InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What color are Bubbles? ❯ What color are Bubbles? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I claim nothing but the question. Fine print fine print, I have no characters here. Oh well.

~*why do we choose the boys that are naughty?*~

What color are bubbles?

A short fic about Rin

Rin sat on a rock on the bank of a river. She held her hands on her cheeks watching as Jakken waded out in the shallow water, attempting to catch a fish with his bare hands, not at all professional.

he should've asked me… Rin thought.

Then a jumping fish cought her attention as well as Jakken's. It was a beautiful rainbow color. It had frilly fins and odd whiskers. The way the sunlight mixed with the water made it shine gloriously and its colors seemed to all gather into one color. This color swirled and danced about the fish's body and for the short moment it was surfaced Rin felt amazement and excitement and tranquility as it splashed back into the river. Jakken cursed it as he fell back into the water, bubbles abiding benethe him, the sun shining on them.

On their way home with four fish, cought by Rin though she would let Jakken take the credit, Rin asked Jakken what color bubbles were.

"What are you talking about, Rin? Bubbles have no color." Jakken said grufly.

Finally they got to the camp where Sesshomaru waited with Ah-Uun.

"I cought four fish, Me Lord!" Jakken chimed proudly.

Sesshomaru doubted.

"Lord Sesshomaru…what color are bubbles?" Rin asked.

Sesshomaru stared at the child and then at Jakken, wondering what stories he'd been telling the child this time. He then looked back at her.

"Every color. And whatever color you want them to be." He answered.

Rin sighed, a little dissapointed in the vague answer. She wished it was a real answer. Perhaps she could find one on her own and so went back to the stream to find the rainbow fish.