InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We Will Rock You ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*disclaimer* I do not own Inuyasha or the song used for this fic.

Inu you're a good man, half man
Man you know you're probably gonna beat Naraku someday
You think you're a disgrace, to the human race
Kagome came and put a smile back on your face

He will stop Naraku
oh oh
He will stop Naraku

Kouga you're a rough man, touch man
And when we see you runnin' we get outta your way
You think he's a disgrace to the demon race
Kagome needs to wipe that smirk off of your face

oh oh
She will, She will shock you
oh oh
She will, She will shock you

Naraku you're a bad man, sad man
We know Inuyasha's gonna whoop yo' ass someday
You know you're a disgrace to the living race
But someone's gonna knock that smile off of your face.

oh oh
They will, they will stop you
oh oh
They will, they will stop you
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