InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to hell: A.K.A my Life. ❯ A long Day... ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Do I look like Rumiko Takahashi? No? There's your answer! Leave me be!

`AN: Heh, I have to love this...

I come back from a trip to the mall of America and find 9 reviews under my Media Miner account. Sugoi!

Oh and ...Nani is what, but... Inuyasha doesn't always speak with the best terms. I've been studying his language usage in the anime (what with my obsession with the language and all...), and except when he was a child, and a few times in the present, you almost always hear Inu using Slang, Informal, Colloquial or Impolite terms.
"Nandayo?!" Being the slang word for what (*Movie 2 is the perfect example…*)

Episode 89...another example. Everybody remember when Inuyasha was a child and called his mother (Those of you having seen the Japanese Version?) Haha-ue, being the polite/honorific term for mother?

Well in this episode, as well as any other time he speaks of his mother he uses the word ofukuro....
"Ofukuro..." being the colloquial/slang term for "one's mother" or "My mother"

As with anybody who would have grown up like him, and with Inu being Inu, you won't often hear him use formal language, and it'll be even rarer for you to hear him use polite language.

(Hah! Also note every single time he says "Kagome... Teme..." or "Kouga...teme..." that's a very rude and insulting way of saying "you..." usually the user is lookin' for trouble when using this word, but with Inu, it's just how he works..)

Update: November 20th, 2:20 PM

My moods have their own occurrence, however, whatever mood I'm feeling at the moment, will be the mood that Inuyasha is in, I will warn you. I don't often have "good" moods, anymore. I live, that's enough. And until I get further into the story, that's about it for Inu too. He's on his own until Kagome teaches him the value of friendship, and to knock himself out of his mood.

I apologize if anything in the future gets too dark for your liking people, but, like I said, this isn't your typical Inuyasha HS story. This is my world. Welcome to it.

Kat: But don't worry! This won't be a completely angst story… I'll make sure a lot of twisted sarcasm and jibes are in. Beware; I've been watching Everybody Loves Raymond lately! ^^

Current CD/Music of Inspiration - Evanescence (As well as Trapt/Good Charlotte)


Fallen Angels at my feet, whispered voices at my ear...

I'd been early to school that day, usually I made it to school with just enough time to get into my seat and catch my breath. Today was different, I had caught a ride from a friend's parents and had made it with about 20 minutes left to sit around and chat with the others.

This gave me time to catch up with recent events, meaning, to understand what the project was going to be, it was a very… interesting project to say the least. Having to deal with whatever the students choose, and would be actually half this quarter's grade. Seeing as how it was history class, current events were allowed into the project, but something from the past was typically suggested.

Oh well, I suppose...

I watched for a moment as Sango fended off a young Buddhist studying teenager named Miroku, who was, once again, trying to get his `lovely Sango' to let him nearer to her than a few desk lengths. Smirking, I coughed suddenly when Sango shot me a pleading look and then cracked the young Houshi in training swiftly and rather roughly over the head with her Algebra 2 book, sending him to the floor, out for the count.

I heard a couple gasps, and a few more chuckles, before sending a sympathetic smile at my friend, then sighing and looking towards the front just in time for Sanseki-sensei to make her entrance into the room.

"Minna, Ohayou Gozaimasu..."

Along with the rest of the class I stood up, "Sensei-sama, Ohayou Gozaimasu..." after that it was the usual business, roll call and the lot. Only this time, our wonderful teacher had a new announcement aside from current events, we had a new student. (Too bad half the student body already knew anyways… big surprise.)

After said announcement had been made, I watched her hurry to the door and open it up, waving somebody into the room. And here came a very curious looking teenager, now that I got a closer look at him anyways, he was indeed very curious.

His outfit wasn't much different from yesterday, black and red pants… a very interesting looking blue shirt with white flames on front, and he had a blood red backpack on his shoulder. The oddest thing was that he had a red and white bandana atop of his head. Now, I knew that there was a pretty slack dress code, but I thought headwear was banned…

"Like what ya see?" another girl said, having caught me staring, I must have looked pretty interested.

Blushing furiously I shook my head and slunk back into my seat as he moved to the desk and let Sanseki-sensei introduce him properly.

"Class, I would like you welcome, Kouketsu Inuyasha to our school and room," she had started and he seemed to be a vaguely disturbed by her voice, though, I'll concede, who wouldn't be. She's too damn cheerful for a Monday morning.

But that wasn't exactly it, he didn't seem to like his name mentioned…Kouketsu Inuyasha, I liked it, though, why a person would have a name with the meaning "dog demon" was beyond me.

"He is a transfer from America, though he was originally born here in Japan," she had finished then glanced over at him, hands together in front of her, "would you care to say anything about yourself?"

I could almost hear the `No' resounding in his head at the question, and caught the sigh he let out.

A soft giggling from behind caused me to frown, as I noticed two of the more flighty girls in my class, gazing up at the white haired new comer and then whispering furiously to each other. It's a wonder they even manage to make it through school!

Inuyasha's voice however, brought me back to reality and I glanced back up at him.

"Before moving here, I lived in Chicago, Illinois, big in its own right, but tiny compared to Tokyo. I lived;, with my elder half brother, Sesshoumaru, and younger adopted brother Shippou."

There seemed to be an air of disinterest to him as he spoke, and his voice, though soft toned now, held the potential, I could just sense it, to be very toned and sharp. He seemed generally absent as he spoke, like he was used to giving this type of introduction and was just going through the actions.

His eyes roamed the classroom as he spoke then fell immediately to the ground for a moment. He was certainly curious.

And had a very lovely accent for somebody from America it was half Asian, and half western, which gave him an interesting speech level. He spoke words perfectly in our language, but had the accent that associated him immediately with the western world.

"As Sanseki-sensei pointed out, I was born here, but moved with my brother to America when I was about four or five."

Ah, what was that pause for? He seemed to catch himself there, and, I suppose I was the only one to catch it, not that it mattered, I've been told in the past I analyze everything too much. But there was something about this boy that gave me a strange vibe. Very strange indeed. Perhaps it was just my budding "miko" powers going haywire on me.

Budding powers indeed, my grandfather comes up with such bull sometimes. He told me recently, just after my 15th birthday a few months back, that I carried the signs of being a miko, sensing things that weren't there, and various things. But then again, he's also the person who says that pickles have an ancient history… so I really don't take the old man too seriously.

So then, what was it about this boy that caused my kick into overdrive?

Poor boy, now the fun began, as soon as he introduced himself, the questions began, I think the entire female student body gave him questions such as, his hair color, eyes…everything that would have had a normal person snapping "Shut the bloody hell up!". But this one, he answered them vaguely, just giving enough information to get by, and attaching a very tiny smile at the end of his reply's causing whichever girl he'd been speaking to at the moment, to melt into her seat.

It worked well, that little ploy, any attentive person could just see it; those smiles were as empty as the look in his eyes. He wasn't enjoying himself at all. Could you blame him?

Now, that was expected, the new student never enjoyed being introduced, but it was what came next that blew my mind away.

After hearing my own name mentioned as being his future guide, I sat up in attention and watched him nod in indifference, until of course, I stood up and his gaze fully landed on me, "Hai, sensei-sama".

He looked, to a well trained eye, or somebody with experience with that look, as if he'd been shot. His eyes widened, and he seemed to freeze in place staring at me.

O…kay… weird…

And he didn't move, he stared, and seemed to be focusing on something, though what I didn't know.

As he sat down next to me, he avoided looking at me at all, and that kind of hurt. I was hoping the initial reaction was nerves. But this boy didn't even raise his head at all, unless it was to look at the board.

Class went on and that gave me the chance to examine our new comer. He had very defined features for a sophomore. From the side he looked a little bit younger, especially with that almost obvious hurt in his eyes. Like a scared child, I couldn't help muse.

His hair cascaded down his back in a blanket of white, two locks setting gently on his shoulders, framing his face and giving off a slightly eerie glow in the morning light. Or maybe that was his eyes glowing. His hands were hidden under his desk, but from what I saw upon his entrance, they seemed to be almost pointed, like he had claws, maybe I'd been imagining things?

The curiosity to me was the bandana, why was this one boy allowed to wear something like that, whereas everybody else would be told, sternly, to remove it, or `hand it over'. Sanseki-sensei didn't even bat a lash at his entrance, or looks for that matter.

I watched him, throughout the course of the class, twitching his legs and tapping his left foot on the ground, he didn't seem very aware of his actions so I was lead to believe it was a subconscious action, that was annoying Kiroi-chan, next to him to no end. Though she didn't seem to mind too terribly much, as she was staring at him almost as much as I was.

Suddenly I had the urge to tell her she was about to drool, but decided against it, let her make a fool of herself if she wanted.

What startled me the most though, was as soon as the bell rang signaling the end of class, he made a bolt for the door even before our teacher could leave. I knew he'd be back; we didn't leave to another class until 4th period for Biology. But where the hell was he off to in such a hurry?

"Kagome-chan," Sango's voice startled me and I jumped, turning to look at her.


"What do you think of the new kid?" she asked as she settled down next to me, obviously deciding to keep away from Miroku for this period.

"He seems a little sad." Was all I said and noticed her raising an eyebrow, that obviously wasn't what she meant.

"I didn't mean his emotional stability, you can easily tell that he's off balance, what I mean is, didn't your miko powers pick anything up, he seems weird to me, but that could be my paranoia as a taijiya."

Rolling my eyes I grinned, "Sorry Sango, I don't think Inuyasha's a youkai, if he were, he wouldn't be coming to a completely human school."

A cough from behind me made me blush, "Ne, gomen Sora-chan," I apologized to the fae behind me with a sideways glance in her direction and she shrugged, and then cast a glance over at Miroku with a flighty smile.

Shrugging I turned back to Sango who was frowning still, and watching very closely, as Inuyasha made his way back into the room a minute or two later looking very perturbed. A new look, he almost looked like he was pouting.

Annoying as it was, he looked strangely, adorable, with those pouty eyes. Like a child being told he couldn't go to a friends house to play.

Giggling I covered my mouth as he settled back down next to me.

Well, now was my chance, I had to talk to him sometime anyways right?

"Hey, Inuyasha," I started and turned in my seat to look at him.

"What?" he asked miserably and looked over at me, still carefully avoiding eye contact.

"Anou…well, could I see your schedule?" I asked and he shrugged, and silently removed it from one of the pockets on his pants.

Unfolding it I looked it over and blinked, it was like a double of my schedule, we were the same? How'd that pan out, I wonder.

"Okay, so we have the same schedule, meaning we take lunch together, and go to Biology, Gym, and Literature together. Good, that'll make it much easier to show you around for a while."

"Wonderful, keep the schedule then, I'll just follow you around for the rest of the week, I suppose." He commented and I raised an eyebrow, well at least he was being talkative.

"Come on now, oh, I have to warn you. Valley-sama is from Amerika* as well, and she's a bit, um, ditzy, for a teacher, she'll take to you quickly though, be careful, she loves to chat. Just walk away with a wave if she gets to talking too much for your own liking, don't worry, she won't take offence."

He nodded absently and shifted in his chair, a curiously guarded expression in his actions. It was almost disappointing; he didn't seem to like me at all. I wonder why…


(Quick Note: I am also a poet, so any of the poetry that shows up in this story, is solely mine, please do not take them…my own emotions go into them, thanks...and don't worry, I'll try to keep them away from the cliché)

Hell, I hear, is a very terrible place to be, a place of no escape, a realm of eternal torture and pain, a place where not even the cruelest of people (maybe..) would want to be sent for the rest of their non-existent lives. If that's the case, my life is hell. Plain and simple.

This wasn't fair, and that damn old hag of a principal wasn't going to let me transfer classes, so I was stuck here.


I caught myself growling under my breath and stopped before anybody heard, at least I hope and tried to concentrate in class, occasionally jotting down notes I thought would come in handy later in class, nothing was complicated, rather boring actually...

My mind switched over to more important things than the present, and I found myself working rather diligently on a talent I'd forgotten I had since…whenever.

I wasn't too fully aware of my surroundings when I did so, it always happened when I wrote, always. I seemed to be pulled into another realm of existence, my own little plane of existence.

The sound of your scream, heart wrenching and choked,

Echoes loudly through my mind

A painful reminder of what I've become

Or what would never be.

Our meeting, that autumn eve

Was nothing short of a miracle

To a person so close to answering deaths sweet call.

You were the first to acknowledge my existence, in quite some time,

And even, I'd like to hope, the first to accept me as I was.

My quiet companion, a spiritual angel, my saving grace.

Soon, of course, the realistic dream I'd been living

Turned into an inescapable nightmare

Destiny's intervention, a spiteful fairytale ending.

It seems your trust wasn't as strong as mine,

And you fell away from me that night

A fallen angel, the center of my musings,

The trigger of my unstable future

A sudden overture of sadistic intoxication.

My world became my prison,

An endless spiral of internal misery.

I thought I'd forgotten, hidden that time away,

But now it's all returned,

A frightening recollection of a time long passed.

My nightmare returns, though it never really ended,

My sanctuary, just another bastille…

Another morbid creation….

The bell ringing snapped me from my thoughts, and I looked around in shock, trying to place myself, and realizing I was in school.

Great, another waking nightmare, god this sucks.

"Inuyasha, you okay?" Kagome's curious and concerned voice worked to bring me fully back to reality and I sighed, nodding silently. Looking over the poem once more, I decided that, hell, it looked fine as was, unfinished, a recurring theme in my life.

"So what class is next?" I asked, generally curious, as she had seriously kept my schedule. Stupid girl.

"Huh? Oh! Honestly, I actually kept your schedule didn't I? We have algebra 2 next, then we get to leave. We have second lunch together this week, next week we'll have third lunch after 5th period, it switches every week. Don't ask me why."

She just chattered away, for a while I pretended I was listening but eventually I gave up and decided to just forget it and I turned back to my desk, nodding occasionally as she chatted. Luckily for me, her friend distracted her, and I soon heard a very large crack, followed by a pained moan as a boy wearing black pants and a deep purple shirt fell to the ground.

Raising an eyebrow I smirked and watched the boy push himself up then move to the other side of me, and nodding his `hello' which I returned with a slight wave of my hand, feeling a slight wave of recognition from him, and he seemed, in turn, to feel the same thing. We exchanged glances again, but got no further…

"Class, class, settle. Let's get going!" the teacher said and the bell rang, and again, life went on its merry way.


"Inuyasha! Come on, wake up…" a very cheerful, if drowsy voice, managed to pull me out of the very…curious daydream I'd been having. Wait a minute, she was waking me up. Oh wonderful, I'd fallen asleep in class.

"Come on sleepyhead, it's lunch time." She said and grinned as I blinked up at her sleepily, watching the other students exit the room, chatting happily about various topics, myself being one of those things.

"Huh, whattid I miss?" I asked now partially awake, and fully embarrassed at being caught asleep, in class.

"What? Oh, nothing at all! Don't worry, it was review for last week, so you had nothing to worry about anyways. I don't think she even noticed you were in the class after introduction. Dear girl, she loves the students, but she loves Biology more." Kagome added with a bit of a wink and literally dragged me from my seat (giving me about 2 seconds to grab my backpack or lose my CD player…) and out the door.

"Come on! I promised Miroku and Sango I'd introduce you!" she said and ran all the way down the hall, sprinting down the stairs, which, with me behind her, was a feat in itself, and shoved her way passed a group of giggling girls, whom, upon sighting me, lapsed into another wave of uncontrollable mirth.

"Nice to know I bring some amusement to the halls of this school…" I mumbled and managed to yank my arm away from her in time to stop myself from slamming into a wall. Damn, she's going to be the death of me…

Stopping dead in my tracks, I winced inwardly at that morbid inside joke and closed my eyes, trying to shake away the image of a very disturbing night not very long ago at all. It's gone, it's over, there's nothing to remember, she's in my past, and it's just a memory. Damnit! Leave me the hell alone!!! I yelled inwardly and found myself alone in the hallway, halfway between the lunch room, and counselor's office. Was that a sign or something?

"Screw this, I'm hungry. I think…" the smell from the lunch room, wasn't all that appetizing, and I was beginning to regret not grabbing my own lunch from the kitchen, god knows the place is packed.

"Mental Note to self: Bring lunch, you retard." I said absently and gained a curious look from a passing boy, who raised an eyebrow but shrugged.

Eventually I made it to the area near the court yards, which is where we get to eat (thank god it was outside…), avoiding a group of girls who, instead of goggling at me like a bunch of idiots, were staring at me like I'd offended them, maybe I had… my hair after all, was naturally as beautiful as it was! No conditioner necessary! And hell, I was even my real color! Lord knows those girls had probably already forgotten their true colors.

(Come on people, can't you just see the sarcasm dripping from that statement?...)

Keh, either way…

Looking around I grabbed whatever it was, they considered lunch, and made my way outside, casting a glance over the semi-crowded field and was surprised to hear a female's voice calling to me. "Inuyasha, over here!"

At first I was confused, but then I found the source, and had to hold back a wave of nausea, it was Kagome again. Damn, and I had to go too, I mean, not that I wasn't grateful for her attention, but… she… ah hell.

Making my way over I stood next to Miroku, only to be yanked sideways by the other female, Sango, who decided I'd be her barrier from the lecherous teen.

"Lady Sango, that hurts, deeply that you'd consider me so low as to use our new friend as a wall."

"I know, and the sad part is, it probably won't stop you." She shot back and I raised an eyebrow.

"Come on you two, stop being so immature, Miroku, keep your hands off of Sango for this period, and Sango, try to keep the abuse to a minimum…" Kagome said as the peace keeper and I could only stare.

Of course, then I realized my initial thought of the houshi… houshi? Priest, that was him wasn't it.

"No way in hell." I muttered and turned to stare at him wide eyed, apparently catching the girls off guard. "It's you!"

"It's me? Uh, first what did I do, then I'll tell you if it's me." He said waving his hands in front of him.

"You! Miroku! Tokudo Miroku!" I said again and his eyes widened.

"How in the world did you know my last name, I know I didn't give it to you… did I? We…" he trailed off into some indiscernible babble about incriminating evidence, eventually leading up to naming off various names of the female population who could have known, and would have given his name, only to be silenced by flying food.

"Urusse…"(Shut up!) I growled after a moment and he fell silent. "Baka, you were the transfer student to that human school back in Chicago a year or two ago. I remember saving your sorry hide from Ookami and his group of lackey's over summer session, remember?"

Of course, that'd be letting on more than I should have in front of the girls, but if he remembered, then he'd also be a good monk and conveniently forget the other part of that memory.

He looked to be in thought, and sat that way for a few minutes, "I do…recall…2 years ago, summer session…" it took him a minute, but after a few seconds, he perked up, eyes widening and mouth dropping open, almost as if he'd come to some huge realization that would end up saving, or destroying the entire world. God I hate that look! "INUYASHA!" he exclaimed so suddenly that it made the girls shriek in shock, which then backed away as he hopped up and literally dragged me into a hug.

"Miroku…let. Me. Go. Before I'm forced to hurt you." I muttered in his ear, and he got the drift, of course before I let him let go, I managed to add, "And if you reveal anything else about our past meeting, you won't have to worry about the wind tunnel in that hand of yours, cause you won't have an arm for it to be on…"

He dragged himself away blinking, and then grinned at me again, like he was seeing an old friend for the first time in years, and technically that was true. Human though he was, he was a pretty good companion, when he wasn't a lecherous son-of-a-… "Inuyasha, I can't believe you actually came over to Japan…actually, I don't recall you ever mentioning you had a brother, or a younger one at that."

"That's because, you stupid idiot, I never did. We knew each other for two months, and each time, do you remember, we visited at your place. Remember? And yes, half the time I was damn well pulling you away from some unsuspecting girl, or dragging you away unconscious from a very po'ed woman, or elder sister of said unsuspecting girl…"

He sighed, reminiscently, "ah yes, some of the best concussions I'll ever receive in my life." This was of course, followed up by frequent cursing and attacks of verbal insults and more randomly thrown food, one of which, was a bit of fried rice (from Sango who'd brought her lunch) that stuck to his forehead and was dripping down slowly. Another, curiously enough, just happened to be a small Blueberry muffin, which curiously, came from another direction entirely.
(A/N: Ne, I had to interrupt. Expect to see more muffins in the story.. o.o; I got outside help on this thing.. it's gonna be a bit more random than angsty sometimes... I Swear, too much Everybody Love's Raymond screws a person up...)

This made us all look around, but nobody ever figured it out, because the attack left room for Miroku to make his move, as he vaulted across my lap, oddly enough, and managed to get a good groping on Sango, before she yelled and slammed Kagome's backpack down on his head.

This of course, led to a few events. He tumbled to the ground, and into unconsciousness. Sango found herself the object of a few guys attention as the groping had come at a pivotal moment, like when everybody was looking our way, and Kagome found herself lunchless, as Miroku had managed to face plant right into her bentou.

"Damn…" she muttered and pulled his head up by his rat tail, pulling the box from beneath his head, letting him fall back to the ground with a thud.

The only good part of that lunch, was that I never had to eat it. Why? Because first chance they got, the girls had taken and used it as weaponry against a poor unsuspecting lecher. My guess is they've got a scoring method.

5 points if you get it on his forehead, 10 if it sticks, and 20 if you manage to knock him unconscious. Sango, in my mind, was apparently up… more than likely by a few hundred points.

The scary thing is, a few moments later I heard one of the girls mutter, "yeah yeah, that gives you another few points, I'll never catch up…"

And here I thought a human school was going to be boring.


Yeah yeah, a boring ending indeed, but this suckers up to nearly 5,000 words! What more do you want from me! Besides, I'm rushing it here, I'm in class again, and going home soon, I've been typing away, heck, I've blown of a test for two weeks to write this thing. My hopes were to post it last week, but that failed.

Oh well…

Hope you enjoy…hope it wasn't too entirely lame. Lol.

^^ I was feeling random, that last scene could be done without actually. But, what the heck, it gives me an excuse for being so late ne? oh, and be proud! I'm going on chapter 4, something I haven't done with a story in years! (Scept my "Haishin: A promise to meet again" story.. but that's another… um, thing, entirely. X.x)

Bah, don't expect too much from me, I mean I'll try to keep up the every week, to two week deal, but it all depends on what's going on in my life.

Final test is coming up for me in class. Plus I've got two joint author stories to work on. Both of which are very important to me, and both of which, are entirely different in their genre… x.x

Look for them sometime though ^^ both the authors I'm working with, are amazing.

Oi oi.. I'll do review responses in a later chapter. I really gotta get outta class! This computer kills my eyes.

So, matta ne minna-san!