InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ways to Kill Kikyo! ❯ Locked in a Basement During a Tornado! ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Now we're back! Verona Strikes Again I'm using the first idea you sent me this time. And JadeFighter also gets credit since Verona just added on to that idea!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha!

Locked in a Basement During a Tornado!

The whole InuYasha gang was at my house from some reason. We had the radio on. "This just in!" The guy on the radio says, "There is a giant tornado heading towards Tache's city. Everyone who lives there take cover!" We all the run to the basement and lock the door.

"I'm hungry!" InuYasha says.

"Well all we have down here is canned food…oh shoot! I forgot the can opener in the kitchen!" Tache says. We then hear the tornado tearing apart the house. Everyone's stomach growls. Everyone starts to eye Kikyo.

"You know, bitch chops are my specialty." Kagome says. Kikyo looks at everyone.

"Where are you all eyeing me?" She asks. Kagome then takes out a knife and chops Kikyo up and cooks her. That night, we all have bitch chops.

The end of this chapter! Ways to Kill Kikyo, TBC…

OK, review with your ideas!