and there was a little howl. The girl ran into the forest "I'm going to get you for that Kagome-chan, running is not a good choice for you." He went off after her. They both dissapeared in the forest all together.

"About time you woke up sis." She was all soaked up in cold water. "Souta, you little brat!" She got up, but before she could pound the living hell in Souta, he ran downstairs. "Souta, I'll get you for that!"

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Chapter 5