InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ways to Kill Kikyo! ❯ Made into Kitty Litter ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello! I'm finally updating! I'm using one of Dragon_inu_yokai's ideas for this chapter.


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! And I don't own Kikyo either, not that I even want to own her anyways!


Made into Kitty Litter


Kikyo hopped though the well and landed in modern day Tokyo. 'Where am I?' She asks herself. She walks around blindly. She goes into a building and walks into some grinder. Her remains get mixed in with kitty litter.


Later, Kagome goes to the store to get Buyo some kitty litter. She grabs the Kikyo kitty litter, buys it, and goes home.


When she gets home, she puts half the kitty litter into another bag. "Where are you going with that dear?" Her mother asks.


"Oh, Sango-chan asks me to bring back some kitty litter for Kirara since she's having diarrhea."


"OK!" Her mother says.


So Kagome takes the Kikyo kitty litter to feudal Japan and gives it to Kirara. Kirara has diarrhea all over the Kikyo kitty litter.


Back at Kagome's house, Buyo gets diarrhea. And that's the end of the Kikyo kitty litter!


The end of this chapter! Ways to Kill Kikyo, TBC…


I'm SO mean to Kikyo, aren't I? Please review!