InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well, well, well ❯ How to 'Spell' Home ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry for the long time break, I was trying to get caught up with my school work. Hope you like it!

>now, would this be a fan fiction if I owned Inuyasha?<


"So, your grandpa's going to get me outta me?" Inuyasha asked sitting on the side of the well.

"He's gonna try," Kagome mumbled.

Inuyasha stood up and walked to the door he looked at Kagome and noticed that her shirt sleeve was drenched in blood. "Err; sorry about your arm you'll be ok?"

"What? Do you have really bad mood swings or something? First you try to kill me and now an hour later you're apologizing?" Kagome looked at the demon with curios eyes.

"Well, I thought you were the bitch who sent me here. Of course I was gonna be mad at you. You look just like her."

"Can't say I blame her," drawled Kagome.

"I can!" Inuyasha yelled.

"You must've been doing something bad, if I could've I would send you to another time right now!"

"I just wanted a little jewel from her, no big deal."

"It had to have been a big deal if she sent you years into the future!"


"Why did you want the jewel," Kagome angrily pushed her long ebony hair behind her, "I mean what was special about it?"

"It could make me more powerful than I already am," Inuyasha said simply.

"How could a stone do that?" asked Kagome skeptically.

"Why would I even bother explaining it to you, human," Inuyasha spat out the last word.

"Because I'm trying to help you! If you want to get back to your time, than you have to trust me!"

"I trust no one."

"Look," Kagome took Inuyasha's hand and stared into his golden eyes, "I just want to get you home, and I can't if you don't tell me everything, unless you want to tell my grandfather." Kagome smiled; of course any boy would rather talk to her than an old man, even this dog-boy.

"Fine I'll talk to him," Inuyasha said ripping his hand away from Kagome's.

Who did this boy think he was? No boy ever had done that to Kagome, she was always trying to fend boys off with a ten foot pole! How dare he reject her! Wait, what was she thinking, she didn't like this arrogant bastard. She glanced at her arm, no she hated him. Attacking her and Jii-chan like that. "Well, fine to you then too. I'll get him. Then go back to school. Good bye!"

"Same to you wench."


`Oh that arrogant indolent prig!' Kagome stormed out of the well-house not even glancing back over her shoulder. `Too bad he's so handsome' she thought with a smile then mentally slapped herself, `Ok Kagome, time to stop thinking.'

She pushed open the door to the main house. "Jii-chan! Are you here?" Nobody answered. "Hmm, must've gone to see that priest," She said out loud, though no one was there to hear her. "I don't want to go back to Inuyasha so I might as well call the school, they must be worried." Kagome said to the empty house.

Just then a loud knock on the door was heard. Kagome walked to the door and opened it only to see two teenaged girls looking in a miserable state. Their mascara was running, their hair was blowing wildly in the wind, and they were sobbing. "Oh Jii-chan, we're so sorry, Kagome was kidnapped," the girl on the right stopped to let out a huge sob, "right out from school, a teenaged boy was waiting in the hall when she left and… and…" she couldn't finish. Both the girls sat on the bench outside the door and hugged each other still crying a river.

"Uh guys?" Kagome looked at them strangely. "It's not like I'm dead."

"Ka-Ka-Kagome!?!? You're, you're alive?" The girl's hands flew to her mouth. "We thought you were…" Both the girls jumped up and embraced Kagome in a rib-shattering hug.

"Wait a minute, what are you doing here? You got kidnapped!"

"Yeah, and the boy brought me right back here."

"Well, come on, half the school is out looking for you! We better get back, how you got away from that…" She stopped when she caught site of Kagome's arm, "OH MY GOD!!! Kagome what happened!?!?" She grabbed Kagome's arm but let go when Kagome winced in pain.

"It's nothing, I just was… er… looking at a anti-evil sword an accidentally cut my self."

"Kagome, those are claw marks!"

"Fine, so I had a little-"

"Wench, where is you grandfather!" Inuyasha bounded over the top of the house to land right next to Kagome and the two girls.

"He's not here Inuyasha," Kagome said suddenly becoming very interested in her floppy socks.

"Well go find-" Inuyasha started.

"MONSTER!!! You kidnapped Kagome!" The two girls flung themselves at Inuyasha, "Run Kagome, you're too weak to fend him off again!" Inuyasha stood in shock for a second before…

"What the hell do you think you doing?" He flung the two school girls off him, unfortunately landing one of them upside down. She stood up blushing and pulling her skirt back down. "We won't let you take Kagome again!" She took up a fighting stance. "Just run Kagome, we can handle this."

Inuyasha rushed forward before either girl was ready and slashed his claws against each of their sides. Both girls screamed and clasped in pain. "Stupid woman." He mumbled.

"You just attacked my friends!" Kagome kneeled beside the girls. They were bleeding worse that she had. "Inuyasha! I don't care if you are a demon; don't hurt any people from my time!" The blood was already pooling beneath their slowly growing colder bodies. "You killed them," She whispered. She had never thought she was ever going to see someone die. Kagome placed her hands over the girls' wounds. `I want them to be ok, please be ok' she mentally thought.

Her hand started to glow yellow and the girls wounds started to close. If Kagome had been looking up or if the girls hadn't been unconscious they all would have fainted with shock. Inuyasha was the only one staring in disbelief. The blood was still everywhere but the girls bodies were growing warmer and healthier.

"What are you doing Kagome!?!" Inuyasha demanded.

"What?" Kagome's head jerked up the yellow glow a memory. She looked at her friends. "They're alive!"

"Yeah, but what did you do? I saw you do something."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kagome shook her friends and the both started to stir. "Inuyasha please go inside, I'll talk to you later." Kagome helped her stunned friends up and they started slowly walking to the school.



Ooooooh next time we'll see what the people at school think of this incident!

Inuyasha: WTF! The reviewers said to make her end up WITH me! Why would I jerk MY hand away from HER?

Kagome: Remember you're still pissed at me for not helping you. Although the end was ya know, a little quick.

Inuyasha: A sure sign of a lazy writer…

Bunnie: Hey guys! I have had 2 chapters with you in the well house. We needed some action!

Kagome: You didn't have to have my friends die. And why don't they have names?

Friend 1: Yeah, we're just friend on the right-

Friend 2: And on the left.

Bunnie: Er, about that, I didn't remember you're names ^.^

Friend 2: Well, you could've asked or-

Friend 1: Made some up.

Bunnie: Ok, friend 1 you can be… Ami! And friend 2 you can be… um… Umi!

Ami: What! We're-

Umi: not twins!

Bunnie: Hey, my Japanese is limited.

Kagome: Oh well, you try.

Bunnie: See ya next chapter!