InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ watching her ❯ watching her ( Chapter 1 )

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I don't own IY !!!!!!!!!
I'm watching you, you never realize
I see you smile, I see you cry
My bastard of brother would never love you
But you are blind by love
I'm watching you, I'm never far
I try my best to keep you safe because of the feeling I have
I know that to you I'm nothing but a shadow
I'm invisible to you
Everyday from morning to night
All I can think about is you
How can I be such a fool
Following my father's path
But one thing I'll let you know
Is that I can't control myself
So my dear when are you going to realise that my brother isn't the one for you
You are the only who doesn't fear me
You are the only who stand up to me
I was stunned, I was impressed
Never had a woman do that to me
I guess that's when I fell for you
Or was it your smile that melts away the ice that surrounds my heart
I don't know
I hate the way you smile at him, you cry for him
I know sometime you think that no one loves you in this world
But I'll let you know that I love you if you give me the chance
But then again I'm nothing but a shadow to you
I'm aching to hold you when you cry
I want to see you smile at me
I want to be your only as you are to me
My Kagome.
&g t;
Hi people, I know it bad but my best time write a fan poem so please be nice.