InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ways to Kill Kikyo! ❯ The Barrier Kikyo set up and can't get Through ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Now let's continue with 'Ways to Kill Kikyo!' RayGirl, I'm using your suggestion. And for the rest of you who submitted suggestion, thanks, I might use them in the future. Now on with the show!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha.

The Barrier Kikyo set up and can't get Through

One day, Naraku was seriously getting on Kikyo's nerves. 'Damn that Naraku!' She thinks, 'Always telling me what to do! I wish I could NEVER see him again! EVER!' Naraku then walks up.

"My dear Lady Kikyo." He says, "Would you mind killing InuYasha for me?" Kikyo screams.

"THAT'S IT!" She screams. She then sets her soul collectors on Naraku. One of them bits him in the nuts. (Wow! Ways to Kill Naraku!) Naraku screams and falls to his knees. The soul collectors then carry him away.

"I'll be back!" He screams. Kikyo sighs. She needed better protection from that guy. So she then sets up and barrier around her.

"There, that will keep him away!" She says. She then goes to sleep.

1 hour later, Naraku comes back. "KIKYO!" He yells. Kikyo wakes up from her nap.

'Now what?' She thinks. She goes to the edge of her barrier. She then sees Naraku.

"GET OUT HERE, NOW!" He screams. Kikyo laughs.

"NEVER!" She screams as she goes to walk through her barrier and gets fried by it. "OW!" She yells.

1 hour later, she dies from a 1st degree burn.

The End of that chapter! Ways to Kill Kikyo, TBC…

OK, now wasn't that funny? R+R!